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J Therm Anal Calorim

DOI 10.1007/s10973-017-6705-6

A study of thermal decomposition of antigorite from dunite

and lizardite from peridotite
Nshan Zulumyan1,2 • Anna Isahakyan1 • Hayk Beglaryan1,3 • Stella Melikyan1,2

Received: 22 February 2017 / Accepted: 10 September 2017

Ó Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2017

Abstract Two varieties of serpentines, antigorite and Keywords Serpentine polymorph  Dehydroxylation 
lizardite originated from dunite and peridotite, respec- Silicic acids  Low-temperature forsterite  Silicate units
tively, were previously undergone heat treatment in the
range from 396 to 1128 °C and then leached via an original
approach to the acid processing of dehydrated serpentines. Introduction
Because of unsaturated (weak) Si–O(Si) bonds existing in
the serpentines structure, ortho- [SiO4]4-, di- [Si2O7]6- Serpentine minerals (Mg, Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4 belong to phyl-
and other silicate units are easily leached from dehydrated losilicate group (layer-type silicates or sheet silicates) and
serpentines in the form of soluble silicic acids along with are the main constituents of serpentinites. They are the
magnesium compounds via this approach, whereas the products of hydrothermal alteration of magnesium-rich
more complex fragments largely comprised of metasilicate silicate minerals (e.g., olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4) and appear in
[(SiO3)2-]n chains remain in the unreacted mass The yields mafic and ultramafic rocks1 [1, 2]. They have layer struc-
of silicic acids produced from heated serpentines are tures built of 1:1 alternately stacked tetrahedral and octa-
variable. The influence of thermal treatment on both the hedral sheets. The tetrahedral sheets (silicate layers),
serpentinite samples was investigated by thermal, X-ray representing the complex silicate anions, can be regarded
diffraction and chemical analyses. The data derived from as resulting from the two-dimensional polymerization of
the experimental studies allowed to reveal the distribution Si-centered tetrahedra sharing three oxygen atoms with
of primary ortho- [SiO4]4- and meta- [(SiO3)2-]n silicate neighboring tetrahedra. The unshared oxygen atoms are
units in the silicate layers inherent in these serpentine bonded to Mg atoms that jointly with OH groups form the
minerals and to understand its influence on the mechanism octahedral sheets.
of their decomposition including the high-temperature There are three widespread natural polymorphs of ser-
phase transformations into forsterite Mg2SiO4 and enstatite pentine: lizardite, antigorite and chrysotile, whose impor-
Mg2Si2O6. tant natural deposits occur in Armenia, Italy, Russia, USA,
Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand and so on. Their silicate
layers were mainly formed by polycondensation of
& Nshan Zulumyan hydrated orthosilicic H4SiO4 and metasilicic (H2SiO3)n acids under hydrothermal conditions below 500 °C [1]. In
turn, these acids had been synthesized from ortho-
The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
[SiO4]4-and meta- [(SiO3)2-]n silicate anions involved in
(IGIC NAS RA), Argutyan str. 10, lane 2, 0051 Yerevan,
Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan,
Tigran Mets Avenue 17, 0010 Yerevan, Armenia 1
Mafic rocks have around 50% or less (55–45%) silica and a lot of
Yerevan State University, 1 Alex Manoogian, 0025 Yerevan, magnesium and iron, and ultramafic ones contain silica less than 45%,
Armenia generally more than 18% MgO.

