A Computational Framework For Coating Fatigue Analysis of Wind

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Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

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A computational framework for coating fatigue analysis of wind

turbine blades due to rain erosion
Weifei Hu a, b, *, Weiyi Chen a, b, Xiaobo Wang b, Zhiyu Jiang c, Yeqing Wang d,
Amrit Shankar Verma e, Julie J.E. Teuwen e
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China
School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China
Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Agder, N-4898, Grimstad, Norway
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 13244, USA
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The rain-induced fatigue damage in the wind turbine blade coating has attracted increasing attention
Received 16 October 2020 owing to significant repair and maintenance costs. The present paper develops an improved computa-
Received in revised form tional framework for analyzing the wind turbine blade coating fatigue induced by rain erosion. The paper
12 January 2021
first presents an extended stochastic rain field simulation model that considers different raindrop shapes
Accepted 18 January 2021
(spherical, flat, and spindle), raindrop sizes, impact angles, and impact speeds. The influence of these
Available online 22 January 2021
raindrop characteristics on the impact stress of the blade coating is investigated by a smoothed particle
hydrodynamics approach. To address the expensive computational time, a stress interpolation method is
Wind turbine blade
proposed to calculate the impact stress of all raindrops in a random rain event. Furthermore, coating
Rain erosion fatigue analysis is performed by including the fatigue crack initiation in the incubation period and the
Raindrop impact fatigue crack propagation in the mass-loss-rate increasing period due to raindrop impact. Finally, the
Fatigue analysis proposed computational framework is verified by comparing the estimated fatigue life with those ob-
Crack propagation tained in literature. The results from the study show that by incorporating the statistics of rainfall data,
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics the proposed framework could be used to calculate the expected fatigue life of the blade coating due to
rain erosion.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Among the above-stated impacts from relatively high-speed

objects, raindrop impact is one of the most important factors that
Wind turbine blades (WTBs), especially at tip sections, are contributes to LEE of WTBs. Traditionally, there are two approaches
frequently exposed to impacts from high-relative-speed objects utilized for analyzing the rain erosion problem, the impact
such as rain, atmospheric particles, hail, and sand during the ser- approach (e.g. Ref. [1]) or the energetic approach (e.g. Ref. [2]). The
vice life. These impacts may induce erosion damage at the blade former approach first calculates the impact pressure using either
leading edge, thereby reducing the aerodynamic performance and explicit formulas, e.g., the water-hammer equations [3,4], or the
power output of wind turbines. In addition, such issues require expensive computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods (e.g.
regular maintenance and repair, causing an increase in the cost of Ref. [5]), then carries out the transient stress analysis by applying
energy. The issue of leading edge erosion (LEE) of WTBs is the pressure force on the finite element model of a WTB (e.g.
becoming even more crucial as wind turbines continue to grow in Ref. [5]). Although it is less computationally intensive to calculate
both hub-height and rotor diameter and are associated with large pressure by the explicit water-hammer equations, the following
tip speeds. assumptions are made: (1) the impact occurs in one dimension and
(2) the impact solid is a perfect rigid body [3], which do not real-
istically represent raindrop impacts. In addition, it is difficult to take
into the account the fluid-solid interaction during raindrop impact
* Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic
Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China.
by sequentially calculating the impact pressure and the transient
E-mail address: weifeihu@zju.edu.cn (W. Hu). stress. The energetic approach attempts to relate the erosion to

0960-1481/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

Nomenclature tc1 Computational time by the crack propagation

a Crack depth tc2 Computational time by the equivalent crack
a0 Initial crack depth propagation method
ac Critical crack depth tf Expected fatigue life of the WTB coating
b Fatigue strength exponent (FSE) tf1 Fatigue life during the MLR increasing period by the
C Linear parameter describing the fatigue crack growth crack propagation method
performance of the material tf2 Fatigue life during the MLR increasing period by the
d Raindrop diameter equivalent crack propagation method
D Fatigue damage tincubation Fatigue life during the incubation period
D1year Accumulated fatigue damage of the WTB coating per tI Total fatigue life under a rain intensity
year tMLR Duration of the MLR increasing period
Ds Damage accumulated over time ts t Duration of a simulated rain event in equivalent crack
h Hight of the tall-column propagation method
I Rain intensity in mm h1 ts Duration of a simulated rain event in the fatigue
K Stress intensity factor incubation period
KC Fracture toughness UTS Ultimate tensile strength
Kmax Maximum stress intensity factor v Impact speed
Kmin Minimum stress intensity factor V Unit volume
m Exponential parameter describing the fatigue crack WT Wind turbine
growth performance of the material WTB Wind turbine blade
MLR mass-loss-rate Y A dimensionless parameter related to the shape of
N(V) Number of raindrops in volume V the crack
N The number of stress cycles a Axis ratio
Nc Number of allowable cyclic stress till the end of the DK Stress intensity factor range
MLR increasing period Ds Equivalent stress range in equivalent crack
Nf Number of allowable cycles in the SeN method propagation method
Nt Applied number of stress cycles in one simulated q Impact angles
time t l Expected number of raindrops per unit volume
PI Probability of the rain intensity I sa Stress amplitude
r0 Equivalent spherical radius s0a Corrected stress amplitude
R The ratio of the minimum cyclic stress to the sf Fatigue strength coefficient (FSC)
maximum cyclic stress sm Mean stress
SPH Smooth particle hydrodynamics smax Maximum stress under one simulated rainfall time
tA Total rainfall hours per year at a WT location period

