Test For Regular Classes, Oktomvri 2023, First Year, High School

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Test, October 2023

Name and Surname:


Past Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form.

1. ________________ at school yesterday? (you be)
2. We ________________ in a house near the sea last summer (live)
3. She ________________ the piano very well when she ________________ young (can play,
4. She ________________ the office very early last night (leave).
5. I ________________ a friend while I ________________ the shopping (meet, do)
6. I ________________ for my things when I ________________ someone call my name (pay,
7. I ________________ around and ________________ Judy. (turn, see)
8. She ________________ a bright yellow dress when I ________________ her last (wear,
9. We ________________ to have a cup of tea. (decide) 20. While the waiter
________________ up the pieces of glass he ________________ his finger (pick, cut)
10. Then we ________________ the cafe and ________________ good bye (leave, say)
11. I ________________ the fire at six and it ________________ brightly when Tom came in at
seven. (light, still burn)
12. My dog ________________ along quietly when Mary’s Pekinese ________________ him.
(walk, attack)
13. When I ________________ she ________________ lunch. She said she always
________________ lunch at 12:30. (arrive, have, have)
14. What ________________ of his last book? –I ________________ it a lot (you think, like)
15. He suddenly ________________ that he ________________ in the wrong direction.
(realize, travel)
16. He ________________ guitar when someone ________________ the window and
________________ out a bucket of water. (play, open, throw)
17. He ________________ us to go out in the boat yesterday because a strong wind
________________ (not allow, blow)
18. The next day, as they ________________ that the police ________________ for them,
they ________________ the coats in the woods and ________________ off in different
directions. (know, look, hide, go) 18 points

Present Perfect Tense: Simple and Progressive

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present perfect tense.
1. I ___________________ the book you gave me, so you can have it back now. (READ)
2. You look tired. You _______________________________ too hard lately. (PROBABLY
3. Rachel ________________________ around Europe for two months now. At the
moment, she’s in Barcelona. She ___________________ six countries so far. (TRAVEL,
4. Is it still raining? – No, it ________________________ but the streets are still wet.
5. I ________________________ at your report for some time, but I must say I can’t
agree with you on a few things. (LOOK)
6. James ________________________ the new Harry Potter novel for hours now. He
simply can’t let it go. (READ)
7. I ________________________ this few times, but I’ll say it again. (ALREADY SAY)
8. The two brothers ________________________ films since they left high school.
9. Look! Someone ________________________ that window! (BREAK)
10. I ________________________ to him, but he ________________________ me an
11. You are too late. The patient ________________________ . (JUST DIE)
12. The manager isn’t here. He’s away on holiday. – Where
________________________ ? (HE GO)
13. They ________________________ from New York. (JUST ARRIVE)
14. _____________________________ in the rain the whole time? Why
________________________ you in? (YOU STAND, ANYONE NOT LET)
15. Mr. Benson ________________________ the whole morning. So far, he
_____________________ three fish. (FISH, CATCH)
16. The company ________________________ money with this product for ages. It’s time
to stop producing it. (LOSE)
17. They ________________________ in the same town for over 20 years. (KNOW, LIVE)
18. John ________________________ off his bike again. It’s the third time now! (FALL)

18 points

in the missing forms of the irregular verbs.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle
10 points

23-28=2, 29-34=3, 35-40=5, 41-46=5

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