Part 2. Sample FIDP

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Culminating Performance Standard: Advocate on how societies adapt to such changes

Performance Task: There are major cultural, social, and political problems/ issues in your community (Situation). Based on your understanding of how changing social structures impact on
the collective conditions of people in your community, identify one problem/issue that needs immediate action (Goal). As a member of a research and advocacy team in your LGU (Role), you
were tasked by the municipal/city mayor to create an advocacy campaign material (i.e.print and non print) (Product) designed to increase awareness, raise consciousness, and motivate
people (Audience) to address the said issue in the community.
Following these standards for evaluating the advocacy campaign material: Narrative Extends Clear and Critical Thoughts/Ideas, Communication via Advocacy Campaign, Problem-Solving
Capability (Call to Action, Critical Position and Counter-argumentation, Tone and Focus Awareness of Audience, Language and Conventions, Cohesiveness of Advocacy Campaign,
Collaboration (Standards- 4 skills), it is hoped that the community will be able to collectively resolve issue of interest..
[Note: The community, at this time of COVID-19 pandemic, could be a virtual community. Research can, thus, be done using primary data (through a technology- mediated collection of
information) or secondary data (through uploading of relevant and updated data from state and non-state organizations/agencies]

Most MELC(s) KUD RB Flexible

Essential Classific T Flexible Assessment Activities Assessment Flexible Learning Strategies
Topics ation Lev (Ungraded Formative Assessments) Activities or (Learning Materials Presentation Strategies)
el EAA
Online Distance Blended Online Distance Blended
Asynchronou Offline In-person Offline In-person
Synchronous Hybrid Asynchronous Synchronous Hybrid
Remote On-campus Remote On-campus
1. Starting Discuss U An Concept Concept Concept map, Concept Concept EAA 1a: Use of an Regular use Use of an Modular Face to face
points in the map, map, data retrieval map, data map, data Learners are existing of an existing LMS approach discussion
the nature, data data chart, retrieval retrieval tasked to LMS (no existing LMS (either real Downloaded/ and use of
understan goals and retrieval retrieval venn diagram chart, chart, venn become regular class (with regular time class saved copy an existing
ding of perspecti chart, chart, venn diagram familiar and time class time schedule or of videos/ LMS (with or
culture, ves in/of venn venn diagram sensitive to schedule schedule) web-based readings without
society, anthropol diagram diagram community- meeting) (flash drive) regular class
and ogy, related *with limited time
politics sociology issues and use of online
(Lesson and comprehend connectivity
#1) political how these
science issues reflect
the Independent Independent Independent Independent
interrelation Independent learning and learning and learning and learning and
ship of learning and Direct Direct Direct Direct
culture, Direct instruction instruction instruction instruction
society and instruction (concept (concept (concept (concept
politics (concept map, data map, data map, data map, data
THROUGH map, data retrieval retrieval retrieval retrieval
a retrieval chart, Venn chart, Venn chart, Venn chart, Venn
Problem chart, Venn diagram) diagram) diagram) diagram)
Identificatio diagram)
n Output Arts based Arts based Arts based Arts based
(e.g.Matrix, Arts based and Thinking and Thinking and Thinking and Thinking
Graphic and skills skills skills strategy skills
Organizer Thinking strategy strategy (Problem strategy
and other skills (Problem (Problem identification (Problem
forms of strategy identification identification Output) identification
presentation (Problem Output) Output) Output)
) identification
2. Defining Analyze K U Picture Picture Picture Picture Picture EAA 1b Dual-Coding Dual-Coding Dual-Coding Dual-Coding Dual-Coding
Culture the Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Learners are
and concept, Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic
tasked to
Society aspects Organizer Organizer Organizer Organizer Organizer Dual-Coding Dual-Coding
from the and Video Video Video Analysis Article Video Dual-Coding Dual-Coding Dual-Coding
make sense
perspectiv changes Analysis Analysis Article Analysis Analysis Analysis Visual- Visual-
of Logical Logical Logical
es of in/of Article Article Concept Map Concept Article Learning Learning
community Learning Learning Learning
Anthropol culture Analysis Analysis Community Map Analysis Strategy Strategy
issues using Style Style Style
ogy and Concept Concept Profiling Communit Concept
Sociology Map Map Persuasive y Profiling Map any of the Verbal- Verbal-
Communit Community Essay Persuasiv Community theoretical Organization Organization Elaboration Learning Learning
Lesson 2 Cultural y Profiling Profiling Vlogging e Essay Profiling lens of Strategy Strategy
Relativis Persuasiv Persuasive using flipgrid Infographi Persuasive UCSP (e.g.
m and e Essay Essay Infographic c Analysis Essay structural- Inquiry- Inquiry- Organization
Organization Organization
Ethnocent Vlogging Vlogging Analysis Vlogging functional, Based Style Based Style
rism using using using flipgrid social- Inquiry-
flipgrid flipgrid Infographic conflict, and Social- Social-
Elaboration Elaboration Based Style
Infographi Infographic Analysis symbolic- Learning Learning
c Analysis Analysis interaction Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Strategy Strategy
Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Verbal- Verbal-
Article Learning Learning
Visual Visual Elaboration Strategy Strategy
Learning Learning
using Visual
