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READING: Read the text and choose the correct option A, B or C.

A) My Dad
My dad words in the centre of town and we live in the country. He’s got a fantastic old car but he doesn’t drive it to work.
Everyday he goes by train and his car stays at home! He loves his car! He spends hours every weekend with it. He cleans
it, he repairs it. He ever talks to it! It’s his main hobby and definitely his best friend!

B) My brother, Martin.
Our house isn’t very quiet in the evenings. My brother, Martin, enjoys playing his guitar in his room. He belongs to a
school band. Sometimes they all come and play in his room! They’re good and they often play at parties and earn some
money. They earn quite a lot of money. He’s got an electric guitar now. It’s really loud and my dad isn’t always happy
about that.

C) My sister, Juana
I like reading books and watching films about my sister, Hannah, doesn’t. She loves spending money on clothes. She goes
shopping every day! Sometimes she goes to the shop after college. Sometimes she buys things online. Where does she
get the money? She works at the supermarket on Saturdays. She earns some money and then spends it all in the week!

Which person…
1. uses a computer to do a hobby? A B C
2. has an expensive hobby? A B C
3. gets money for doing a hobby? A B C
4. only does a hobby at the weekend? A B C
5. has a hobby that is sometimes unpopular? A B C

GRAMMAR: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Present Tenses)

1. ________________You____________________________________ (come) tonight?

2. ________________He_________________________________ (he) rice every day?

3. I (work) _________________________________ at the moment.

4. ________________He_________________________________ (come) to London often?

5. He (play) _________________________________ tennis now.

6. ________________You_________________________________ (come) to the cinema later?

7. They (not / come) _________________________________ to the party tomorrow.

8. He (not / play) _________________________________ golf now.

9. ________________You_________________________________ (play) tennis this Sunday?

10. They (go) _________________________________ to a restaurant every Saturday.

VOCABULARY: Complete the sentences with these words.


1. The children couldn't hide their ________________________ when they got a cute little puppy for Christmas.
2. My dad flew into a ________________ when my new tablet stopped working and the shop refused to repair it.
3. The rescue workers witnessed terrible scenes of human _____________ when they were helping the survivors
of the earthquake.
4. Dario is the nervous type so stress and __________________________ cause him to freak out and bite his nails.
5. I'm afraid I can't accompany you to the top of the cliff because I have a ________________________ of heights.
6. Eva felt a great sense of _________________ as she watched her daughter receive her degree at the graduation
7. I was surprised by Bob's _____________________ to help me with the shopping as he's usually extremely lazy.
8. The demonstrators showed their anger and ___________________ at the behaviour of their useless politicians.
9. Many young people have no _______________________ and feel that there is nothing to hope for in the future.
10. After he split up with his girlfriend, Charlie lost his __________________________ for going out and having fun

VOCABULARY: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. A, B or C.

1. Winning an “Oscar” was quite a(n) ____________________________ for the young actress.

a. accomplishment b. effort c. victory

2. I can’t stand magazines that are full of celebrity _________________________.

a. chatter b. gossip c. rumours.

3. His last album became a massive __________________________.

a. favourite b. hit c. winner

4. She became a TV _______________________________ after winning a reality show.

a. character b. figure c. personality

5. The actor is _____________________________ for his dislike of the paparazzi

a. influential b. marked c. notorious

WRITING: Your English teacher has asked you to write an ARTICLE for the school magazine. Choose a topic, organize
your ideas into paragraphs and don’t forget to include a title.


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