FEM Suzana Prosjekt Part B

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Suzana Ismail
Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 3
My data: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Material properties ................................................................................................................................. 3
Section 1: Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 4
The summary of the properties: ......................................................................................................... 7
Section 2: Modelling state 1 .................................................................................................................... 7
2D plane stress elements, without concrete strengthening (state 1)................................................. 7
Section 2: Modelling state 1 .................................................................................................................... 9
2D plane stress elements, with concrete strengthening (state 2) ...................................................... 9
The result from Abaqus ......................................................................................................................... 11
Von Mises stress field + display location(s) of relevant extremals ............................................... 11
State 1............................................................................................................................................ 11
State 2............................................................................................................................................ 12
Vertical stress field + display location(s) of relevant extremals ........................................................ 12
State 1............................................................................................................................................ 12
State 2............................................................................................................................................ 13
Horizontal stress field + display location(s) of relevant extremals ................................................... 14
State 2............................................................................................................................................ 14
Desction ................................................................................................................................................. 16
For the "FEM in Structural Analysis" project B, we must perform a linear analysis in Abaqus
on a brick wall that has two window openings. We have two conditions to consider: with and
without concrete reinforcement. The report will have sections on preparation, modelling,
results and discussion. I start by calculating various properties of masonry and concrete.
Then we will model various cases in Abaqus and present FEA results such as stress fields and
reaction forces.

My data:

Material properties


Compressive strength of masonry 𝑓𝑏 = 5.75 𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝑓𝑏 = 5.75 ∙ 106 𝑁
bricks: /𝑚²
𝑓𝑚 = 2.0 𝑀𝑃𝑎 6
Compressive strength of mortar: 𝑓𝑚 = 2 ∙ 10 𝑁/𝑚²

Compressive strength of masonry (with 𝑓𝑘 = 𝑘 · 𝑓𝑏0.7 · 𝑓𝑚0.3

mortar) 𝑘 = 0.5
Young’s Modulus of masonry: 𝐸 = 1000 · 𝑓𝑘

Poisson’s ratio for masonry with 𝜈 = 0.15

Unit weight of masonry (with mortar): 𝛾𝑚 = 17 𝑘𝑁/𝑚³ 𝛾𝑚 = 17 ∙ 103 𝑁
Compressive strength: 𝑓𝑐 = 16 𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝑓𝑐 = 16 ∙ 106 𝑁/𝑚²
Tensile strength: 𝑓𝑡 = 1.3 𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝑓𝑡 = 1.3 ∙ 106 𝑁/𝑚²
Shear strength: 𝑓𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 = 0.33 𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝑓𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 = 0.33 ∙ 106 𝑁/𝑚²
Young’s Modulus 𝐸𝑐 = 28 𝐺𝑃𝑎 𝐸𝑐 = 28 ∙ 109 𝑁/𝑚²
Poisson’s ratio: 𝜈𝑐 = 0.15
Unit weight 𝛾𝑐 = 25 𝑘𝑁/𝑚^3 𝛾𝑐 = 25 ∙ 103 𝑁/𝑚³
Section 1: Preparation
I did the calculation by hands to fine the preparation.
The summary of the properties:
Young’s modulus of masonry 𝐸 = 2.09434 ∙ 109 𝑁⁄𝑚2
Density of masonry 𝜌𝑚 = 1.7329 ∙ 103 𝑘𝑔⁄𝑚³
Uniformly vertical pressure from applied dead load 𝑞𝑑 = 62.5 ∙ 103 𝑁⁄𝑚2
Total vertical load for state 1 𝑃𝑣1 = 243.01 ∙ 103 𝑁
Total horizontal load for state 1 𝑃ℎ1 = 24.301 ∙ 103 𝑁
Uniformly applied horizontal pressure for state 1 𝑞ℎ1 = 25.313 ∙ 103 𝑁/𝑚²
Total vertical load for state 2 𝑃𝑣2 = 247.104 ∙ 103 𝑁
Total Horizontal load for state 2 𝑃ℎ2 = 24.71 ∙ 103 𝑁
Uniformly applied horizontal pressure for state 2 𝑞ℎ2 = 25.711 ∙ 103 𝑁/𝑚²

Section 2: Modelling state 1

2D plane stress elements, without concrete strengthening (state 1)
This section provides a step-by-step guide to modeling a masonry wall in Abaqus for States 1
and 2. The figure shows dimensions are applicable to both states.

