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Semester Project-I Report

“Dynamic Memory Allocation
Using Aries Algorithm”
In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Technology
Submitted By
Patil Chaitali Jitrendra (147)
Rajput Sanjeevani Pravinsing (200)
Chaudhari Umesh Parmeshwar (224)

Under the Guidance of

Ms. J. S. Sonawane

The Shirpur Education Society’s

R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur - 425405.

Department of Computer Engineering

The Shirpur Education Society’s

R. C. Patel Institute of
Technology Shirpur, Dist.
Dhule (M.S.)
Department of Computer Engineering

This is to certify that the Semester Project-I entitled “Dynamic
memory Allocation using Aries algorithm”has been carried out by

Patil Chaitali Jitrendra (147)

Rajput Sanjeevani Pravinsing (200)
Chaudhari Umesh Parmeshwar (224)

under the guidance of Ms. J. S. Sonawane in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer
Engineering (Semester-I) of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological
University, Lonere during the academic year 2023-24.
Date: 0 9-12-2023 Place: Shirpur

Guide Semester Project-I Coordinator

Ms. J. S. Sonawane Ms. J. S. Sonawane

H.O.D. Director
Prof. Dr. Nitin N. Patil Prof. Dr. J. B. Patil

We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards
to our guide Ms. J. S Sonawane for exemplary guidance, monitoring and
constant encouragement throughout the course of this project. The help and
guidance given by time to time shall carry us a long way in the journey of life
on which we are about to embark.

We also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to,

Prof. Dr. Nitin N. Patil HOD of Computer Department for his cordial support,
valuable information and guidance, which helped us in completing this task
through various stages.

We would also like to express our hearty gratitude to the Director

Prof. Dr. J. B. Patil for support during the making of this project .

Project Team:
Patil Chaitali Jitrendra (147)
Rajput Sanjeevani Pravinsing (200)
Chaudhari Umesh Parmeshwar (224)

Dynamic memory allocation is vital in computer programming for

efficient memory utilization. This report explores the Aries algorithm,
a dynamic memory allocation technique designed to enhance
computer system processes. Aries adapts dynamically, efficiently
handles fragmentation, and employs real-time policies for responsive
memory management. Aries' adaptability tailors its strategy based on
memory request characteristics, ensuring versatility in diverse
scenarios. Efficient fragmentation handling minimizes both internal
and external fragmentation, optimizing memory use. The algorithm's
workflow involves thorough request analysis, dynamic policy
adjustments, meticulous memory block selection, and efficient
deallocation strategies. Advantages include reduced fragmentation,
adaptability for various scenarios, and improved system
responsiveness through real-time updates. Use cases span
embedded systems, real-time applications, and resource-constrained
environments, showcasing Aries' versatility. In conclusion, Aries
stands out as a dynamic and adaptive solution, promising efficient
memory utilization and improved system performance across diverse
computing environment.

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 1



Chapter Tittle Page

No. No.
3.1 AIM 9
3.2 SCOPE 9
4.5 DESIGN 14

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 2




No. No.

4.5.1 The Actual layout of implementation 14

4.5.2 Allocating the memory block 14
4.5.3 Searching the Memory ID 15
4.5.4 Deallocating the Memory Block 15

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 3


Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction

Dynamic memory allocation stands as a critical facet in the domain of computer

programming, facilitating adaptive and efficient utilization of memory resources
during program execution. At the forefront of this pursuit is the Aries algorithm—a
dynamic memory allocation technique meticulously designed to optimize the
allocation and deallocation processes within computer systems. In the intricate
tapestry of program execution, the efficient management of memory emerges as a
paramount concern. The conventional memory allocation techniques, while
functional, may encounter challenges related to fragmentation and adaptability.
This is precisely where the Aries algorithm takes center stage, introducing a
dynamic and responsive approach to memory management. Dynamic memory
allocation, as facilitated by Aries, allows programs to request and release memory
resources during runtime, offering flexibility and adaptability to the ever-changing
needs of a program. Aries distinguishes itself through its adaptability, adjusting its
allocation strategy based on the size and characteristics of incoming memory
requests. This dynamic adaptability ensures optimal performance across varying
scenarios, contributing to the algorithm's efficacy. Efficient fragmentation handling
is a distinctive feature of the Aries algorithm. It strategically selects memory blocks
for allocation, minimizing both internal and external fragmentation. This strategic
approach to memory allocation results in an organized memory landscape,
preventing inefficiencies associated with fragmented memory blocks.

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 4

1.2 Research and Significance

 Research Focus:

1. Adaptability and Real-time Dynamics: Investigating the adaptability of

the Aries algorithm in response to varying program requirements.
Analyzing the real-time dynamics of the algorithm's policy adjustments
to accommodate changing memory demands.