N. Zulumyan et al.

the process of serpentinization from parent ultramafic rocks meta- [(SiO3)2-]n. The number of splitting Si–O(Si) bonds
that could be dunites,2 peridotites3 and pyroxenites4 [2]. in the siloxane bridges directly depends upon the amount of
Heat treatment of different serpentine polymorphs gen- hydroxyl water releasing on heating [20]. Ortho-, di- and
erally leads to their dehydration up to 200 °C and dehy- the other silicate anions made up of relatively short single
droxylation, i.e., hydroxyl water formation from OH chains with the repeating unit of SiO2-3 can be easily lea-
groups and its removal, in the range of 600–800 °C that is ched from the silicate layers in the form of silicic acids,
accompanied by their crystalline structure decomposition whereas the more complex fragments largely comprised of
and transformation into amorphous state. Subsequent metasilicate chains remain in the unreacted mass.
heating above 800 °C results in their amorphous mass The whole point is that serpentine polymorph, whether it
crystallization into forsterite Mg2SiO4 and enstatite Mg2- be chrysotile, lizardite or antigorite, manifests different
Si2O6. [3–10]. But in some serpentine samples forsterite number of cutting Si–O(Si) bonds when being exposed to
crystallization begins in the zone of dehydroxylation before thermal or mechanical effects, resulting in the formation of
the complete destruction of the mineral crystalline structure considerable, but different amount of soluble silicic acids
[11, 12]. Despite the detailed investigations of dehydrox- in the solution produced via this method [17–20]. It has
ylation and high-temperature crystallization into forsterite been established that, regardless of polymorph, the mech-
and enstatite for serpentine polymorphs [13–16], the anism of temperature-induced decomposition of serpenti-
meaningful structural study of serpentines requires alter- nes structure, including dehydroxylation, forsterite and
native, unconventional methods. enstatite formation, is dependent on two factors: the dif-
For this reason, thermal decompositions of Armenian ferent allocation and the proportion of hydrated ortho- and
and American serpentine minerals belonging to the same metasilicate anions originally involved in the process of
polymorph modifications, particularly, antigorite and serpentine formation [20]. Moreover, primary ortho-
lizardite, and originated from different parent rocks [SiO4]4- and meta- [(SiO3)2-]n silicate units can either be
(dunites, peridotites and peroxynites) were studied with more or less evenly distributed in the silicate layers of the
using a new approach to the acid processing of dehydrated same serpentine polymorph [20]. Nevertheless, the mech-
serpentines [17–20]. This technique has allowed producing anism of serpentines thermal decomposition, topotactic
different amount of silicic acids from serpentines and relationships between the distribution of silicate units in
thereby revealing the presence of unsaturated (weak) Si– their silicate layers and phases of forsterite and enstatite
O(Si) bonds in the siloxane Si–O–Si bridges of serpentines formed on heating still require further investigations and
silicate layers [18–20]. These findings are correlated with special knowledge.
the formation of Si–O–Si bridges from ortho- and In the present work, we wished to go on examining and
metasilicate anions under hydrothermal conditions below comparing specific properties of the silicate layers inherent
500 °C. Naturally, the very Si–O(Si) bonds arising between in serpentines. Serpentinites belonging to different poly-
ortho- and metasilicate anions under such conditions are morphs, antigorite and lizardite, and originated from dif-
splittable with comparative ease upon different influences ferent parent rocks, dunite and peridotite, from deposits of
[18, 20], whereas another Si–O(Si) bonds intrinsic in pri- Armenia and Italy have undergone the similar investiga-
mary metasilicate chains [(SiO3)2-]n that had been previ- tions, involving the differential thermal analysis (DTA),
ously formed in magma under high pressure at temperature X-ray diffraction study and chemical analyses. These
over 1000 °C prior serpentinization and then involved in studies will help us to widen our knowledge about possible
the serpentine formation from parent pyroxene minerals in variants of these silicate unit distributions in serpentines
the form of metasilicic acid (H2SiO3)n remain intact when structure, and their influence on the trend of thermal
being exposed to any effects [21, 22]. Because of the weak decomposition and phase transformations in these
Si–O(Si) bonds in serpentines structure, dehydroxylation minerals.
indispensably stimulates partition of the mineral silicate Serpentine minerals are considered to be promising raw
layers into silicate anions of different complexities: ortho- materials for the high-yield production of magnesium-
[SiO4]4-, di-[Si2O7]6-, [Si3O10]8-, [Si4O13]10-, etc., up to containing compounds and silica [17, 23–29] representing
interest for the pure and applied material sciences [30–32].
Dunite is an ultramafic plutonic igneous rock. The mineral The systematic fundamental knowledge gained in such a
assemblage is greater than 90% olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 with minor way leads to a deeper insight into a fascinating
amounts of pyroxene(Mg,Fe)2Si2O6 and other minerals (chromite and
microstructural world and hydrothermal processes occur-
3 ring in ultramafic rocks, thereby predicting the amount of
Peridotite is an ultramafic plutonic igneous rock consisting mostly
of olivine (40–90%) and pyroxene. synthesized soluble silicic acids, magnesium- and iron-re-
Pyroxenite is an ultramafic plutonic igneous rock that consists of lated compounds and creating all the prerequisites for the
dark minerals in the pyroxene group plus a little olivine (10%).

A study of thermal decomposition of antigorite from dunite and lizardite from peridotite

