Kuis Dem I - Farhan Mahersya Dalimunthe (220401016)

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NM: 2204olol6

fores berdia meter Bo mm

mentrni mdrica day fo teynyan
Jeser Masimum 63 Mla. Tentkam Ponjany at 2o mm leror
mematang katrol poda poro) Johtngyra
fafok t r metetihi 42 MP.

Civen: d: 8o mm O,o m

Terngsible : 42 M

We pnow
63 xlo

T: 6333,4S N-n
Now with f
x G333, 95

: o, |884 m

Given:i 30 mm T:D x tx d3
Zwos: &o Ma

3,14 x 27.0 oo

3 26 4 93 7, S N- m m
T: Fx

264937,S : fx 30

24937.S F: f x 1S
f 1662,5

|3,S88 mm

3) Sebah Rolas b berdsneder 25 m Ponos berqvtar dngan KLefatn

353 Ma. Menyn bil bof kemnon 3 pilah

for Shoft we have,_ The Mo we sher stresT is

Syt 25s3 Mea 1whee n : ftor of

co lowte shear stress Thts tS the warol mm Mlowole

S8. 8333 Mb Stves 0n key.

ONow, We hove power is iven

30 wi Dngu elo ty

(whee N:

30 Do

3 000 =477. 464 & N-m

Nows We e (torqve, T) ud wo m
lowe shr stress.
Assv min9 to be
helg ht rectngu
b: 4. 62 S mm
w 6.38 m m

Now length f re lo deA asi


s8.83333 x 25 6,3s

- 44. 46 48

mentrns mson
Geser ng
dan wateri
Potok Cbja ngan) wng- wastng 30 M dan &o MPa
Bahan wfF h best tung enron tegngn gerer ng
1S W. Asmslnb w walei mm be rsi
Yng trnsin leli h e dar to r

Given: lower transmitted P: 4o ew

S lees
AMowe shear stvess of swpt
Ahowe sheat Stress f leey e
Mou cvs tng sher of bey
Alowe ansing
AMowoe she stre83 for crast a on Tes : 1s M
Design of Shaft 3 4ox lo 3 x 6o
Tor qve transtted T: Px bo

Tm: 3183 .l Nm
Tmen tor qve
Twx :,2S x 3| 83,
3998, &5 N-m
We enow tht


A:6?597 4,991 mm
mm N 88 m m

O lest9n of sleeve /mmw f

Length of sleeve

Iwb ces s he Stvess n sleve

398,8 5 xlo 1894- 88


s her Sne&S in sleene o s less thn Moeshe

destgn is Snte.

Outer dta f sleees D: 189 nm

Shott dtme ter e di 88 mm
length of slene o L: 308 mn

Rneng Koplng eonerest me foros yowg mentrnsmsn 130o W-M

Tegngm geter yang
meng wbvng bn kedo, bagtn ddh

Given: T: 1300 N m

We now t t

VBoo x o

Oesign for mutf

L 38 J: 3's CSs) |192,S wm

lesign for key


m m
length of leey : Totl bengh of mfe
t: 1 -||92 S mm

Jrmete of bott

Boo x o :
O , 3 x to) x 4x S

A12: 4s6. 6S
2, 4 mMm

from thes ef stnor ders, S t dcone

23. 32 mm
deAer s

6) Rnemg kop ng plens pelndwny d bhn begt Co nte meng

(trm Tegngm ng dieinban bertt dapt grani
leonm eer yng iznn nt< poros bovt n metert

mter Pas
ntye bat don
Tengn geser yng dizinm

P: 2
N20 r m.

T: 99, 4 N m
lo S N nm
T 99. 4

T:(1 d3
99,47xlo * 33 x
99.43 *lo. x Te

Ze 432 M

te is less t n Mobe sher

Stress whtch is ls Mea. So the


eri boa tor bon btse dhubnn

Dua fonss yamg ter bvt

nte Koeastas bebn ber lbih 25 mele

kop ng Supuhya
Asumh Kon egmm yang dilnton berlbt i

Deser ng dn arm i 3s M.
Poe - os teng9 e m vgUn9 bente peregi ng ng

Bout - E wan bh gong ter bat da boa dengm tenn

9ser y mg
Flens - Besi tvng engn tengn geser n9 d2lnan
Given: 25x o3

shart 35 N/m
bolts Ts 28 t 28 N/ w
\2 N/wm

Tmeon 26x o x bo
474 W- m
torque trns mdtted.
Tmen S96. 25 xlo' N- mm
we so new ht, wee mm trae
S96.2sx io 3 trmtte CTway

S9bsS x lo?

