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Gauging Youtubechannel:

Week 5, 1600m Training Programme - 25m Pool Format 6 Kick Rotate Drill
Activity Description Rest Swimming involves continous body rotation coming from the shoulders and hips, this
rotation shouldn’t usually exceed a 45° angle to either side. However, for the purpose of this
Warm up drill the movement is exaggerated for you to experience the feeling of kicking on your front
200m Alternating: 50m Choice Swim, 50m Choice Kick As and to either side. Kicks must be small, rapid and continous with only the toes and heels
Required breaking the water surface. Keep your face in the water as you land on your side and breath

Main Set during the pull.

4 x 25m Freestyle Perform 1 Freestyle stroke landing on your side, in this 15

6 Kick Rotate position perform 6 kicks, then perform 1 stroke with
your other arm to land on the other side, where you
Touch Turn Technique:
The touch turn can be broken down into three simple steps:
will perform 6 kicks again. (Repeat for 25m). Working
Step 1- One hand finish: You will need to swim into the wall with a good amount of speed
on smooth rotations to each side and sneaking your
to allow momentum to build for the turn. With your leading hand touch the wall and allow
your arm to fold into the wall, keep your other arm out behind you on the water surface
2 x 50m Freestyle Building your speed every 10m, starting nice and 30
smooth, building to a fast speed in the last 10m. Seconds Step 2 - DRIVE your knees up into a tuck position, so they are travelling straight up (towards
Swim Build the ceiling!). Your head should stay just above the water surface during the turn, so ake sure
to get a breath during this phase at the wall!
2 x 50m Freestyle, Remember not to slow down on your approach to 30
Step 3 - Push off: From here do not change your body position, keep your eyes on the hand
focussing on a fast the wall! Accelerate in and out of your touch turn. Seconds
that is on the wall as ir travels over your head and you push backwards into the water. As
turn your hand travels to meet your other on the water surface you will gradually turn from your
2 x 100m Freestyle Slow down the stroke and focus on the 30 back to side to front. Squeeze your ears with your upper arms and ensure your trunk and
legs are squeezzing tight to stay in a streamline position for the push off and glide.
smooth with technical aspects; keep the kick continous, rotating Seconds
technical focus smoothly to each side and not rotating your head
too high when you breathe!.

Cool Down
100m Smooth 50m double armed backstroke, 50m Freestyle As
smooth. Required

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Don’t forget to check out our skills videos on our
Strong! Youtubechannel:

Week 5, 1600m Training Programme - 25m Pool Format

Catch-up Drill with Board
Activity Description Rest
This drill gives you the opportunity to practice your trickle and explosive breathing, as
Warm up well as rotating your head smoothly. When you need to breathe, rotate to your side as you
2 x 100m Freestyle Swim As would during full stroke, rotating your hips and shoulder with each stroke (no more than 45°
Required rotation). Keep kick smooth but continuous throughout.

Main Set
2 x 25m Freestyle Keep face in water until a breath is needed, 20 Finger Trail / Tickles Drill
kick with board then lift head minimally to the front to sneak Seconds
a breath. Remember to practice your trickle As we have mentioned before, it is important to keep a high elbow during the
recovery of Freestyle, as this places your hand and forearm in the correct position for
the hand entry and catch. To ensure the high elbow is effective, you must have your
2 x25m Freestyle Don’t forget to keep kicking when you pull! 20
hand directly below it, this is what Finger Trail / Tickles teaches you! Think of it as
Catch up with Seconds
tickling your body the whole way through the recovery phase - if you aren’t giggling
board your hand isn’t touching your body and your elbow isnt high!
2 x 50m Finger Make sure you can feel your hand on your body 30
Trail/Tickles during the whole recovery phase. Seconds Begin by swimming full stroke Freestyle, however, once your hand exits the water
behind your hip, you must stick it to your body! From here drag your hand along
2 x 25m Freestyle As before in round 1 20 the side of your body / the surface of the water, until it passes your arm-pit. This will
kick with board Seconds
ensure your elbow stays high and your hand below it! As always - DON’T FORGET TO
2 x25m Freestyle As before in round 1 20 KEEP KICKING!
Catch up with Seconds
board Full Stroke Freestyle Focus
2 x 50m Finger As before in round 1 30
trail/tickles drill Seconds The focus during your full stroke Freestyle today is to stay as long and tall as possible in the
water. This will require you to stretch out in front, for your hand entry and our behind, push-
100m Freestyle Focus on keeping that high elbow during the ing past your hip (underwater) before your hand exits the water for the recovery.
swim recovery and catch.
Cool Down
100m Smooth 50m double armed backstroke, 50m Freestyle
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Don’t forget to check out our skills videos on our
Under and Over Water Phase Youtubechannel:

Week 5, 1600m Training Programme - 25m Pool Format Push & Glides – No Kicking!
This drill teaches you how you should push off the wall at the begining of every length. The
Activity Description Rest idea is to measure how far you can travel from the power of your push off alone, as you
progress through these 10 weeks of training, you should be able to travel further as your
Warm up efficiencey improves!

2 x 150m 50 Freestyle Swim, 50 Choice Kick, 50m As • With one hand on the wall turn your body sideways with both feet against the wall, while
Freestyle swim Required the other arm is straight out in front, on top of the water.
• Push off the wall using the power of your legs and keep the outstretched arm in front
Main Set while pressing down into the water.
• Submerge into the water and push off the wall, with your nose pointing down and ears
4 x Push and glide Use the power of your legs to push yourself 30 level.
practice forward, remain in a streamline position until Seconds • At the same time bring your other arm from the wall, over head to meet the hand in the
you stop moving forward. water, make sure to squeeze your arms against your ears to stay in streamline position.
• Make sure to keep your stomach, btm and leg muscles engaged to prevent your back from
4 x Push, Glide and Remember to allow a few seconds of gliding 30 over-arching until you break the water surface and stop moving.
Butterfly Kick before bringing in the Butterfly kick! Seconds • To prevent irritation from water entering your nose, perform an explosive exhale, followed
by trickle exhaling until you come to the water surface and finish your glide.
2 x 25m Freestyle First 15m fast including the push off but don’t 20
Swim -Speed Bursts rush the break out - wait to take your first stroke Seconds Butterfly Kick Technique
After pushing off the wall, allow yourself to glide for a few seconds until you begin to slow
until you break the water surface. down, once you feel this happening you can begin your Butterfly kick.
2 x 100m Freestyle Moderate pace, focussing on timing of turns 30
and breakout strokes. Seconds Initiate the kick from the top of your stomach muscles, curling forward each muscle below
in a wave motion that finishes with your feet! Remember to keep your knees and feet as
close together as possible - it is common for the knees to come apart! Apply force during
2 x 50m Backstroke Lets switch up your muscle recruitment by 20
Seconds the up and down beat of the butterfly kick
Kick flipping onto your back. Relax into the water
and give Backstroke kick a go!
Backstroke Kick Technique
Cool Down Hands and arms in streamline position or hugging a board into your chest. Keep knees and
100m Smooth 50m double armed backstroke, 50m Freestyle As ankles close together, point toes, allowing feet to turn slightly inwards so that big toes are
smooth. Required almost touching during each kick. Only allow toes to break the surface (not whole foot!) to
create some white water and do not let your knees to break the surface - kick should be
driven from your btm/hips- NOT your knees!
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