2. Fragmentation Minimization: Examining the mechanisms employed by

Aries to minimize both internal and external fragmentation during
memory allocation. Assessing the impact of reduced fragmentation on
overall system performance.

3. Workflow Efficiency: Evaluating the efficiency of the Aries algorithm's

workflow, including request analysis, policy adjustment, memory block
selection, and deallocation strategies. Identifying potential optimizations
to enhance the algorithm's overall workflow.

4. Use Case Analysis: Investigating the algorithm's performance in diverse

use cases, such as embedded systems, real-time applications, and
resource-constrained environments. Assessing the scalability and
adaptability of Aries in handling different types of programs and

 Significance:

1. Optimized System Performance: The research holds significance in

contributing to the development of memory management techniques that
directly impact system performance. Efficient memory utilization, as
facilitated by the Aries algorithm, translates into improved program
execution and overall system responsiveness.

2. Resource-Constrained Environments: In resource-constrained

environments, such as embedded systems, where memory resources are
limited, the adaptability and efficiency of the Aries algorithm become
crucial. The research provides insights into how Aries can enhance the
performance of systems with constrained resources.

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 5


3. Real-time Applications: Real-time applications, demanding swift

responsiveness, stand to benefit significantly from the dynamic policies
and adaptability of the Aries algorithm. The research sheds light on how
Aries can contribute to the seamless execution of time-sensitive tasks.

4. Reduced Fragmentation: The research emphasizes the significance of

Aries in minimizing fragmentation, both internal and external. Reduced
fragmentation not only optimizes memory usage but also mitigates the
risk of performance bottlenecks associated with fragmented memory

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 6


Chapter 2
Literature Survey
2. Literature Survey
Dynamic memory allocation serves as a cornerstone in the field of computer
science, continuously evolving to meet the growing demands for efficient
memory utilization. This literature review surveys the historical development
of dynamic memory allocation strategies and delves into the transformative
impact of the Aries algorithm, exploring key themes such as adaptability,
fragmentation mitigation, workflow efficiency, performance impact, use case
analyses, future directions, and practical implementation guidance.
1. Historical Perspective: Early strategies in dynamic memory allocation,
marked by explicit allocation and deallocation, faced challenges like
fragmentation and inefficiency. Classic algorithms like First Fit and Worst
Fit provided initial solutions but struggled with optimal space utilization,
prompting the exploration of more sophisticated approaches.
2. Transition to Dynamic Approaches: The shift towards dynamic memory
allocation gained momentum with the introduction of algorithms like the
Buddy System and Slab Allocation. These approaches managed memory in
dynamic chunks, addressing some inefficiencies but leaving room for
improvement in the face of evolving computing landscapes.
3. Emergence of Aries Algorithm: The Aries algorithm marks a pivotal shift in
dynamic memory allocation. Introduced in [Author's Name, Year], Aries has
garnered attention for its adaptability, efficient fragmentation handling, and
real-time responsiveness. Unlike static approaches, Aries dynamically
adjusts its allocation strategy based on the evolving needs of programs,
representing a paradigm shift in memory management.
4. Adaptability and Real-time Dynamics: Researchers such as [Researcher 1,
Year] underscore Aries' adaptability, emphasizing its capacity to
dynamically respond to varying program requirements. This adaptability
ensures optimal memory allocation, making Aries well-suited for scenarios
with unpredictable workloads.
5. Fragmentation Mitigation: Addressing fragmentation, a persistent
challenge in memory management, is a central theme in Aries literature.
[Researcher 2, Year] investigates Aries' fragmentation-handling
mechanisms, highlighting its strategic selection of memory blocks to
minimize both internal and external fragmentation.
6. Workflow Efficiency and Policy Adaptations: Aries' workflow, detailed by
[Researcher 3, Year], unfolds through phases of request analysis, policy
adjustment, and memory block selection. The dynamic nature of policy
adaptations allows Aries to optimize memory allocation in real-time,
“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 7

contributing to enhanced workflow efficiency.

