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WX (2005-06 O 2006-07 \ Y W W)

New Scheme ( For Students studied during the Years 2005-06 & 2006-07 )

Total No. of Questions : 38

Code No. March / April, 2007


( Kannada and English Versions ) Time : 3 Hours

( New Syllabus )
( English Version )

Max. Marks : 90

Note :

i) ii)

Answer all questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.

iii) Write correct question numbers for your answers.


Answer the following questions in one sentence each : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. When was Karl Marx born ? When was Balwant Rai Mehta Committee constituted ? Expand EVM. Name the first Dalit woman Chief Minister in India. What is Public Opinion ? What are Pressure Groups ? When did Consumer Protection Act come into existence ? What is Civil Service ? Who appoints the Chairman of UPSC ?

10 1 = 10

10. When was UNO founded ? II. Answer any ten of the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences each : 10 2 = 20 11. Explain liberal democracy. 12. What is the meaning of Globalisation ? 13. What is direct election ? Give an example. 14. What is Election Commission ? 15. What is coalition government ? Give example.

16. Who used the term 'public opinion' for the first time in modern sense ? To which country did he belong ? 17. What are Farmers Pressure Groups ? Name any two of them. 18. Mention any two features of Civil Services. 19. What are All India Services ? Give two examples. 20. Name the classification of State Services. 21. What is inequality ? 22. What is non-alignment ? Name its founders. III. Answer any eight of the following questions in 15 to 20 lines each : 8 5 = 40 23. Explain Plato's concept of Ideal state. 24. Write a short note on Aristotle's classification of Government. 25. Explain briefly J.S. Mill's views on Minorities Representation. 26. Discuss the concept of Sarvodaya. 27. Explain the importance of Welfare State. 28. What are the advantages of universal adult franchise ? 29. What are the Agencies of Public Opinion ? 30. What are the functions of KPSC ? 31. How is Terrorism a threat to Democracy ? 32. Explain the powers and function of Lokpal. 33. Discuss any five weaknesses of the UNO. 34. Explain the aims and objectives of SAARC.

IV. Answer any two of the following questions in 30 to 40 lines each : 2 10 = 20 35. Explain Kautilya's theory of Saptanga. 36. Explain Ambedkar's contributions in the making of the Indian Constitution. 37. Discuss the role and responsibilities of political parties. 38. How is illiteracy a threat to Democracy ? Explain its remedies.

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