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 Are you an “immaterial soul” , distinct from your brain and body?

 Alternatively, are you simply a material or physical animal, living in an entirely physical

 If we (somehow) made a brain that was a perfect molecule-for-molecule replica of your

brain, and (somehow) kept it alive in a tank, would the tank-creature have the same
mental life as you?

 Do we see ordinary physical objects like lemons and iPhones? And assuming that we do
see them at all, do we see them as they really are?

 Can consciousness be given a scientific explanation?

 Outline of the Course: Wherein I tell you what we’ll be covering over the next 12 weeks.

 Outline of Part 1: Minds and Computers

 Outline of Part 2: Theories of Mind, from Dualism to

 Outline of Part 3: Minds and Brains
 Outline of Part 4: Perception
 Outline of Part 5: Consciousness

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