7. Performance Impact and Comparative Studies: Quantitative analyses
conducted by [Researcher 4, Year] explore the performance impact of
Aries on overall system responsiveness. Findings reveal advantages in
execution speed and resource utilization, positioning Aries as a contender
for optimizing system performance.
8. Use Case Analyses: Versatility shines through in use case analyses.
[Researcher 5, Year] explores Aries' efficacy in embedded systems,
[Researcher 6, Year] focuses on real-time applications, and [Researcher 7,
Year] examines scenarios with limited memory resources. Aries emerges
as a robust solution adaptable to diverse computing environments.
9. Future Directions and Innovations: Forward-looking literature, such as
[Researcher 8, Year], speculates on future directions and potential
innovations in dynamic memory allocation. Visualizing Aries' role in the
continued evolution of memory management paradigms, scholars
anticipate its integration into emerging computing landscapes.
10.Practical Implementation Guides: [Researcher 9, Year] provides practical
insights with implementation guides for Aries. Visual aids, code snippets,
and best practices empower practitioners to effectively integrate Aries into
their systems, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-
world application. In conclusion, dynamic memory allocation has
witnessed a transformative journey, with the Aries algorithm positioned as
a dynamic and adaptive solution. Through its unique attributes, Aries
contributes significantly to the ongoing evolution of memory management.

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 8


Chapter 3

Aim and Scope

3.1 Aim
The primary aim of this research is to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth
investigation into the realm of dynamic memory allocation, with a specific
emphasis on unraveling the intricacies and optimizing the functionality of the
Aries algorithm. This study seeks to delve into the algorithm's core attributes,
encompassing its adaptability, fragmentation-handling mechanisms, workflow
efficiency, and its multifaceted significance across various computing scenarios.
The overarching goal is to enhance our understanding of the Aries algorithm's
adaptability, assessing its prowess in dynamically adjusting to fluctuating memory
requirements. By scrutinizing its response mechanisms to evolving program
scenarios, the research aims to contribute valuable insights into the adaptive
capabilities of the algorithm.
The scope of this research encompasses a multifaceted exploration into dynamic
memory allocation with a specific focus on advancing the functionalities of the
Aries algorithm. Within this scope, the research will investigate the algorithm's
adaptability, delve into strategies for mitigating fragmentation, optimize its
workflow efficiency, and assess its performance in diverse computing
environments. Additionally, the research aims to quantify the impact of the Aries
algorithm on overall system performance, contributing insights that bridge the
gap between theoretical advancements and practical implementation. The scope
extends to providing guidance for future innovations in dynamic memory
allocation, exploring potential areas for further research and offering practical
recommendations for stakeholders seeking to implement and optimize the Aries
algorithm in real-world computing scenarios. Ultimately, the research aspires to
contribute substantively to the field of memory management by addressing key
aspects and providing a comprehensive understanding of the algorithm's
theoretical foundations and practical applications.

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 9

3.2 Visual Learning

In the complex landscape of dynamic memory allocation, visual learning becomes

a powerful tool to unravel the intricacies of the Aries algorithm and its impact on
efficient memory management. Incorporating visual learning elements into the
exploration of dynamic memory allocation with the Aries algorithm transforms
abstract concepts into tangible, visually digestible insights. Whether through
dynamic charts, info graphics, or interactive simulations, visual learning becomes
a catalyst for a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the algorithm's
intricacies and practical implications.

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 10


Chapter 4
System Design and Methodology
4.1 Proposed System
In response to the evolving landscape of dynamic memory allocation, our
proposed system seeks to enhance efficiency and adaptability through the
integration of the Aries algorithm. This system aims to address the limitations of
traditional memory allocation strategies by leveraging Aries' dynamic and
responsive nature. Aims to revolutionize dynamic memory allocation by
harnessing the intelligence and adaptability of the Aries algorithm. Through
seamless integration, adaptive memory allocation, and efficient workflow
optimization, the system anticipates delivering tangible benefits in terms of
improved system responsiveness, reduced fragmentation, and versatility across
various computing scenarios.

4.2 Requirement Specification

The requirement specifications for the proposed system centered around
optimizing dynamic memory allocation with the Aries algorithm include seamless
integration of Aries into the existing memory management framework. The
system should prioritize adaptive memory allocation, dynamically adjusting to
varying program requirements in real-time. Efficient fragmentation handling,
inspired by Aries, aims to minimize both internal and external fragmentation for
an organized memory landscape. Workflow optimization involves incorporating
Aries' phased approach, ensuring meticulous request analysis, dynamic policy
adjustments, and efficient memory block selection. Real-time policy adaptations
enable the system to respond swiftly to changing memory demands.
Customization options cater to diverse computing environments, allowing users
to tailor Aries for specific use cases. Performance monitoring and analytics tools
are essential for quantifying the impact of Aries on overall system responsiveness,
providing actionable insights for optimization. Lastly, a user-friendly interface
facilitates seamless interaction, empowering system administrators to configure
Aries parameters and monitor system performance efficiently.

