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Learning Objectives:

 To let the girls be familiarized with the 4th Commandment : Honoring your Father &
 Review the meaning of Honor.
 To let the girls see how easy it is for us to sometimes disobey the 4 th commandment
BUT also how they can do better starting today.
 To emphasize to do it NOW and not wait until they grow old.

Summary of Activity:

 Break out room: ROLE-PLAY

The titas will review briefly the things discussed in the main session room about:
a review of the 4th commandment

Guide the girls during the roleplay by:

 Have the girls choose a leader for the group to facilitate the discussion of
their role-play scenario, assign roles, etc. But Titas should make sure that the
leader is not the only one talking but will also encourage participation from
the rest of the girls in the group.
 Have them think of what instances do people experience or what people
normally do that breaks the 5th commandment.
 After thinking of a scenario, next step is to guide them to how they can show
in the roleplay how to do better in order to avoid disobeying the
 NOTE: For the group with poor signal and has challenges with
discussion within the group, they can choose one representative to do a
report instead and listing 2 scenarios of how people disobey the 4th
commandment and HOW can people do better next time to follow the
commandment they chose

 Main room: DEBRIEF

General debrief of the day’s session and a summary of the roleplay the girls

End the session by challenging the girls to obey the commandments discussed in the
best way they can, be a good example to their community or even their household.

Thank the girls for their time and encourage them to attend next week and to BE ON


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