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Level 1).

Scoring these Filipino students have obviously performed below the PISA's

lowest level of competency. Fallen behind in mathematical education; more than half of

Filipino youth in this age group students' mathematical proficiency is inferior to that of

their classmates in other parts of the world. The children' low math performance also

varied in intensity between the averages were 343 and 395, respectively, at public and

private schools (Department of Education , 2019).

The researchers have not come across a study in localized context that are

related or even to the presence study that is being conducted.

In this study, the researchers aim is to help learners improve their mathematical

skills by using memory card games strategy to be more effective in learning

mathematical skills.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of cognitive learning, an active learning

method, is to teach you how to use your brain to its fullest potential. Your ability to

deepen your memory and retain knowledge is improved since it is simpler for you to link

new information with previously held beliefs. Cognition is the capacity of the brain's

mental functions to take in and hold onto knowledge gained through experience, the

senses, and thought.

According to Jean Piaget cognitive learning theory, focuses on the internal

mechanisms relating to information and memory. Cognitive learning theory both internal

and external influences can affect a person's thought processes to support learning.

When cognitive processes aren't functioning consistently, learning can take longer than

expected or be more challenging. They include activities like paying attention,

observing, retrieving information from long-term memory, and categorizing. This idea

has benefited greatly from the contributions of numerous researchers. Jerome Bruner

concentrated on the connections between instruction and mental processes.

Moreover, the cognitive theory has an interesting and unique history. Plato and

Descartes are two of the first philosophers to dive deeply into the theory of cognitive

behavior and knowledge. Their ideas about knowledge and behavior spurred further

thoughts on cognition. Researchers and psychologists like Wilhelm Wundt, William

James, John Dewey, John Watson, and many others all researched and explored how

the mind and thought works. Jean Piaget is highly looked to in the field of cognitive

psychology for his research and insight on internal structures, knowledge, and the

environment. Piaget is also known for his development levels that break down ages and

comprehension abilities. More psychologists have come over time, and things like the

invention of the computer have dramatically impacted how we understand the brain. As

we’re able to actively look at the brain, we have a much better comprehension of it.

Cognitive learning theory has adjusted and adapted as we learn over time, and every

step in learning about this process is impactful in helping people every single day.

The history of the cognitive theory is fascinating and distinctive. One of the first

philosophers to delve deeply into the theory of cognitive behavior and knowledge is

Plato. Descartes is another. Their theories on knowledge and behavior inspired

additional research on cognition. Wilhelm Wundt, William James, John Dewey, John

Watson, and many other scientists and psychologists have investigated and studied

how the mind and thought function. In the realm of cognitive psychology, Jean Piaget is

widely regarded for his work on internal structures, knowledge, and the environment.

Piaget is renowned for his development stages, which divide ages and levels of

cognition. Over time, more psychologists have emerged, and developments like the

introduction of the computer have had a significant impact on how we comprehend.

Additionally, an American Psychologist David Ausubel, a proponent of cognitive

learning, believed that learning needed to be meaningful in order to be successful and

long-lasting. He made a clear distinction between rote learning, in which the information

is learned as a collection of isolated facts, and meaningful learning Or just memorized

without making an intentional effort to show the student its value or importance. He

thought that useful content was strongly related to what the learner already knew and

was, therefore, effective.

On the other hand, Valamis states that cognitive learning theory is "an active

form of learning that focuses on helping you learn how to maximize the potential of your

brain. Similar to how truly states that cognitive learning theory is all about "more

effective use of the brain," it makes it simpler for you to connect new knowledge with

previous ideas, hence improving your memory and recall capacity. Knowledge that has

changed as a result of experience is known as cognitive learning (Mayer 2011). Three

things are included in this definition: learning entails change, learner knowledge

changes, and learner experience drives the knowledge change. For him the difference

between cognitive and behavioral learning is that the former involves a change in the

learner's knowledge, while the latter requires a change in the learner's behavior.

Cognitive learning is closely related to behavioral learning.

Research Questions

This section contains the research questions that will help us a guide of the

researchers towards the goal of this action research. The following are the research

questions that are needed to be addressed:

1. How effective is memory card games in improving Mathematical skills of grade 4


2. How memory card games is implemented in Math class?

3. What suggestion can be taken to improve the strategy?

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study

This study followed the action research cycle shown in Figure 1. It follows cyclical

method that helps to attain problem with particular solution. The researchers needs to

have a deeper understanding in the strategy that will serve as the solution and the

researchers need to agree upon the solution. Then here come the implementation of the

strategy, the researchers need to use data in assessing the effectiveness of the

strategy. The researchers need to review the strategy in order to modify or replace the

instructional strategy if necessary proceed to cyclical number 2.

Significance of the Study

This action research will be beneficial to the following. First and foremost to the

school and administrators, the study will help them to notice or examine the problems of

Grade 4 learners in their mathematical skills and for them to take an immediately action

to this problems also, pupils' performance and teachers' performance reflects the school

performance. For the teachers, they will learn how to deal with the difficulties of grade

four pupils to learn numeracy. The study will also give them insights on how to engage

diverse learners to improve the mathematical skills. Another, they will learn the

strategies using memory card games to improve the pupils mathematical skills. For the

students, they will learn how to address their difficulty in numeracy and will help them

improve their mathematical skills. Also, the study will assist students overcome their

fear of math and allow them to develop their number confidence without worrying about

making mistakes, all of which have a beneficial impact on how they perceive learning

about numbers. It will also give advantages to can pick up new techniques for

categorizing patterns, sequencing, and sorting through playing cards, as well as for

storing and retrieving information. Another, it will increase their reflexes, both physically

and intellectually. The most importantly the study can give the best for learners to boost

their enthusiasm in general. As the learners improve their mathematical skills, it easier

for the pupils to understand and learn lessons under the curriculum which will improve

their academic performance.

Definition of Terms

In order for the reader to thoroughly discern this research, some key terms are

here in defined.

Memory Card Game is a set of cards used in the classic kid's game of memory.

Each of the two (or occasionally four) cards in a set has a picture on one side. Players

take turns turning over two cards as the game begins with all the cards face down. If

both cards have the same image, they are kept; otherwise, they are turned back over

face down. When every card has been used, the winner is the one with the most cards.

(Collingridge, 2019). In this study, it refers to the strategy that we need to utilize in

improving the mathematical skills of Grade 4 learners. By this strategy the student

enjoying while learning, this is the suite strategy for the grade 4 learners for them to be

master in math.

Mathematical skills are viewed as a distinct domain including linguistic and

nonverbal components (numeracy, counting, computation, and reasoning) (math

notation, reasoning in time and space, and computation) (Encyclopedia of Applied

Psychology, 2004). In this study, it refers to the subject area that needs improvement.

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