Final Term Math

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1. Time
2. Length, Mass, and Volume
3. Perimeter of Simple Figures
4. Area of Simple Figures
5. Solving Word Problems involving the concepts of Measurement

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Discuss the relationships between two unit measures of time,
length, mass, and volume.
2. Convert one unit measure into another.
3. Solve word problems involving the conversion of one unit measure
to another.
4. Visualize the concepts of perimeter and area.
5. Solve real world problems involving the concepts of perimeter and


Measurement of time is an important skill for us because it allows us to divide

and use our waking hours more efficiently. Knowing what time is it and how much time
passed by allows us to prioritize activities which we deem to be more important than
Apart from knowing how to measure time, knowing how to express time in
different units of measurement is helpful particularly in problems where the standard
unit of time is different from the one we are accustomed to. For example, the length of
classes is often expressed in terms of minutes but total class hours are calculated in
The table below summarizes the conversion of time:
1 minute = 60 seconds
1 hour = 60 minutes Note 1: to convert to a
higher unit, we divide by the rate
1 day = 24 hours of conversion. To convert to a
1 week = 7 days lower unit, we multiply.
1 month = 30 days (convention)
1 month = 4 weeks (convention)
Note 2: If the name of the
1 year = 12 months
month is not specified, it is
1 year = 52 weeks conventional to denote it as
1 year = 365 days (366 on leap years) having 30 days. If a name is
1 decade = 10 years mentioned, however, we will use
1 century = 100 years the actual number of days of the
particular month.
1 millennium = 1000 years
Let us have an example: convert 3 weeks to days.

Week is a greater unit than days so we will multiply.

1 week = 7 days
3 weeks = 3 ● 7 days
3 weeks = 21 days Three (3) weeks are equal to twenty-one (21) days.

For our next example, let us convert from a smaller unit to a larger one: convert
48 hours to days.

1 day = 24 hours
? days = 48 hours

Since we are converting from a smaller unit, we will divide. Our conversion rate
for days and hours is 24 )there are 24 hours in a day) so we will divide by 24.

48 ÷24 = 2 days Forty-eight (48) hours) are equal to two (2) days.

Let us have another one: convert 25 days to weeks.

Again, since we are converting from a smaller unit, we will divide:

1 week = 7 days
25 ÷ 7 = 3 R4 Twenty-five (25) days are equal to 3 weeks and 4 days.

If there is no direct rate of conversion between two units, convert first the given
to a unit with a direct conversion to the unit asked. For example:

Convert 1 week to hours.

Since there is no direct conversion between week and hours but a conversion
rate exists for weeks-days and days-hours, let us convert the week first to days, then
convert the result to hours.

1 week = 7 days
1 day = 24 hours
7 days = ? hours

We are converting from a greater unit so we will multiply.

7 days = 7 ● 24 = 168 hours There are 168 hours in one week.

Elapsed time refers to the amount of time that passed from one reference time
to another. For example, if your class period is from 8:15 – 9:45, the amount of time
between these two reference times is the elapsed time.

First, let us familiarize ourselves with some time-keeping terms:

 AM or Ante Meridiem (before midday)
This acronym is commonly affixed to time measured in the morning.
However, AM spans the first 12 hours of the day (12:00 midnight to 11:59
before midday).
 PM or Post Meridiem (after midday)
This acronym is commonly affixed to time measured in the afternoon to
evening. PM spans the next 12 hours of the day after midday or noon
(12:00 noon to 11:59 before midnight).

Time is also kept in two formats: 12-hour format and 24-hour format.

 In the 12-hour format, the stopping place is 12, that is, when you reach 12 (noon
or midnight), you restart counting hours at 1 (that is why we have 1 PM after 12
 In the 24-hour format, the stopping place is 24, that is, you only revert to one
when you reach 24 (12 midnight). Dividing the day into AM and PM is no longer
required in this format. Instead, we count the entire 24-hours of the day and
write them as they are. So, we can have a time reading of 17:00 (5:00 PM) or
23:00 (11:00 PM).

