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An effective pathway for building resilience and boosting sustainable development

Conference Concept Note

Resilience, in the context of early childhood

Background development (ECD), refers to the ability of
children to adapt and overcome adverse
Early Childhood Care and Development
early experiences. Science demonstrates that
(ECCD) is the cornerstone of a child’s
offering stable, responsive, and nurturing
physical, emotional, linguistic, and cognitive
relationships during a child’s earliest years can
development and overall well-being. It serves
help build resilience and act as a powerful
as a critical determinant of long-term human
counterforce to the damaging effects of
development and is strongly associated
early life stress. These relationships hold
with a child’s potential for success in later
the potential to not only prevent but even
life (Yoshikowa & Kabay, 2015). However,
reverse the detrimental impact of such stress.
there are adverse experiences children may
face, including extreme poverty, abuse, or It is essential to underscore the integral
neglect, which can significantly impact the relationship between (ECD) and the
development of the child’s brain architecture. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
When such adversities are severe, frequent, Integrating ECD in the SDGs, particularly in
or prolonged, and the child left without Target 4.2, signifies a profound understanding
adequate adult support, they can lead to a of how early childhood experiences
phenomenon known as toxic stress identified significantly influence an individual’s long-
by the Center on the Developing Child term well-being. The SDGs have set a crucial
(n.d.) as having a detrimental effect on the target to ensure that ‘all girls and boys have
developing brain and impeding a child’s access to quality early childhood development,
long-term capacity to learn and grow. care, and pre-primary education by 2030.’


This target underscores the urgency Such existing ECD challenges are
of investing in ECD as a powerful tool for compounded by a range of crises, including
nurturing resilience in children, which in the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change,
turn helps to create a robust basis for air pollution, conflicts, displacement, and
sustainable development. disasters. Climate change is especially
threatening in the highly exposed Asia Pacific
Despite this global recognition of ECD, region, where over half of global disaster
and nine years after the adoption of the SDGs, losses occur annually. By 2100, this could
close to their end date of 2030, there are still result in GDP losses of 32% in Southeast
areas where significant further efforts are Asia, 35% in India, and 24% in all of South
required. Some of the ECCD challenges in Asia, with the Pacific Island Countries also
the region include: facing severe climate impacts (World Bank,
●  nly two-thirds of children between
O 2023). These crises significantly affect
the ages of 36 to 59 months are young children’s well-being. Children under
developmentally on track (UNESCO, five bear nearly 90% of the global health
2022). This reveals developmental burden due to climate change (Sheffield &
disparities linked to challenges such Landrigen) with over 1.7 million premature
as adversity and limited resources. deaths per year caused by pollution and toxic
substances (WHO, 2017). Young children are
●  hile participation rates increased
W disproportionately impacted across all of the
in the region, especially in Eastern nurturing care components. And vulnerable
Asia, these participation rates varied children, due to factors such as poverty,
across countries in the region due to disability, location, and language, have
serious disparities, especially in terms become even more vulnerable. Resilience-
of location and wealth. building efforts and targeted support are
●  hildren living in high-income
C crucial for these children.
countries remain far more likely to
It is essential to strengthen the resilience
be enrolled in pre-primary education
and adaptive capacity of individuals, their
(83 percent) than children living in
families and communities, and their societies
low-income countries (22 percent)
in response to the effects of these crises.
(UNICEF, 2019).
ECD is a key building block in this process
●  ome learning environments for
H – and this requires policies that support the
young children frequently lack youngest children. Resulting ECD programs
stimulation, especially in terms of must be scaled up, appropriately financed, of
the availability of children’s books high quality, distributed equitably, gender-
and playthings. responsive, conflict- and climate-sensitive,
●  ver half of the world’s children
O aligned with the principles of sustainable
have experienced severe violence – development, and targeted particularly at
physical, sexual, and emotional and also the most marginalized.
due to neglect, of whom 64 per cent
are in South Asia (UNICEF, n.d.).


Conference Theme Conference Sub-Themes

and Objectives The conference sub-themes provide
opportunities for presenters and participants
This year’s ARNEC conference is committed
to share evidence, policies, strategies, tools, and
to driving action and equipping policy
practical solutions that, in the context of the
makers and practitioners with effective tools
crises described above, can increase greater
to address adversity in early childhood and
understanding and commitment to a more
has the following theme:
resilient and adaptive ECD system in support of
more nurturing and sustainable environments
Investing in ECD: An effective for young children across contexts.
pathway for building
resilience and boosting ✓ S
 ubtheme 1: Building resilient
learners (e.g., social, and emotional
sustainable development
learning competencies)

Specifically, the conference aims to:

