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Scientific Director: Prof. Piergiorgio Sonato

Module Description

EU and International funded calls – where to find data and opportunities (WB, EU, UN systems) Cooperation opportunities among Universities, research and public or private

RESEARCH: Innovative and sustainable research project - Project Cycle Management - Research Query and Research database - Valorisation of research and incubators (TTO and

INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND MONITORING SYSTEMS: New teaching methods - E-learning platform and social network usage - Quality and monitoring systems for teaching

COOPERATION PROJECTS AND INTERNATIONALISATION MANAGEMENT: EU Calls for Cooperation in Higher Education, Erasmus+ programme (international credit mobility; capacity
building projects, etc.); how to write a successful project proposal; managing partnerships. Internationalization strategies and management. Sharing of Experience and Exposure
(seminars with case study presentation)

Module ILO’S

After taking this Module, students will be able to:

- Approach international funding opportunities

- Promote and manage cooperation project with international universities
- Develop innovative research projects
- Develop innovative teaching methods
- Develop cooperation project in research, education and management with international universities
Day - Hour (Ethiopian Time) (+2 hours Italian time) (+1 h
Title Lecturer 70 SSD
after March 27th, 2022)
1 Internationalization Management and Cooperation Projects: 12

14.03.22 Monday - 17:00-19:00 2

Università degli Studi
1.1 Managing Internationalization in higher education: strategies and implementation Dora Maria Cornelia Longoni
di Padova
15.03.22 Tuesady - 17:00-19:00 2
Università degli Studi
1.2 Managing and developing international partnerships Alessandra Gallerano 16.03.22 Wednesday - 17:00-19:00 2
di Padova
17.03.22 Thursday - 17:00-19:00 2
The New Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 Università degli Studi
1.3 Laura Brandolin
EU-Africa capacity building and mobility projects di Padova
18.03.22 Friday - 17:00-19:00 2
Dora Maria Cornelia Longoni Università degli Studi
1.4 Wrap-up: lessons learnt, Q&A session (interactive) 26.03.22 Saturday - 10:00-12:00 2
Laura Brandolin di Padova
2 Virtual Exchange / Collaborative Online International Learning 6
Università degli Studi
2.1 Internationalization of the curriculum Francesca Helm 19.03.22 Saturday - 12:00-14:00 2 L-LIN/12
di Padova
What is virtual exchange Università degli Studi
2.2 Francesca Helm 22.03.22 Tuesday - 17:00-19:00 2 L-LIN/12
Different models of virtual exchange di Padova
Università degli Studi
2.3 Opportunities and challenges of transnational collaboration Francesca Helm 25.03.22 Friday - 17:00-19:00 2 L-LIN/12
di Padova
3 Project Research Management 8
Università degli Studi
3.1 Introduction to the Project Management discipline. The Knowledge areas. Moreno Muffatto 19.03.22 Saturday - 10:00-12:00 2 ING-IND/35
di Padova
Università degli Studi
3.2 Knowledge area Project Scope Management: Requirements, WBS, OBS. Moreno Muffatto 21.03.22 Monday - 17:00-19:00 2 ING-IND/36
di Padova
Università degli Studi
3.3 Knowledge area Project Risk Management: Risk identification, assessment, management Moreno Muffatto 23.03.22 Wednesday - 17:00-19:00 2 ING-IND/37
di Padova
Università degli Studi
3.4 Technology Transfer, patents, spin-offs Moreno Muffatto 24.03.22 Thursday - 17:00-19:00 2 ING-IND/38
di Padova
4 Monitoring and evaluation 8
Università degli Studi
4.1 The role of monitoring and evaluation in project planning Anna Giraldo 26.03.22 Saturday - 12:00-14:00 2 SECS-S/03
di Padova
Università degli Studi
4.2 Differences between monitoring and evaluation Anna Giraldo 28.03.22 Monday - 17:00-19:00 2 SECS-S/04
di Padova
Università degli Studi
4.3 Evaluation and its different meanings Anna Giraldo 29.03.22 Tuesday - 17:00-19:00 2 SECS-S/05
di Padova
Università degli Studi
4.4 How to monitor and evaluate the efficacy of innovative teaching Anna Giraldo 30.03.22 Wednesday - 17:00-19:00 2 SECS-S/06
di Padova
5 Innovative teaching and learning methods. How to engage students in the classroom and online 32
Part I-1. Teaching & Learning methods. New trends in teaching and learning. Engaging students in a Università degli Studi
5.1 Monica Fedeli 31.03.22 Thursday - 17:00-19:00 2 M-PED/03
critically reflective practice di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.2 Tutoring activities on part I Marianne Araneta 1.04.22 Friday - 17:00-19:00 2
di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.3 Part I-2. Teaching & Learning methods. Planning for active learning Monica Fedeli 2.04.22 Saturday - 9:00-12:00 3 M-PED/03
di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.4 Tutoring activities on part II Marianne Araneta 2.04.22 Saturday - 12:00-14:00 2
di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.5 Part I-3. Teaching & Learning methods. Designing a course Monica Fedeli 4.04.22 Monday - 17:00-20:00 3 M-PED/03
di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.6 Tutoring activities on part III Marianne Araneta 5.04.22 Tuesday - 17:00-19:00 2
di Padova
Monica Fedeli Università degli Studi 6.04.22 Wednesday - 17:00-19:00
5.7 Part I - Teaching & Learning methods. Discussions and group work 2 M-PED/03
Marianne Araneta di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.8 Tutoring activities on group works Marianne Araneta 7.04.22 Thursday - 17.00-19.00 2
di Padova
Part II-1. Teaching & Technologies - Learning Management system/Student production of content & Università degli Studi 8.04.22 Friday - 17.00-18.00
5.9 Carlo Mariconda (MOOC) 1 MAT/05
encouraging students to collaborate . Week 2 of MOOC2: di Padova
Part II-2 - Teaching & Technologies - Learning Management system/Student production of content & Università degli Studi
5.10 Carlo Mariconda 08.04.22 Friday - 18.00-19.00 1 MAT/05
encouraging students to collaborate di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.11 Part I-4. Teaching & Learning methods. Giving and receiving feedback Monica Fedeli 9.04.22 Saturday - 10.00-12.00 2 M-PED/03
di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.12 Tutoring activities on part IV Marianne Araneta 11.04.22 Monday - 17.00-19.00 2
di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.13 Part II-3. Teaching & Technologies- MOOCS: what they are, purpose, how to prepare one Carlo Mariconda 12.04.22 Tuesday - 17.00-19.00 2 MAT/05
di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.14 Tutoring activities on part II Marianne Araneta 13.04.22 Wednesday - 17.00-19.00 2
di Padova
Part II-4. Teaching & Technologies-Formative Assessment & Feedback. Week 3 of MOOC2: Università degli Studi
5.15 Carlo Mariconda (MOOC) 14.04.22 Thursday - 17.00-18.00 1 MAT/05 di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.16 Part II-Teaching & Technologies - Formative Assessment & Feedback. Carlo Mariconda 14.04.22 Thursday - 18.00-19.00 1 MAT/05
di Padova
Università degli Studi
5.17 Tutoring activities on part II Marianne Araneta 15.04.22 Friday - 17.00-19.00 2
di Padova
Activity and exam 4

