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Everybody encounters problems in life, and in addition to overcoming them,

they frequently fight to strike a balance between the demands of their
studies and their obligations to their jobs, families, and social lives.
Difficulties that test our abilities and our knowledge of how to overcome
obstacles occur in everyday life for both individuals and students. There are
obstacles everywhere, but we must never forget that life is still worth living.
Life wouldn't be interesting or challenging without challenges. The
adolescent years may be a crucial period in life that every person goes
through. Some people approach this time in their lives with strength and
positivity, while others encounter various issues and challenges. This
depends on the setting in which these adolescents live. in, their parents,
friends, housing situation, level of education, and a host of other variables.
Teenagers, like adults, are subjected to internal and external problems and
are expected to deal with them as a necessary part of maturing.
According to the study by Rogayan et al,(2021), the challenges
encountered by the students revolved around three categories of student-
focused course-related problems, personal challenges, and sociocultural
challenges. These issues raised by the students could operate as a
roadmap for STEM educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders in
education to reevaluate and reframe current procedures, practices, and
regulations for educating STEM learners.

Academic Challenges
Many young people in schools encounter a variety of academic
challenges, which can range from slight difficulties to significant challenges,
having an impact on their academic performance, particularly given that it's
usual for teens to be overwhelmed by the many demands on their time,
such as those from family, friends, extracurricular activities like sports, and
school (Noddings, 2003; Lewis et al., 2011)
According to the study by Rogayan et al. (2021) One of the difficulties
STEM students face is completing all the course requirements at once due
to the quantity of them, of courses. This opposes Cooper et al. (2006)'s
results that a decent amount of schooling or requirement is a desirable
thing, but it also tends to have a favorable impact on a learner's
achievement in school. This implies that instructors can confirm that the
course requirements are contextualized and measure the desired learning
outcomes and are useful for comprehending Scientific ideas.
In a study conducted by Cerna and Pavliushchenko (2015) on the topic
Influence of Study Habits on the Academic Performance of International
College Students in Shanghai, Low-achieving pupils were found to miss at
least three lessons per term, regularly arrive late, take seats in the back of
the room, and never try to find the teacher after class. The class was
observed by the researchers in the spring and fall of 2014, with particular
emphasis paid to seat arrangements (front or rear of the classroom), class
engagement, and interactions with other students, among other things.
According to this study, teenagers' study habits, which are a result of the
academic difficulties they encounter, hurt their academic achievement.
The lack of resources that are available to senior high school students in
the Philippines is another problem, and this means that certain students
might not have access to the tools they need to achieve. Computers,
textbooks, and other technologies are examples of what this can be.
Students may find it challenging to maintain their study pace and deliver
quality work without access to these resources. (Versosa,2023)
Examinations are often stressful because you want to do well a few
students adapt to stress better than others, yet we understand that you're
having will gain guidance and help if you are having problems coping
(University of Southampton, 2018) Exams take time for students. There are
end-of-semester exams, end-of-year exams, subject-matter exams,
aptitude exams, and national, state, and college-level exams. An anxious
teen feels like the list is never-ending. The list is endless for a stressed-out
adolescent, and every so often those exams bring with them some serious
implications for no longer performing well, so it's understandable.
Teenagers may experience some significant test-related anxiety. (T.
Kunesh M. Ed, retrieve on April 2023)
Although the work is challenging, some students can receive their first
low grades. Most kids did well in high school. Some classes in high school
are not as difficult as those in college. A student must understand the
objectives and grading philosophy of a particular teacher. Many students
are accustomed to being the oldest and smartest, so this is frequently a
huge adjustment for them. Some teachers might not be as interesting and
difficult as students anticipated. While some academics deliver engaging
lectures, some don't. A few teach discussion classes and assume that the
majority of the talking will be done by the students. Less anxious kids may
find this difficult. (Macalester, 2017)
The language barrier is one of the main obstacles senior high school
students in the Philippines must overcome. English and Filipino are the
official languages of the Philippines. Although most pupils are adept at
English, many have trouble reading and writing in Filipino. They may
struggle academically and have worse grades because of their inability to
comprehend and complete assignments. (Versoza,2023)