To convert a time reading from the 12-hour to the 24-hour format, we observe the
a) if the time reading is in AM, its 24-hour format counterpart is the same, e.g. 1
AM is still 1, 2:45 AM is still 2:45, etc.

b) if the time reading is in PM, just add 12 to the reading, e.g. 1 PM is 1 + 12 = 13,
2:45 PM is 14:45, etc.

Now, to solve for elapsed time, we follow these steps:

1. Align the hours and minutes of the given time. Remember that we are
subtracting from the later time.

To illustrate the step, let us have an example: what is the elapsed time between
7:15 AM and 6:45 AM?

7 15 AM
6 45 AM

2. Check their suffixes. If they have the same suffix, proceed with the subtraction. If
they don’t, convert them to 24-hour format before subtracting.

Since both 7:15 and 6:45 are in AM, we do not need to convert them.

3. Subtract the minutes first, then proceed to subtracting the hours.

7 15 We cannot subtract 45 from 15 so we will borrow 1 from 7 and add it to

15. Since 7 represents hours, when we borrowed 1 from it, we actually borrowed
6 45 1 hour. To add the extra hour we borrowed to the minutes, we will change it first
to minutes. Based on our table of conversion, 1 hour = 60 minutes. So we will add
60 to 15.

6 75 After borrowing, 7 becomes 6 and 15 becomes 75. Subtract.

6 45
0 hr 30 mins The elapsed time between 7:15 and 6:45 AM is 30 minutes.
Let us have another example. This time, let us find the elapsed time between
8:30 AM and 7:16 PM.

1. Align the hours and minutes of the given time. Remember that we are
subtracting from the later time.

7 16 PM
8 30 AM

2. Check their suffixes. If they have the same suffix, proceed with the subtraction. If
they don’t, convert them to 24-hour format before subtracting.

Since they have opposite suffixes, we will have to convert them to 24-hour

7:16 PM becomes 7:16 + 12 = 19:16

8:30 remains 8:30

3. Subtract the minutes first, then proceed to subtracting the hours.

19 16 We cannot subtract 30 from 16 so we will borrow 1 from 19 and add it

to 16. Since 19 represents hours, when we borrowed 1 from it, we actually
8 30 borrowed 1 hour. To add the extra hour we borrowed to the minutes, we will
change it first to minutes. Based on our table of conversion, 1 hour = 60 minutes.
So we will add 60 to 16.

18 76 After borrowing, 19 becomes 18 and 16 becomes 76. Subtract.

6 45
12 hrs 31 mins The elapsed time between 7:16 PM and 8:30 AM is 12 hrs
and 31 minutes.


Length is the measure of distance from one reference point to another point. It
is expressed in terms of meters (the SI unit for length). Below is a summary of the most
commonly used units of length and their conversion rates:

1 meter (m) = 100 centimeter (cm)

1 meter (m) = 1000 millimeter (mm)
1 Kilometer (Km) = 1000 meters (m)

Mass refers to the amount of matter contained in an object. It is expressed in

terms of grams (the SI unit for mass).

1 Kilogram (Kg) = 1000 grams (g)

Volume refers to the amount of matter that an object can hold or the amount of
space occupied by the same object. It is expressed in terms of Liters (the SI unit for
1 Liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (ml)

Conversion of units is a very complicated topic even for advanced learners. In

order to make it interactive (at the same, easier) for the pupils, we will use the leaping
frog diagram.
Steps in constructing the “Leaping Frog Diagram”
1. Draw a horizontal line.
2. Label the ends in the following manner: the smaller unit at the right end, the bigger
unit at the left end.
If you need to convert, note that when the frog jumps from the right, divide.
When the frog jumps from the left, multiply.

Let us try. Convert 5 Km to meters.

1. Draw a horizontal line. Label the ends such that the smaller unit is at the right end.

Km m

2. Since we are converting from Km to m, we will jump from left to right. The frog
jumped from the left, therefore, we are going to multiply.

Km m

3. We will multiply the given value by the conversion rate. We know that 1 Km = 1 000
m. The conversion rate is 1000.

3 Km ● 1000 = 3 000 meter There are 3 000 meters in 3 Km.

This process can be used in converting length, mass, or volume.

