Economics March 2007 Eng

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WX (2005-06 O 2006-07 \ Y W W)

New Scheme ( For Students studied during the Years 2005-06 & 2006-07 )

Total No. of Questions : 38

Code No. March / April, 2007


Time : 3 Hours

( New Syllabus )

Max. Marks : 90

( English Version ) Note : i) ii) Write the question numbers legibly in the margin. Answer for a question should be continuous. PART A I. Answer the following questions in one sentence each : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is the meaning of dual economy ? Mention the literacy rate as per 2001 census. Give the meaning of land-use. What is the meaning of cottage industries ? What do you mean by agricultural labour ? Name any two railway zones. Expand TRIPS. What is the meaning of capital expenditure ? What is communication ? 10 1 = 10

10. Name the present Deputy Chairman of National Planning Commission. PART B II. Answer any ten of the following questions in about four sentences each : 10 2 = 20 11. Mention any two features of developed countries. 12. What is sex-ratio ? 13. Mention the types of irrigation.

14. What do you mean by sick industry ? 15. Explain the meaning of bonded labour. 16. What is Nagpur Plan ? 17. State the meaning of import substitution. 18. Name any four international airports. 19. What do you mean by fiscal policy ? 20. State any four functions of NDC. 21. Give the meaning of devaluation. 22. Explain the meaning of economic planning. PART C III. Answer any eight of the following questions in about 15 sentences each : 8 5 = 40 23. Explain the components of HDI. 24. Describe the important features of developing countries. 25. What is unemployment ? Explain the types of unemployment. 26. What is soil conservation conservation. 27. Write a note on rain-water harvesting. 28. Explain the problems of small scale industries. 29. Explain the Industrial Development Strategy of 1991. 30. What are the features of industrial labour ? 31. Explain briefly the growth of commercial banks. ? Describe the measures of soil

32. Mention the reasons for increasing public expenditure in recent years. 33. Explain the functions of National Planning Commission. 34. Mention the various types of Co-operative Societies. PART D IV. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40 sentences each : 2 10 = 20 35. Explain the measures taken by the government for employment generation and poverty alleviation. 36. Describe the importance of transport. 37. Explain the objectives and functions of W.T.O. 38. Explain the sources of revenue of the Central Government.

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