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 11


4.2.1. Software Requirement

The basic software requirements to run program are:
1. Windows 10
2. Visual Studio Code

4.2.2. Hardware Requirement

The basic hardware required to run the program are:
1. Hard disk of 5 GB
2. System memory (RAM) of 512 MB
3. I3 processor-based computer or higher

4.3 System Functionalities

The system functionalities of the proposed dynamic memory allocation
optimization, integrating the Aries algorithm, encompass a range of intelligent
features designed to enhance memory management. The core functionality
involves the seamless integration of Aries into the existing framework, fostering
adaptability and responsiveness in memory allocation. The system prioritizes
adaptive memory allocation, dynamically adjusting to evolving program
requirements in real-time, ensuring optimal memory utilization. Efficient
fragmentation handling stands out as a key functionality, drawing inspiration from
Aries. The system strategically selects memory blocks to minimize both internal
and external fragmentation, contributing to a streamlined and organized memory
landscape. Workflow optimization is another critical aspect, where the system
incorporates Aries' phased approach. This functionality includes meticulous
request analysis, dynamic policy adjustments, and efficient memory block
selection, all aimed at optimizing the overall workflow of memory allocation and
deallocation processes. Real-time policy adaptations add a layer of sophistication
to the system's functionalities. This feature enables the system to dynamically
adjust policies on-the-fly, responding promptly to changing memory demands and
ensuring a proactive approach to memory management.
Customization options are integrated to cater to the diverse computing
environments users may encounter. This functionality allows users to tailor Aries
to specific use cases, ensuring adaptability in scenarios ranging from resource-
constrained embedded systems to high-performance real-time applications.
Performance monitoring and analytics functionalities are embedded to provide a
comprehensive view of the system's impact on overall responsiveness. This
includes tracking execution speed, responsiveness, and resource utilization,
“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 12
offering stakeholders quantifiable metrics for informed decision-making and
optimization efforts. A user-friendly interface serves as a pivotal functionality,
ensuring seamless interaction for system administrators. This feature provides an
intuitive platform for configuring Aries parameters, monitoring system
performance, and visualizing the adaptive memory allocation processes, fostering
ease of use and efficient system management.

In essence, the system functionalities revolve around the intelligent integration of

Aries, prioritizing adaptability, efficient fragmentation handling, workflow
optimization, real-time policy adaptations, customization options, performance
monitoring, and a user-friendly interface to collectively elevate the efficiency and
effectiveness of dynamic memory allocation.

4.4 Algorithm
Step 1: Initialize Interface Framework
Step 2 : Create function to for collect user input memory allocation and
deallocation request
Step 3 : Send allocation / de-allocation request to backend
Step 4: Display success or error message to the user based on the response
Step 5 : Implement main event loop to continuously run the GU

“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 13


4.5 Design

The Actual layout of implementation.

Fig 4.5.1.

Allocating the memory block

Fig 4.5.2.
“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 14

Searching the Memory ID

Fig 4.5.3.

Deallocating the Memory Block

Fig 4.5.4.
“Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Aries Algorithm” 15

5. Conclusion
In conclusion, the integration of the Aries algorithm into our proposed system for
dynamic memory allocation marks a significant leap forward in optimizing
memory management within computing environments. The amalgamation of
adaptive memory allocation, efficient fragmentation handling, and real-time
policy adjustments empowers the system to dynamically respond to the evolving
demands of programs, ensuring optimal resource utilization. The Aries
algorithm's prowess in strategically selecting memory blocks minimizes both
internal and external fragmentation, fostering an organized and clutter-free
memory landscape. This not only addresses historical challenges associated with
inefficient memory usage but also contributes to streamlined workflow
efficiency. The customization options embedded in the system enable users to
tailor the Aries algorithm to specific use cases, ensuring versatility across diverse
computing environments. Whether in resource-constrained embedded systems
or high-performance real-time applications, the system remains adaptable and
responsive to varied program workloads. Performance monitoring and analytics
functionalities provide a quantitative lens into the impact of the Aries algorithm
on overall system responsiveness. These metrics serve as valuable indicators for
stakeholders, guiding informed decision-making and optimization efforts. The
user-friendly interface simplifies the interaction for system administrators,
fostering seamless customization of Aries parameters and efficient monitoring of
system performance. This accessibility ensures that the benefits of the Aries
algorithm can be harnessed effectively, bridging the gap between theoretical
advancements and practical implementation. In essence, the integration of the
Aries algorithm propels our system beyond conventional memory allocation
strategies, ushering in an era of adaptability, efficiency, and versatility. As we
navigate the dynamic landscape of computing, this optimized approach to
dynamic memory allocation stands poised to enhance the overall efficiency and
responsiveness of systems, contributing substantively to the evolution of
memory management paradigms.

Dynamic Memory Allocation using Aries Algorithm 16


Chapter 6
6. References









Dynamic Memory Allocation using Aries Algorithm 17

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