Present Perfect

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Present perfect 2 Present perfect continuous: form Form the present perfect continuous with the present perfect of be, and the -ing form of the verb. I've been waiting here all morning. What have you been doing lately? Thaven't been sleeping well recently. Present perfect continuous: meaning Use present perfect: 1 To describe past events which are connected to the present, but with an action or situation in progress.” What have you been doing lately? T’ve been working a lot. How long have you been living here? 2 To emphasize the length of time of the action. I’ve been waiting here all morning. I’ve been feeling ill for weeks. covering a period of time up to the present PAST I’ve been waiting here all morning. (its still morning now and I am still waiting.) 3. To emphasize that the action is temporary. [ve been staying in a hotel for the past month. 4 For repeated actions. I've been phoning her for days, but she’ never at home. 5 Fora finished or continuing action, depending on the situation. I've been working hard all morning. Now I'm going to have a rest. (finished) ve been reading a good book lately. (continuing) Time expressions Time expressions often used with the present perfect continuous include: all day, all morning, for days, for ages, lately, recently, since, for INTERMEDIATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE Present perfect or present perfect continuous? © With verbs like live, work there is very litte difference between the two tenses: ve worked/been working here for two years. T've lived/been living here for two years, © Thepresent perfect focuses attention on the finished result, but the present perfect continuous focuses attention on the action. Pve written that report for Jackie. It didn't take long. (finished result) Poe been writing that report for Jackie and I still haven't finished. (action) © Ife give details of how many or how much, we do not use a continuous form. ve written four emails. ve done a lot of cooking and cleaning this afternoon. Present simple or present perfect? The present simple describes habits or states in the present, but the present perfect describes the time until the present. live in Prague. (a permanent state ~ I always live there) ve lived in Prague for two years. (Larrived two years ago and still live there) Past simple or present perfect? ‘The past simple describes an event in a completed time period. The present perfect is used for a time period that includes the present. Tlived in Prague in the nineties. (now I live somewhere else) ve lived in Prague since the nineties. (I still live there) ‘The choice of tense often depends on whether our attention isin the past or the present. Thad an umbrella, but [left it on the bus. (the event is distant in my mind) Oh no! I’ve left my umbrella on the bus. (the event is present in my mind) Have been and have gone If we have been to a place, we went there and have now returned. If we have gone to a place, we went there but have not returned, Melissa has been to China, (and she has come back) ‘Melissa has gone to China. (and she is still there) 1 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I live/ I’ve lived here since the end of last year. Tm afraid the last train lefi/has left an hour ago. Someone has just stolen/has just been stealing my bicycle ‘Thank you for your offer, but I decided/I've decided not to accept. Yesterday I lost/I've lost my wallet, Take your umbrella with you. It started/It’ started raining. We're enjoying our trip. We visited/We've visited two countries so far. Tm standing/Tve been standing here for hours and I feel tired. This was/has been a busy day and it isn’t over yet! I feel really tired. We went/We've been to a party last night. 2. Put each verb in brackets into either the present perfect, past simple or present simple. Last week I (lose) my scarf, and now I oa. Me dest. ast. my gloves, I (work) for BLC Bank now but I (decide)... to change jobs We (be) here for hours. Are you sure we (come) to the right place? (you see) sn my mobile? I'm sure I (leave) .. it here earlier. We (have) . some coffee and then (catch) the bus home. I (never eat) ... octopus, but once on holiday I (eat)... some squid. 1 (hope) .» you aren'ta vegetarian. I (cook) you some lamb chops. Recently a lot of young people (take up) . charity work, When we (reach) .. .. the cinema, there (not be). any tickets left. Please come quickly! Nick (have) .. .an accident, and he (0)... 0 hospital. 3 Complete each mini-dialogue by putting the verbs given in brackets into either the present perfect or present perfect continuous. 1 A: Love Actually is on at the Rex, (you see) ...!48M6.|4QK. She it? : No, not yet. Shall we go? I (look forward) ...vf.heem. Looking forward, to seeing it for ages. : What’ the matter? You look really tired! : Tam! I (study) -all day, and I (not finish) yet. : Oh well, time for a break. : 1 (phone) -- Carol all day, but there's no reply. : L expect she (go) swimming with her friends. a. the news? Someone (rob) the bank at the end of the road. A 5. A: Why is your leg in plaster? B: That's silly question! I (break) , of course. ‘A: Someone (write) ‘Give me a break’ on the plaster! 4 For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more than three words. 1 [came to live here three months ago, iv swum here for three months. 2. Sophie is out at the shops at the moment. Sophie to the shops. 3. I've had French lessons since March. . French lessons since March. 4. T'imstill reading this book. i . .. reading this book yet. 5 Paul left the room a moment ago. Paul has .. the room, 6 Its ages since I last went to the cinema, t to-the cinema for ages. 7 Thisis the first time I've eaten Korean food. Korean food before. 8 Idon't remember Helen's phone number, Ive. Helen's phone number, 5 Complete each sentence with one suitable word. 2 Mal € Reply | 42 Now Message |_ Forward“). [ll Daleio ) @ unk) We've had a very interesting tip (1) ..1...8@..:uu far, and we've had some real adventures (2)... couse the last time we wrote, We've (3) to some beautiful islands, and (4) a lot of friendly people. In fact (5) ssnsssennnnnnenen WO'VE Made friends with some people in a village, and they've BeEN (6) s.osssennsesnsiesne US the local language. | haven't managed to learn much ass . but Ann (8) onsesne Picked Up quite a lot, and can speak well. She's been (9) soon @VOry day, and she's (10izasts . me everything she knows! 6 Underline the errors in these sentences. Rewrite each sentence. 1 My penfriend is writing to me for years. Ig -pewdirkendd has. been.wiiting for YRAaKs ‘We have started this course three weeks ago. “What have you been doing all day?” ‘I've been written letters? When have you arrived in this city? You have ever been to India? Paula has been stayed in a hotel by the sea. Tve been feeling ill three weeks ago. live in this city since I was born, I wait here for ages. Where have you been? ‘Tony has leaved his books on the bus.

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