Strategy Strategy Verbal- Verbal-
Understandi Learning Learning Learning
ng Culture, Strategy Strategy Strategy
Society, and
Politics lens Visual- Visual-
i.e., Learning Learning
Perspectives Strategy Strategy
Lesson 2 *Explain U U Identifying Identifying Identifying Identifying Identifying Regular use Use of an Modular Face to face
the Cultural Cultural Cultural Biases Cultural Cultural Use of of an existing LMS approach discussion
importanc Biases Biases Biases Biases existing existing LMS (either real Downloaded/ and use of
m, Social
e of Mind Mapping (with regular time class saved copy an existing
Conflict, LMS (no
cultural Mind Mind Mind Mind class time schedule for of videos/ LMS (with or
relativism Mapping Mapping Video Analysis Mapping Mapping and regular class and online the readings without
in Symbolic time discussion) materials e.g (flash drive) regular class
attaining Video Video Article Analysis Video Video Interactionis schedule; worksheets, *with limited time)
cultural Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis m Materials videoclips, use of online
understan e.g suggested connectivity
ding Article Article Article Article worksheets, video/readin
*Analyze U An Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis g links are
the uploaded
significan suggested through the
ce of video/readin LMS and
cultural, g links are with an
social, uploaded online
political through the discussion
and LMS)
3. Explain U An Table of Table of Table of Table of Table of EAA 2: Regular use Use of an Modular Face to face
Becoming the Comparis Compariso Comparison, Comparis Comparison, Learners Use of an of an existing LMS approach discussion
a member context, on, Write it n, Write it Write it Down on, Write it Write it are tasked existing existing LMS (either real Downloaded/ and use of
of society content Down Down (Thank You Down Down (with regular time class saved copy an existing
and (Thank (Thank Note), (Thank (Thank You to LMS (no
class time schedule for of videos/ LMS (with or
Lesson #4 conseque You Note), You Note), Knowledge of You Note), Note), gradually regular class and online the readings without
nces of Knowledg Knowledge Specific Facts, Knowledg Knowledge immerse time discussion) materials e.g (flash drive) regular class
socializati e of of Specific Formative Quiz e of of Specific themselves schedule; worksheets, *with limited time)
on Specific Facts, (worksheets to Specific Facts, in real-life Materials Independent videoclips, use of online
Facts, Formative be uploaded Facts, Formative communit e.g , Inquiry suggested connectivity Independent
Formative Quiz through the Formative Quiz based, and video/readin , Inquiry
Quiz (to be LMS, answered Quiz (worksheets y issues worksheets,
Thinking g links are Independent, based, and
(to be discussed in written form (workshee to be from videoclips,
Skills uploaded Inquiry Thinking
uploaded online and can be ts appear uploaded people suggested Strategy through the based, and Skills
through using discussed in the through the who had video/readin LMS and Thinking Strategy
the LMS) interactive online using module, to LMS, to be g links are with an Skills
and interactive and be answered in experience uploaded online Strategy
engaging engaging answered written form s of social through the discussion
activities) activities) in written and to be problems LMS)
form) discussed Independent
during thereby, , Inquiry
scheduled allowing Independent based, and
in-person learners to , Inquiry Thinking
classes) understan based, and Skills
d how Thinking Strategy
social Skills
problems Strategy
impact on
4. How Analyze U An Motive Motive Motive Motive otive individual Regular use Use of an Modular Face to face
society is the forms Question Question & Question & Question Question & s and Use of of an existing LMS approach discussion
organized and & Facts Facts Facts Check, & Facts Facts existing LMS (either real Downloaded/ and use of
collectiviti existing
functions Check, Check, Decision Check, Check, (with regular time class saved copy an existing
Lesson 5 of social Decision Decision Making, Decision Decision es LMS (no
class time schedule for of videos/ LMS (with or
organizati Making, Making, Making Making, Making, THROUG regular class and online the readings without
on Making Making Connection Making Making H time discussion) materials e.g (flash drive) regular class
Connectio Connection and (EAA 3) Connectio Connection Analysis schedule; worksheets, *with limited time)
n and and (EAA Analysis of the n and and (EAA 3) of Key Materials Independent videoclips, use of online
(EAA 3) 3) Analysis Key Informants (EAA 3) Analysis of e.g Learning, suggested connectivity Independent
Analysis of the Key Interview Analysis the Key worksheets, Direct video/readin Learning,
of the Key Informants (worksheets to of the Key Informants Interviews Instruction g links are Independent Direct
concernin videoclips,
Informants Interview be uploaded Informants Interview and uploaded Learning, Instruction
Interview (to be through the Interview (worksheets g the suggested Research- through the Direct and
(to be discussed LMS, answered (workshee to be Impact of video/readin Inquiry LMS and Instruction Research-
uploaded online in written form ts appear uploaded cultural, g links are based with an and Inquiry
through using and can be in the through the uploaded Strategy online Research- based
social, and
the LMS) interactive discussed module, to LMS, to be through the discussion Inquiry based Strategy
and online using be answered in political Strategy
problems LMS)
engaging interactive and answered written form Independent
activities) engaging in written and to be Learning,
activities) form) discussed Independent Direct
during Learning, Instruction
scheduled Direct and
in-person Instruction Research-