mechanical properties of the impact body based on the kinetic raindrop falling through the air, is affected by raindrop mass, hu-
energy transmitted. Although this approach can potentially avoid midity, temperature, and orography, as well as wind. Thus, it is a
simplifications (e.g., the impact effects are independent of each very challenging task to simulate a realistic stochastic rain field
raindrop and the shape of raindrops is a perfect sphere), it is considering all the aforementioned factors.
difficult to quantify the total transferred energy from the stochastic Calculations of raindrop impact pressure and/or impact stress is
rain field to the WTB. an important step before evaluating the fatigue damage due to rain
A high-fidelity simulation of rain events is essential for accu- erosion. Due to its explicit formulation, the water hammer pressure
rately predicting the erosion process. However, as rain events are is viewed in literature (e.g. Refs. [7e11]) as a preliminary metric to
complex natural phenomena, it is challenging to simulate them evaluate the raindrop impact force on solid surface. To consider the
realistically due to varying raindrop sizes, shapes, and speeds. By influence of the stress wave reflections, Eisenberg et al. corrected
integrating the micro-structural properties of rain, i.e., raindrop the water hammer pressure by multiplying a term including
sizes and spatial distribution, a stochastic rain texture model is impedance of the substrate and the coating material [9]. By inte-
developed to generate three-dimensional rain fields by Amirzadeh grating the stochastic rain texture model and the raindrop impact
et al. [5]. In this model, the raindrops with perfectly spherical pressure profiles [5], Amirzadeh et al. further conducted the tran-
shapes in the simulated rain event are assumed to be distributed sient stress analysis in a composite WTB using finite element
randomly in the spatial domain. However, the raindrops in the analysis, although the stress analysis is limited to the time period
falling rain have a complex mutual interaction with their neighbors, before which surface roughening starts to appear (i.e., the incuba-
which causes varied velocity, sizes, and shapes, as well as inflation, tion period) [11]. To the authors’ knowledge, there is still a lack of
destabilization and ultimate fragmentation during the falling [6]. an efficient and accurate computational model that well reveals the
For example, different raindrop shapes exist, e.g., spherical, semi- complex fatigue mechanism for crack propagation induced by the
oblate, and parachute forms for raindrops diameter less than 2- raindrop impact.
mm, between 2 and 5 mm, and larger than 5 mm, respectively In the fatigue analysis, very little research has considered the
[7]. The raindrop shapes are highly dynamic in response to coa- influence of complex rain-induced stress on the fatigue life-cycle of
lescence or fragmentation and to aerodynamic forces (e.g., dis- WTB coating, including the incubation period, the mass-loss-rate
torting the raindrop to a burger-bun-like shape [8]). Additionally, (MLR) increasing period, and the placid period [12], as shown in
the terminal velocity, i.e., the highest velocity attainable by the Fig. 1. The WTB coating fatigue damage is initiated in the incubation

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

period and increased rapidly in the MLR increasing period. In the The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 pre-
incubation period, the coating surface is smoother without obvious sents the detailed methodologies of the proposed computational
pits and cracks, and there is no obvious observable mass loss due to framework. Section 3 provides a case study using the framework,
raindrop erosion. The damage in this period is mainly attributed to followed by the results and discussion in Section 4. Section 5 gives
fatigue of the solid material under direct deformation and stress the concluding remarks, limitations, and future work.
wave propagation [13,14]. As the erosion process continues and the
surface roughness is increased in the MLR increasing period, the 2. Methodologies
lateral jetting and hydraulic penetration produce large shear stress
on the surface and the fatigue crack opening causing the increased Different from the existing simulated rain fields which only
MLR [15]. In the placid period, as the surface roughness is severely include perfectly spherical raindrops (e.g., by the methods in
increased, liquid material accumulates on the surface and reduces Ref. [5]), the extended stochastic rain fields herein consists of
the impact damage of the oncoming raindrops resulting in a spherical and elliptical raindrop shapes according to the work in
decreased MLR in this period [5]. It is important to correctly esti- Ref. [17]. Since the raindrop impact speed is dominated by wind
mate the time lengths of the former two periods before the aero- turbine rotation [5,18], we consider the angle between the falling
dynamic and structural performance of WTBs are significantly raindrops and the rotating blade as the impact angle, instead of
degraded. Although several studies have investigated the WTB rain using the commonly assumed vertical hitting angle of 90 [11,16].
erosion considering the incubation period (e.g. Refs. [8,9,11]), very The raindrop impact stress is calculated using SPH and the FEA
few have considered both the incubation period and the MLR methods. To simulate the coating erosion in the life cycle of the
increasing period. For example, the Miner’s rule has been often blade, the coating fatigue analysis includes both the incubation
applied to estimate the fatigue damage by a simple linear accu- period and the MLR increasing period.
mulation of fatigue damage due to each stress cycle in the incu-
bation period (e.g. Refs. [8e11,16]). Eisenberg et al. [9] derived an 2.1. Extended stochastic rain field simulation
analytic wind turbine LEE model and found that fatigue damage
rate is proportional to the impact speed and rain intensity to the The extended stochastic rain field model is based on the sto-
power of 6.7 and 2/3, respectively. However, in this model, the rain chastic rain texture model described in Ref. [5], and further con-
consists of only droplets of the median diameter under a certain siders different raindrop impact speeds, impact angles, sizes of
rain intensity, and the fatigue calculation only considers the crack raindrops, and shapes of raindrops in the simulated rain fields. The
initiation during the incubation period. simulated stochastic rain field consists of three key components,
In view of existing challenges, the current paper presents a including the number of raindrops in unit volume, the distribution
comprehensive computational framework (Fig. 2) for analyzing the of the size of raindrops, and the spatial distribution of raindrops
WTB coating fatigue induced by raindrop impact. The framework with varying shapes in the simulated volume. The number of
investigates the WTB coating fatigue life and includes three parts: raindrops in unit volume V, N(V), follows a Poisson distribution
1) an extended stochastic rain field simulation, 2) raindrop-impact expressed as [5]:
stress calculation, and 3) coating fatigue analysis, as schematically
shown in Fig. 3. The novelties of this work are three-fold: ðlVÞk elV
PðNðVÞ ¼ kÞ ¼ (1)
1) An extended stochastic rain field simulation model considering
the varied raindrop shapes (spherical, flat, and spindle) and where l is the expected number of raindrops per unit volume, and
realistic raindrop size and distribution based on historical rain P(N(V) ¼ k) is the probability of having k raindrops in volume V.
data; Based on the relationship between the volume of water in air and
2) An efficient and accurate method to calculate the raindrop- the rain intensity suggested by Best [19], the expected number l of
impact stress under a stochastic rain event using the smooth raindrops per unit volume can be described by a power-law rela-
particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and a stress interpolation tionship with the rain intensity following Amirzadeh et al. [5].
3) Coating fatigue analysis including the incubation period and the l ¼ 48:88I0:15 (2)
MLR increasing period due to impact of raindrops.
where I is the rain intensity in mm h1. We use Best’s drop size
distribution [19] to connect the rain intensity with the distribution
of the size of raindrops since it closely matches the experimental
data [5]. The cumulative distribution function F of the raindrop size
(e.g., diameter) is expressed as:
"  2:25 #
F ¼ 1  exp  (3)
1:3I 0:232

where d is the raindrop diameter in mm and I is the rain intensity in

mm h1.
Due to surface tension and external forces (e.g., aerodynamic
force and gravity force), raindrops normally have varying shapes
when impacting WTBs. In this paper, the equilibrium shape of
raindrops is described by the axis ratio a, a ratio of the minor axis to
the major axis of the ellipse [17]. In the measurements by Beard
et al. the axis ratio a of a raindrop is found to have a linearly
Fig. 1. Eroded mass loss vs. time in rain erosion. Adapted from Springer and Yang decreasing relationship with the equivalent spherical radius r0 (r0 is
(1975) [12]. in the range of 0.5e4.5 mm), which is expressed as [17].
W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

Fig. 2. The computational framework of wind turbine blade (WTB) coating fatigue due to rain erosion.

