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Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent Please complete this checklist and provide it with your application.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For more information and guidance on any of the requirements set out below please refer to the document entitled 'Milton Keynes Council: Guidance on National and Local Planning Requirements for Validation of Applications'. This is available on the Councils website. If you do not consider you should include a document where they are required please provide clear justification why this has not be including in your submission. Checklist for Applications for Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent
Application Forms Correct form is completed N1 Correct National Application Form Required in all cases All sections of the form are completed Must be signed and dated Certificates Correct Certificate A, B, C or D as required by Article 7 of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995. Only complete one. Must be Signed and dated. Must be completed whether or not the site includes an agricultural holding. Must be signed and dated. Fee


Ownership certificate

Required in all cases. Found at the rear of the application forms


Agricultural Holdings Certificate

Required in all cases. Found at the rear of the application forms


Correct fee supplied

Required in all cases A schedule of fees is available on the Councils apart from a website. resubmission for a similar scheme within a year of a decision or where permitted developments have been removed and have resulted in the need for an application. Plans Required in all cases At a scale of 1:1250. In rural areas where a site is isolated a scale of 1:2500 may be appropriate. Based on an up to date Ordnance Survey map The scale is clearly identified on the plan and a scale bar is shown. The direction north is clearly marked. Application site is outlined in red. This should include the whole application site including areas of parking in ownership of applicant. Other land in the local area owned by applicant should be outlined in blue. Where possible, at least 2 named roads and any surrounding buildings are shown. At a scale of 1:500 or 1:200 The scale is clearly identified on the plan and a scale bar is shown. The direction of north is clearly indentified The proposed development is clearly shown in relation to the site boundaries, existing buildings on the site and neighbouring properties.


Location Plan


Site/Block Plan

Required in all cases where an extension or new buildings/ equipment is proposed.


Existing and Proposed Floor Plans

Required whenever there is an alteration to the floor plan of the building and for all change of use applications

Existing and proposed access arrangements are shown and roads and footpaths on land adjoining the site are identified. All public rights of way crossing and adjoining the site are shown. The species, position and spread of all trees within 12 metres of any proposed building works indicating whether they are to be removed or retained. The location and extent of any existing or proposed hard standing is shown (e.g. parking and turning areas) At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 The scale is clearly identified on the plan and a scale bar is shown. Shows existing floor plans of all affected levels of the building. Shows proposed floor plans of all affected levels of the building. Clearly show the position of all openings (windows and doors) Where a proposal adjoins or is within close proximity to another building or property, the drawings should clearly show the relationship between the buildings and detail the position of the openings (windows and doors) of each property. At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 The scale is clearly identified on the plan and a scale bar is shown. Shows all existing elevation of the building that would be affected by the proposed development including blank elevations Shows all proposed elevation of the building that would be affected by the proposed development including blank elevations Clearly shows the position of all windows and other openings Where a proposal adjoins or is within close proximity to another building or property, the drawings should clearly show the relationship between the buildings and detail the position of the openings (windows and doors) of each property. At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 The scale is clearly identified on the plan and a scale bar is shown. Shows existing roof plan(s) including ridges, hips and valleys Shows proposed roof plan(s) including ridges, hips and valleys At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 or 1:200 The scale is clearly identified on the plan Drawings should show existing and finished levels of the site in relation to the surrounding land and buildings. The drawings may take the form of contours, spot levels or cross or long sections as appropriate.


Existing and Proposed Elevations and Sections (as appropriate)

Required wherever there are external alteration to the building.


Existing and Proposed Roof Plans

Required in cases where there is an unusual or complicated roof structure.


Existing and proposed site sections, finished floor levels and site levels

Required in cases where a proposal involves a change in ground levels or is located on a sloping site. It is advisable to include these details in all applications to avoid an application being made invalid.

