Group 1 Bsit 1b The Perception of Bsit First Year Students in Dominican College of Tarlac To The Fake News Ethical Paper

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Dominican College of Tarlac

College of Computer Studies



In partial fulfillment
for the requirements in the subjects:
GE2: Readings in Philippine History
GE5: Purposive Communication
THEO1: Moral Theology

Rovic Cayabyab
Desiree Kate Chimmon
Andrew Esguerra
Mikeangelo Gueco
Charls Andrew Guevarra
Jezter Mangacu
Renn Patangui
Zam Mae Yalung

Dominican College of Tarlac
College of Computer Studies

The world of digital technology has risen significantly faster than before. Many
digital platforms, like the internet, social media, and other online platforms, have shown
up and grown. Communication has become more convenient and more accessible to
access. People worldwide begin sharing information that would only require a few
seconds to send. It became part of everyday living, giving the tools and making the tasks
more lightweight. This is important, especially for a BSIT 1B student more bound to
digital information and technology. Social media is one of the best tools a student can use
in the digital world. Social media is an essential part of today's world. It helps us to stay
connected and share ideas, thoughts, and opinions with other tasks. It can also access
information and stay informed about current events and trends. Although with the rise of
the digital world and the advantages of tools that technology can offer, it also comes with
disadvantages. One of the most common disadvantages is Fake News.
Fake news is a danger to technology progression and networking because it
happens at all. However, at this time, as young people are active on social media sites,
they can see the various viral posts and pictures that impact their mentality towards things
in life. Fake news has a massive reach across the internet, and many people might believe
that incorrect news is spread in a way that looks realistic. Students and young people are
more exposed to fake news and viral posts, and that is because they are not mature
enough to have the capability to recognize fake news. Information is vital today with the
widespread fake news and its adverse effects on people. "The social media's popularity is
expanding along with the global digital population with the online platforms allows
people to access a wide range of information" (Dixon, 2023)
This study focuses on the perception of first-year BSIT 1B students at Dominican
College of Tarlac to fake news and why fake news is wrong. The awareness of a BSIT to
see and identify fake news is a crucial ability. The parts are divided into points, such as
what fake news is, how fake news affects the perception, citations from past studies,
adverse effects of fake news, and a conclusion.
Dominican College of Tarlac
College of Computer Studies

In this generation, where communication technology spreads uncontrollably, fake

news has become a critical concern. Our technology makes information easily accessible
in this digital era, making people vulnerable to misinformation; it has become challenging
for individuals to recognize facts from misinformation. Many college students use social
media extensively; they are frequently exposed to fake news reports on the internet.
These students must assess the plausibility and reliability of this information.
Fake news is much larger than simply false news stories. Some stories may have a
nugget of truth but lack any contextualizing details. They may not include any verifiable
facts or sources. Some stories may include basic verifiable facts but are written using
deliberately inflammatory language, leaving out pertinent details or only presenting one
viewpoint. Fake news exists within a larger ecosystem of misinformation. Misinformation
is false or inaccurate information that is mistakenly or inadvertently created or spread; the
intent is not to deceive. Disinformation is false information deliberately created and
spread to influence public opinion or obscure the truth. The issue of fake news has been a
dominant theme in the headlines for several years. It defines fake news as those news
stories that are false. The story is fabricated without verifiable facts, sources, or quotes.
Sometimes, these stories may be propaganda intentionally designed to mislead the reader
or designed as clickbait.
The proliferation of fake news has been a growing concern due to its adverse
effects on human perception. Research has shown that exposure to misinformation can
significantly impact people's thoughts, actions, and memories (Greenspan & Loftus,
2020). Furthermore, the persistence of misinformation in shaping attitudes, even after
successful correction, has been demonstrated through a series of experiments (Thorson,
2015). Many people who see fake news stories report that they believe them (Silverman
& Singer-Vine, 2016)
Online users typically look for content supporting their opinions and viewpoints
because of the abundance of internet-mediated platforms. Conversely, people tend to