classes) and Inquiry
Research- based
Inquiry Strategy
5. *Explain U An Organizati Organizatio Organization Organizati Concrete Learners Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete
Cultural, the forms on n (Graphic on Examples/G are tasked Examples/G Examples/G Examples/G Examples/Gr Examples/G
social, and and (Graphic (Graphic Organizer) (Graphic raphic to organize raphic raphic raphic aphic raphic
political functions Organizer) Organizer) Organizer) Organizer their plans Organizer Organizer Organizer Organizer Organizer
institutionn of state Concept for the
s and Concept Concept Mapping Concept Elaboration creation of Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration
Lesson # non-state Mapping Mapping Mapping a critically
6: institution Solitary- designed
s Solitary- Solitary- Learning Solitary- advocacy
Learning Learning Strategy Learning campaign
Strategy Strategy Strategy material
Association indicating
Associatio Association Associatio
n n
areas: (a)
n that
the problem
focus and
Lesson # *Examine U Ev Making Making Making Making Making an Regular use Use of an Modular Face to face
7: the Associatio Association Association Associatio Association advocacy Use of of an existing LMS approach discussion
functions n n campaign existing existing LMS (either real Downloaded/ and use of
and Picture Picture Picture material to LMS (no
(with regular time class saved copy an existing
importanc Picture Analysis Analysis Picture Analysis address the class time schedule for of videos/ LMS (with or
Analysis Analysis regular class and online the readings without
e of said
Concept- Concept- Concept- time discussion) materials e.g (flash drive) regular class
education problem; (b)
Concept- Tabular Tabular Matrix Concept- Tabular the schedule; worksheets, *with limited time)
in the
Tabular Matrix Tabular Matrix methodolog Materials videoclips, use of online
Matrix Editorial Article Matrix e.g suggested connectivity
y for
Editorial Analysis Editorial video/readin
generating worksheets,
Editorial Article Editorial Article g links are
information videoclips,
Article Analysis Root-Cause Article Analysis uploaded
Analysis Analysis and Analysis /data as suggested through the
Root- Intervention Root-Cause well as in video/readin LMS and
Root- Cause Making Root- Analysis and framing the g links are with an
Cause Analysis Cause Intervention analysis uploaded online
Analysis and Analysis Making that will discussion
through the
and Interventio and capture the
Interventio n Making Interventio content of
n Making n Making the
6. Social Examine U A Compare Compare Compare and Compare Compare advocacy Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete
and stratificati and and Contrast and and Contrast campaign Examples examples examples examples examples
Political on the Contrast Contrast (Graphic- Contrast (Graphic- material;
Stratificati concept, (Graphic- (Graphic- Organizer-T- (Graphic- Organizer-T- and (c) the
on characteri Organizer- Organizer- chart) Organizer- chart) specific
Lesson 8 stics and T-chart) T-chart) T-chart) collaboratio
forms of Observation n steps to
stratificati Observati Observatio Observati and be Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration
on using on and n and Observation on and reflection undertaken
sociologic reflection reflection and reflection reflection with guide to produce
al with guide with guide with guide with guide questions
the online
perspecti questions questions questions questions about
ves about about about societal about societal
societal societal situations societal situations campaign
situations situations situations material (in
the case of
Visual Visual Visual Visual instruction
presentati presentatio Visual Presentati Presentation modality) Dual Coding Dual coding Dual Coding Dual coding Dual coding
on n Presentation on or the
s (in the
Lesson 9 Explain U An Song Song Song Analysis Song Song Regular use Use of an Modular Face to face
governme Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis case of of an existing LMS approach discussion
Use of
nt Table offline/mod existing LMS (either real Downloaded/ and use of
ular existing
programs Table Table Completion Table Table (with regular time class saved copy an existing
modality) LMS (no
and Completio Completion Completio Completion class time schedule for of videos/ LMS (with or
initiatives n Short Answer n THROUG regular class and online the readings without
in Short Short Ha time discussion) materials e.g (flash drive) regular class
addressin Short Answer Short Answer CONCEPT schedule; worksheets, *with limited time)
g social Answer Answer PAPER Materials videoclips, use of online
inequalitie OR MINI- e.g suggested connectivity
s e.g. PROJECT worksheets, video/readin
local, PROPOSA videoclips,
g links are
national, L uploaded
global suggested through the
*Suggest D Cr video/readin LMS and
ways to g links are with an
address uploaded online
social through the discussion
inequalitie LMS)
s (local,
7. Examine D U Picture Picture Picture Analysi Picture Picture Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded
Respondin human Analysi Analysi (Topic Analysi Analysi sample of sample of sample of sample of sample of
g to social, response (Topic (Topic Summary) (Topic (Topic picture and picture and picture and picture and picture and
political, s to Summary) Summary) Summary) Summary) its analysis its analysis its analysis its analysis its analysis
and emerging using the using the using the using the using the
cultural challenge Google Google Google Google Google
change s in Classroom/ Classroom/ Classroom/ Classroom/L Classroom/
contempo LMS of the LMS of the LMS of the MS/ saved LMS/ saved
Lesson 10 rary class. class. class. copy/ written/ copy/
societies of the class. written/
of the class.

