Density & Ways of Transferring Thermal Energy

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3.1 Density

What is density?

 A type of concentration.
 How concentrated mass is in a given

Mass increases -> density increases

Volume decreases -> mass increases

A lot of mass and small volume -> high

Formula of Density:

𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 (𝑘𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑔)
𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 (𝑚3 𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑚3 )
Unit of Density: kgm3 or kg/m3 OR gm-3 or g/m3

1000 kg/m-3 = 1gcm3 1g/cm-3=1000kgm3


Solid: most dense

 Particles packed close together

Gas: least dense

 Particles further apart

Elements: Atomic number increases, density of the element increases.


Floating & Sinking (with water)

 If a substance is denser than water, it’ll sink.

 If a substance is less dense than water, it’ll float.
 You can make an object (used to sink) float by increasing its volume.
 Volume increases, density decreases.
 Gas (carbon dioxide) in sodas floats up because it’s a lot less dense than the liquid.
 Gasses are less dense than liquids.

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Calculating volume:

Regular shaped object (cubes, cuboids…): height x width x length

Irregular shaped object: Water displacement.

Instruction: Place irregular object in a suitable measuring cylinder that has water in it. If the
original volume of water is 15cm3 and it got increased to 18cm3 when the object is in the wateri,
the object’s volume is 3cm3.

18cm3 – 15cm3= 3cm3

Finding mass: by a beam balance.

Calculating Density:

𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 (𝑘𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑔)
𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 (𝑚3 𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑚3 )

3.2 Heat & Temperature

Heat: the total energy in particles. (quantity of hotness) / amount of thermal energy

Measured in joules (J)

 More volume (of a hot substance), more particles, greater thermal energy
 Faster movement of particles, greater thermal energy

Temperature: the average energy of the particles. (degree of hotness) / measure of how cold
or hot a substance is.

Measured in degree Celsius (°C)

 Used to compare particle energy between objects/substances that has different sizes &
 Temperature increases, greater thermal energy (heat)

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E.g.1 (optional to print)

A sparkler’s sparks fall on your hand, but it doesn’t hurt that bad even though the sparkler can
be about 1000 °C. Why?

 Small mass of the sparks

 Smaller mass, lesser particles, smaller total particle energy, smaller heat
 Temperature difference between the spark and the air
 Air: 2-digit temperature (negative/positive) Spark: 1000°C
 Temperature difference very large
 The larger the temperature difference, the faster the thermal energy gets


A bucket filled with 1000ml of 50°C water and a tea cup filled with 100ml of 100°C water.

Now, the bucket of water and the tea cup of water is poured into 2 separate bath tubs filled with
cold water.

Bath tub B is still cold; bath tub A is warmer. Why?

 Volume of the water

 More volume, more particles, more total particle energy, greater heat compare to
the tea cup.


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3.3 Conservation of energy

Conserving energy: Total quantity of energy stays the same.

When energy is stored/ changed/ transferred/ dissipated, it STAYS THE SAME.

Energy input
Unit used for energy: Joules (J)

Useful energy: arrow on top, going

Energy output straight

Useless energy: arrow going down

Energy output can never be greater than energy input because energy cannot be created.

Law of conservation of energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed; energy can only be
changed or transferred.
Create: Make something,
Energy input: amount of energy put into a device bring something to existence

Destroy: damage something,

Energy output: amount of energy that comes out
ends something’s existence
3.4 Hot -> Cold

A is HOTTER than B, A’s thermal energy will transfer to B

 Thermal energy moves from hotter to colder places

 Thermal energy removed from hot object-> thermal
energy dissipated-> loses heat-> temperature decreases
 Colder objects absorb thermal energy->
temperature increases

Ice and hands

Body temperature is higher than ice’s temperature.

Hand transfer thermal energy to ice-> ice absorbs heat-> ice melts as
its temperature increases

Hand transfer thermal energy to ice-> hand loses heat-> hand feels
cold as its temperature decreases

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Dissipation: Energy spread out to surroundings, becoming less useful

Thermal energy transfers to colder place: thermal energy dissipated (from hot object/place,
losing heat)

Temperature differences increases, rate/ speed of thermal energy transfer increases.

.3.5 Ways of transferring thermal energy

Heated substance-> particles move faster-> thermal energy increases-> take up more
space-> expand (Increase in volume)

Heated solids: vibrates around FIXED positions-> vibrate more vigorously-> thermal energy
increases-> take up more space-> expand

Heated liquids: vibrate and move in a NOT FIXED positions-> vibrate and move more
vigorously-> thermal energy increases-> take up more space-> expand

Heated gas: move in straight line until collide with other particles (particles FAR APART)->
particles move faster, collisions between particles more frequent-> thermal energy increases->
take up more space-> expand


 Works best in solids: particles in solids packed close together

 Heated solids-> particles vibrate more vigorously-> pushes against particles
beside them
 The more vigorous the particles vibrate, the greater the push, the more the particles
 Does not work well in liquid/gas/vacuum.
 Liquids: Liquid particles MOVE more than VIBRATING when heated
 Gasses: Gas particles too far apart, collisions not very frequent
 Vacuum: No particles to vibrate
 Metals: best heat conductors
 Due to the way particles arranged – electrons free to move-> conducts heat &

Imagine you and your friends are sitting together closely (skin to skin), you start shaking your
leg and the entire row of friends (or their legs) starts shaking too!

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 Works best in liquids or gasses: Particles free to move

 Heated liquids or gasses-> particles move faster-> take up more space->
expands-> volume increases, density decreases (mass stays the same)-> moves
upwards and above denser substances, denser (colder) substances sink
downwards-> denser (colder) substances get heat up at the bottom, floats up->
cycle repeats.
 Convection: Upward movement of warmer gas/liquid
 Convection current: movement around heated gas/ liquid
 Causes all gas/liquid gets heated up eventually

As gas/liquid gets heated, their particles

move faster/ more vigorously. It takes up
more space and expands. As volume
increases and the mass stays the same,
density decreases causing the heated
gas/liquid float upwards while denser, colder
gas/liquid sinks downwards. Denser, colder
gas/liquid will get heated up at the bottom
and floats up again making a cycle. All
gas/liquid will get heated up eventually.

 Cannot happen in solids and vacuum.

 Solid: particles NOT FREE to move
 Vacuum: no particles to move


 Type of wave we can’t see All objects radiate heat

 Transfers quickly
 The hotter the object, the more radiation it will emit (give out)
 Colder objects absorb heat by radiation from hotter objects
 Able to pass through vacuums (no particles needed), able to pass through every matter

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 Best emitters & absorbers of radiation

 Dull, black, larger surface area objects
 Worst emitters & absorbers of radiation
 Shiny, white, small surface area objects

3.6 Evaporation & cooling

Evaporation: Liquid to gas


 Particles move randomly in water

 Some moves fast, some moves slow: their speed is random/ unpredictable
 Faster moving particles (more energy)
o Some have enough energy to escape from the surface of water (as gas)
o Some gets pull back when they try to escape
 Slow moving particles (less energy)
o Stays in the water

Temperature: Average energy of particles

Highest energy particles escape from water->

lower average energy of particles (average
energy decreases)-> temperature decreases

Evaporation causes cooling

e.g getting up from pool/ sweating

Water on skin evaporates-> highest energy particles escapes from the surface of the water->
lower average energy of particles-> temperature decreases

Water on skin evaporates-> highest energy particle escapes from the surface of water->
cooling-> skin loses thermal energy as water droplets uses skin’s thermal energy

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