44,2 S mm

We mow t t ovter

Let vs heene he n bweed shesr stness por the hub wten,


s96 2s x lo 3 4. 19 x lo' x Te

696,25 x lo3 4,44 We

134. 19 x lo

Jince the naces shesr stress in the h, less thn the eermisroble
Vae of 35 M ten the destgn, s Sfe.
O Design of leey
we ptnd t for a 45 m

Wi th of ey: |4 mm
hieness f ey 9 mm

The length ep bey is toeen ear o the Length p hub.

Le us checel na tn deed s trefses n the bey,


Stnee bhe na ced comresve stres ts EAE tan Rermissb e

Stness, thenhe destgn oe eey s ls

The tie ness of the pange ts toeen as

tt O,6 x 4 22, S mm

Let us chee in dced sher stress tn the pnge,

Stnce the in eed sher Stres n plge is bess thn the ermssible

since khe di of shapt 4s mm thene fore lot v tse tue

numbe of botS
k ltch dia of bolts

he beltsie subjected to shear styess due to torque trni mitted

we engw that,


ll2, 4 6 n
Lo. 60 m 10 M

Hssvnng Corse, thresd dnd the nearest studar d 'ameter

f bolt s ?o mm CMIo).

Other frtpor tion of the f lanye re tasen as folow,

Ovter dia of the Flange

Thicpregs of the pro teetive Cr am feren ti


Ronong foras don plens nte mest resol mama kopW ng flens da

ote bertt ter Se mne de&on

1,2S x torsi ta-rata

ineter ingtoTn piteh bt e 3 x metr Pons
Vstn: dneAer fores
Bneter bt




L: 15d

Siep l : findin9 Forque en the shaft

:3$R2,8o N- m
) Sey 2: findng the dmeAr of the s haft.
16T t m m.

E wptrtca lelotiens
0, 3d

|Cher she Strejs tn he hw

We en assne hs ho low Shapt with outer dl er
nner dmeter d

here 0:2d S4 mm

Sv bstitting,

As T wwox l,2 xLmen
: ,2s x 358,20x lo

Chene sher stess on the pnge



Sote desin.

As. vteA She stres5

1fpi ure fectton n hub

Stee t : lestgn of key.

Vshg Empinte Relttns
-(ii) F not twice

chous she stress ceA tn keyl

195) C 1Ss)

3 dr s x 19, 25 1|SS

() Choge the dtmengns
Reltenate hefnesessfer the Fage design of bey
Also, chevs cNshtng stregs dyced n Be

jn dvce! crghng stres

Lsep S Betgn of bolt s
" No. "f bolts

n: 8 if dameter s boe d >150 nm n

Ustng sher ftne op boltr

bc 14,34 mm

do de
= 19 ef 2o mm
i0,6 dm proyang diper Fan odooh poros Pod 1,

Dengon nengam Hl T Lo0 Ma.

pibeh se tar ? bald tamete hasr foo bonongga

Given: p: so kw Colwlate the torqye tranmitted:

P 2 NT
Chetate dmete f the a x 2o00 xT

t00 : 238, 73Nm

l6xs895x te d'a D: 24 2x23 = 46 mn

zh3 mm
Pesign Chedng 39n gven eon dti on :
for bolt:

:. 238,5 lo.
T : xDxzx nxdiifor bolt

236,75x lo: x x 2x4x 6

TE :thi crene of plange
S M m

Glifen: Bolt

94 aTtne type flanye cauplng

lower (P): 3.3S MW

AlMlowbhe sher stress of Shopt aal bolt

P: 27 NT

= 228732 414 Nm

We bnew twt

for soi Shoft

J': 2 832, 414 lG

O,o 2 431
a3oo mmm

238432, 14 > l6x O,3 -x S0 lo

9s49 29, 65b 3o lS9 2 s81, 4 7

66 mm

() aneng hopling perbe ttee bushed-nPn ntne meng wbongeg

keeefotm fotos mgtor 2000 -pm

m m

Jeeor be rtuvtan.

Pove trn mtted

P 2 T NT

38L,9 m
-3Q1,9? xo W-m
et nmkerof pnS
9mkr of pfns


tu duced n the pln dve to

formt the bendtng StrejS
comfresS tbi lity op rS5 bush.
’ t i 24 mm for the ch bdged faitity.
ASsvmtng Brss besh 2 mm.

