OB 2 Weigtage Questions

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Expected two weigtage questions

1) Management : According to Peter F Drucker defines, "management is an organ,

organs can be described and defined only through their function".
According to Terry, "Management is not people; it is an activity like walking, reading,
swimming or running. People who perform Management can be designated as
members, members of Management or executive leaders."
2) Organizational behaviour (OB) : is the study of human behaviour in the workplace,
the interaction between people and the organization, and the organization itself.
Organizational behaviour's major goals are to explain, predict, and control behaviour.
3) Total quality management (TQM) : is a firm-wide management philosophy of
continuously improving the quality of the products and services by focusing on the
customers' needs and expectations.
4) Organization Development (OD) : According to Warren Bennis, organization
development is a complex strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and
structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets,
and challenges. In simply refers to Organizational Development (OD) is focused on
improving the effectiveness of organizations and the people in those organizations.
5) Organisational Culture : is a type of organisational analysis and the idea is borrowed
from the field of anthropology. organisational culture generally refers to the shared
meanings, beliefs, and understandings held by a particular group or organisation about
its problems, practices, and goals.
6) Management by Objectives(MBO) : is a system for achieving organisational
objectives, enhancement of employees' participation and commitment. This is
developed by Peter Drucker. According to Koontz and O' Donnel, MBO is "a
comprehensive managerial system that activities in a systematic manner, consciously
directed toward the effective and efficient achievement of organizational objectives".
7) Transactional Analysis : is a model developed by Dr. Eric Berne during
1960's.Transactional Analysis is one of the most accessible theories of modern
psychology and a method to improve communication. Transactional Analysis has
wide applications in clinical, organizational and personal development, management,
personality, relationships and behaviour etc.
8) Managerial Grid Model : developed by Robert Blake is a framework used to determine
a leader's behavioral style, identifying their concern for people versus their concern for
task production.It is also known as 'Blake-Mouton Grid'.
9) Perception: refers to the way we try to understand the world around us. We gather
information through our five sense organs, but perception adds meaning to these
sensory inputs. Udaipareck opines, "It is a process of receiving, selecting, organizing,
interpreting, checking, and reacting to sensory stimuli or data".
10) Group cohesiveness : means the degree of attachment of the members to their group.
If groups' cohesion is high, interrelationship between members of the group is also
11) Human Resource Management (HRM) : is organising, coordinating, and managing
employees within an organisation to accomplish its mission, vision, and goals. This
includes recruiting, hiring, training, compensating, retaining, and motivating employees.

12) Work-Life Balance : refers to maintaining a harmonious relationship between your

work and personal life. It involves consciously managing your time and energy to meet
both professional and personal commitments while prioritizing self-care and well-being.

13) Group dynamics : means the social process by which people interact and behave in a
group environment. Group dynamics involves the influence of personality, power, and
behaviour on the group process.

14) Management Development Programme (MDP) : is a course that is designed to

transform employees into successful leaders. The course aims at improving managerial
and leadership skills and better management of teams.

15) Sensitivity Training : refers to psychological technique in which intensive group

discussion and interaction are used to increase individual awareness of self and others. In
other words Sensitivity training is designed to make people aware of group dynamics and
their own behaviour and traits within that group.

16) Work Groups : are organized and have structural elements that help the members
understand who is responsible for what tasks, what kind of behaviors are expected of
group members, and more.

17) Six sigma : is an internationally recognized management process focused on

producing high quality products or services to meet the customer's need and satisfaction.
Six Sigma is a disciplined, statistical-based, data-driven approach and continuous
improvement methodology for eliminating defects in a product, process or service.

18) Kaizen : is a Japanese term meaning change for the better or continuous
improvement. It is a Japanese business philosophy that concerns the processes that
continuously improve operations and involve all employees. Kaizen sees improvement in
productivity as a gradual and methodical process.

19) Benchmarking : It is the process of identifying, learning and implementing the best
practices of world class organizations. In other words it is the process of legally stealing
the competitor's best ideas. It is a systematic and continuous measurement improvement

20) Core competencies : are the resources and capabilities that comprise the strategic
advantages of a business. For example , innovation, customer service, operational
efficiency, or technological expertise could be core competencies.
21) Bottom Pyramid Approach (BOP) : when a company designs a marketing plan
that aims to provide products to low income earners. The product, price, promotion,
and place are focused on this group of solutions.Four elements of BOP : creating
buying power, shaping aspirations, improving access, and tailoring local solutions.

22) Quality circles : are a popular business concept throughoutworkplace. Quality

circles are groups of employees who regularly meet with the aim to solve problems,
improve the quality control of products and facilitate high standards in the workplace.
A circle consists approximately 6-8 members.

23) counselling : is a talking therapy that allows people to discuss their problems with
trained professionals in a peaceful and safe ambiance. In other word, it is the process
where you talk about your issues in detail either intending to overcome the same or to
explore your thoughts comprehensively.

24) Attribution Theory : is concerned with how ordinary people explain the causes of
behavior and events. For example, is someone angry because they are bad-tempered or
because something bad happened?.

25) Planning premises : is a set of assumptions that are derived from forecasting the
future. It is a logical and systematic estimate of the future factors that can affect
planning. Planning premises provide a background against which the estimated events
take place.

26) Group norms : are the expectations and behaviors associated with a social group,
such as a nationality, an organization, or a sports team. Group norms can emerge
during group interaction as group members are exposed to the opinions, or observe
the actions, of fellow group members.

27) Group behavior : is defined as the actions taken by an individual while in a group.
An individual's actions and behaviors can be influenced by others when in a group.An
example of group behavior is a strike. The people involved in a strike are likely to
portray group behavior when they act similarly, for example, by demonstrating.

28) Team Management : is the ability of an individual or an organization to

administer and coordinate a group of individuals to perform a task. Team
management involves teamwork, communication, objective setting and performance

29) Interpersonal conflict : refers to any type of conflict involving two or more
people.These disputes are typical in the workplace and society at large. When two
employees fight over a promotion, it is an example of an interpersonal conflict.
30) Social perception : refers to identifying and utilizing social cues to make judgments
about social roles, rules, relationships, context, or the characteristics of others.which is
essential for effective communication and building meaningful relationships.In high
school, social perception plays a crucial role in interpersonal relationships.

31) Motivation : Edwin B. Flippo defines, "motivation is the process of attempting to

influence others to do their work through the possibility of gain or reward". Other
word, Motivation is an internal state that propels individuals to engage in goal-directed

32) Power : It is a force that cannot be seen, but its impact can be felt. It is extremely
difficult to identify and measure objectively. Power has been defined as "the ability to
influence and control anything that is of value to others." It is the ability to influence the
behaviour of other people in the organization and to get them to do what they otherwise
would not have done.

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