Lesson 7 New Sentences

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ACADEMIC YEAR 2023– 2024

Grade -8
Lesson 7 / ‫اإلعالن‬
Advertising ‫الجمل الجديدة‬
‫المعنى‬ ‫الجملة‬
The meaning The sentence
Planning: planning is a human ‫التَ ْخطيط َم ْن َهج إ ْنسانِي ِلل َع َمل‬:‫ الت َّ ْخطيط‬1
approach to work
Convenient: this is a convenient ٌ ‫ هَذا َو‬:‫ ُمالئِم‬2
‫قت ُمالئِ ٌم ِلل َج ِميع‬
time for everyone
Attention: we must listen to the ‫علينا أن نَ ْستَ ِم َع إلى التَنبيهات‬ ُ ‫ َي ِج‬:‫ تَنبيه‬3
َ ‫ب‬
Marketing: people use internet
َ ‫ يَ ْستَ ْخ ِد ُم الناس التَ ْس ِويق‬:‫ التَسْويق‬4
‫عب َْر اإلنتَرنَت‬
Advertisements: advertisements ‫ تَأتِي اإلعالنات فِي ال َجرائِد‬:‫ اإلعالنات‬5
come in newspapers
Economy: the economy dominates ‫على البُلدان‬
َ ‫يطر‬
ِ ‫س‬َ ُ‫اإلقتصاد ي‬: ‫ اإلقتصاد‬6
the countries

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