Terms of Engagement - Redvale

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Terms of Engagement for the Annexation of Redvale

These Terms of Engagement are hereby submitted to the leadership of Redvale as an agreement and understanding of
the Annexation of Redvale.

Under the orders of the Bastion Lord of the Fronii Empire, Herron Vigna, the Spears of Absolution have been granted one
year from March of the year 514 of the Solar Calendar to attempt to convince the town of Redvale through whatever
means their Commander, Durandahl Gallowmere, deems necessary within these Terms of Engagement. If the town has
not been convinced to join the Fronii Empire, the Spears of Absolution are under order to return to the Empire and will be
redeployed elsewhere.

Per Fronii tradition, these Terms are offered in an attempt to see a civilized engagement. If the Terms are maintained, the
Spears of Absolution offer this in return:

1. The dead should stay dead. Combat Engagements will not lead to intentional death of any citizen of Redvale or
visitors with the exception of the Undead. Aid will be supplied to the Living who are wounded during battle if
possible. [OOG: Fronii units will be Deathblow Active against Mortaeans and Graveborn Effigies only.]

2. The Spears of Absolution will provide protection for travelers from outside forces such as bandits, beasts, and
other roaming abominations. In particular, the Spears of Absolution will engage with the forces known as the
Reaver’s Wake without Terms of Engagement to assist in the protection of Redvale. In exchange, the Spears of
Absolution are hereby allowed to tax anyone escorted under their protection 30% of their held goods or wealth.
[OOG: Market Prices will go up, however, the Fronii will reduce the number of Reaver’s Wake attacks on
the region which means less direct attacks by the Wake. If Wake attacks continue unchecked it could
result in higher price increases in the future]

3. If Redvale offers a surrender, it will be honored once the terms of said surrender are reviewed and approved.
Once accepted, no further hostility will commence from either side. The terms of surrender must include the
following to be considered:
a. Exile or Execution of all Undead within Redvale’s citizenry. This must be enforced for the duration of
Fronic control of the Region. [OOG: Reading between the lines means Mortaeans as well].
b. Laws limiting the use of Blood Magic and Necromancy.
c. Acceptance of Fronic control of the region.

Below are the list of Terms of Engagement, all terms must be upheld otherwise the Spears of Absolution are free to
engage in any means necessary to subjugate the populace of Redvale. It is understood that there may be accidents,
however, if the following Terms continuously broken, the Spears of Absolution are under no compulsion to follow the
Terms listed herein.

Terms of Engagement
Honorable Combat
Combat will be upheld in an honorable fashion. Fronic and Redvalian forces in the region will engage in unit combat and
will not resort to underhanded means including:

1. Poisoning of water supplies or crops

2. Razing of buildings through arson

3. Assassination

4. Those actively healing their allies through faith or physical means will not be harmed unless they raise a weapon
to Fronic forces. Additionally, any engaged forces will not attack places of healing. Should a unit go against these
orders, their lives, including the life of their officer, is forfeit and you may do with them as you see fit.

5. Cruel and unusual punishment including torture, bodily mutilation or cannibalistic practices. [OOG: Widespread
and continuous use of Feeding Traits of Fronii NPCs may break the Terms of Engagement]
Handling of Corpses
Desecration of corpses, including but not limited to mutilation, consuming of corpses, or heathen funerary rites will be
viewed as a breach of the Terms of Engagement. Any who perish during an engagement with the Spears of Absolution will
be buried or cremated in the condition they perished without ceremony as to not offend any deity. [OOG: RP of chopping
up bodies being joked about around traveling NPCs may result in breach of the Terms of Engagement]

The Spears of Absolution will not actively seek to take hostages by method of kidnapping. If Fronic Officers are taken as
Hostages rather than executed, they may be exchanged for ransom. Hostages must be treated to healer’s aid, provided
meals, and treated as a non-combatant.

If a Fronic Officer surrenders, it is required they are treated as a hostage and held by the above terms and may only have
their weapons taken from them. Any other possessions they should be allowed to keep. Loss of weapons is an acceptable
exchange for the lives of Fronic Officers. [OOG: PCs can take weapons from Fronic Officers, but if they are
consistently looted for everything they have, it could become an issue.]

Hostages may be accepted if offered willingly as a sign to speak on diplomatic terms. At least one person of value must
be exchanged from both sides for this temporary ceasefire to be upheld. Any harm done to a Fronic hostage will result in
equal or greater harm inflicted on the Redvalian Hostage.

[OOG: If a letter is received asking for a meeting, the Fronii will expect a hostage exchange for the duration of the

Fronic Officers
If Redvale offers no quarter to Fronic Officers, Redvale will be offered no quarter as well. While it is understood in the heat
of battle it may not be clear who is a Fronic officer, if attrition rates of Fronic officers are high, the Spears of Absolution will
view this as a breach of the Terms of Engagement. If an officer does not return, the Spears of Absolution will send an
envoy to determine the fate of the Officer after a series of engagements. The envoy will be expected to be allowed to
enter and leave Redvale with any Hostages ransomed unharmed by Redvalians.

[OOG: Most Fronii units will have an Officer. If the NPC is allowed to leave or taken as Hostage ie held in the
Lodge, a ransom will be paid. The easiest way to identify an Officer is the NPC using Leadership Skills. Though
they will respond with they are on Officer if asked. Fronii NPCs will not falsely say they are officers.

After game, any Fronii Officers held as Hostages will have a Ransom paid to the Council if they agree to release

Acts of Sabotage/Infiltration
Anyone caught within the bounds of a Spears of Absolution Check Point itself will be considered an enemy combatant and
waives the protections listed above. Any unit sent into Redvale’s territory understands they are a combatant and may lose
their lives in the process. Depending on the level of dishonorable behavior (as outlined in Honorable Combat) of an act of
sabotage could be in breach of these Terms of Engagement. All past actions are not eligible to be considered once the
Terms of Engagement have been provided to Redvale. All future acts of sabotage/infiltration will be considered hostile

[OOG: If Players want to commit acts of sabotage, things like breaking their weapons, stealing from their armory
etc are less drastic than acts such as poisoning food supplies, spreading disease, assassination, and arson.]

Terms of Fronic Control of the Region

The following are Terms of Fronic Control for the Region.

1. Exile or execution of all Undead creatures.

2. Laws limiting if not entirely banning the use of Blood Magic or Necromancy, including but not limited to
summoning creatures through Ritual.
3. Taxes will be paid to the Empire, to be determined during the Survey and Annexation Acceptance Procedure.
4. Yemanism must be preached regularly. Those who wish to remain will be given 1 Year to decide to convert or will
be removed from the territory. Other faiths will be tolerated so long as they do not preach against the Fronic or
Soli Regimes.
5. A Governor will be appointed to oversee the laws and policies of the Fronic Regime enforced and maintained.
6. Fronic forces will provide protection and aid to the town. Barracks will be constructed and maintained at the town’s
7. Members of the town will be expected to aid their fellow Fronii soldiers when the need arises.
8. Assisting the enemies of the Fronii Empire or parties actively engaged in combat with the Soli will be considered a
treasonous act. Treason is punished with execution.

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