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PreDCR Layers Information

l Each and every Polyline must be drawn as LWPOLYLINE.
l Every closed polyline must contain a text inside and on the same layer.
This text will be used as the name of that polyline. As far as possible this name should be unique.

Layer Name How to draw

_Plot l Draw a Close Polyline in _Plot layer which shows Plot area
l Show all Layout Detail Like Proposed Work, Open space, Internal road, Parking,
Substructure inside Plot poly
l Provide text inside it in Same Layer
l Show MainRoad overlapped with Plot

_MainRoad l Draw a main road abutting the plot entity with text (starting with Road Width)
l Mark Main Road by PreDCR Mark Main Road tool if reqd
l Show Road widening area (if any) as close Polyline inside Plot & give Text inside
poly. User can use Mark RoadWidening Tool if reqd.
l Mark main road For Road Setback Line


_Internal Road · Show Proposed internal Road as close polyline with centerline & text inside
poly (starting with Road Width) inside Plot
· Show Access road in _AccessRoad layer (Same as Internal road)
· Show Existing road inside/Intersecting Plot as close poly with Text inside
poly (starting with Road Width)

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_ResvArea l Show Reservation area inside Plot Poly & Give

l Show RecreationalGround (Common open Space) as a close polyline with text
inside poly, & it should be drawn inside Plot


_PropWork l Show Max. coverage area of Bldg. As Proposed Work in Layout

l Draw Close poly for Prop. Work
l Show Direction Ref. Circle inside Prop. Work (same location at Floor)
l Give same name to Bldg. & their corresponding Proposed work(BUA) by PreDCR
Assign name>Bldg. & PWork Tool

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_Bldg l Draw Bldg. Poly which contain all Bldg. Detail (Floors, Section)
l Draw Floor poly for All individual Floor & Provide Floor detail inside it
l Show Section poly inside Bldg in _Section Layer and each floor section inside the
Section in _FloorinSection Layer
_Floor l Show Ground level and Street level as open polyline inside Section
l Show all Corresponding Sectionfloor for each floor inside section
give text by PreDCR Assign name >Floor Tool
l Give same name to Bldg. & their corresponding Proposed work(BUA) by PreDCR
Assign name>Bldg. & PWork Tool




_Floor l Draw Floor poly which contains( All FAR, Deduction, Reference circle)
l Show Residential FAR in _ResiFAR ,Commercial FAR in _CommFAR, Industrial
_ResiFAR FAR in _IndFAR & All other FAR (Special use) in _SpecialUseFAR
l Give text inside Each Floor in Same Layer By Using
PreDCR Tool : Assign name > Floor
_CommFAR · Insert Direction Reference circle By PreDCR at Each Floor



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_Staircase l Show Staircase, Lift, Passage, Chowk (OTS), AirShaft, Void inside FAR Poly
l Provide Centerline of Passage & mention Width of Passage in text
l Draw CarpetArea poly for each individual unit (Flat or Shop) with text in same
layer ,It should be inside FAR
l Show Room poly inside CarpetArea & draw Door, Window overlapped with Room








_Terrace l Draw Terrace as Close Polyline with text inside in same layer
l Show Machine room in Dashed line(if Lift Proposed In Bldg.)

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_AccessoryUse l Draw AccessoryUse bldg in AccessoryUse layer inside Floor or Layout & mark it
by PreDCR tool
l Show Existing work in _Exwork layer at layout & Mark it from PreDCR tool when its
To be Demolished
l Show Ramp as close poly with text & centerline inside poly
Mention Ramp Height & Use of Ramp in Text Ex. “2.60mt. Ht. RAMP FOR CAR”
l Show Deduction(TP Reservation) as close poly inside Plot & Give text in same



_Parking l Show Parking poly in _Parking layer & Mark it by PreDCR tool
l Show Parking poly inside Floor /Plot
l Mark individual parking poly as CAR , Two wheeler or Cycle etc by PreDCR tool
_Balcony l Show Balcony as close poly with text inside in same layer
l Balcony should be overlapped with FAR or Prop. Work & should be inside
Floor /Plot
l Draw Architecture Projection(Like Chajja. Flower bed, Loft, canopy , porch etc) in
_ArchProj layer & Mark it by PreDCRTool

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_Electricline l Draw Physical Features like Electric line, Railline ,Waterbody etc. as open polyline
at Layout Plan with Text (use Proper Naming convention)



_IndivSubPlot l Draw Individual sub Plot (Subdivided plot) into _IndiveSubPlot it should be inside
Plot poly
l Provide Approach for Individual Plot
l Show IndivSubPlot as Close poly with text inside in same Layer
l, Common plot etc. should be inside _Plot

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_Reconstitution l Show Amalgamated plot in _Reconstitution as a Close Ploy

l All Inner Plots (To be amalgamated ) should be drawn inside _Reconstitution poly
in _Plot Layer with text
l Show Abutting road for Amalgamated Plot (overlapped with Amlg. Poly)
l Internal road, Approach Road, Common Plot, Road widening should be drawn
inside this poly

_Subdivison l Show Main Plot in _Plot layer

l Show Sub Divided plots into _Subivison Layer
l All SubPlot should be inside Plot poly
l Provide Approach to the Subplot

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