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of wind turbine blade coating fatigue induced by raindrop impact.

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

simulated rain event (i.e., h ¼ v  T), as also conducted by Amir-

a ¼ 1:030  0:124r0 (4) zadeh et al. [5]. Given the statistical data of rainfall history at a wind
turbine location (see Section 3 for instance), the probability mass
To address the varying raindrop shapes in a rain event, the function (PMF) of the rain intensity can be obtained and used to
equivalent spherical radii r0 of the simulated raindrops are ob- determine different rainfall hours per year for the coating fatigue
tained based on the Best’s drop size distribution (Eq. (3)). Three life estimation in Section 2.3.
types of raindrop shapes are considered, perfect sphere, flat ellip-
soid, and spindle ellipsoid. The flat-ellipsoid raindrops have the 2.2. Method for raindrop impact stress calculation
longest axis in horizontal plan, while the spindle-ellipsoid rain-
drops have the longest axis perpendicular to the horizontal plan. The raindrop impact is simulated by the transient SPH using the
The horizontal cross-sectional area of both flat and spindle rain- FEA tool in ABAQUS/Explicit [11]. This SPH approach has three
drops is assumed to be a circle, and the vertical cross-sectional area merits: (1) taking into the account of large deformation of rain-
is an ellipse. The axis ratio of the minor axis to the major axis of the drops during impact on the solid, (2) directly calculating the tran-
ellipse is calculated by Eq. (4). For the raindrops having the same sient stress time series, and (3) characterizing the impact wave
equivalent spherical radius, their volumes are the same although propagation in the FEA model.
their shapes may be different. In the experiments of McTaggart-
Cowan and List (1975) [17,20], raindrop collisions were used to 2.2.1. Impact stress calculation of a single raindrop
classify three predominate breakup types which is neck (27%), The SPH approach is particularly effective to solve large defor-
sheet (55%) and disk (18%). As the raindrop shapes after collision of mation problems that can afford moderate computational cost,
these three types are comparable to the flat ellipsoid, spindle which is its key advantage over traditional FEA and the coupled
ellipsoid, and perfect sphere [17,20], we select the same probability Eulerian-Lagrangian approaches. The former is not as accurate as
of occurrence for the three raindrop shapes to be 27%, 55%, and 18%, SPH for large deformation analysis, while the latter is usually more
respectively, in the simulated stochastic rain event, as shown in computationally expensive than SPH. Detailed theory and appli-
Fig. 4. cation of SPH can be found in literature [22e24]. Keegan et al. [25]
Due to the WTB rotation and complex weather condition (e.g., utilized the SPH method to simulate the effects of rain and hail on
wind effect), raindrops could impact the WTB at different angles the coating materials of wind turbines. The SPH method is coupled
(Fig. 4). The normal and tangential loads exerted due to perpen- with traditional FEA to study the fluid-structural interaction be-
dicular impact and inclined impact, respectively, could create tween the raindrop and the WTB (e.g., Astrid et al. [26] and Verma
different stress distribution in the blade coating. Thus, this paper et al. [27]).
further considers the inclined impact angle between the rotating To reflect the aforementioned complexity of raindrops in a rain
blade and the falling raindrops. While the impact angle could range event, herein the SPH analysis is first applied to investigate single
from 0 to 180 (denoted as [0, 180 ] herein) as demonstrated in raindrop impact considering different raindrop sizes, raindrop
Fig. 4, it is assumed to follow a uniform distribution from 0 to 90 shapes, impact speeds, and impact angles. Specifically, we conduct
considering the symmetric impacting effect between the ranges of varying single-raindrop impact cases considering 9 raindrop sizes
[0, 90 ] and [90 , 180 ]. (equivalent diameter d ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 mm), 3 raindrop
As a raindrop is falling, the air resistance applied on the raindrop shapes (flat, spindle, spherical), 6 impact angles (q ¼ 15 , 30 , 45 ,
approaches to its gravity, which may result in a constant terminal 60 ,75 , 90 ), and 5 impact speeds (70 ms1, 80 ms1, 90 ms1,
speed. For instance, the terminal speed of raindrops with diameters 100 ms1, 110 ms1). Detailed results and discussion are seen in
larger than 3.5 mm through stagnant air is approximately 9 ms1 Section 4.2. The von Mises stress due to multiple-raindrops impact
[18,21]. However, as a result of the high relative speed between a in a simulated rain field is further calculated based on the inter-
rotating megawatt-scale WTB and the falling raindrops, raindrop polation of the von Mises stress results of the single-raindrop
impact speed at the tip of the blade could be 90e100 ms1 [18]. In impact cases, as explained in the following section.
addition, the raindrops are considered as uniformly distributed in a
tall-column volume. The height h of the column is calculated by the 2.2.2. Impact stress calculation under a random rain event
multiplication of the impact speed v and the duration T of the In a real rain event, a significant number of raindrops with
varied sizes, shapes, and impact speeds and angles are randomly
impacting on WTBs. For a single raindrop impact simulation by
SPH, it costs 2 h using a computer (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700H CPU
@ 3.00 GHz Processor, Memory (RAM) 32 GB, 64-bit Windows
Operating System). Thus, it is not practical to conduct SPH simu-
lation for all raindrops in a rain event. Instead, an interpolation
method is proposed to efficiently obtain the impact stress due to
varied raindrop sizes, shapes, and impact speeds and angles. The
method utilizes pre-calculated impact stress from the single-
raindrop impact cases. Detailed steps are explained as follows:
Step 1. Create a stochastic rain field by the method presented in
Section 2.1 given a rain intensity and a rain duration.
Step 2. Obtain the impact stress of a random raindrop by inter-
polating the SPH impact stress from the single-raindrop impact
cases in Section 2.2.1. After identifying the size, shape, and the
impact angle and speed of the random raindrop, a circular domain
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of raindrop shape and impact angle. The flat, spindle, and
with the impact point as the center and 10 times of the raindrop
spherical raindrops correspond to the three predominate breakup types (i.e., neck 27%, equivalent diameter as the radius is considered as the area influ-
sheet 55%, and disk 18% from reference [17]). enced by the raindrop impact [11]. Then, choose the same type of
W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