Figure 1 the masonry wall in Abaqus for States 1

Figure 2 The wall in 2d

The model incorporates consistent masonry with mortar throughout the structure and
includes the following parameters as shown in the figures below.

Figure 3 Parameters for the wall

Applieding the load which is for the dead load is 62.5e3, for the horizontal load is 25313, and
for the gravity is -9.81.

Figure 4 load for the wall

I do the mesh . I chose a triangular mesh for the model because triangles fit complex shapes
The approximate global size of the mesh is 0.4. Here are the results that I obtained.

Figure 5 the mesh of the wall

Section 2: Modelling state 1

2D plane stress elements, with concrete strengthening (state 2)

To start the process, I first sketch an outline of the concrete area in the same wall that I
demoed in state 1. Then the model becomes in two different parts. The first part contains
the concrete reinforcement, with 0.2 meters around the window in both vertical and
horizontal directions to increase the dimensions.
Figure 6 Dimensions for the wall with concrate state 2

The properties for the state 2:

Figure 7 The properties for the state 2

The mesh for state 2 with the concrete is the same for state 1. The approximate global size of the
mesh is 0.4.

Figure 8 the mesh for state 2

The result from Abaqus

Von Mises stress field + display location(s) of relevant extremals

State 1
The figure below displays the results from Von Mises' stress field analysis for a masonry wall
that requires concrete reinforcement. The stress field analysis for state 1, witch is without
concrete strengthening around the windows.
The maximum Von Mises stress is recorded at node 14, with a value of 1.772e5 N/m²,
situated at the bottom right corner of the door. The minimum Von Mises stress is found at
node 86, with a value of 5.082e4N/m², located above the window.
Figure 9 Von mises stress field, state 1

State 2
The Von Mises stress field for state 2, where the windows are reinforced with concrete. At
node 87, is the maximum Von Mises stress of 4,210e5 N/m² is registered, which is located at
the left side of the outermost window. On the other hand, the minimum Von Mises stress of
2.410e4 N/m² is observed at node 96, situated above on the left side on the window as we
see in the figure.

Figure 10 Von mises stress field, state 2

Vertical stress field + display location(s) of relevant extremals

State 1
Node 44 has the highest vertical stress value of -3.095e4 N/m², located at the middle of the
door, up. On the other hand, node 14 has the minimum vertical stress value of -1.81925
N/m², which is situated at the bottom right corner of the wall. These results are based on the
vertical stress field for state 1 without the concrete strengthening around the windows, as
shown in Figure bellow.

Figure 11 Vertical stress field, state 1

State 2
In state 2, where concrete strengthening was applied around the windows, have the
maximum vertical stress was found at node 96, located at the right side of the outermost
window, with value of -2.47e4 N/m². On the other hand, the minimum vertical stress was
detected at node 109, which is positioned in the another window with value of -4.25e5

Figure 12 Vertical stress field, state 2

Horizontal stress field + display location(s) of relevant extremals
state 1
The following information pertains to state 1, where is no concrete strengthening was used
around the windows. The maximum horizontal stress is observed at node 89, located directly
beneath the window in the middle of the wall. It registers a value of 3.607e4 N/m².
Conversely, the minimum vertical stress is found at node 71, situated at the top right corner
of the door. It has a value of -4.970e4 N/m².

Figure 13 Horizontal stress field, state 1

State 2
In state 2, with the concrete reinforcement around the windows, the maximum horizontal
stress occurs at node 119. This stress has a value of 4.755e4 N/m² and is positioned below
the window in the middle of the wall. On the other hand, the minimum vertical stress is
found at node 100, with a value of -1.651e5N/m². This stress is located at the bottom left
corner of the outermost window.
Figure 14 Horizontal stress field, state 2