Dominican College of Tarlac
College of Computer Studies

minimize, disregard, or reject contradicting data and proof. Joining divisive groups can
result in acts of dissonance since it reinforces one's worldview (Schmidta et al., 2017).
In this era of growing misinformation, we must understand why social media
users share fake news. Fake news can be found anywhere; in the medical field, for
example, Fake news can be harmful to your health. There are many fake and misleading
news stories related to medical treatments and major diseases like cancer or diabetes.
Trusting these false stories could lead you to make decisions that may harm your health.
A BSIT student who does not know medicine can be a dangerous victim.
The presence of "fake news" and potentially manipulative content in the media is
nothing new. However, this area has expanded mainly with the emergence of the Internet
and digital media, thus opening itself up to anyone with online access. As a result, there is
an increasing amount of such content in the media, especially in digital media. This paper
deals with the perception of fake news and potentially manipulative content by various
generations—in particular, the perceptions of the young and middle-aged generations-
focusing on their ability to recognize, verify, and relate to such content. The results of this
study were gained through a qualitative methodology applied to focus groups in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. The results are presented through a thematic analysis of the differences
in perception of "fake news" between these generations regarding their apprehension and
interpretation of it and their relation to it. The authors conclude that both generations lack
competence concerning media literacy and that providing education in digital media
might offer a long-term solution for building resistance to "fake news" for future
generations. Fake news can disastrously impact knowledge of different topics; some may
even prompt rebellious acts that are better avoided with accurate information. It damaged
a person's or entity's reputation or making money through advertising revenue. Stories are
also created to misinform or deceive readers deliberately. So, think before you click or be
responsible for using social media. We must not carelessly believe any news without any
source that proves its legitimacy. Do research first and do not spread or share unless you
have found the truth.
Dominican College of Tarlac
College of Computer Studies

In addressing the harmful effects of fake news, it is essential to consider potential

interventions and solutions. The recognition and response model offers a theoretical
framework for investigating antecedents to and consequences of misinformation
recognition, providing guidance for understanding and combating misinformation
(Amazeen, 2023). Stakeholder interventions and potential solutions are crucial in
combating the challenges posed by creating and propagating fake news (Gupta et al.,
2022). Additionally, exploring misinformation correction strategies for effective
communication during crises can mitigate the impact of fake news (Kim & Lim, 2022).
A study conducted at Loughborough University's Online Civic Culture
Centre found that 42.8% of news sharers admit sharing inaccurate or false news. "People
share fake news for a variety of reasons. The main reason is to influence like-minded
people in certain sections of the community that is not news, but it appears to be factual."
(Bowyer, 2019).
The present results explain why fake news is more likely to be reacted to, even
though users place great importance on the Human perception of claims when deciding to
react. This is explained by the fact that fake news that is perceived as accurate spreads
more often than real news. Fake news can significantly distort human perception by
spreading misinformation, creating false narratives, and fueling biased viewpoints. It
undermines trust in reliable information sources, fosters a polarized society, and hampers
informed decision-making.
The adverse effects of fake news on determining human perception are
multifaceted. Firstly, misinformation can distort individuals' understanding of reality,
leading to misguided beliefs and decisions. Additionally, it can contribute to the erosion
of trust in media and institutions, fostering a climate of skepticism. Fake news may also
amplify existing biases, reinforcing preconceived notions, and hindering critical thinking.
These distortions in perception can have profound societal implications, affecting public
discourse, political processes, and social cohesion. Addressing this issue requires a

Dominican College of Tarlac
College of Computer Studies

concerted effort from media outlets, educators, and technology platforms to promote
media literacy and responsible information dissemination. Some of the adverse effects:
1. Lead to a need for more belief or trust in scientific findings. As more and more
individuals fall for information online that directly opposes scientific research,
researchers are increasingly put in the position of having to defend the validity of their
findings. When information dissemination was limited to print, television, and radio,
there was less opportunity for individuals to comment on, criticize, or refute knowledge
presented by experts publicly. With social media and the internet more broadly, it is now
possible for groups to push misinformation that aligns with their beliefs and disparage
that which does not.
2. Alter beliefs. Exposure to fake news for an extended period can influence the
human mind and how they perceive things like believing in false stories.
3. Fake news can lead to public health emergencies. It may cause confusion and
inappropriate actions, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting treatments and
preventative measures.
4. Fake news involves spreading rumors about celebrity deaths or misleading
information about health benefits without scientific evidence.
5. Misinformation can foster the formation of false beliefs, distort memory for
events, and influence reasoning and decision-making, even after correction, with potential
noxious impacts on cognition (Greene et al., 2023). Moreover, susceptibility to political
misinformation has been linked to certain personality traits, such as neuroticism and
openness, highlighting the psychological factors contributing to individuals' engagement
with fake news (Ahmed & Rasul, 2022).
Our perception as BSIT first-year students at Dominican College of Tarlac
towards fake news is a valuable topic; consider surveying students to gather insights on
their awareness, attitudes, and ability to discern reliable information in the digital age.
BSIT first-year students at Dominican College of Tarlac towards the introduction of fake
news is crucial for gauging media literacy and critical thinking skills in the digital age.
Dominican College of Tarlac
College of Computer Studies

