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Report on the observation of familiarization school profile and history of the school

On the 27th of May, 2021, I went to Nyankomam M/A Junior High school for my first year, second
semester field experience. We arrived there around 8:14am and reported to the lead- mentor. She
welcomed us and introduced us to the teaching staffs as they already knew the reason for our visit. We
had a few discussion with them about the history of the school, the school profile and the number of
teaching staff, where the lead- mentor provided us with a brief information. Per what she said, the
school was established in the year 1987 as Roman Catholic School before it was later converted to
Government school where it was divided into two because initially it was later added Junior High to it.

According to the lead- mentor the school was ran as a primary school before the junior high school
system was introduced in the year 2003, as I said in the above sentence.

According to her, the school has following facilities: football field, canteen, office among many

She went ahead and said that the school has a total number of 5 teaching staff and the lower and Upper
Primary has 8 teaching staff. After we were done with the brief history of the school, she then assigned
us to our various class of which I got JHS 3 , my s.ts partner and I went to the classroom where our
mentor was teaching, it was around 8:49am and the subject that he was teaching was social studies and
the strand was “ our constitution “ where he taught them about the (3) Arms of Government ( Executive,
Legislature and Judiciary) and asked them about the meaning of each arms of government. He went
ahead and taught them about the new regions that were created recently ( Bono, Ahafo, savannah,
western north etc) . Unfortunately, the students were not ready for the subject and that they did not
participate much even though, the teacher tried his possible best to explain certain things to them and
that made me unhappy. Around 9: 45 the bell rang for change lesson and because he is a subject teacher
he went out for other teachers to come in and unfortunately he was not having lecture to attend to at
that time, so around 1:10pm we arrived back to

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