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Lesson 1
No Words Class Transcription Meaning
1 essay (n) /ˈɛˌseɪ/ bài tiểu luận
2 homework (n) /ˈhoʊmˌwɜrk/ bài tập về nhà
3 presentation (n) /ˌprɛzənˈteɪʃən/ buổi thuyết trình, bài thuyết trình
4 project (n) /ˈprɑʤɛkt/ dự án, đồ án
5 report (n) /rɪˈpɔrt/ bài báo cáo
6 test (n) /tɛst/ bài kiểm tra
Lesson 2
No Words Class Transcription Meaning
7 annoyed (adj) /əˈnɔɪd/ bực bội, khó chịu
8 delighted (adj) /dɪˈlaɪtəd/ vui mừng, hài lòng
9 disappointed (adj) /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ thất vọng
10 fail (v) /feɪl/ thi rớt
11 pass (v) /pæs/ thi đậu
12 pleased (adj) /plizd/ hài lòng
13 surprised (adj) /sərˈpraɪzd/ ngạc nhiên
14 upset (adj) /əpˈsɛt/ buồn bã, đau khổ
Lesson 3
No Words Class Transcription Meaning
15 abroad (adj) /əˈbrɔd/ ở/ ra nước ngoài
16 although (conj) /ˌɔlˈðoʊ/ mặc dù
17 experience (n) /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ trải nghiệm, kinh nghiệm
18 however (adv) /ˌhaʊˈɛvər/ tuy vậy, tuy nhiên
19 lonely (adj) /ˈloʊnli/ cô đơn, lẻ loi
20 negative (adj) /ˈnɛgətɪv/ tiêu cực, xấu
21 positive (adj) /ˈpɑzətɪv/ tích cực, tốt
1. have to + infinitive
We use have to + infinitive to talk about an action that somebody
tells you to do. I have to do my homework. (My teacher told me to
do my homework.)
We add do not to talk about an action we can choose not to do if we
don’t want to. I don’t have to clean my room. (My room is not untidy.)
(+) S (I/ You/ We/ They/…) + have to + infinitive
(-) S (I/ You/ We/ They/…) + don’t have to +
infinitive (?) Do + S (I/ you/ we/ they/…) +
have to + infinitive? Examples:
I/ You/ We/ They have to study for a test.
I/ You/ We/ They don’t have to write essays.
Do I/ You/ We/ They have to clean the classroom?
(+) S (He/She/It/…) + has to + infinitive
(-) S (He/She/It/…) + doesn’t have to
+ infinitive (?) Does + S (he/she/it/…)
+ have to + infinitive? Examples:
He/ She has to do homework.
He/ She doesn’t have to pay for the book.
Does he/ she have to give presentations?

2. Conjunction: Because
We use the subordinating conjunction because to connect two clauses in a sentence. The
clause beginning with because answers the question “Why” and used to give a reason for the
other clause.
I failed my math test (Why?) because I didn’t study.
I’m delighted (Why?) because I got 100% on my science test.

3. So and really
We use the intensifiers so and really to make adjectives stronger.
We can use so to show surprise about something being more than you expect it to be.
We can use really before adjectives or some verbs to make them stronger. It is a little
stronger than “very”
He is so happy because he passed
his test. Why are you so angry? I
was trying to be nice.
Mr. Thi is so sad because some people are cheating him. They sell his English
materials illegally. My teacher is really annoyed because I lost my math book.
I really want to buy that computer game.
NQT is really angry because some teachers are buying and selling his English materials again
and again.

Lesson 1

1. Look at the words in the box and write the suitable word
for each picture. (Vocabulary 1)
essay project homework
book test presentation

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
2. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from exercise I.
Description Word
1. a piece of writing to answer a question or to explain your ideas.
2. a piece of writing about a story or novel.
3. a short talk about a topic.
4. a paper with many questions to check someone's knowledge in a subject.
5. This is a large piece of work. It can have photos, arts and crafts, posters, and
videos as well as writing.
6. Teachers give students this work to do after school.
3. Fill in the blanks with “have to/ has to/ don’t have to/ doesn’t have to”.
1. I do my homework tonight because tomorrow is Sunday.
2. We

3. Does your sister

work together for our project at school.
do the housework everyday?

4. My brother _ walk to school today because his bike is broken.

5. Jenny write a book report. It’s for her French class.
6. I give a presentation for my English class.
7. Students wear uniform on Monday and Thursday.
8. Do you study hard for your examination?
9. Peter work in our group for this project. He can work on his own at home.
10.Mr. Nguyen drive from home to Ha Long city because nobody has driving licence.
Lesson 2

1. Look at the words in the box and write the suitable word
for each picture.
upset fail pleased disappointed
surprised delighted annoyed pass

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
2. Complete the following sentences by using the words in the box.
upset failed pleased disappointed
surprised delighted annoyed passed
1. My sister is so because she got mark 10 on her English exam.
2. I was _ when my mother gave me a new bicycle on my birthday.
3. We are really happy because we the final test last week.
4. My brother was so beacause he failed the driving test again.
5. Are you when he made you sad?
6. I am very because I complete 90 percent of my work today.
7. The teacher is because the students are lazy.
8. John’s parents were when he didn’t pay attention to the lessons.

