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English 11 -2nd semester

1. conquest (n) ✓ conquer (v) ✓ conqueror (n)
2. weight (n) ✓ weightless (a) ✓ weightlessness (n)
3. certain (a) ≠ uncertain (a) ✓ certainty (n) ≠ uncertainty (n)
4. precise (a) ✓ precision (n) ✓ precisely (adv)
5. satisfy (v) ✓ satisfaction (n) ≠ dissatisfaction (n)
✓ satisfied (a) ≠ unsatisfied
✓ satisfy (v)
6. tragic (a) ✓ tragedy (n) ✓ tragically (adv)
7. ignorant (a) ✓ ignorance (n) ✓ ignorantly (adv)
8. indulge (v) ✓ indulgence (n) ✓ indulgent (a) ✓ indulgently (adv)
9. avid (a) ✓ avidity (n) ✓ avidly (adv)
10. accompany (v) ✓ accompaniment (n)
11. accomplish (v) ✓ accomplished (a) ✓ accomplishment (n)
12. collect (v) ✓collection (n) ✓ collector (n)
13. gymnast (n) ✓ gymnastic (a) ✓ gymnastics (n) ✓ gymnasium (n)
14. solid (a) ✓ solidarity (n) ✓ solidly (adv)
15. participate (v) ✓ participation (n) ✓ participant (n)
16. athlete (n) ✓ athletic (a) ✓ athletics (n)
17. psychology (n) ✓ psychological (a) ✓ psychologist (n)
18. recruit (v) ✓ recruitment (n) ✓ recruiter (n)
19. occupy (v) ✓ occupied (a) ✓ occupation (n)
20. modest (a) ≠ immodest (a) ✓ modesty (n) ≠ immodesty (n)
✓ modestly (adv) ≠ immodestly (adv)

1. conquest
1. The Spanish conquests in South America.
2. I felt like I had conquered the world.
3. The disease was introduced by the Spanish conquerors in the sixteenth century.
2. weightless
1. The astronauts are weightless in space.

2.You can simulate rocket mode and experience the feeling of weightlessness and flying.
English 11 -2nd semester


1. Are you absolutely certain about this?

2. The baby took its first uncertain steps.
3. I can't say with any certainty where I'll be next week.
4. precise
1. I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident.
2. The meeting starts at 2 o'clock precisely.
3. He chose his words with precision.
5. satisfy
1. The proposed plan will not satisfy everyone.
2. It's satisfying to play a game really well.
3. The work is satisfactory but not outstanding. (= acceptable)
4. The Olympic athlete was satisfied with her performance.
5. At the moment she's experiencing a lot of dissatisfaction with her job.
6. After dinner he still felt unsatisfied.
6. tragic

1. He was killed in a tragic accident at the age of 24.

2. He died tragically young.
3. The whole affair ended in tragedy.
7. ignorant

1. The government has completely ignored the wishes of the public.

2. They ignorantly believed that they would defeat the enemy forces easily.
3. Children often behave badly out of ignorance.
4. He's ignorant about modern technology.

8. indulge

1. She was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming.

2. He had been a strict father but was indulgent to/towards his grandchildren .
3. Chocolate is my only indulgence.
9. avid

1. She has taken an avid interest in the project

2. She reads avidly.

3. The volumes, however, were bought and read with silent avidity.
English 11 -2nd semester

10. accompany

1. The singer was accompanied on the piano by her sister.

2. The songs were all sung in the schools without accompaniment.

3. She'll have a keyboard accompanist with her, possibly her mother.

11. accomplish

1. The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.

2. She was an elegant and accomplished woman.
3. It was one of the President's greatest accomplishments.
12. collect

1. Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.

2. He wanted to share his vast art collection with the world.

13. gymnastics

1. She is now president of the gymnastic federation in Ukraine.

2. She does gymnastics at school.

3. He is a great Russian gymnast.

14. solid

1. The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.

2. The situation raises important questions about solidarity among member states of the UN.

15. participate

1. The women actively participated in the creation of the artwork.

2. Participatory democracy is a fundamental principle of cooperative businesses.

3. A back injury prevented active participation in any sports for a while.

16. athlete

1. She was hailed as the greatest female athlete in the world.

2. She is a tall, slim athletic girl.

English 11 -2nd semester

17. psychological

1. How would the mind deal with the psychological tension?

2. Psychologically, the defeat was devastating.
3. I made an appointment with the school psychologist.
18. recruit

1. We were recruited to help peel the vegetables.

2. He worked as a military recruiter in Texas.

3. The industry needs to take a long, hard look at its approach to recruitment and training.

19. occupied

1. At that time I was fully occupied taking care of my elderly mother.

2. The furnishing of the houses was left to the occupiers.

20. modest

1. The research was carried out on a modest scale.

2. She is always modestly dressed.

3. He accepted the award with characteristic modesty.

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