● Raise awareness among policy
✓ S
 ubtheme 2: Building resilient
homes and families (e.g., playful
makers and practitioners on the
parenting, ECD and play, and
increasingly severe impacts of multiple
pedagogical and psychological support
crises on the nurturing care for young
for parents and caregivers)
children and their wellbeing and further
● Raise the profile of diverse voices, ✓ S
 ubtheme 3: Building resilient
especially from the Asia Pacific region – programs and services (e.g., in
from policymakers and practitioners, as regard to greater support to the ECD
well as across public and private sectors; workforce, guidance regarding social-
emotional learning competencies
● Strengthen advocacy efforts
for teachers, play-based pedagogies,
within the region on how ECD
climate-sensitive curriculum, etc.
policies, programs, and services need
to adapt and gain traction to become
instrumental in building resilience in ✓ S
 ubtheme 4: Building resilient
the face of these crises; ECD systems (e.g., supportive
● Share knowledge, tools and
policies and financing, accountability
innovative practices developed at the to global, regional, and national
national, sub-national, community and ECD commitments)
program levels to promote resilience
amongst young children, their families,
communities, and ECD system
and workforce; and
● Strengthen multi-sectoral

partnerships among ECD and other

stakeholders to support interventions that
promote and/or strengthen resilience
and create nurturing and sustainable
environments for young children.


Within these subthemes, the overall Conference Host and Organizers

questions that we will seek to address are: The regional conference on ECD is organized
1. H
 ow is ECD critical for building by ARNEC and hosted by the ECCE Council
resilience towards sustainable develop­ of Malaysia.
ment in the face of current and future Format of the Conference
crises? Why is there a need to start The conference will be held face-to-face
building resilience at an early age and for four days: May 27-30, 2024 including
how can this best be done? a one-day pre-conference workshop
2. W
 hat specific interventions or and/or site visit.
strategies can be adapted in support
The Conference will include a combination of:
of resilient learners, families, ECD
● Remarks from Senior Government officials
programmes, services, and the ECD
system as a whole? ● Plenary sessions with keynote speakers/

resource persons covering the

3. H
 ow can the ECD workforce be
conference theme and sub-themes.
supported to help strengthen the
● Panel discussions with regional experts
resilience and adaptability of
young children? and country representatives
● Paper presentations
4. W
 hat policies need to be put in place
supported by adequate financing to Pre-conference workshops and site/study
ensure resilient ECD systems? visits will also be offered – details to follow.
5. W
 hat resources and tools do we
have in the region to foster better
collaboration and learning to support Tentative Program
resilience-building. To follow.

References UNESCO. (2022). Early Childhood Care World Bank. (2023). Reviving Growth.
and Education in Asia Pacific Policy Brief. Available in https://openknowledge.
Center on the Developing Child Available in https://unesdoc.unesco.
Harvard University. (n.d.). In brief: The org/ark:/48223/pf0000381973. bitstreams/b10254c9-4990-4099-
Impact of Early Adversity on Children’s b654-4402d7b9a991/content.
Development. Available in https:// UNICEF. (2019). A World Ready to Learn: Prioritizing Quality Early Childhood Yoshikawa, H. & Kabay, S. (2015). The
resources/inbrief-the-impact- Education. Available in https://data. evidence base on early childhood care and
of-early-adversity-on-childrens- education in global contexts. Available
development/#:~:text=Significant%20 to-learn-report/. in
early%20adversity%20can%20 UNICEF. (n.d.) End Violence against ark:/48223/pf0000232456.
lead,individual’s%20physical%20an- Children. Available in https://www.
Sheffield, P. E. & Landrigan, P. J. (2010).
Global Climate Change and Children’s WHO. (2017). The cost of a polluted
Health: Threats and Strategies for environment: 1.7 million child deaths a year,
Prevention. Available in https://doi. says WHO. Available in https://www.


Keynote speaker Joan Lombardi, Ph.D. is Director of Early

Opportunities and an Adjunct Professor the
Stanford Center on Early Childhood. Over the
past 50 years, Joan has made significant
contributions in the area of child and
family policy as an innovative leader and
policy advisor to national and international
organizations and foundations and as a
public servant. Her work focuses on young
children, families, and communities, and
the intersection of health, education, and
family support. Joan served as the first Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Early Childhood during
the Obama Administration and the first
Director of the Child Care Bureau during the
Clinton Administration.
Joan Lombardi, Ph.D
Director, Early Opportunities Initiative List of other speakers to follow.

List of resources that can be featured in panel discussions,

pre-conference workshops, and paper presentations:

●  sia-Pacific Early Childhood Care and

A ● E CD and Climate Change Advocacy
Education: Teacher Training Handbook and Communications Toolkit (ARNEC,
for Social and Emotional Learning Save the Children, Vital Strategies)
(UNESCO and ARNEC) ● Micro-studies from the countries on
● ECD Workforce Tools (from R4D and ECD and climate change (ARNEC)
ISSA, other Regional Networks) ● Regional Guidance Document on
● Playful Parenting Framework from Playful Parenting in the Asia-Pacific
Prescription to Play Project in Bhutan Region (ARNEC, countries)
(Save the Children) ● Conflict sensitivity report, ECDiE resources
● Regional Guidance on Building/ (Plan International)
Strengthening National ECD Networks ● Other resources from partners and
(ARNEC) members at the country level
● ARNEC Connections – 2023 edition
on Playful Parenting Programs (ARNEC)

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