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology student fake news has

underscored the importance of stimulating critical thinking skills in the educational
setting. Students should be trained in these competencies, which will be helpful to them
in their schooling and later work and lives. The paper presents the findings of the
Perception of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students. The findings
show that students overestimate their critical skills and are overexposed to information
flows from the old and new, which makes fact-checking difficult. There is also a strong
demand for a technological and humanistic approach to educating about fake news.
Examining the awareness, experiences, and attitudes of first-year BSIT students at
Dominican College of Tarlac toward recognizing and handling misinformation may help
us understand how they view fake news. Surveys, interviews, and focus groups could
provide insightful information about their viewpoints and strategies for navigating the
fake news environment.
This paper will discuss the impact of fake news on BSIT Students. The definition
of fake news and each impact will be stated. After research has been conducted and
stated, a conclusion will be included at the end of the report to state the findings. Fake
news has a massive reach across the internet, and many people might believe that
incorrect news is spread in a way that looks realistic. Students and young people are more
exposed to fake news and viral posts, and that is because they are not mature enough to
have the capability to reveal and recognize fake news, as they can easily affected.
Shaping the information to deceive, manipulate, and spread inaccurate information is
always considered wrong. It violates the principle of honesty and integrity that will cause
mistrust across social media. By spreading fake news, reliability and finding credible
sources became necessary in critical thinking to find accurate sources. Fake news, with its
adverse effects on perception, can be harmful and wrong. It should be avoided by any

Dominican College of Tarlac
College of Computer Studies

In conclusion, the ethical examination of fake news within the Bachelor of
Information Technology program at Dominican College of Tarlac underscores the critical
need for dialogue and understanding. Fake news, being a distortion of truth, not only
threatens the accuracy of information but also poses a profound risk to the well-being of
individuals and humanity. As students immersed in information technology, we are
responsible for actively engaging in discussions, scrutinizing and unraveling the
complexities of misinformation.
Generally, fake news is a false narrative published and promoted as proper.
Historically, fake news was usually propaganda by those in power to create a particular
belief or support a particular position, even if it was utterly false.
Some spread false information without the intent to spread harm. People
spreading misinformation believe it to be confirmed before sharing it with others. Fake
news is created to change people's beliefs, attitudes, or perceptions so they will ultimately
change their behavior. If you believe fake news, someone else drives your beliefs and
decisions. Also, there can be legal consequences for publishing and sharing fake news in
some parts of the world.

Dominican College of Tarlac
College of Computer Studies


Dixon, S. (2023). Worldwide digital population 2023. Social media - Statistics & Facts.

Social Media Statistics & Facts | Statista

Greene, C., Murphy, G., Prike, T., Hegarty, K., Ecker, U., & Constance de Saint Lauren.

(2023). Best Practices for Ethical Conduct of Misinformation Research.

Best Practices for Ethical Conduct of Misinformation Research: A Scoping

Review and Critical Commentary: European Psychologist: Vol 28, No 3


University of Derby. (n.d.). [study]. True or false? How much is fake news influencing

our lives? True or false? How much is fake news influencing our lives? - Issue 12 -

University of Derby

Young, K., Hyunji, Lim. (2022). Debunking misinformation in times of crisis: Exploring

misinformation correction strategies for effective internal crisis communication.

Debunking misinformation in times of crisis: Exploring misinformation correction

strategies for effective internal crisis communication - Kim - 2023 - Journal of

Contingencies and Crisis Management - Wiley Online Library


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