Rizal Diyandi

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Las Damas de Rizal Member and President of Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Dr.
Maria Rio Abdon Naguit, Member of the JRMSU Board of Regents, Hon. Kathlyn Uyehara –
Hamoy and Hon. Shaina Saguin, Vice Presidents, esteemed faculty and staff, students, and
friends of art, good evening!

We gather today, not just to celebrate National Arts Month, but also to honor a figure
who deeply understood the transformative power of creativity – Dr. Jose Rizal. Here, within
the walls of Dapitan City Cultural and Sports Center amidst the crowed of Illustrados – the
students and faculty members of Jose Rizal Memorial State University, his presence resonates
even stronger, reminding us of his life and legacy in this very city of Dapitan.

Rizal, the scholar, the writer, the artist, recognized the erosion of Filipino culture under
colonial rule. He wrote in "The Philippines A Century Hence" that the Spanish regime,
"with the sword and the cross," began the gradual destruction of our native
identity. This loss of confidence, he believed, dimmed the flame of Filipino creativity and

Yet, Rizal was not one to surrender to despair. He actively used his artistic talents – his
writing, his drawings, his poetry – to ignite the flames of nationalism and cultural pride. His
La Liga Filipina, while misunderstood by some, aimed to promote, among other
things, the arts, highlighting their vital role in societal development.

Today, we are blessed to live in a time where the Philippine Creative Industries
Development Act or Republic Act 11904 actively supports Filipino artists and their
contributions to the economy. Yet, the power arts goes beyond economics. It has the
transformative potential to uplift, bridge generations, and ignite hope within communities. As
students and educators at this esteemed institution, we have a responsibility to carry the
torch that Rizal ignited. Let's not just celebrate his legacy through words, but through action.

My dear students, explore the vibrant field of arts: music, dance, theater,
writing, even the digital realm. Each offers a unique path for self-expression and cultural
connection. Challenge yourselves, experiment, and embrace the journey. Work together,
learn from each other, and let your creativity inspire others.

With the rise of platforms like YouTube and social media, creating digital films and
vlogs has become a fantastic way to express yourself, connect with an audience, and even
explore potential career paths.

But before you grab your phone and start recording, remember: everything you create
online has the potential to reach a wide audience. It's important to be mindful of the content
you produce, ensuring it aligns with positive values and promotes respect for others.
We invite you to join the Laong Laan: Dapitan Digital Creative Hub! This
initiative by the City Government aims to empower young talents like you by
providing access to resources and workshops to hone your skills in digital
photography, graphics design, filmmaking and vlogging among others.

And for our professors, our MAESTROs, integrate art into your lessons: regardless of
your subject, find ways to incorporate artistic elements. Use art as a tool for storytelling,
reflection, and critical thinking. Foster a safe space where students can explore without fear
of judgment, and celebrate diverse forms of artistic expression. Help them connect art to
real-world issues, empowering them to address challenges and inspire positive change.

By harnessing the power of art in education, we can continue to ignite the fire of
creativity, just as Rizal envisioned. Art is not just a subject; it's a powerful tool to shape a
brighter future – together.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me end my message tonight with a quote from Dr. Jose
Rizal, "The pen is mightier than the sword." Rizal’s life, a colorful brushstroke across
history, reminds us that art is not merely a reflection, but a force for change. It is a
weapon that dismantles oppression, a bridge that connects hearts, and a language that
transcends generations.

Today, we stand at a crossroads. Will we wield the instruments of art with the same
courage and conviction as Rizal? Will we ignite the flames of creativity, illuminate the path
towards a brighter future, and paint a masterpiece worthy of his legacy?

The answer lies within each of use. Let us go forth, armed with passion and fueled
by a burning desire to create. Let us inspire, empower, and make a difference . The
world awaits the next stroke of our artistic brush. What masterpiece will you create?

Mabuhay ang DIYANDI! Mabuhay ang JRMSU!

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