development of cost-effective methods of serpentinites temperature in air. All the reflections were identified and
processing. interpreted using the ICDD-JCPDS database of crystallo-
graphic 2004. The average crystallite size (L) of forsterite
formed in the samples on heating has been estimated by the
Experimental Scherrer formula: L ¼ 0:94 k=b cosh where k is the X-ray
wavelength in Å and b is the peak width of the diffraction
The main subjects of our study were the samples of ser- peak profile at half maximum height resulting from small
pentinites located in the occurrences of Shorja (Armenia) crystallite size in radians [34]. The instrumental line
(the sample of Sh-1) and Monti Livornesi (Italy) (the broadening was subtracted by using the Gaussian func-
sample of CHR-23). tions, and all the values were automatically calculated by
Both the samples were finely powdered. One gram of the OriginPro 2016 software.
the powder was taken from each of the samples for the In addition, both the samples preliminarily crushed by
chemical analysis [33]. It was decomposed by fusing with a hand were ground with a vibratory ball mill for 1 h. Part of
total of 6 g of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 at the temperature of the powders was sieved through the sieve 250 holes sm-2
900 °C in an electric furnace. The produced melt was to achieve size’s distribution of about 100–200 lm, with a
treated by hydrochloric acid HCl and filtered. Silica maximum grain size of about 250 lm, and then annealed at
remained on the filter. The determination of SiO2 content the temperatures of 396, 441, 496, 553, 594, 647, 702, 748,
was performed by the gravimetric method. A certain 801, 852, 893, 952, 1000 and 1128 °C for 1 h using Wise
amount of the filtrate was selected for the determination of Therm F digital muffle furnace (China). After heat treat-
the rest of elements. They were reported as their oxides. ment at a certain temperature, each of the samples was
FeO and Fe2O3 were determined by colorimetric method. subjected to X-ray diffraction analysis. Each of the heated
R2O3 group was precipitated in the filtrate by ammonium samples was leached by diluted hydrochloric acid (6–10%)
hydroxide NH4OH (pH = 8). The gravimetric method was for 10 min, and the sludge formed was decanted and fil-
applied for the determination of Al2O3 in the R2O3 group. tered [17]; 30 mL of the filtrate was separated for chemical
The contents of MgO and CaO were measured in the analysis, and unreacted residues that remained after the
solution without R2O3 group by complexometric method. acid processing of the serpentinite samples were annealed
Loss in mass of the samples at 950 °C was reported as at different temperatures and also subjected to X-ray
volatile matter. The chemical composition of these samples diffraction analysis.
is given in Table 1. The chemical analysis was carried out by above-men-
Dehydroxylation and recrystallization of these samples tioned gravimetric, complexometric and colorimetric
were studied in air by DTA from room temperature up to methods [33].
1000 °C and by X-ray diffractometry. The mass of the test
samples subjected to DTA and X-ray diffraction study was
220 mg. Results and discussions
DTA and thermogravimetry (TG) measurements were
performed by using Derivatograph Q–1500D equipment The XRPD patterns of the samples point to the predomi-
produced by the MOM company (Hungary) in air at a nance of antigorite in the sample of Sh-1 (Card No
heating rate of 10 °C min-1 with TG sensitivity 200 mg. 07–0417) and lizardite in the CHR-23 sample (Card No
Samples of equal mass were investigated in platinum 84–1391), whereas the Sh-1 sample contains a tangible
crucibles. amount of lizardite (Fig. 1).
X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) data were obtained The extraction ratios of main components that moved
using Dron-3 diffractometer (Russia) equipped with nickel into the solution during the acid processing of the Sh-1 and
filter, under the following conditions: CuJa-radiation; CHR-23 samples heated at different temperatures were
power supply 25 kV/10 mA; angular range 2h = 8°–80° calculated, and their graphic presentations are represented
step width 1°; counting time 30 s per step at the room in terms of their oxides (Fig. 2). Since our interest was

Table 1 The chemical composition of the Sh-1 and CHR-23 samples

Samples Components/mass%
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MgO CaO Volatiles SUM

Sh-1 43.24 0.08 5.94 3.48 34.80 – 11.88 100.42

CHR-23 37.43 3.01 5.28 1.99 38.78 0.91 12.38 98.87

N. Zulumyan et al.

time, there are no phase changes in the XRPD patterns of

both the samples heated within the temperature range
396–553 °C (Figs. 5, 6). These data are indicative of the
Intensity/counts per second

