Homework Tsybuliak

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Homework Tsybuliak

1 b) Team Culture A emphasizes individual focus, with each team member having a
distinct and well-defined role within the team. Clear responsibilities are assigned,
ensuring that everyone knows their tasks and understands the roles of their
teammates. Communication revolves around explicit personal objectives, and team
members provide clear recommendations based on their expertise and goals. A
designated leader is present to make final decisions, streamlining the decision-making
In contrast, Team Culture B features overlapping roles without defined boundaries.
The primary emphasis is on interaction and collaboration, encouraging team members
to work together to generate and share ideas. Decision-making involves creative
discussions, with no specific leader role. Shared leadership is emphasized, fostering a
culture where everyone shares responsibility for the final decision-making process.
1 c) For me the Culture A, with its emphasis on clear roles and a designated leader for
decision-making, can be effective in situations where tasks require a high level of
specialization and efficiency. This structure can help streamline workflows, clarify
responsibilities, and expedite decision-making.
2) 1 Local production (in Bangladesh) is not an option because the facilities are too
poor and this could risk product quality.
2 Emma thinks Go Global should decide because they are investing their money and
they know the product chain in detail (they are the experts).
3 To suit the EN-Tek team culture: Sanjit/EN-Tek likes to be involved, to be part of
the discussion, to see collaboration happening.
4 The wrong decision on location will ‘kill’ the project, i.e. cause the project to fail.
5 to think carefully about how to handle the meeting with EN-Tek
3) Option A
1 to give the best advice on finance and quality
2 to coach and train the people working locally to develop their skills and ensure
3 No, she isn’t. She immediately says that she doesn’t think it makes sense.
4 Emma feels happy because she got the result she wanted.
Option B
1 that they’ve had very good experiences with them and that he has a lot of trust in
their abilities
2 efficient production, good product quality and a successful project
3 to run two pilot production processes based on a more detailed set of requirements
– one in China and one locally in Bangladesh, to see if both can be successful, and
decide based on the results
4 On a verbal level, she is because she says, ‘Sounds fair’, ‘So shall we try that?’,
‘Do we all agree with the idea to …’, but on a non-verbal level she shows reluctance
in the way she looks at Claudio.
5 Emma is unhappy. She feels that the double pilot idea will just delay reaching the
conclusion that China is the best option. She seems frustrated that she took Claudio’s
advice to be consultative and the outcome is one she doesn’t agree with.
5) In Option A, Emma asserts her ideas forcefully, emphasizing her role in providing
financial and quality advice and advocating for China as the only viable option.
While Sanjit reluctantly agrees, the decision conflicts with his values and vision,
creating a division within the team. Although Emma is content with the resolution,
Sanjit remains unconvinced.
In Option B, Emma adopts a more collaborative and open approach, leading to the
decision to implement two pilots. Despite Emma's dissatisfaction with the outcome
and the resulting delay, Claudio highlights the positive aspects, noting that the team
benefited from a collaborative approach, fostering the generation of new ideas.
6) When working with a style that isn't my style, I'll try to follow guidelines that will
help me follow the plan. It also seems to me that it would be good to ask for help
from someone who has experience working with this style and inquire about his
experience. And divide this work into small wheelbarrows and reward yourself for
small achievements.
7a) a 2, 5, 12
b 3, 6, 11
c 4, 8, 13
d 1, 9
e 7, 10
1 What do you think we should
2 Why don’t we (This is the only correct answer
as it’s a question not a statement.)
3 If we do that, then
4 Just picking up on what
5 so shall we try
8a) In my opinion, they should try to do these tasks together, under the leadership of
this person, if the problem is in understanding the tasks, and not in laziness or the fact
that he treats his duties with disrespect. I think that they need to find a common
language for establishing boundaries at work, and resolve this issue.

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