Comparati Comparativ Comparative Comparati Comparative Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded Comparative
ve e Matrix ve Matrix Comparative Comparative Comparative Comparative Matrix
Matrix Matrix Matrix Matrix Matrix Matrix Matrix template
template template template template using the
using the using the using the using the Google
Google Google Google Google Classroom/
Classroom/ Classroom/ Classroom/ Classroom/ LMS/ saved
LMS of the LMS of the LMS of the LMS/ saved copy/
class. class. class. copy/ written/ written/
actual actual
discussion of discussion
the class. of the class.

Double Double Double Entry Double Double Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded
Entry Entry Journal Entry Entry template of template of template of template of template of
Journal Journal Journal Journal the Double the Double the Double the Double the Double
Entry Entry Entry Entry Journal Entry
Journal Journal Journal using the Journal
using the using the using the Google using the
Google Google Google Classroom/ Google
Classroom/ Classroom/ Classroom/ LMS/ saved Classroom/
LMS of the LMS of the LMS of the copy/ written/ LMS/ saved
class. class. class. discussion of copy/
the class. written/
of the class.

(PC) (PC) (PC) (PC) Uploaded e- Uploaded e- Uploaded e- Uploaded e- Uploaded e-

Communit Community Community Communit (PC) learning learning learning learning learning
y based based based y based Community materials (e- materials (e- materials (e- materials (e- materials (e-
advocacy advocacy advocacy plan advocacy based books, books, books, books, books,
plan plan plan advocacy videos, videos, videos, videos, videos,
(PT) Complete plan articles, articles, articles, articles, slide articles,
(PT) (PT) Advocacy plan (PT) slide slide slide presentation, slide
Complete Complete with campaign Complete (PT) presentation presentation presentation case studies, presentation
Advocacy Advocacy materials Advocacy Complete , case , case , case journals) of , case
plan with plan with plan with Advocacy studies, studies, studies, the most studies,
campaign campaign campaign plan with journals) of journals) of journals) of essential journals) of
materials materials materials campaign the most the most the most topics using the most
materials essential essential essential the Google essential
topics using topics using topics using Classroom/ topics using
the Google the Google the Google saved copy/ the Google
Classroom Classroom Classroom written/ of Classroom/
of the class of the class of the class the class with saved copy/
with guide with guide with guide guide written/
questions questions for questions for questions for actual
for the the the the discussion
developmen development development development of the class
t of higher of higher of higher of higher with guide
thinking thinking thinking thinking skills questions for
skills that skills that skills that that needs to the
needs to be needs to be needs to be be assessed development
assessed in assessed in assessed in in every of higher
every every every learner. thinking
learner. learner. learner. skills that
needs to be
assessed in

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