fact that despite the beginning of the mineral transforma-

An tion into amorphous state, the processes of ‘‘brucite’’ layer
(Mg(OH)2) dehydroxylation and breakage of relatively
unsaturated Si–O(Si) bonds in the siloxane bridges do not
An An occur in the serpentines crystalline structure up to this
An An Sh-1 temperature.
Liz The incomplete minerals destruction and the slow pro-
cess of hydroxyl water formation are observed up to the
Liz Liz
Liz CHR-23 temperature of 553 °C (Figs. 3, 4). Above this temperature,
the yields of soluble silicic acids and magnesium com-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 pounds begin increasing and reach their maxima: SiO2
2θ/° (37.18 and 40.02%) at 801 and 748 °C, MgO (90.52 and
77.36%) at 702 and 647 °C for the Sh-1 and CHR-23
Fig. 1 The XRPD patterns of the Sh-1 and CHR-23 serpentinites samples, respectively (Fig. 2). At the same time, on the TG
samples. Legend: Liz—lizardite; An—antigotite curves of both the samples the abrupt increase in water
released on heating begins from the temperature of 600 °C
focused on the amount of MgO, SiO2 and volatile content (Fig. 4). As can be seen from the experimental data, water
of the rocks, the chemical analysis of the samples did not formation at the temperature of about 600 °C leads to the
attempt to differentiate the other individual metal oxides, increase in the compounds concentration in the solution. As
and their total amount (R2O3) is just shown (Fig. 2). stated above, serpentines dexydroxylation causes the cut-
Water loss values on heating were estimated from the ting of the unsaturated Si–O(Si) bonds resulting in the
mass loss measured by weighting the specimens annealed releasing of isolated orthosilicate units. In turn, these
at different temperatures, and their graphic presentation is released units immediately participate in the process of
shown in Fig. 3. It should be noted that the maximum silicic acids formation during the acid processing. Hence,
percentage of water in these serpentines is 13.4%. this temperature can be considered a starting point for the
After the acid processing of the Sh-1 and CHR-23 process of these minerals dehydroxylation, and therefore,
samples previously heated up to the temperature of 553 °C, their silicate layers partition. It should be noted that on the
a negligible amount of silicic acids (less than 4%) is dis- DTA curve of the Sh-1 sample the endothermic effect with
covered in the solution (Fig. 2). On heating up to this minimum at 690 °C must be originated by the decompo-
temperature, the yields of magnesium compounds pro- sition of lizardite because antigorite is not decomposable at
duced from the Sh-1 sample do not exceed 18%, whereas such a low temperature (Fig. 4) [9]. Another endothermic
magnesium amount leached from the CHR-23 sample event, the shoulder at 636 °C hardly traceable, can be
reaches 28% (Fig. 2). This difference in magnesium com- referred to the destruction of clinochrysotile (Fig. 4) [9]
pounds yields can be explained by the presence of another that cannot be identified by the X-ray diffraction study
Mg-containing impurities in the CHR-23 sample. Besides, because of a negligible amount.
the slow and smooth trend of curve corresponding to water The appearance of crystalline forsterite reflections (Card
removal is traceable on the TG curves of these samples up No 85–1362) in the XRPD patterns of the CHR-23 and Sh-1
to the temperature of 594 °C (Fig. 4). For the Sh-1 sample, samples treated at the temperature of 594 and 647 °C,
this event is conditioned by the process of hydroxyl water respectively, indicates that orthosilicate units regenerated
formation. In comparison with the Sh-1 sample, the amount during the silicate layers partition immediately initiate the
of water released from the CHR-23 sample on heating up to formation of forsterite crystals at these temperatures
594 °C is comparably greater (2.3%) (Fig. 3), despite the (Figs. 5, 6). The forsterite formed at such relatively low
low yields of silicic acids (Fig. 2). As stated above, the temperatures can be conventionally called the low-temper-
yield of silicic acids leached from dehydrated serpentines ature forsterite, and at higher temperatures (810–830 °C)—
directly depends upon the amount of hydroxyl water the high-temperature forsterite. As stated above, the
formed in the minerals on heating [20]. Consequently, in destruction of crystalline antigorite takes place at higher
the case of the CHR-23 sample, this process is not con- temperatures (*700 °C). Consequently, the low-tempera-
nected to the dehydroxylation and therefore decomposition ture forsterite formed in the Sh-1 sample at 647 °C is arisen
of this serpentine, but it can be referred to the releasing of from orthosilicate units released by the decomposition of
hygroscopic water conditioned by impurities. At the same clinochrysotile and lizardite.

A study of thermal decomposition of antigorite from dunite and lizardite from peridotite

100 100 Sh-1

80 80

60 60
SiO2, %

MgO, %
40 40

20 20

0 0
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Temperature/°C Temperature/°C

100 Sh-1


R2O3, %



300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 2 The plots of the extraction ration of main components: MgO, SiO2, R2O3 for the Sh-1 and CHR-23 samples versus temperature

The data of the chemical and the X-ray diffraction This phenomenon can be given the following interpre-
analyses allow concluding that at the temperature of tation. The silicate layers of these serpentines samples were
600 °C the crystalline structure decomposition of both the largely formed via the polycondensation of orthosilicic
serpentines is accompanied by the simultaneous synthesis acids that had been synthesized by the hydration of
of the low-temperature forsterite crystals. The fact of for- orthosilicate anions of primary rocks. This is the reason
sterite formation at such low temperatures abundantly why the partition of some sections in the silicate layers is
evidences that certain parts in the serpentines silicate layers accompanied by the regeneration of a considered amount
are largely comprised of the primary hydrated orthosilicate of orthosilicate units that immediately stimulate the local
units locally accumulated and bonded with each other by formation of forsterite crystals.
unsaturated Si–O(Si) bonds. This is the case, when in The intensive diffraction peaks of forsterite are readily
siloxane bridges the breaking of Si–O(Si) bonds initiated discovered in the XRPD patterns of the Sh-1 and CHR-23
by hydroxyl water formation promotes the release of such samples heated at the temperature of 647 °C (Figs. 5, 6).
amount of orthosilicate units that is enough for the progress For the Sh-1 sample, they are traceable along with the
of their spontaneous local arrangement along with Mg2? reflections of undecomposed antigorite (Fig. 5) At the
cations resulting in the formation of the isolated crystals of same time, there are no diffraction peaks of forsterite in the
forsterite at relatively low temperatures. XRPD pattern of the residue remained after the acid