raindrop shape, and interpolate the stress in this circular area ac- Different from the rainflow cycle counting that breaks the stress
cording to the stress results of the calculated impact cases that have cycle sequence, the simple-range counting method could sequen-
the closest raindrop diameter, impact angle, and impact speed. tially calculate fatigue damage for each half-cycle. As a result, the
fatigue damage D under half-cyclic stresses is linearly accumulated
Step 3. Repeat Step 2 for calculating the impact stress due to the
based on the Miner’s rule
other random raindrops. Since the time interval between two
consecutive raindrops impact is almost three orders of magnitude X 0:5
longer than the time required for the stress wave generated by a D¼ (8)
single raindrop impact to disappear [11], we assume that the stress
waves from different single-raindrop impacts will not interact with The fatigue life during the incubation period is then calculated
each other. as
Through the above steps, the complex stress state under a sto-
chastic rain field can be calculated and used for the coating fatigue tincubation ¼ (9)
analysis as follows.
where ts is the duration of the simulated rain and Ds is the damage
2.3. Coating fatigue analysis accumulated over time ts .

Herein we first use the traditional alternating stress (S) versus

the number of cycles to failure (N), here defined as the stress life 2.3.2. Fatigue analysis for the mass-loss-rate increasing period
(SeN) method to calculate the fatigue life during the incubation The MLR increasing period starts at the end of the incubation
period, then propose a fatigue crack propagation method to period when the surface roughness increases severely [5]. Ac-
calculate the fatigue life during the MLR increasing period. cording to the crack propagation law [32], we use the obtained
raindrop impact stress from Section 2.2.2 to calculate the crack
2.3.1. Fatigue analysis for the incubation period depth, and use a crack-propagation stability criterion to calculate
The traditional SeN method has been widely used to calculate the fatigue life of the coating during the MLR increasing period
the fatigue life during the incubation period [11,28,29]. The SeN when the rain intensity is larger than a threshold. When the rain
curve formula is expressed as: intensity is smaller than or equal to the threshold, the computa-
tional time using this traditional crack propagation method is
 b increased significantly. For example, using the traditional crack
sa ¼ sf Nf (5) propagation method, the computer in this study will take approx-
imately 179.67 days to calculate a fatigue life of 11,462 h when the
where sf is the fatigue strength coefficient (FSC), and b is the fa- rain intensity equals to 5 mm h1. To overcome the computational
tigue strength exponent (FSE), Nf is the number of allowable cycles burden, an equivalent crack propagation method is proposed for
under a stress amplitude sa. According to the fatigue experiments estimating the total crack propagation time by calculating the
in Ref. [30], the values of sf and b in Eq. (5) are 83.3 MPa and 0.117, equivalent stress range, when the rain intensity is smaller than a
respectively, for the epoxy coating used in this paper. threshold. In this study, the rain intensity threshold is selected to be
It is worth noting that the SeN curve formula differs at different 10 mm h1 based on our current affordable computational time.
stress ratios R which equal the ratio of the minimum cyclic stress to The proposed equivalent crack propagation method significantly
the maximum cyclic stress (i.e., R ¼ smin/smax). However, due to the reduces the computational time when calculating fatigue life dur-
lack of experimental data for fatigue of the coating material under ing the MLR increasing period. For instance, it only cost 1.7 min to
different stress ratios, a single SeN curve based on the fatigue ex- simulate the same fatigue life when the rain intensity equals to
periments in Ref. [30] is used and the stress amplitudes are cor- 5 mm h1.
rected according to the Goodman’s equation [11]: The crack propagation method is first explained. Fatigue crack
propagation studies are performed with the cyclic-crack-tip stress
sa UTS state determined by a stress intensity factor range DK. According to
s0a ¼ (6)
UTS  sm the Paris law [32], the crack growth rate is expressed as:

where s0a is the corrected amplitude, sm is the mean stress, and UTS da
is the ultimate tensile strength. The UTS of the epoxy material ¼ CðDKÞm (10)
(UTS ¼ 73.3 MPa) from Ref. [30] is used in this paper. Substituting
the sa in Eq. (5) by s0a, the number of allowable stress cycles Nf can where C and m are the basic parameters describing the fatigue
be calculated as crack growth performance of the material, obtained from the crack
growth experiments. According to Brown’s experimental results
s0a [33], the crack propagation test for the epoxy material (i.e., the
Nf ¼ (7) gelcoat of a WTB) determines these parameters to be C ¼ 9.7 and
m ¼ 0.08. Considering that the von Mises stress is used in the fa-
In Eq. (7), the cyclic stress should be a constant-amplitude cyclic tigue analysis (i.e., R ¼ ssmax
> 0 ), the stress intensity factor range DK
stress, but the actual impact stress has varied stress amplitudes due is expressed as [28,29].
to the randomness of raindrop impact. In order to have cycle-by-
cycle fatigue analysis, a simple-range counting method [31] is DK ¼ Kmax  Kmin (11)
applied to count all the half cycles, i.e., the local maximum (mini- The calculation formula of stress intensity factor K is expressed
mum) stress and the neighboring minimum (maximum) stress are as [28,29].
selected to constitute a half stress cycle. In this way, the complex
stress curve is split into half-cyclic stresses with varying constant- K ¼ Y s pa (12)
amplitudes and the Nf in Eq. (7) is calculated for each half-cycle.
W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

Therefore, the maximum stress intensity factor Kmax and the

minimum stress intensity factor Kmin can be expressed as Kmax ¼
pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi da ac
Y smax pa and Kmin ¼ Y smin pa, respectively. Y is a dimensionless ¼ ln (17)
a a0
parameter related to the shape of the crack. a is the crack depth. a0
For a constant amplitude stress and the number of stress cycles
The calculation formula of fatigue life is derived as [28,29].
N is small, the change in crack depth a is small and the stress in-
tensity factor range DK is viewed as a constant. Thus the crack
2    3
8 1m2 1m2
growth rate (Eq. (10)) under a constant-amplitude cyclic stress can >
> 2 6 7
>  pffiffiffi m 4a0  ac 5; ms2
be considered as a constant. As a result, the crack depth formula is >
< ðm  2ÞC Y Ds p
approximately as Nc ¼
> 1 ac
:   ln ; m¼2
ðN pffiffiffi m a
C Y Ds p 0
a ¼ a0 þ CðLKÞm dN ¼ a0 þ N  CðDKÞm (13)
The parameters of the calculation formula for fatigue life (C, m, Y,
where N is the number of applied stress cycles and a0 is the initial a0) are constant. Based on Eq. (18), the equivalent stress range Ds of
crack depth, which is selected to be 12 mm according to the range of N number of varied-amplitude cyclic stress can be calculated as
surface roughness (5e20 mm) used in Ref. [34]. This surface
roughness range is viewed as the indicator of the start of the MLR 8 2     39 1