For our next example, suppose we are asked to convert 5 000 mL to L.

1. Draw a horizontal line. Label the ends such that the smaller unit is at the right end.

L mL

2. Since we are converting from mL to L, we will jump from right to left. The frog jumped
from the right, therefore, we are going to divide.

L mL

3. We will divide the given value by the conversion rate. We know that 1 L = 1 000 mL.
The conversion rate is 1000.
5 000 mL = 5 000 ÷ 1 000
5 000 mL = 5 Liters There are 5 Liters in 5 000 mL.

If there is no direct rate of conversion between two units, convert first the given
to a unit with a direct conversion to the unit asked.

Perimeter is simply the distance around a polygon. More precisely, it is the sum
of the lengths of the sides of the figure.

Now, many books list a lot of individual formulae for each polygon, resulting to a
rather long list of formulae to be remembered. While it is not wrong to use unique and
tailored-fit formula for each of the polygons, this approach to teaching and learning how
to solve for the perimeter is prone to mistakes as pupils may eventually forget the
formula and thereby forget how to solve the perimeter of a particular polygon.
Furthermore, the stress on rote memorization of a bunch of formulae tends to make the
entire process difficult and less practical. To avoid these, we shall stick to the most basic
method in finding the perimeter of a figure: finding the sum of the measures of its sides.

For this lesson, you only have to remember one formula: add the measures of
the sides.

Let us have an example: find the perimeter of the given figure below.

5 cm

12 cm

We know that the given figure is a rectangle. From our previous lesson, we
learned that opposite sides of a rectangle measures the same.

12 cm

5 cm 5 cm

12 cm

To find the perimeter of the rectangle, add the measures of the sides.

12 cm + 5 cm + 12 cm + 5 cm = 34 cm

The perimeter of the rectangle is 34 cm.

Remember to always write the unit with your answer.

Let us have another example: find the perimeter of the square below.

We know that a square has four sides with equal

measures. So, our solution is
4 cm
4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm = 16 cm

The perimeter of the square is 16 cm.


The area of a polygon is the amount of surface covered by the polygon. If you
are going to completely fill a polygon with a color, the amount of surface you are going
to color in is the area of the polygon.

We express area in square units or unit2. It is because in finding the area, we are
actually looking for the number of squares that can fit inside the polygon without
overlapping. In a manner, we can think of finding the area as tessellating the polygon
with squares.

Now, for this part, we cannot get away with just a simple, generic formula. As
each polygon has its own unique characteristics, each polygon its own formula, all of
which are summarized in the table below:


Rectangle To find the area of a
rectangle, multiply its width
by its length. 4 cm
6 cm
A = 6 cm ● 4 cm
A = 24 square cm or 24 cm2

Square To find the area of a

square, multiply the length
4 cm
of its side by itself.

A = 4 cm ● 4 cm
A = 16 cm2

Triangle To find the area of a

triangle, multiply the
measure of its base by the 6 cm
measure of its height, then
divide the product by two.
16 cm
6 cm ● 16 cm
6 cm2
A = 48 cm2

Just do not forget the unit for area in the final answer!

In solving word problems involving measurement, it is still important that we

identify what the question is about. Apart from knowing how to apply the formula,
when to apply it and to which data also are skills that should be developed.

Sample Problem 5.1.

Mang Carding is building a fence around his rectangular lot whose length and width
measure 50 m and 22 m, respectively. How long will his entire fence be if a 3 m gap is to be
left unfenced for the gate?

Step 1. Understand the Problem
What is asked? How long will the entire fence be minus the gap for the gate?

What are known and unknown (given)? Given are the measures of the length
and width of the rectangular lot and the length of the gap provided for the gate.

Length = 50 m
Width = 22 m
Gap for the gate = 3 m
Total perimeter of the lot = ?
Total length of the fence = ?

Step 2. Devise a Plan

What operation/s shall be used? Because we are asked to determine length of
the fence, we are actually asked to solve for the perimeter of the lot. To do that, we will
add the measures of the sides. However, a 3 m gap is to be left unfenced so we will
subtract 3 m from the entire perimeter of the lot to get the length of the fence.