N. Zulumyan et al.

12 Sh-1

8 1128 °C
H2O, Mass/%

1000 °C

Intensity/counts per second

952 °C

0 893 °C

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 852 °C
748 °C
Fig. 3 The plot of H2O loss value for the Sh-1 and CHR-23 samples
versus temperature 702 °C

Sh-1 822 647 °C

20 96 594 °C
DTA /a.u.

Endo 1 Exo

94 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 636 2θ/°
-20 90
Fig. 5 The XRPD patterns of the Sh-1 sample heated at the
mentioned temperatures. Legend: white circle—serpentine; black
88 circle—forsterite; black up-pointing triangle—clinoenstatite; black
-40 square—protoenstatite; black down-pointing triangle—enstatite;
86 black star—hematite; black diamond—impurities
150 300 450 600 750 900
Temperature/°C processing: 21.76 and 35.69% SiO2, 75.43 and 77.36%
40 100 MgO for the Sh-1 and CHR-23 samples, respectively
CHR-23 (Fig. 2). The forsterite reflections of low intensities
become hardly noticeable only in the XRPD patterns of the
96 residues for the Sh-1 and CHR-23 samples annealed at 852
Endo 1 Exo

and 748 °C, respectively (Figs. 7, 8). The higher yields of

DTA /a.u.


0 94 SiO2 and MgO are also maintained up to 801 and 748 °C,
92 respectively (Fig. 2).
-20 The evaluation of crystallite size of the forsterite formed
90 in the range of 647–952 °C is shown in Table 2. Relatively
gradual increase in crystallite size of forsterite is observed
with the increase in temperature (Table 2).
86 Everything points to the fact that the crystals of the low-
150 300 450 600 750 900
Temperature/°C temperature forsterite arisen in these samples by heat
treatment within the temperature range of 647–748 °C are
Fig. 4 Differential thermal curves for the Sh-1 and CHR-23 samples. nanosized and have smaller dimensions and are therefore
TG thermo gravimetric or mass loss curve, DTA differential thermal easily and rapidly decomposable by the acid processing.
analysis curve. The vertical axis label applies to the DTA curve
The dissolution of the low-temperature forsterite in diluted
acids can be demonstrated by the following reaction:
processing of the same samples (Figs. 7, 8). On the other
hand, a sufficient amount of SiO2 and MgO is discovered in Mg2 SiO4 þ 4Hþ ! H4 SiO4 þ 2Mg2þ
the solutions produced from these samples via the acid

A study of thermal decomposition of antigorite from dunite and lizardite from peridotite

