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Republic of the Philippines Office of the Municipal Mayor Municipality of Sinait EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. _16 Series of 2019 AN ORDER PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF DENGUE IN THE MUNICIPALITY THROUGH CREATION OF THE SINAIT DENGUE COMMITTEE AND BARANGAY ANTI-DENGUE TASK FORCE IN THE FOURTY FOUR (44) BARANGAYS OF SINAIT, ILOCOS SUR. WHEREAS, the municipality of Sinait and its component barangays, as local government units are mandated under the Local Government Code to promote health and safety of its constituents by providing measures to prevent and control the spread of diseases, particularly Dengue and provide assistance to those afflicted; WHEREAS, the Municipal Health Office has reported a significant number of dengue cases for the period covering the two quarters of 2018, thereby making Dengue Fever as one of the major health problems in the municipality; WHEREAS, it is also reported that 38 out of the 44 barangays have already recorded hotspot cases and clustering of dengue cases, WHEREAS, given the preventability of the disease, it is prudent to provide for a community- based dengue prevention and control mechanism and strength existing policies that are already being implemented by the LGU and DOH; NOW THEREFORE, I SHEE-AN C. GUZMAN, Municipal Mayor of Sinait Ilocos Sur, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the following, Section 1. Si created, it Anti-Dengue Committee. The Sinait Anti-Dengue Committee is hereby Composition of the Committee CHAIRMAN Hon. Shee-an C, Guzman ~ Municipal Mayor Vice Chairman Dr. Renalyn R. Lived = Municipal Health Officer Members Hon. Joselito L. Ines = SB Member, Comm Chairman on Health Bemadette Talafia - Sanitation Officer Hon, Leopoldo Florentino Rosete - ABC President Marites T. Ines -MSWDO| Romel Dayoan - MDRRMO Ruthy Yasafta - Fed, BHW (NGO) Concesa T. Rumias - District Supervisor Fortunato Ines - FPTA President Danilo Estillore ~ Provincial Dengue Coordinator Dr. Bernardino De Gracia III ~ Chief of Hospital (ISDH-Sinait) Hon, Wilhelmina R. Tbaiiez - SB Member, NGO Section 2. Functions and Responsibilities. Consistent with rules and guidelines issued by the Department of Health regarding the preservation and control of dengue, the committee shall have the following powers and functions 1. Direct all heads of schools and Punong Barangays to support the DOH programs 4 o'clock habit, 4-8 Kontra Dengue and Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue (ABKD) in their respective school and communities as preventive measures for the spread of dengue fever in the ‘community 2. Engage the participation of all households, and the public and private sector in the drive to abate the number of dengue cases in the municipality through massive information dissemination and search and destroy operations, 3. Assign one (1) specific day of every week for the simultaneous holding of the Clean-up Drive in the 44 barangays. 4, Conduct information and education campaigns on the prevention and control of dengue. Reproduce IEC materials, reporting forms and distribute to barangays and schools. 5. Provide technical and logistical support to 44 Barangays Ant-Dengue Task Force. 6. Coordinate with the government and private medical institutions relative to adoption of hospital-based surveillance system to suspected dengue cases. 7. Perform other functions as it may design necessary in the control, prevention and elimination of dengue in the municipality. Section 3. Barangay Anti-Dengue Task Force, Every barangay in the Municipality of Sinait shall constitute its Barangay Anti-dengue Task Force Composition of the Barangay Anti-Dengue Task Force: Chairman Members Punong Barangay Barangay Kagawad Committee on Health BHW - BNS School Prineipal/Head - NGO Section 4, Responsibilities. The Barangay Anti Dengue Task Force shall 1. Ensure that household and establishment within its jurisdiction shall; a. Dispose empty seal, store under roof containers that are usually filled with rainwater such as discarded tires, bottles broken appliances, garbage, paint cans ete. b. Regularly clean containers or replace water in containers that are usually filled with water by people, such as drums, aquariums, ponds, fountains, animal feeding bowls and pools. c. Keep its respective surroundings and areas of responsibility clean. Implement other preventive actions that the Department of Health may provide like the 4 o’clock habit, 4-S Konta Dengue and Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue. 3. Establish Purok Dengue Brigade for each Purok to monitor and ensure that the surroundings within their respective jurisdiction is free from breeding places of mosquitoes. 4. Coordinate with the Municipal Health Office in the conduct of fogging/misting operations only during outbreak and search and destroy activities. 5. Conduct Massive information and education drive in its respective jurisdiction regarding control prevention and elimination of dengue. 6. Assist in the surveillance and reporting of dengue cases. 7. Conduct of regular clean-up drives and de-clogging of canals. 8. Perform other activities incidental and necessary in the control, prevention and elimination ‘of dengue in their respective barangays. Section 5. Funding, The Local Government Unit shall allocate the amount necessary to implement the provisions of the Executive Order chargeable against the account of the Municipal Health Office ‘The Barangay Government shall allocate funds to augment the implementation of the Municipal wide Dengue Prevention and Control Program chargeable against their respective annual budget. In the event, that a dengue outbreak shall have been declared by the Municipal Health Office in a barangay, the Sangguniang Barangay thereof may declare its jurisdiction under a state-of-calamity and may therefore utilize its calamity funds for its purpose. Sect n 6, Effectivity. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately. Done in the Municipality of Sinait, Hocos Sur, this 6th day of August, 2019. SHE) | GUZMAN iif Mayor

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