Lecturers’ biography

Dora Maria Cornelia Longoni;

Dora Longoni is Head of the International Relations Division at University of Padua, Italy. As Head of Division, she is responsible
for implementing the university’s internationalization strategy and manages all processes and activities relevant to international
marketing and recruitment, international admissions, as well as strategic partnerships and networks, international agreements,
international mobility, and the promotion and management of EU-funded projects. Dora has been working in the field of international
relations since 1996 at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where from 2005 to 2019, she has been the Head of the International Projects
Service. She holds a Master’s in Modern Languages and Literature from the University of Milan and a second-level specialising
Master’s in Management of University and Research from MIP-Politecnico di Milano. Dora has been active as a lecturer on
internationalization at MIP-Politecnico di Milano, as a trainer in various courses, and as a presenter at many conferences. She has
been actively involved in the European Association for International Education (EAIE) since 2005, where she served as a member of
the Board from 2012 to 2014, and of the EAIE Conference Programme Committee from 2014 until 2021.
Alessandra Gallerano;
Alessandra Gallerano is the Head of the Projects & Mobility Office at the University of Padua, where she is responsible for coordinating
student and staff exchange programmes, international partnerships, joint programmes and EU-funded projects. She has 10+ years of
experience in developing and managing programmes in the field of HE and international cooperation. Before joining the University of Padua,
Alessandra served as a project manager for Sapienza University of Rome, as well as for the Directorate General of Higher Education, Portugal
and the Council of Europe, France. She is frequently a speaker and a trainer at international conferences. Alessandra obtained an Erasmus
Mundus joint Master’s degree in European Studies from the University of Saint Andrews, United Kingdom, Nova University of Lisbon,
Portugal and University of Perpignan, France.

Laura Brandolin;

Laura serves as International Relations Officer at UNIPD since 2017, mainly charged with the management of Erasmus+ Key Action 2
projects. She was Project Officer for the Capacity Building “ICMED”, coordinated by UNIPD, and she is the contact person for many other
international projects. Laura is also part of UNIPD working group on Virtual Exchange, implementing the institutional strategy on VE.
In 2011, she was Project Assistant at the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EC), dealing with Eco-Innovation projects
for SMEs, and for the following 5 years she was staffed at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (UNIPD),
supporting the management of national and European research projects, and being in charge of the organization of international conferences.

Francesca Helm;

Francesca Helm is Assistant professor of English language and translation at the Department of Political Science, Law and International
Studies – University of Padua. She teaches in the second-level degree courses on International Politics and Diplomacy, European and
Global Studies. Her research is in the area of Applied Linguistics, particularly in applications of computer-mediated communication (CMC)
and the socio-cultural context of Web 2.0 for language and intercultural learning, the development of multiliteracies and multilingual
higher education. She is particularly interested in dialogic approaches to virtual exchange, tension and conflict resolution, the use of English
as a ‘global language’ and decolonial perspectives and approaches to language education. Her research also regards the ethical
internationalization of higher education, English and multilingualism in higher education, linguistic diversity and social justice, language and education policies.
She is chair of the Working Group in Education Innovation in the Coimbra Group of Universities, co-coordinator of the Italian section of Scholars at Risk and
board member of the academic association UNICollaboration. She has worked on several European projects, the most recent being the European Commission's
Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange pilot project, for which she was responsible for monitoring and evaluation.