1128 °C

1000 °C
1128 °C

952 °C
1000 °C
892 °C

Intensity/counts per second

952 °C
Intensity/counts per second

893 °C
852 °C
852 °C
748 °C 748 °C
702 °C

702 °C

647 °C
647 °C
594 °C

553 °C 594 °C

10 20 30 40 50 60
396 °C
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fig. 7 The XRPD patterns of the residue remained after the acid
2θ/° processing of the Sh-1 sample heat-treated at the mentioned
temperatures. Legend: white circle—serpentine; black circle—
Fig. 6 The XRPD patterns of the CHR-23 sample heated at the forsterite; black up-pointing triangle—clinoenstatite; black square—
mentioned temperatures. Legend: white circle—serpentine; black protoenstatite; black down-pointing triangle—enstatite; black star—
circle—forsterite; black up-pointing triangle—clinoenstatite; black hematite; black diamond—impurities
square—protoenstatite; black down-pointing triangle—enstatite;
black star—hematite; black diamond—impurities
The absence of antigorite reflections in the XRPD pat-
terns of the Sh-1 sample annealed at the temperature of
The noticeable differences in the yields of soluble silicic 702 °C (Fig. 5) and the highest yields of MgO (90.52%)
acids and magnesium compounds are traced for the Sh-1 leached from the same sample (Fig. 2) evidence the com-
samples annealed within the interval of 647–893 °C, plete decomposition of this serpentine crystalline structure
whereas this event is less tangible for the CHR-23 samples: at this temperature. Nevertheless, the DTA curve of this
the yields of SiO2 and MgO vary between 35.75–40.02% sample displays the endotherm with minimum of 770 °C
and 64.47–74.78%, respectively (Fig. 2). In the XRPD pointing to the antigorite decomposition at the temperature
patterns of both the samples heated within the same tem- higher than 702 °C (Fig. 4). This discrepancy in the tem-
perature range, the intensive diffraction peaks of forsterite perature of the sample decomposition can only be
solely appear (Figs. 5, 6). accounted for the influence of heat duration on the phase
Although at the temperature of 647 °C some part of transformations occurring in the mineral (Fig. 5). At the
hydroxyl water (8.11%) is still present in the decomposed temperature of 702 °C and above, some water is still
mass of the CHR-23 sample (Fig. 3), the high and virtually observed in the amorphous mass of the destructured sample
invariable yields of SiO2 and MgO are discovered in the (Fig. 3). The process of hydroxyl water removal was
solution within the temperature range of 647–893 °C obviously impeded because of the more compact and dense
(Fig. 2). At the same time, the forsterite diffraction peaks crystalline structure of lizardite constituting the sample.
of similar intensities are registered for the samples heated After analyzing the yields of SiO2 jointly with the X-ray
within the same interval (Fig. 6). All these indicate that diffraction patterns, it can be stated that up to 800°C the
majority of the serpentinous rock is already decomposed at serpentines decomposition caused by the Si–O(Si) bonds
this temperature. cutting is accompanied by the simultaneous formation of

N. Zulumyan et al.

exothermic effect of the low-temperature forsterite for-

mation (Fig. 4).
In spite of the fact that for the Sh-1 sample on heating up
to 750 °C the yields of silicic acids remain invariable
1128 °C (29.65–30.04%), the amount of magnesium compounds
abruptly decreases from 90.52 to 75.43% (Fig. 2). This
event might be referred to the compaction of serpentine
1000 °C packs caused by the water removal that is preceded by the
process of dehydroxylation (Figs. 3, 4).
952 °C
As stated above, the low-temperature forsterite crystals
formed at 647 °C and easily decomposable by the acid
Intensity/counts per second

892 °C
processing exist in the samples Sh-1 and CHR-23 on
852 °C heating up to 748 and 801 °C, respectively. On the
diffraction patterns of the residue for both the samples, the
801 °C
unreacted forsterite reflections of lower intensity are barely
registered within the temperature range of 748–852 °C
(Figs. 7, 8). The gradual increase in forsterite diffraction
peaks is observable on subsequent heating up to 1000 °C
(Figs. 7, 8). It is quite logical to suggest that the high-
748 °C
temperature forsterite crystals, which must not be easily
702 °C
decomposable by acid processing, begin forming within the
interval of 800 and 850 °C. Therefore, the intensive
exothermic peak with maximum of 822 °C and less intense
exothermic one with maximum of 812 °C in the DTA
in. curves of the Sh-1 and CHR-23 samples, respectively, must
be produced by the process of the high-temperature for-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
2θ/° sterite formation (Fig. 4).
The high yields of SiO2 and MgO in combination with a
Fig. 8 The XRPD patterns of the residue remained after the acid slight increase in the forsterite reflections intensities on the
processing of the CHR-23 sample heat-treated at the mentioned diffraction patterns of the residue for the Sh-1 and CHR-23
temperatures. Legend: white circle—serpentine; black circle—
forsterite; black up-pointing triangle—clinoenstatite; black square— samples heated within the temperature range of 800–893 °C
protoenstatite; black down-pointing triangle—enstatite; black star— demonstrate that the forsterite crystals formed on heating up
hematite; black diamond—impurities to 893 °C are also less resistant to the acid influence
(Figs. 2, 7 and 8). The reducing of the silicic acids con-
the low-temperature forsterite crystals. Consequently, in
centration in the solution (from 28.91 and 39.62% up to
the DTA curves the endothermic effects with minimum of
22.92 and 23.16% and lower for the Sh-1 and CHR-23
770 and 712 °C for the samples Sh-1 and CHR-23,
samples, respectively) (Fig. 2), jointly with the increasing in
respectively, originate from the overlap of two endothermic
forsterite diffraction peaks intensities for the samples resi-
effects produced by the processes of (1) serpentinite
due annealed at the temperature of 952 °C and higher
decomposition and (2) hydroxyl water removal, with the

Table 2 Forsterite crystal sizes calculated by the Scherrer formula for h = 18.3 (d = 2.46 Å, hkl (112)) and h = 26 (d = 1.748 Å, hkl (222))
Temperature/°C Sample Sh-1 Sample CHR-23
h = 18.3, h = 26, h = 18.3, h = 26,
cos h = 0.9494, cos h = 8987, cos h = 0.9494 cos h = 8987
hkl (112) hkl (222) hkl (112) hkl (222)
b L/nm b L/nm b L/nm b L/nm