8> >m

increasing period in this paper. < 1m2 =

2 6 2 7
>  pffiffiffi m 4a0 a 5 ; ms2
Since the stress time series have been split into half-cycle >
>> >
< :Nðm  2ÞC Y p ;
stresses, each half-cycle stress curve is viewed as a constant
Ds ¼
amplitude stress with the number of stress cycles 0.5 (N ¼ 0.5). The >
> "
>  #m1
crack depth aiþ1 after one half-cycle stress cycle is calculated based >
: 1 a
 pffiffiffi m ln ; m¼2
on Eqs. 11e13 a
CN Y p 0

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi m (19)
aiþ1 ¼ ai þ 0:5  C½Yðsmax  smin Þ pai  (14)
According to the elastic fracture criterion, when the maximum where N is the applied number of cyclic stress and a is the crack
stress intensity factor Kmax is greater than the fracture toughness depth. By Eq. (12), the critical crack depth can be obtained by
KC, the crack extends in a rapid (unstable) manner without an in- setting Kmax equal to the fracture toughness KC [28,29]:
crease in load or applied energy [28]. Here the fracture toughness of  2
the epoxy material is KC ¼ 0.59 MPa m1/2 [33]. Here the relationship KC
aC ¼ =p (20)
Kmax > KC is viewed as the first criterion indicating the crack Y smax
propagation has been completed. In addition, when the crack depth
is greater than the coating thickness, it also indicates that the crack where smax is the maximum stress under one simulated rainfall
propagation has been completed. By satisfying either the afore- time period t.
mentioned two criteria, the duration of the MLR increasing period The obtained equivalent stress range Ds and the critical crack
tMLR is obtained. depth ac are then substituted into Eq. (18) to calculate the number
However, when the rain intensity is low, the time required for of allowable cyclic stress Nc. Assuming the fatigue damage is line-
iteratively calculating the crack depth (Eq. (14)) till the end of the arly accumulated for multiple simulated rainfall times, the duration
crack propagation is significantly long due to the relatively small of the MLR increasing period under low rain intensities can be
impact stress. Herein for low rain intensity (i.e., I10 mm h1), a calculated as
stress range Ds is first calculated as an equivalent constant-
amplitude stress with the same applied number of cyclic stresses Nc
tMLR ¼ t (21)
during the simulated rainfall time, which is based on the Paris Nt
formula. Then obtain the fatigue life based on accumulation of fa-
where Nc is the allowable number of stress cycles till the end of
tigue damage of multiple simulated times. Details of this equivalent
crack propagation under low rain intensities, Nt is the applied
crack propagation method are provided as follows.
number of stress cycles in one simulated rainfall time t. Accuracy
Based on Eqs. (10) and (12), the number of allowable cyclic stress
results when using this approximation for calculating fatigue life
Nc can be calculated as:
under low rain intensities are discussed in Section 4.3.

N aðc aðc
da 1 da
Nc ¼ dN ¼  pffiffiffiffiffiffi m ¼  pffiffiffi m (15) 2.3.3. Fatigue life calculation for wind turbine blade coating
C Y Ds pa C Y Ds p am=2 The total fatigue life, tI, under a rain intensity at each element of
0 a0 a0
the FEA model is calculated by adding the fatigue life during the
If ms2 incubation period and the fatigue life during the MLR increasing
period, expressed as
aðc 1m
1m2 tI ¼ tincubation þ tMLR (22)
da ac  a0
¼ (16)
am=2 m=2 þ1 where tincubation and tMLR are obtained by Eqs. (9) and (21),
respectively. In the studied WTB coating, as the crack grows,
If m ¼ 2 adjacent crack tips may interact with each other causing the crack
W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

propagation path to bend and the cracks to merge. According to Li 50,000, and 50,000 SC8R elements are used to mesh the coating
et al. [35], when the cracked area accounts for 78%e90% of a coating layer, each of the composite layer, and the foam layer, respectively
material, the cracks start to merge and the coating enters into a (Fig. 5). SC8R is an 8-node, quadrilateral, first-order interpolation,
rapid failure stage. Here, the 84th percentile (center of the 78%e stress/displacement continuum shell element with reduced inte-
90% from Li et al. [35]) of the total fatigue life of all FEA elements is gration. The average mesh size of the SPH particles in a raindrop is
selected as the fatigue life of the WTB coating. 0.1 times the diameter of the raindrop. The total number of SPH
Combining the PMF PI of the rain intensity and the total rainfall particles is ~750e1100 depending on different raindrop sizes and
hours per year tA at a WT location, the accumulated fatigue damage shapes. These numbers of the SC8R elements and the SPH particles
of the WTB coating per year D1year considering different rain in- are determined based on the sensitivity analyses of different mesh
tensities can be calculated as sizes on the calculated stress results and the affordable computa-
tional time in this case study.
X PI  tA
D1year ¼ (23) The proposed computational framework is validated by
tI comparing the fatigue life of the studied WTB tip panel under
different rain intensities with Bech’s results in Ref. [8] with the
Thus, the expected fatigue life tf of the WTB coating can be same impact speed of 90 ms1. In addition, based on the rainfall
calculated as statistics data in Miami, FL, from August 1957 to August 1958 [39],
the PMF of the rain intensity is created (see Fig. 6) and used to
tf ¼ (24) calculate the fatigue life of the studied panel. Detailed results and
discussion are provided as follows.