Step 3. Carry Out the Plan

Solution 1: Perimeter of the Lot
Perimeter of a Rectangle = l + w + l + w
P = 50 m + 22 m + 50 m + 22 m
P = 144 m

Solution 2: Entire length of the fence

Length of the fence = Perimeter of the Lot – Gap for the Gate
Length of the fence = 144 m – 3 m
Length of the fence = 141 m

The entire length of Mang Carding’s lot is 141 m.

Step 4. Look Back

Let us look back to our answer. How do we determine if our answer is correct?

It is logical to solve for the perimeter instead of area because fences do not
cover the entire surface of the lot. It is installed around the lot so it makes more sense
that we use perimeter. As for the gate, gate material are often different compared to
fencing material. It was also stated in the problem that the 3 m, despite being allocated
for a gate, is a gap so we have to deduct it from the total perimeter.
Sample Problem 5.2.

A batch of pancakes calls for 250 g of flour. However, the local market sells flour
only in 2 Kg bags. How many batches of pancakes can be made using a bag of flour?

Step 1. Understand the Problem
What is asked? How many batches of pancakes can be made from a 2 Kg bag of
flour if each batch requires 250 g?

What are known and unknown (given)? Given are the amount of flour needed
for a batch of pancakes and the amount of flour in each bag.

Amount of flour required per batch = 250 g

Amount of flour in each bag = 2 Kg
Number of batches that can be made = ?

Step 2. Devise a Plan

What operation/s shall be used? At first glance, the problem seems pretty
straightforward: divide the amount of flour in the bag by the amount required per batch
to get the number of batches that can be made. However, at a closer inspection, the
problem is actually a multi-step problem because we cannot directly divide 2 Kg by 250
g. So, to solve this problem, let us first convert Kg to grams before dividing.

Step 3. Carry Out the Plan

Solution 1: Convert Kg to g
Since we are converting from Kg to g, we will jump from left to right. The frog
jumped from the left, therefore, we are going to multiply.

Kg g

3. We will multiply the given value by the conversion rate. We know that 1 Kg = 1 000 g.
The conversion rate is 1000.
2 Kg ● 1000 = 2 000 grams There are 2 000 grams in 2 Kg.

Solution 2: Divide the Amount of flour in the bag by the amount required per
Number of batches = 2 000 g ÷ 250 g
Number of batches = 8

A 2 Kg bag of flour can make 8 batches of pancakes .

Step 4. Look Back

Let us look back to our answer. How do we determine if our answer is correct?

It is necessary to convert the Kg to g first because we cannot operate on values

with different units. For the calculation, 2 000 ÷ 250 is indeed equal to 8, so our answer
is logical as far as the problem is concerned.
Sample Problem 5.3.

A bus left the San Jose terminal at around 8:45 AM and arrived at Lucena City at 7:32
PM. How long did it take the bus to go from San Jose to Lucena City?

Step 1. Understand the Problem
What is asked? How long did the travel from San Jose to Lucena City?

What are known and unknown (given)? Given are the starting time and the
ending time of the travel.

Starting time = 8:45 AM

Ending Time = 7:32 PM
Elapsed Time = ?

Step 2. Devise a Plan

What operation/s shall be used? Since we are asked to determine the elapsed
time between 8:45 AM and 7:32 PM, we will subtract. However, since one of them is in
the PM, we will have to convert them first to 24-hour format.

Step 3. Carry Out the Plan

Solution 1: Convert the given to 24-hour format
8: 45 AM 8:45
7: 32 PM 19:32
Solution 2: Determine the elapsed time
19 32 18 92
8 45 8 45
10 hrs 47 mins

The entire travel took 10 hrs and 47 mins.

Step 4. Look Back

Let us look back to our answer. How do we determine if our answer is correct?

We can check our answer by counting the whole hours from the starting time to
the ending time.