Total vertical reaction force 243.01*10^3 N 247.10*10^3 N

Total horizontal reaction force 24.301*10^3 N 24.71*10^3 N

Total vertical reaction force, from abacus

Total horizontal reaction force, from abacus

Von Mises stress, 1.77e5 N/m² 4.210e2 N/m²

Von Mises stress, min 5.82e4 N/m² 2.410e5 N/m²

Vertical stress, max -3.095e4 N/m² -2.47e4 N/m²

Vertical stress, min -1.819e5 N/m² -5.25e5

Horizontal stress, max 3.607e4 N/m² 4.755 e4 N/m²

Horizontal stress, min -4.97e4 N/m² –1.651e4 N/m²

Horizontal displacement, top left corner -49.1502E+03 -107.781E+03

Horizontal displacement, top right corner 6.21840E+03 -2.83593E+03

Vertical displacement, top left corner -179.213E+03 -425.330E+03

Vertical displacement, top right corner -30.4220E+03 -39.8007E+03

• Describe the presence of stress singularities in the stress plots
Stress singularity is an area in the mesh where stress does not converge to a fixed value. This
creates a localized stress concentration that does not converge to an fixed value as the
element size is reduced. Singularities can grounds dispersion of color the contrasts in the
FEM model and the declining of significant stress values. As the element size approaches
infinity, theoretically, the stress should increase. To prevent singularities, it is common
practice to simplify the model by removing details like radii or other details from models that
have sharp corners. Intriguing areas of construction or point load/retention can cause
singularities. If the material is brittle or subject to cyclic stress, it is crucial to be aware of
acute geometries since they can lead to brittle fractures and cracks.
Stress plots obtained from the analysis illustrate the locations where the stress increases
significantly, which are referred to as stress singularities. These points are usually observed
near geometric discontinuities or points of load application. In the model, such singularities
may occur around the corners of openings or areas where the brick wall intersects with the
concrete reinforcement. [1]

• Evaluate whether the tensile capacities of the materials are exceeded in the different
states. Assume that the tensile strength of masonry with mortar is 10% of its
compressive strength, fk.
Compressive strength is a material's ability to resist compressive forces before failure.
Metals are ductile, while concrete is weak in tension and usually reinforced to handle tensile
2D state 1

Compressive strength of masonry (with 𝑓𝑘 = 𝑘 · 𝑓𝑏0.7 · 𝑓𝑚0.3

𝑘 = 0.5
Tensile strength of masonry with fb.t = 0.1∗fk =
mortar 2.094∗105 N/m2
Total Max. compression stress 1.77e5 N/m²
Total Min. tension stress -1.819e5 N/m²

2D state 2

Compressive strength of masonry (with 𝑓𝑘 = 𝑘 · 𝑓𝑏0.7 · 𝑓𝑚0.3

𝑘 = 0.5
Tensile strength of masonry with fb.t = 0.1∗fk = 2.094∗105
mortar N/m2

Total Max. compression stress 241,000 N/m²

Total Min. tension stress -525,000 N/m

• Evaluate whether the compressive strengths of the materials are expected to be

exceeded in the different states.
Compressive strength is the maximum load a material can weather before breaking under
compression. Weak materials like concrete tend to break suddenly without significant
deformation. Controlled tests are necessary to accurately determine a material's
compressive strength since brittle materials fail abruptly.
Metals are desirable in many structural applications due to their ductileness, which is their
ability to resist deformation under tensile stress. Concrete have low tensile strength and
needs reinforcement. Steel is often used to compensate for concrete's shortcomings.
Reinforced concrete exploits concrete's compressive strength and steel's tensile capacity,
enabling it to survive various stresses.

• Specify the element type, geometric order and integration method (reduced or full)
used in the different cases. How do phenomena such as shear locking and
hourglassing relate to the chosen element formulation(s)? How may any of the
phenomena have affected the results for the different modelling cases?

• Describe the element shapes and mesh. Are the geometries of the elements
satisfactory? What measures were (or could have been) made to assure a satisfactory
mesh size?
When working on a project or design that involves using a mesh, it's important to consider
the geometric shape. Choosing the right type of mesh is crucial to ensure accuracy and
efficiency in simulation analysis. Triangular meshes (tri-mesh) are often preferred for
complex shapes due to their flexibility, while quad meshes can be more computationally
efficient for simpler geometries. Personally, I prefer using the tri-mesh, as it provides better

If there is a common form of geometry similar to this project, it is preferably using tri mesh
strings. because I think that it will give the perfect and accurate result analysis of the loads.

• Evaluate the general reliability of the analysis, and address any shortcomings of
theFEA model to model the physical problem.
When evaluating the reliability of FEA analysis, it is essential to take into account several
factors. These include the precision of model expectations, the quality of mesh and element
types, the precision of material properties, and the authenticity of boundary conditions and
load applications. Correcting any inconsistencies or simplifications in these parts can
significantly improve the model's accuracy in representing real-world problems.
In general, all models created using Abaqus states 1 and 2 accurately depict how stress is
distributed throughout the structure and how material properties can affect strength. The
first example consists entirely of mortar, then we reinforced the window frames with
concrete during their reconstruction, which reduced wall displacement and tension.

1. FEA stress singularites

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