Besing_Leoded actng
W: Pbx d d : o,45 x 40**1*

Totlbrng lesd on
T n x W* D1

W (8 x! 83,2o N

Direet she strefs


ts: 83,720x
Nm Derngam anst bohu poros hamya mengtami
tos, daneAer fores tan pln. Yon dfer bole bsn,

Given: T: 6o0o Nn Cwatert mtld teel Shaft)

6o oo lo3

30 N/ma


: sx lo =8S mm
hda hin- an
pulley Jigi
rod pado eansenjng
tu). poves lneur bafat
i ('n} teta
bor) ton9 bujur benn (ote key Sunk Sqvme
100. 1:
ingn wemfumyai iai fost
wbeng/dimeter Porosdneter d:
Cmfat) degí bewam (pasatk key snk Retonge
lar O
atea lagiSetengak Sedangan foros.
is hebaga dari stetto bar GmFa? givaai lasi dik pato mYna Bet
pores pasdebetstor terjamtn
doti sehingga
atau (forei) batang bog'sn babung meaya utue d'ynatn lory
torfaag yog ful ey
donringn baja dori buat ter Yony mesin elemen vdolahKey/fasek
furgsiny NyatKOn fata?k itu 0Afa
220901b NIM:
203 (2- 4-
Toler 1: 100 Sesh kefae pada folah


GI hes

Lebr fore W:


fada rh esl sehingga diseat Sedengai feather

d n mamen puntir dean
Vnte naeanln kebesan

bexentk Potougn silinder

Cutter pota mesln mil'ng tentunya yag

memi lde cwtter ysy hma Den's ini bamyak



9Sele Key Casak fedel)

O flt Soddle ey (Pos sodel nta)
O Hollow Srddle key (orox odel rodivs).


Uhek ben r'ngm oja. Ho llow sodhe key leng

Kefi deagn kem tríngan aset Jng tetp ota

kelilang fareSnya

Spl'ne diyuratan bia gaya yong deg'ndak Fon

ditanding vyon pores, Seferti Poros tfonsmisi
kenteran dan trnsms rodo 2i9% Vengan mengumsba
spine on dlereleh gertt sEs'al sehivgga
an mestn dau
trnSm/ss ststen dadam digan dopat law
Peos dan air bntur pores ada aka latn Contoh
Be tuyat bebon bsntahn leratan dan ttnggi
s lores kaa any Retan
War dnmob'l. mum,
r ngg dustri manvfatr
u dan litos fotl dard
otam bagan sly ber ng
der silin aglan Podaofstag menorjal
dan fony Kncd
titix titik- menetu bergs
ng poros Poa vot Cototom
ngst TvWs (9
tnik tanf fadanya botkenjs
getaen ketwenan
fada 9
korosi terhadep bertahan
mfu sehinyya sedemik'an
rupa eony
hots dlmenSÍ mto kores', terhota
fatk tenft wbny dan Posok
ePrtaberthan mramfe bas Posos
Iegooan. menglami
nfa pdanya bescrjo yang bebon meran mYmpu
rofo dironcag haps PataE nsi kekutn-
Jnis nci Porlel
Euned da or herbenkye pesegi dengang profil
ng Sej)ar dengm sm bv feros. lehin in

tany nenmed ng. Spline yang Tmit

tinggi dn tegarn tinggl ntve tordi fong
Lebh bott don mengurmgi psens! selil
OMetode femwbatM fembubutn CNC
Penggi ingon CNC
Pemest wn usvs

() Afa efey dar lemotengn aur Pater te foes ?

Oleh anera ito pbol d'bet wbang rongga/taetk Pada Ja
Sehingga tegonton tarik pontlr y tim bul ter dtstribus Selara

’koplung memi lik4 fungsi yotu sebagai medra Yony meng hobw ng k
memw tusean putrn metin ke baglen trsm'st.

bon hubungam Qutwon tevagos mest u ke tranJ

n gon9 feran teraa be sar).

don pre4t om memynbmgn putrm westn

ke trns misie

bedo taitu pirinym kop hng don pirinn

bonis(Vvumaya ken m).
O RlgiJ shaft Coup ing (koring Toros rata)
Tertmm d i g m mtu meng hubmytan ponos ang

ment mbullan tegarn ènstro yong cue bebr hda

texible shott Coup lng (kop Uny Poros Plersbel)

Jebh orng yany meng hmjlan d taw lebth
poros metn yng Hbrat

Lentong/o ernt (mes fongt terbeta)Ata

ment don metn metn yang d hubmen.


terdtri dard i waer berongr Yng dmeter damny s dengn

poros. Lni omg poda ugng keda foros dengan mengrkn kn

d mens ter betn mtv wwn por doni ""!

meln mestn fotaron
me ndefttan plesehitas dan digaton_frda

heng h bing kan Pres oda geor bo dan meny hu bny kan Jnerntar
ke tr bin.

tow Speod Ger

Ter blne

) CaAtm Stngt tentmy eopling vndver sal?

nemostan bent wmey elblh k. Jugo ini menga en

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