Starting time: 8: 45 AM
9: 45 AM (1 hour) 2: 45 PM (6 hours)
10: 45 AM (2 hours) 3: 45 PM (7 hours)
11: 45 AM (3 hours) 4: 45 PM (8 hours)
12: 45 PM (4 hours) 5: 45 PM (9 hours0
1: 45 PM (5 hours) 6: 45 PM (10 hours)

From 6:45 PM to 7: 00 PM, 15 minutes passed. From 7:00 PM to 7:32 PM, 32

minutes passed (you may check using the method we discussed before). So, from 6:45
PM to 7:32 PM, a total of 15 + 32 = 47 minutes passed. Including the whole hours, a
total of 10 hours and 47 minutes elapsed between 8:45 AM and 7:32 PM.
Sample Problem 5.4.

A wall 6 m wide and 5 m tall is to completely painted white. If a can of paint can
cover 10 square meters, how many cans of paint is required to paint the wall?

Step 1. Understand the Problem
What is asked? How many cans of paint will be needed to paint a 6 m x 5 m wall
if a can can cover 10 m2?

What are known and unknown (given)? Given are the dimensions of the wall
and the area that a can of paint can cover.

Width of the wall = 6 m

Height of the wall = 5 m
Area covered by a can of paint = 10 m2
Area to be painted = ?
Number of cans of paint needed = ?

Step 2. Devise a Plan

What operation/s shall be used? First, we need to determine the total area to be
painted so we will multiply the dimensions of the wall. Then, we will divide the total area
of the wall by the amount a can of paint can cover to determine the number of cans of
paint required.

Step 3. Carry Out the Plan

Solution 1: Find the area of the wall
A = 30 m2

Solution 2: Determine the number of cans needed

Number of cans needed = Total area ÷ Area covered by a can
Number of cans needed = 30 m2 ÷ 10 m2
Number of cans needed = 3 cans

The entire wall will need 3 cans of paint.

Step 4. Look Back

Let us look back to our answer. How do we determine if our answer is correct?

We can be sure that the problem does not ask for perimeter because it
specifically detailed that the wall is to be completely covered (think to our discussion of
area where we likened it to coloring the entire polygon). So far, our computation is
correct so there is nothing to be corrected with the solution.
A. Convert the following measures to the indicated units.

1. 4 Kg = ____ g 11. 6 000 g = ____ Kg

2. 7 Km = ____ m 12. 8 Kg = ____ g
3. 50 cm = ____ mm 13. 130 m = ____ cm
4. 1 600 cm = ____ m 14. 150 cm = ____ mm
5. 2 000 g = ____ Kg 15. 5 000 mL = ____ L
6. 6 hours = ____ minutes 16. 9L = ____ mL
7. 13 weeks = ____ days 17. 2 hours = ____ seconds
8. 1 year = ____ months 18. 14 hours = ____ minutes
9. 1 month = ____ weeks 19. 18 months = ____ days
10. 1 year = ____ weeks 20. 30 months = ____ weeks

B. Determine the elapsed time in each item.

1) 6: 14 AM – 7:30 AM 6) 6:34 AM – 5:52 PM

2) 3: 45 AM – 4 :35 PM 7) 9:38 PM – 3:42 AM

3) 2: 15 AM – 8 :13 PM 8) 10:13 AM – 12:14 AM

4) 1: 12 PM – 4: 29 PM 9) 3:33 PM – 5:56 PM

5) 3: 21 AM – 9 : 26 AM 10) 9:22 AM – 12 21PM

C. Solve the following problems. Present your solution to each problem using Polya’s
Four Steps in Problem Solving. The following checklist shall be used in grading
your solution:
Is the question being asked identified correctly? 1
Are all the known and unknown information identified? 1
Is the computation correct? 3
Is the answer correct? 5

1. A 7 Liter pail was filled to the brim. If it is to be transferred to smaller containers

each capable of containing 350 mL, how many such containers are required to
completely empty the pail?

2. Per Cassy’s calculation, it took her 7 hours and 43 minutes to get from San Jose
to Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro. If the bus she was in left San Jose at around
5:32 AM, at what time did she arrive at Calapan City?

3. A flask can only carry 375 mL of water. If Myla is required to drink approximately
3 Liters of water per day, how many times must she fill her flask?

4. A 30 m string is to be cut into strips of 600 cm. How many such strips can be

5. How many days are there from the first of January 2020 to the last day of
September of the same year?

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