647 3.0 9 10-3 50.8 4.0 9 10-3 40.27 3.0 9 10-3 50.8 3.5 9 10-3 46.0
-3 -3 -3
702 2.8 9 10 54.4 3.5 9 10 46.00 2.8 9 10 54.4 3.5 9 10-3 46.0
748 3.0 9 10-3 50.8 3.8 9 10-3 42.40 2.5 9 10-3 60.9 3.0 9 10-3 53.7
893 2.1 9 10-3 72.6 2.6 9 10-3 62.20 2.0 9 10-3 76.2 2.5 9 10-3 64.4
952 2.0 9 10-3 76.2 2.5 9 10-3 64.70 1.8 9 10-3 84.7 2.2 9 10-3 73.2

A study of thermal decomposition of antigorite from dunite and lizardite from peridotite

(Figs. 7, 8) reveals that the forsterite crystals become more The recrystallization and enlargement of the forsterite
acid resistant at the temperatures higher than 900 °C. The crystals cause the noticeable increasing in the forsterite
Scherrer equation shows that the growth of nanocrystallite diffraction peaks intensities in the XRPD patterns of the
size of forsterite is also highly provided when the temper- residue produced above 893 °C (Fig. 8).
ature increases up to 952 °C (Table 2). These experimental It is quite logical to suggest that the relatively low
data suggest that only subsequent heating above 900 °C intensity of the exotherm on the DTA curve of the CHR-23
results in the forsterite crystals enlargement usually pre- sample indirectly points to a small portion of orthosilicate
ceded by their recrystallization into the units structurally units that remained unbound after the formation of the low-
more ordered and therefore more inert to acids. temperature forsterite and participated in the high-tem-
The concentration of silicic acids and magnesium perature forsterite crystals formation via diffusion, whereas
compounds is decreased by 4% in the solution leached the exothermic peak of more intensity on the DTA of the
from the Sh-1 samples heated within the temperature range Sh-1 indicates more number of orthosilicate units involved
of 801–852 °C (Fig. 2). These data and the appearance of in the process of the high-temperature forsterite synthesis.
clinoenstatite reflections in the XRPD patterns of the Sh-1 Moreover, the heat released by the forsterite formation in
sample heated at the temperature of 852 °C evidence that the Sh-1 sample immediately initiates the process of cli-
the mineral silicate layers partition accompanied by for- noenstatite formation whose reflections are discovered in
sterite formation is followed by the separation of the X-ray patterns of this sample annealed at 850 °C. In the
orthosilicate units from metasilicate chains that are CHR-23 sample, clinoenstatite crystals are formed at
involved in the process of clinoenstatite formation (Fig. 5). 950 °C after the forsterite formation.
The existence of clinoenstatite reflections in the XRPD The serpentines decomposition on heating up to 950 °C
pattern of the residue, which remain after the acid pro- can be represented by the following simplified reaction:
cessing of this sample, indicates that clinoenstatite does not nMg6 ðSi4 O10 ÞðOHÞ8 ! 2nMg2 SiO4
undergo acid processing (Fig. 7). þ Mg2n ðSi2 O6 Þn þ4nH2 O
Heat treatment above 850 °C does not promote the
increase in the compounds in the solutions. The solutions Besides clinoenstatite reflections, enstatite ones are
demonstrate that the concentrations of all the extracted fixed in the diffraction patterns of both the serpentines
components begin reducing above 850 °C (Fig. 2). In the samples (Figs. 5, 6) and their residue annealed at 1000 °C
XRPD patterns of the residue produced from these sam- (Figs. 7, 8). Subsequent heating of both the systems up to
ples, and forsterite reflections appear (Fig. 7). These data 1128 °C results in the transformation of clinoenstatite into
are indicative of the fact that the above-mentioned abrupt protoenstatite (Card No 85–2494) that does not react with
decline of the leached components concentrations is caused diluted acids. This fact is proved by protoenstatite reflec-
by the formation of enlarged forsterite crystals with tions of similar intensities traced in the XRPD patterns of
ordered structure which are not decomposable by diluted both the samples and their residues. The decreasing in the
acids during the ten-minute processing. In addition, the forsterite diffraction peaks intensity for these samples can
compaction of the decomposed silicate layers, which fol- be explained by the participation of forsterite in the process
lows the hydroxyl water removal, can also cause this event. of protoenstatite formation.
To our belief, hydroxyl water cannot immediately go out of The simplified versions of the thermal decomposition
the interspaces and penetrate through the amorphous mass, for these serpentines samples are represented in Fig. 9.
so it takes some time for its removal. As a result, this All these results can be summarized in a few sentences.
process is still in progress at higher temperatures. The partition of silicate layers for these serpentines sam-
As a distinct from the Sh-1 sample, in the solutions lea- ples really begins from the temperature of 600 °C and is
ched from the CHR-23 sample, the yields of SiO2 and MgO accompanied by the releasing of a great number of
are high and relatively constant from 650 up to 892 °C orthosilicate units that are immediately involved in the
included (Fig. 2). As for clinoenstatite reflections, they are process of the low-temperature forsterite formation. So the
firstly registered in the diffraction patterns of both the CHR- source of the narrowed endothermic peak observable
23 sample and its residue annealed at 952 °C, and their within the temperature range of 700–800 °C is the overlap
intensities gradually increase on heating above this temper- of two endothermic events caused by the serpentinites
ature (Figs. 6, 8). The less intense exothermic peak with decomposition: (1) dehydroxylation, including hydroxyl
maximum of 812 °C on the DTA curve of the CHR-23 water removal, and (2) Si–O–(Si) bonds cutting, with the
sample (Fig. 4) and the weak reflections of forsterite fixed on exothermic process of the low-temperature forsterite for-
the diffraction patterns of the residue for the same sample mation. As for the exothermic peak with maximum within
annealed above 893 °C (Fig. 8) abundantly evidence a small the temperature range of 800–820 °C, it is mainly referred
portion of the high-temperature forsterite formed. to the process of the high-temperature forsterite formation

