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Group 6
The evolution of financial systems

Ancient practices Dutch finance

1 2 3 4
Italian bankers The emergence of
market-based &
bank-based systems
Financial instruments were limited to precious metal or
metallic coins and then extended to loans and mortgages.

Loans were made to individuals for consumption

needs and agricultural financing
Mortgages were a combination of a loan and an
insurance contract, mainly used for foreign trade

Financial intermediaries were limited to money

changers and banks.

Financial instruments were more varied,

including bills of exchange, government and
corporate securities, and insurance contracts.
Financial intermediaries included early types
of banks and insurance companies

Informal markets appeared.

Government and corporate securities were

transferable and traded

Financial markets became more formalized.

Financial instruments: the Bank of Amsterdam

was established as a model public bank with
the main purpose of facilitating payments.
The emergence of market-based and
bank-based systems

1913, the Federal Reserve System was

established after a series of panics.

1933, another major banking panic => 19th

century, the US banking system was highly

Capital markets are more important than

1863-1864, the National Bank Acts
banks in the USA
set up a national banking system as a
reaction to the chaos of the US Civil War
Reasons explain the strength of
the role of the USA's financial

The Civil War and Financial innovation

the World War

The prohibition on bank's The Great Crash of 1929 led

holding equity and the to the creation of the
fragmentation of the Securities and Exchange
banking system Commission (SEC)
Three restrictions on the
banking system

The erosion of the Glass- The elimination of the The relaxation of the
Steagall Act prohibitions Glass-Steagall Act historical restriction on
banks crossing state
UK system is characterised by
much less regulation than the US

The speculation on the stocks of the

South Sea Company.

The Bubble Act was passed in 1720.

The London capital market did not

become a source of funds for
London Stock Exchanges

The repeal of the Bubble Act The freedom to form The development of
in 1824. companies without specific railways in Britain and
parliamentary approval. abroad.
New York replaced London as the
world's major financial centre

New York 1918 London 1918

The UK banking system had strong

Bank of england
Banks consolidated into
Founded in 1694 as a nationwide networks
private institution.
Became important in
Sectors of the banking industry
are roughly equal in size

Foreign sector Domestic sector

Mississippi Bubble
Profoundly affected the subsequent
development of the stock market and
banks in France

An official Bourse was set up

Ended up providing short-term

commercial loans and speculating in
foreign bonds
In the 1980s, the French government made a strong
effort to reform the financial systems and bolster
financial markets
Two main reforms

The creation of a Cotation Assistée et

single national Continu
The immediate success The substantial presence
of derivatives markets, of collective investment
set up in the mid- 1980s scheme
Why banks play a far more important role than markets

Prior to 1850, German financial markets were

undeveloped relative to those in the UK - Joint
stock companies were rare.
The markets were mostly for government debt
and loans.
Banks provided the initial finance for

-> Links between banks and industry grew.

-> The development of the Hausbank system.
Why banks play a far more important role than markets

The development of the Hausbank system,

where firms have a long-term relationship with
a given bank and use it for financing needs.

Universal banking system - Banks offer a full

range of services to commercial customers and
are formally linked to their commercial
customers through equity holdings.
The universal banks

Deutsche Dresdner Commerzbank

German financial market
There are several reasons why financial markets in
Germany remain relatively undeveloped:

The reliance on bank finance and the close

relationship between banks and industrial firms.

Fews households participate directly in the

financial market.

Limited availability of mutual funds.

The difference between German and
Japanese financial system
In Germany, the Hausbank
system developed in the private
sector- the government was
instrumental in the development
of the main banking system.
In Japan, banks extend over areas
as the opening of new branches,
hours, credit volumes, interest
rated and accounting.
The Japanese financial system
This lead to the development of the main characteristics
of the banking system:

Long-term relationships between a bank and its

client firm.
Holding of both debt and equity of non financial
firms by the bank.
Active intervention of the bank in case of
financial problems in the firm.
The Japanese financial system
Traditionally Japanese banks have shown a high
degree of segmentation along functional lines.

The reform of 1992 reduced the amount of


A major crisis between 1997 and 1998, when large

financial institutions went bankrupt. Private
financial institutions still have recovered from
this crisis.
In 2007, only one Japanese bank still maintained a global presence
and occupied the 7th position in The ranking of the top 1000 banks
The Japanese financial system
The large financial surplus of the personal which has
been determined by 2 facts:

Japanese households are heavy savers.

Japanese households have limited investment

opportunities in housing.

-> Mainly cash and cash equivalents.

The Japanese financial system
In recent years,

The Japanese government relaxed several

regulatory restrictions.
Large firms are able increasingly to rely on
financial markets to raise funds.

=> The development of sophisticated financial

Here’s an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits the one of this template:

Money infographics with different types of payment

Banking icons

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