Lesson 3

1. Choose the words whose underlined part is

pronounced differently from that of the others in
each group.
1. A. essay B. classmate C. craft D. paragraph
2. A. test B. report C. project D. upset
3. A. think B. thanks C. although D. math
4. A. presentation B. invitation C. education D. question
5. A. really B. reason C. teaching D. speaking
6. A. school B. textbook C. cartoon D. teaspoon
7. A. posters B. readers C. students D. news
8. A. grades B. pictures C. universities D. guesses
9. A. annoyed B. delighted C. disappointed D. decided
10. A. pleased B. surprised C. failed D. passed
2. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from
that of the other in each group.
11. A. essay B. project C. homework D. report
12. A. annoyed B. surprised C. lonely D. abroad
13. A. decline B. project C. although D. upset
14. A. however B. positive C. negative D. difficult
15. A. biology B. geography C. community D. disappointed
3. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
16. I have to my homework tonight.
1. do B. does C. did D. doing
17. We study _ because we want to go the United States next year.
1. French B. English C. Vietnamese D. Korean
18. I was delighted because my parents _ me a new car yesterday.
1. buy B. buys C. bought D. buying
19. That exercise was very_ I couldn’t get an A on my test.
1. interesting B. suitable C. easy D. difficult
20. My son has to hard for the mid-term test.
1. study B. studying C. studied D. studies
21. Anna wash her clothes by herself?
1. Does-has to B. Does-have to C. Do-have to D. Do-has to
22. He will go to the bank tomorrow afternoon.
1. has to B. have C. have to D. has
23. I can’t go to Qatar to enjoy the World Cup 2022 because I am really .
1. excited B. disappointed C. happy D. busy
24. Jenny studied really hard, so she all of her tests.
1. failed B. got C. did D. passed
25. I’m really _ with Nick. We have an English project, but he doesn’t do his part.
2. annoyed B. excited C. hopeful D. pleased

4. Supply the correct forms of the given words to complete the

26. In my English class, we have to give about various topics. (present)
27. I was so because I got an A plus on my English test. (surprise)
28. Studying abroad puts you into an unfamiliar situation, so you will become more .
29. Philip was really when he got a D on his math test. He studied very hard for it.
30. Studying overseas also gives you the opportunity to make friends with
people from backgrounds. (differ)

5. Choose the word which best fits each gap.

Studying abroad is becoming popular for many students looking to learn more
about other languages and countries. Sometimes, students (31) work with an
online exchange organization to make travel arrangements and make sure they have a
wonderful and safe experience while away.
Studying abroad is also a (32) way to meet new friends, visit new
places, and experience different things. Students are (33) to learn about new
opportunities and meet people from other cultures. (34) learning in a foreign
country can be difficult, they are pleased when they (35)_ their first test, complete
their first project, or meet amazing new people. Overall, it’s a great way to travel to other
countries and learn more about the world.
31. A. have to B. has to C. have D. to have
32. A. great B. pleased C. terrible D. surprised
33. A. annoyed B. delighted C. disappointed D. upset

34. A. However B. So C. Although D. Because

35. A. present B. fail C. pass D. make

6. Read the following passage. For each question,

write T if the statement is TRUE, F if the statement is
FALSE, and NI if there is NO INFORMATION on it.
When Sophie was a little girl, she dreamed about visiting another country. One
day, while looking on the internet, she was surprised to learn about a way to travel and
study abroad. First, Sophie would have to decide which country to visit. She would also
need to learn a foreign language to take tests and write essays. Sophie quickly knew it
would take a lot of work to make her dreams come true, so she began working with her
parents on making plans.
Sophie was so excited about her future that she spent an entire summer working
with her dad to save money. She also took French lessons because she always dreamed
about traveling to Paris. The following summer, Sophie was accepted into an exchange
program and spent a year traveling and studying abroad.
Answers True False Not
36. Sophie planned to take a train to Paris.

37. Sophie spent one whole summer studying abroad.

38. Sophie worked with her dad to save money.

39. Sophie made her dreams of traveling abroad come true by working hard.

40. Sophie didn’t have to learn a foreign language.

7. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the

41. According to the rules, it’s necessary for students to hand in their assignments on time.
→ Students
42. Hoa wants to study overseas, but he is afraid of living alone.
→ Although
43. Jack’s mother is from China, but she can’t speak Chinese. (however)
→ Jack’s mother
44. She doesn’t get the first prize in the English Club. She is happy with the result.
→ Although
45. Jenny got up late, so she didn’t get to school on time.
→ Because
8. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences.
46. I/ just/ back/ from/ year/ studying/ Australia/ came/ in/ my

47. Her English/ wasn’t/ and/ no one/ her/ understood/ good

48. How many/ did/ years/ brother/ your/ study/ abroad?

49. I/ got/ from/ my teachers/ classmates/ and/ help/ lots of

50. My parents/ to/ English/ study/ want/ me/ more/ at/ Language Centre

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