N. Zulumyan et al.

CHR-23 (lizardite sample ) Sh-1 (antigorite sample )

600 ÷800 °C
–H 2O (dehydroxylation ) 600 ÷ 800 °C
–H 2O (dehydroxylation )
low- fragments
temperature low- fragments
forsterite k ∙ Mg2+
l ∙ SiO32– temperature
(Mg2 SiO4 ) forsterite k ∙ Mg2+
m ∙ SiO4– l ∙ SiO32–
( Mg2 SiO4)
m ∙ SiO4–4
800 ÷950 °C

800 ÷950 °C
low-temperature high-
forsterite temperature high -temperature clinoenstatite,
(Mg2 SiO4 ) forsterite forsterite enstatite
( Mg2 SiO4) ( Mg2 SiO4) (Mg2 Si2O6)
950 ÷1000 °C
950 ÷1000 °C
crystallization, recrystallization

high-temperature clinoenstatite , high -temperature

forsterite enstatite forsterite
(Mg2 SiO4 ) (Mg2 Si2O6) (Mg2 SiO4)

1000 °C >
1000 °C >

high -temperature protoenstatite

high-temperature protoenstatite forsterite (Mg2 Si2O6)
forsterite (Mg2 Si2O6 ) (Mg2 SiO4 )
(Mg2 SiO4 )

Fig. 9 Schematic representation of the proposed thermal decomposition sequence for the Sh-1 antigorite and CHR-23 lizardite samples

whose intensity depends upon the number of orthosilicate nanosized and easily dissolved in diluted acids. The fact of
units taking part in the high-temperature forsterite crystals the serpentine crystalline structure destruction along with
formation via diffusion. The complete destruction of these the simultaneous formation of forsterite crystals points to
serpentines structure takes place up to 750 °C. the presence of certain parts in the serpentines silicate
All told, in the structure of the Sh-1 sample the content of layers largely made up of orthosilicate units bonded and
orthosilicate anions involved in the process of silicate layers situated side by side. In this case, on the DTA curves the
formation was higher than in the CHR-23 one. Naturally, its endothermic event corresponding to the serpentine
silicate layers had been arisen from dunite in which olivine decomposition distinguishes a more sharpened and nar-
(Mg, Fe)2SiO4 constitutes over 90%. As for peridotite, that rowed form. The greater amount of forsterite is produced,
was the parent rock for the CHR-23 sample, the portion of the more sharpened and narrowed shape the endothermic
(Mg, Fe)2SiO4 can be variable from 40 up to 90%. peak has.
Subsequent heat treatment leads to the formation of the
high-temperature forsterite that appears as an exothermic
Conclusions event at higher temperatures (800–820 °C). The intensity
of this exotherm depends upon the number of orthosilicate
The studies of these two serpentine polymorphs upon units remaining unbound after the process of the low-
heating have revealed that the process of serpentine silicate temperature forsterite formation. The intensive exothermic
layers decomposition beginning from the temperature of peak points not only to a great amount of the high-tem-
600 °C and completing up to 750 °C can be accompanied perature forsterite synthesized but also to a considerable
by the formation of low-temperature forsterite crystals portion of orthosilicate units inherent in serpentine

A study of thermal decomposition of antigorite from dunite and lizardite from peridotite

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