4. Results and discussion

3. Case study
4.1. Extended stochastic rain fields
The proposed computational framework is applied in the fatigue
life evaluation of a composite panel at the tip section of a blade As a demonstration, Fig. 7 shows the top views of the extended
leading edge. The composite panel is modelled in the FEA analysis stochastic rain fields with varying raindrop shapes and sizes under
as a layup that consists of a coating layer, a composite layer beneath four rain intensities, 1 mm h1, 10 mm h1, 20 mm h1, and
the coating layer, a foam core material layer in the middle, and 50 mm h1. The flat ellipsoid, spindle ellipsoid, and spherical
another composite layer at the bottom (Fig. 5). The coating material raindrops are indicated by red, green, and blue solid circles,
is an epoxy gelcoat, as specified in the Sandia 100-m all-glass respectively. This figure clearly visualizes that as the rain intensity
baseline WTB [36] and has a thickness of 0.6 mm. Each compos- increases the number and the size of raindrops increase accord-
ite layer consists of the composite material QQ1, which is a glass- ingly. Because this research focuses on the WTB coating stress and
fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP) laminate that consists of Vantico fatigue due to the raindrop impact, as elaborated in Sections 4.2 and
TDT 177e155 Epoxy Resin, Saertex U14EU920-00940-T1300- 4.3, the complex mutual interaction and dynamic deformation of
100000 0’s, and VU-90079-00830-01270-000000 45’s fabrics [37]. raindrops during their falling are not considered here.
The core material is selected to be Corecell™ M-Foam M200 [38].
Detailed material properties are provided in Table 1. 4.2. Raindrop impact stress
The dimension of the simulated blade panel is
100  100  15.6 mm. The boundary condition is set to fixing the The stress waves due to raindrop impact is first investigated.
bottom surface of the panel as a typical approach for raindrop Figs. 8 and 9 demonstrate the propagation of von Mises stress of the
impact simulation [11,27]. Two assumptions are made here: 1) the panel under a single spherical raindrop impacting at the panel
layers in the sandwich panel are perfectly bonded, as the consid- center with 90 impact angle. The raindrop diameter is 2 mm, and
eration of cohesive property between layers would complicate the the impact speed is 90 ms1. As a result of the impact, there is a
stress analysis; 2) the effect of the blade surface curvature on the Rayleigh wave generated and propagated from the impact center to
impact stress is not considered in this case study. There are 10,000, the free boundary of the coating surface (Fig. 8). In addition, the

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of raindrops impacting on the panel at the tip of a wind turbine blade.

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

Table 1
Material properties of the composite panel used in the FEA model [36].

impact produces longitudinal and transverse body waves that

accompany stress variation inside the panel exhibiting an inter-
ference field of these waves (Fig. 9).
Two high-stress regions are observed during the raindrop
impact process: the one occurring at the raindrop-coating contact
surface (Fig. 8(bef)) and the other is propagating through the
thickness below the surface (Fig. 9(aef)). The former is due to the
raindrop peak impact pressure acting as the primary wave source,
while the latter is caused by superposition of the stresses initiated
from the shock wave front in the raindrop and from the high-
pressure point. These findings further confirm that micro-crack/
fatigue is possibly occurring both at the raindrop-coating contact
surface and underneath the coating.
It is worth noting that there is a clear stress interface between
the QQ1 layer and the foam layer (Fig. 9(bef)) due to the different
Fig. 6. The probability mass function of rain intensity in Miami, FL, from August 1957 elastic material properties of the two layers. Under the assumption
to August 1958.

Fig. 7. Simulated stochastic rain fields under four rain intensities: (a) 1 mm h1, (b) 10 mm h1, (c) 20 mm h1, and (d) 50 mm h1.

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

Fig. 8. Simulation of a single raindrop impact. (aef) Von Mises stress contours of the top coating at six time instants (0 ms, 10 ms, 20 ms, 30 ms, 40 ms, 50 ms) using the raindrop
diameter of 2 mm and the impact speed of 90 ms1.

of perfectly bonded layers, the elastic deformation of QQ1 and foam density liquid region is created [40].
layer is the same in the interfaces between layers. As the Young’s Fig. 10(b) compares the von Mises stress under the normal
modulus of the foam layer is much lower than that of the QQ1 layer impact (impact angle 90 ) of a spherical raindrop (diameter 2 mm)
(see Table 1), the stresses in the foam layer are much lower than with three different impact speeds (70 ms1, 90 ms1, and
those in the QQ1 layer. This finding confirms that the foam layer 100 ms1). It is found that three first stress peaks (44 MPa, 64 MPa,
plays a vital role as a stress cushion in composite WTBs. and 86 MPa) increase as the impact speed increases. The ratio
The influence of the raindrop size, impact speed, impact angle, among the three first-peak von Mises stresses is approximately
and raindrop shape on the stress evolution on the impacted coating closed to the ratio among the square of the impact speeds, which is
is shown in Fig. 10. The coating center element with the highest von consistent with the relationship between the kinetic energy and
Mises stress is studied here. Fig. 10(a) shows the von Mises stress the impact speed of the raindrop. However, the second stress peak
induced by the normal impact (90 ) under the same impact speed is not significantly influenced by the impact speed as shown in
(90 ms1) and different spherical raindrop diameters (1 mm, 2 mm, Fig. 10(b).
and 5 mm). A clear two-peak mode is observed for the stress time To investigate the influence of the impact angles on the stress, a
series of all three cases, which is in line with earlier observations spherical raindrop with diameter of 2 mm and impact speed of
[5]. The gap between the two peaks is increased as the raindrop size 90 ms1 is used to impact the blade panel with three different
increases (Fig. 10(a)). The first stress peak is due to the direct impact impact angles (30 , 60 , and 90 ). Fig. 10 (c) shows that, as the
of the raindrop against the coating surface, while the second stress impact angle decreases, the stress is dramatically reduced, espe-
peak may be generated by the shock wave front after the high cially for the first peak stress, which indicates that non-

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

Fig. 9. Simulation of a single raindrop impact. (aef) Cross-sectional views of von Mises stress contours at six time instants (0 ms, 1 ms, 5 ms, 10 ms, 20 ms, 30 ms) using the raindrop
diameter of 2 mm and the impact speed of 90 ms1.

Fig. 10. Comparison of coating von Mises stress considering different (a) raindrop sizes, (b) impact speeds, (c) impact angles, and (d) raindrop shapes.