Anna Giraldo;

Anna Giraldo is Associate Professor of Economic Statistics at the Department of Statistical Science - University of Padua
Director of the Master Degree in Local Development, Department of History, Geography and Ancient World.
Main research topics: labour economics, poverty, impact evaluation of public policies and development programs, analysis of students'
career in higher education, data quality in sample surveys, missing data, imputation.

Moreno Muffatto;

Moreno Muffatto is Full Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering - University of Padua. He is Coordinator of the SCENT
(School of Entrepreneurship) Research Group at Department of Industrial Engineering. He currently supervises one post doc student and
two PhD students. He was Team Leader of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Italy (2012 - 2016). The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
is the most globally diffused research on new ventures and entrepreneurship with more than 70 countries involved. He is the Founder and
Director, School of Entrepreneurship (SCENT) (2014 -to date) web: He is the Founder and Director, Master Program in
Project and Innovation Management (2004 – to date). He was Head of Department, University of Padua DIMEG (2009 - 2011). He is
Research Affiliate, International Motor Vehicle Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA (USA) (1998 - 2002);
Japan Foundation Research Scholar, University of Tokyo - School of Economics, Tokyo (Japan) (1994)European Regional Editor of the
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM)
Carlo Mariconda;
Carlo Mariconda is Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics – University of Padua. Since 1992
he works at the University of Padua where he carries out research and teaching activities. The main areas of research in which he is
engaged are the Calculus of Variations, Optimal Control, Functional Analysis. His last interests concern the regularity of the minimizers
and minimizing sequences for one dimensional, vectorial problems. He has developed his skills in participating to several national and
international research groups, and as a recurring visiting professor at the Ecole Normale de Paris and at the Université de Bretagne
Occidentale in Brest, France. He is the author of more than 50 papers and 4 books and Lead Instructor in 6 Moocs on the platforms
Futurelearn and He is interested in applying technology in education. He was a member of the board of the Multimedia
center of the University of Padova (2010 – 2015) and was advisor for e-learning and innovative teaching in the period 2016-2021 for
the University of Padova. He trade-marked the BoardOnAir, a special glass board that allows to produce effective videos without
postproduction. He is a partner of AudioInnova, a technological spinoff of the University of Padova.

Monica Fedeli;

Monica Fedeli is Full Professor of Teaching and Learning and Organizational Development at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology,
Pedagogies and Applied Psicology. The main areas of research in which she is engaged are: organizational development, human resources
management, training methodology in formal and non-formal contexts, faculty development, didactics of dialogue with the world of
work and work-related teaching and learning and alternating school work, active learning and educational transformations in hiegher
education and gender equity in professional contexts. She has developed her skills in the scientific field by participating and coordinating
research groups at national and international level in collaboration with European and American universities conducting research and
studies in the areas highlighted above. She is Vice Rector of third mission and relations with the territory. She is Chair of the master's
degree program in Educational Services Management and Continuing Education and Member of the doctoral board in "Scienze
Pedagogiche, dell'Educazione e della Formazione" of the University of Padua. She is Referent for the Pedagogy section of the Working
Group for Internationalization and Member of the EUA European University Association TPG group on the topic: Continuous Development of Teaching
Marianne Araneta;
She is a PhD student in Pedagogical, Educational and Instructional Sciences. She is a Learning Designer at the Ufficio Digital
Learning and Multimedia, Padova. Marianne Araneta is an educator and e-learning specialist. She is currently pursuing her PhD in
Pedagogical, Educational and Instructional Sciences: Research on Inclusion, Well-being and Sustainability in Education at the
University of Padova, with a particular focus on the sustainability of e-learning practices. She also works as a learning designer at
the Office of Digital Learning and Multimedia, where she develops English language Massive Open Online Courses for the
university. Part of her work involves collaborating with professors in transforming their classes into effective online learning
experiences. Prior to her research, she was a secondary school teacher for nearly ten years.

Piergiorgio Sonato:

Piergiorgio Sonato is Full Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering - University of Padua. He works in the field of the
research on Nuclear Fusion since 1983. He is currently Director of Consorzio RFX (CNR, ENEA, INFN, University of Padua,
Acciaierie Venete) where are presently working approximately two hundreds persons working on NBTF (Neutral Beam Test
Facility) to develop the Neutral Beam Injectors for ITER, on RFX-mod2, a toroidal device based on the Reversed Field Pinch
magnetic confinement, on DTT - Divertor Test Tokamak under construction at ENEA site in Frascati and on the European
Programme EUROfusion.
He teaches Electrical Science and Industrial Plasma Technologies.
He is advisors for the activities of the University of Padua in Africa.

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