Other Supporting Documents L1 Affordable Housing Statement Required for all residential development with 15 or more units proposed or where the application forms an exception to policy to meet a proven need (the Statement should contain the proof) i.e. a rural exception site. Only likely to be required in a small number of instances where proposals generate high levels of air pollution. This may include applications for waste disposal and manufacturing processes (B2 Use). Required where there is evidence of a protected species or a strong likelihood of a protected species being present e.g. old buildings to be demolished or converted (barns particularly), land with or close to ponds. All applications to create 5 or more dwellings or buildings incorporating 1000sqm or larger must include a biodiversity report which details proposed enhancements to the site to compensate for the proposed development. Required in cases where you are applying for permission to replace windows and/or doors in a listed building or where you are proposing to replace shopfronts in a conservation area. Also required where the application involves the removal/addition of mouldings/fireplaces etc. Required for all applications. It is strongly advised to read the guidance before preparing this.


Air Quality Assessment


Biodiversity Survey and Reports


Detailed Drawings Elevations 1:10 Vertical Sections 1:2


Design and Access Statements


Environmental Impact Assessment

Only likely to be required for major developments on sensitive sites. Required where development is proposed as defined under Schedule 1 and 2 of the Town and Country (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 1999 Required for all applications in Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3 and for development in Flood Zone 1 over 1 Hectare. Required where proposals would use non-mains foul sewage drainage or where a problem has been identified by the provider. Required for all applications for listed building consent or conservation area consent. Required where previous uses on the site could have given rise to contamination (e.g. former industrial processes, petrol filling stations) and the proposed development is a contamination sensitive use e.g. residential dwellings. Required where development proposes new landscaped areas particularly where significant changes to the landscaping are proposed e.g. loss of large and/or prominent areas of landscape. All Major applications require a landscaping principles plan to be submitted. Required where flood lighting is proposed (e.g. floodlit games areas) or significant external lighting to a public area (e.g. a car park). Required for proposals including wind turbines. Also required for applications where there are likely to be high levels of noise resulting from a development (e.g. manufacturing/fabrication) and there are existing noise sensitive premises close by (e.g. schools, houses, offices). Introduction of a noise sensitive use into a noisy area (e.g. houses near a busy/high speed road motorway, grid road). Required for applications which include the loss of school playing fields or public open spaces (e.g. parks)


Flood Risk Assessment Foul Sewage Assessments Heritage Statement




Land Contamination Assessment




Lighting Assessments


Noise Impact Assessment


Open Space Assessment


Photographs and Photomontages

Although these not required in any circumstances it is advisable to include them with applications. These are of particular use for applications which could have impact on long distant views. Please note these will be publicly visible on the internet. Required for all major applications and applications for 6 or more dwellings.


Planning Obligations / S106 Draft Heads of Terms Planning Statement


Although these are not required in any circumstances it is advisable to include them with applications that contain a complex scheme, planning history or constraints. These are only likely to be required in circumstances for major developments which are likely to give rise to considerable public interest.


Statement of Community Involvement Parking Provision


Required in all cases which affect existing parking arrangements (i.e. loss or addition of parking) (see relevant section of application form). Also required for all change of use applications. Note: This can be included on the block/site plan. Required for developments which include the total or substantial demolition of a listed building. Also required for conversion of barns (particularly in the open countryside) or where works are justified due to structural integrity of the building/structure. These are required for applications of 6 or more dwellings and major applications. If they are not provided with the original submission they will be requested immediately following the validation assessment. A decision will not be issued in these circumstances without the submission of this document. Required for all Planning Applications for Mast and Antenna development by a mobile phone operator. Not required for telecommunications notifications.


Structural Survey


Sustainability Assessment


Telecommunications Development Supplementary Information Town Centre Uses


Required for town centre uses location outside of allocated centres as defined by defined by PPS6. Required for developments as outlined in Milton Keynes Councils Sustainable Transport Supplementary Planning Document 2009. . Required where there are trees or hedges on the application site or on land immediately adjacent to the application site that could be impacted by the proposal and are proposed to be retained. Required for any scheme where the use is likely to generate fumes and/or require extraction equipment to ensure that odours are filtered and the plant does not make too much noise e.g. restaurants, hot food takeaways. This statement is also required where air conditioning units are proposed. If you wish for any of these details to be dealt with by planning condition, please provide a written justification with your application.


Transport Assessments and Travel Plans


Tree Survey/Arboricultural Statement Ventilation/Exaction Statements


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