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

perpendicular raindrop impact could significantly reduce the is low (i.e., I  10 mm h1 in this paper), the equivalent crack
impact stress. propagation method could indeed accurately and efficiently predict
Fig. 10(d) compares the von Mises stress under three different the fatigue life during the MLR increasing period.
raindrop shapes (flat, spindle, spherical) with the same volume (4/ The influence of the rain intensity, raindrop impact speed,
3  p  43 mm3) and the impact speed (90 ms1). For the non- raindrop impact angle, and raindrop shape on fatigue life are
spherical raindrops (spindle and flat), the two stress peaks are investigated. The fatigue life of the coating during the incubation
not as obvious as those due to the spherical raindrop. Instead, the period, the MLR increasing period, and the total fatigue life (sum-
stress corresponding to the non-spherical raindrops have a large mation of the incubation period and the MLR increasing period)
fluctuation in the time series. In addition, the spindle raindrop under different rain intensities, raindrop impact speeds, raindrop
creates the maximum first-peak and longest fluctuating time impact angles, and raindrop shapes are provided in Table 3 and
among the three raindrop shapes, while the flat raindrop generates depicted in Fig. 12.
smaller stress fluctuation than those by the other two counterparts, Fig. 12(a) compares the fatigue life of the blade coating under
as demonstrated in Fig. 10(d). the same vertical impact (impact angle ¼ 90 ), the impact speed of
The accuracy of the stress interpolation method proposed in 90 ms1, and the spherical raindrops with five different rain in-
Section 2.2.2 is verified by comparing the interpolated impact tensities (1 mm h1, 5 mm h1, 10 mm h1, 15 mm h1, and
stress with the stress directly calculated using the SPH approach. As 20 mm h1). As expected, the fatigue life of the coating decreases
a demonstration, Fig. 11 shows an interpolated stress when a exponentially with the increase of the rainfall intensity. It is inter-
2.5 mm diameter spherical raindrop impact at the top-right corner esting to find that under low rain intensity (e.g., I < 7e8 mm h1)
of the blade panel with an impact angle of 80 and an impact speed the incubation period is shorter than the MLR increasing period,
of 90 ms1. Taking the center of the panel as the origin of the co- while it becomes longer than the MLR increasing period under
ordinate system, the impact point is at (28 mm, 28 mm). The four large rain intensity (e.g., I  10 mm h1). This is probably due to that
closest cases are (spherical, d ¼ 2 mm, q ¼ 75 , v ¼ 90 ms1), severer impact stress, consequently severer crack propagation,
(spherical, d ¼ 2 mm, q ¼ 90 , v ¼ 90 ms1), (spherical, d ¼ 3 mm, occurs under larger raindrop size (see Fig. 10(a)) and more rain-
q ¼ 75 , v ¼ 90 ms1) and (spherical, d ¼ 3 mm, q ¼ 90 , drops hitting at large rain intensity than that at small rain intensity.
v ¼ 90 ms1). Fig. 11(a) compares the time series of interpolated This finding also indicates that a rain event with a large rain in-
von Mises stress of the raindrop and those of the closes four rain- tensity could more detrimentally influence the blade coating crack
drop impact cases. As illustrated in Fig. 11(b), it is observed that the propagation than the crack initiation.
interpolated stress agrees well with the stress directly calculated by Fig. 12(b) compares the fatigue life of the blade coating under
the SPH approach. the same rain intensity (5 mm h1) and the vertical impact (impact
angle ¼ 90 ) of spherical raindrops with five different impact
speeds (70 ms1, 80 ms1, 90 ms1, 100 ms1, and 110 ms1). There
4.3. Blade coating fatigue is a significantly large gap between the incubation period and the
MLR increasing period at the impact speed of 70 ms1, which
The accuracy of the proposed equivalent crack propagation means the MLR increasing period dominates the total fatigue life
method is first verified by comparing fatigue life during the MLR under small impact speeds. This gap is narrowed down as the
increasing period based on the equivalent crack propagation impact speed increases. The current finding also indicates that the
method and the traditional crack propagation method, as shown in raindrop impact speed influences the MLR increasing period more
Table 2. Under large rain intensities (11 mm h1  I  20 mm h1), severe than incubation period.
the relative error using the equivalent crack propagation method is Fig. 12(c) compares the fatigue life of the blade coating under
less than 3% and decreases as the rain intensity decreases, while the the same rain intensity (5 mm h1) and impact speed (90 ms1) of
computational time using the equivalent crack propagation spherical raindrops with five different impact angles (15 , 30 , 45 ,
method is significantly smaller than that using the traditional 60 , 75 , and 90 ). The fatigue life during the MLR increasing period
method. For example, the smallest relative error using the equiv- dominates the total fatigue life under small impact angle. As the
alent crack propagation method when rain intensity equals to impact angle increases, both the fatigue life during the incubation
11 mm h1 is only 0.06%, and the computational time using the period and the MLR increasing period are exponentially decreasing.
traditional method is 718.3 times as high as that using the equiv- Fig. 12(d) compares the fatigue life of the blade coating under
alent crack propagation method. Therefore, when the rain intensity

Fig. 11. Interpolated impact stress due to a random raindrop (diameter d ¼ 2.5 mm, spherical shapes, impact angles q ¼ 80 , impacting at a top-right corner of the blade panel. (a)
Comparison of the interpolated impact stress and the stresses of the four closet raindrop impact cases; (b) Comparison of interpolated stress (blue solid curve) and the SPH stress
(green dash-dotted curve).

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

Table 2
The fatigue life of the blade panel during the MLR increasing period calculated by the crack propagation method and the equivalent crack propagation method under large rain
intensities (11 mm h1  I  20 mm h1).

Rain intensity I (mm The crack propagation method The equivalent crack propagation method Relative error ε ¼ | Computational time ratio
h1) tf1  tf2|/tf1 tc1/tc2
Fatigue lifetime tf1 Computational time tc1 Fatigue lifetime tf2 Computational time tc2
(min) (min) (min) (min)

20 209 108.8 203 6.4 2.87% 17.0

19 372 347.8 366 4.5 1.61% 77.3
18 450 403.0 446 4.9 0.89% 82.2
17 781 566.4 776 3.4 0.64% 166.6
16 874 583.5 869 3.9 0.57% 149.6
15 1831 728.7 1823 3.2 0.44% 227.7
14 2637 1163.8 2631 5.9 0.23% 197.3
13 2687 1212.6 2674 4.8 0.48% 252.6
12 4541 1506.5 4538 3.0 0.07% 502.2
11 8168 1939.3 8163 2.7 0.06% 718.3

Table 3
Coating fatigue life under different rain intensities, impact speeds, impact angles, and raindrop shapes.

Fixed rain parameters Varied rain parameters Incubation period (h) MLR Increasing period (h) Total Fatigue Life (h)

Impact Speed ¼ 90 m/s Rain 1 mm h1 10350.00 24966.67 35316.67

Impact Angle ¼ 90 Intensity 5 mm h1 1.53 12.50 14.03
Raindrop Shape ¼ spherical 10 mm h1 0.52 0.17 0.69
15 mm h1 0.28 0.10 0.38
20 mm h1 0.18 0.08 0.26
Rain Intensity ¼ 5 mm h1 Impact 70 m/s 24.36 357.33 381.69
Impact Angle ¼ 90 Speed 80 m/s 2.44 68.63 71.07
Raindrop Shape ¼ spherical 90 m/s 1.53 12.50 14.03
100 m/s 0.73 1.28 2.01
110 m/s 0.57 0.15 0.72
Rain Intensity ¼ 5 mm h1 Impact 15 258.33 1620.00 1878.33
Impact Speed ¼ 90 m/s Angle 30 57.24 610.00 667.24
Raindrop Shape ¼ spherical 45 15.11 206.17 221.28
60 1.77 55.17 56.94
75 1.20 10.15 11.35
90 1.53 12.50 14.03
Rain Intensity ¼ 5 mm h1 Raindrop Shape Flat 1.72 37.51 39.23
Impact Speed ¼ 90 m/s Spherical 1.53 12.50 14.03
Impact Angle ¼ 90 Spindle 0.55 0.15 0.7

Fig. 12. Coating fatigue life corresponding to different (a) rain intensities, (b) impact speeds, (c) impact angles, and (d) raindrop shapes.