Personal Challenges
Student personal challenges were greatly influenced by expectations
from peers and family members as well as by personal issues of the
student. This suggests that expectations from relatives could pressure
placed on the students, which they perceived as a challenge, as the key
figure in the students' talent development (Margot & Kettler, 2019) The
pressure to do well is another issue that many SHS students in the
Philippines deal with. Many students feel under a lot of pressure to perform
well in their academics to ensure their futures because of the fierce
competition for college spaces and the limited resources available.
Students may find it challenging to concentrate on their academics and
perform well because of this pressure, which can also cause tension and
worry. (Versoza,2023)
Time management problems are another difficulty that many seniors in
high school commonly encounter. Due to the increased effort and
responsibilities that come with being in senior high school, students may
find it difficult to balance their academic obligations with additional
commitments like extracurricular activities and part-time employment. It
may be difficult for pupils to maintain their academic progress and perform
well in class as a result. (Versosa,2023)
As a result of the various projects and course requirements that they
financial limitations are viewed as one of the challenges facing the STEM
learners. This implies that the financial aspect may provide a challenge in
STEM training. Similarly, Dang (2015) asserts that one of the problems
recognized for the attainment of educational success and for the financial
capacity is necessary for both societal and personal development.
Teenagers are tempted to compare themselves to others as they go
through adolescence. When they look around them and realize they fall
short of their expectations, they feel depressed. People also evaluate
themselves against those portrayed in media like TV, movies, and
periodicals. Most young people's ability to develop healthy self-esteem is
influenced by family dynamics and parental criticism. Teenagers who
receive criticism for their appearance, manner of speech, etc. also develop
low self-esteem and poor body image. (, 2014)

Social Challenges
Large-scale social problems can hurt how well a society runs. Just like
adults, teenagers can experience social issues. Because of how quickly
their bodies are changing and how their brains are still developing, they
may even be more vulnerable to these difficulties. Social troubles and what
we could consider "teenage problems" can have an impact on one's
emotional and physical well-being. (Morin,2022)
In a modern setting, it can be challenging to find friends, but don't
expect that by making friends at university, you will automatically be able to
identify with people who share your interests. If you're persistent and
involve yourself in activities that you enjoy, you'll be able to be yourself and
find friends at the same time. (Reis,2016) It might be difficult for students to
make new acquaintances when they switch schools, which can happen
Old friends will be left behind by the students. They can stay in touch
with them via email and vacations. They may sometimes follow their
separate paths. Some children could be surprised and saddened by this,
especially those who have been friends with their friends since elementary
school. The students will be challenged by outstanding people from various
backgrounds. In addition to ethnic and social contrasts, there are also
differences in sexual orientation, religion, values, and way of life. For new
people, it could initially feel too much. Finding new friends might be
challenging. Also, it offers students the ability to forge a new identity. Both
sentiments of acceptance and rejection will be experienced. It takes energy
to adjust to new ideas, new people, and the potential for rejection.
Roommates frequently have different philosophies, morals, and habits. A
roommate may be, dirty, reliable, dishonest, assured, encouraging,
boisterous, perplexed, and difficult to live with. Some students find it difficult
to live with a new person Others will find it easy, and relationships will grow.

1. Flavier, C. (2018). Challenges and Self-efficacy of Senior High School Students in
LCC Silvercrest: Basis for Guidance Enrichment Program. Institutional Research,
Guidance, and Counseling Department.
2. Rogayan Jr, D. V., Rafanan, R. J. L., & De Guzman, C. Y. (2021). Challenges in
STEM learning: A case of Filipino high school students. Jurnal Penelitian dan
Pembelajaran IPA, 7(2), 232-244.
3. Noddings, N. (2003). Happiness and education. Cambridge: Cambridge University
4. Cerna, M. A., & Pavliushchenko, K. (2015). Influence of study habits on academic
performance of international college students in Shanghai. Higher Education Studies,
5(4), 42-55.
5. Locion, J. P., Johncarlo C. Sison, Sean Bazel C. Suarez, Meriel T. de Jesus, Jennesa C.
Pelande, & Maryknoll S. Uy. (2022). The Academic Experiences of Senior High School Students
in the Midst of Pandemic. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(6), 1017–1032.

6. Malcalester College, (2017) “25 Challenges for Students and Their Parents.” Romanticism
versus Realism, Retrieved from;
7. Reis, R.( 2018). “7 Common Problems Students Face During University Life.” Its
Nacho, Retrieved from;
8. Margot, KC & Kettler, T 2019, ‘Teachers’ perception of STEM
9. Cooper, H Robinson, JC & Patall, EA 2006, ‘Does homework improve academic
achievement? A synthesis of research, 1987– 2003’, Review of educational research,
vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 1-62.
10. Dang, TTT 2015, In search of a better future: Aspirations and challenges for young
rural to urban migrants: a case study in Hanoi, Vietnam, In Refereed Proceedings of
TASA's 2015 Conference (p. 130).

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