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

the same rain intensity (5 mm h1), impact speed (90 ms1) and the Based on this new framework, some interesting results are ob-
vertical impact (impact angle ¼ 90 ), but three different raindrop tained and summarized as follows:
shapes (flat, spherical, spindle). It is interesting to find that 1) under
the flat raindrops the MLR increasing period is 21.8 times longer 1) Both surface Rayleigh wave and longitudinal and transverse
than the incubation period; 2) the MLR increasing period under the body wave of impact stress are generated by raindrop impact
flat raindrops is 250.1 times longer than that under the spindle accompany with high-stress regions during the propagation of
raindrops. These could be probably because the spindle raindrops these stress waves in the WTB.
cause larger stress peak and longer stress fluctuation than those 2) The influence study of the raindrop size, impact speed, impact
caused by the flat raindrops (see Fig. 10(d)). angle, and raindrop shape on the stress evolution on the
To further verify the accuracy of the proposed computational impacted coating shows that the inclined impact of flat-ellipsoid
framework, the calculated total fatigue life of the blade coating is raindrops could produce smaller stress fluctuation than the
compared with that obtained by Bech et al. [8] under the same vertical impact of spindle-ellipsoid raindrops do.
impact speed of 90 ms1. Table 4 compares the total fatigue life 3) The proposed stress interpolation method and the equivalent
under five rain intensities (20 mm h1, 10 mm h1, 5 mm h1, crack propagation method could efficiently and accurately
2 mm h1, and 1 mm h1). In this table, the hours per year indicate calculate the impact stress and fatigue, respectively, under a
the number of hours corresponding to the rain intensity in a year, stochastic rain event.
which is from Bech et al. [8]. The faction of life spent per year equals 4) The influence study of the rain intensity, impact speed, impact
the hours per year divided by the calculated total fatigue life. The angle, and raindrop shape on the fatigue life reveals that i) a rain
reciprocal of the sum of fraction is obtained as the expected life in event with a large rain intensity could more detrimentally in-
year. In general, the total fatigue life under the five rain intensities fluence the blade coating crack propagation than the crack
are longer than those obtained by Bech et al. [8]. Using the same initiation; ii) the MLR increasing period dominates the total
rain hours per year data, the expected fatigue life using the pro- fatigue life under small impact speeds (e.g., 70 m/s) and the
posed framework is 2.1 years which is slightly longer than that raindrop impact speed influences the MLR increasing period
obtained by Bech et al. [8]. This longer fatigue life is mainly because more severe than incubation period; iii) the vertical impact of
the proposed framework involves more sophisticated and realistic spindle-ellipsoid raindrops could cause significantly larger fa-
computational approaches. For example, the extended stochastic tigue damage than the inclined impact of flat-ellipsoid rain-
rain field simulation considers various impact angles and raindrop drops do.
shapes that may alleviate the calculated stress compared with that 5) The proposed framework is verified by comparing the calculated
obtained by assumed vertical impact of all perfectly spherical and fatigue life with existing results in literature, and is readily
fixed-diameter raindrops used in Bech et al. [8]. Given that very few applicable to predict WTB coating fatigue life due to rain erosion
WTB rain erosion experimental data are available in literature, this given rainfall statistic data at a location.
comparison still shows that the proposed computational frame-
work could produces reasonable rain-erosion fatigue life for WTBs. Although the current research provides innovative contribu-
It is worth noting that the fatigue life here is based on the tions for predicting the WTB coating fatigue life due to rain erosion,
assumption that the blade is under continuous raindrop impact limitations and future work may include:
throughout its service life and could be conservative.
Based on the rainfall statistics data in Miami, FL, from August 1) The usage of the proposed framework for WTB design and
1957 to August 1958 [39], the rain-erosion fatigue life of the Sandia maintenance has not been investigated in this paper. Future
100-m all-glass baseline WTB is ~1.3 years using the proposed work may be the application of the framework to design of new
computational framework and the above expected fatigue life WTB coating and to optimal control of wind turbine rotation to
calculation method. This indicates the necessity of the blade surface reduce the rain erosion for WTB, as well as to predictive main-
repairing as early as 1.3 years after installation. tenance (for example, determine the time when the predictive
maintenance due to rain erosion is necessary based on the fa-
tigue damage calculated by the proposed framework).
5. Conclusions 2) The rain-wind correlation, the moisture effect, the chemical
corrosion from insects, and other object impacts (e.g., atmo-
For analyzing WTB coating fatigue due to rain erosion, this pa- spheric particles, hail, and sand) have not been considered in
per presents a state-of-the-art computational framework that in- this paper. WT damage calculation considering these factors and
cludes an extended stochastic rain field simulation (considering the validation with real experimental results are worth inves-
varied raindrop sizes, impact speeds, impact angles, and raindrop tigating in the future.
shapes), SPH-and-interpolation hybrid raindrop impact stress
calculation, and coating fatigue analysis (considering both the in-
cubation period and the MLR increasing period for the first time).

Table 4
Comparison of the total fatigue life in this study and from Bech’s result under different rain intensities.

Rain intensity Hours per year Blade tip speed Total fatigue life (Bech’s Fraction of life spent per year Total fatigue life (this Fraction of life spent per year
(mm h1) (h yr1) (m s1) result) (h) (Bech’s result) (%) study) (h) (this study) (%)

20 1.8 90 3.5 51 4.2 42.9

10 8.8 90 79 11 192.7 4.6
5 88 90 3600 2.4 14,463 0.6
2 263 90 7.5  105 3.5  102 1.6  106 1.6  102
1 438 90 2.8  109 1.6  105 4.5  107 9.7  104
Sum of fraction (%): 64.4 48.1
Expected life (year): 1.6 2.1

W. Hu, W. Chen, X. Wang et al. Renewable Energy 170 (2021) 236e250

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