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Monday and Wednesday

Fields of Social Work Practice

Presented By:
Trishia Marie Gadong, Von Francis Rabaca, Micah Joy Amian, Diana Rose Suero, Nazneen
Vylette Trinidad, Emmalyn Cariaga, Samantha Rio Mabalo


According to Thelma Lee Mendoza, administration of penalty in such a way that the
offender is corrected, that is, his current behavior is kept within acceptable limits at the same
time his general life adjustment is modified.
• For example, to individuals who break the law, modern society responds by placing
them in a degraded supervised status for a set amount of time rather than by removing
them from society altogether.
• Society defends itself from such a person's continuous offending behavior by imposing
restrictions on him during his monitored status and/or implementing rehabilitative
procedures that will make it safe for the community to return the offender to a free
status at the end of his restricted status.
• Control and rehabilitation functions are carried out by probation institutions and parole
organizations, which serve as correctional agencies in our society for juvenile and adult

It is "a process of treatment, prescribe by the court for persons convicted (it is having
been declared guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge) of
offenses against the law, during which the individual on probation lives in the community and
regulates his own life under conditions subject to supervision by a probation officer."
• Parole, on the other hand, is the release of a prisoner under supervision before the
returned to the correctional institution if he violates the conditions of his parole.
Example, an offender (it is a person who commits an illegal act) is someone who enters a
correctional facility as a result of a behavior brought on by strained relationships in his
community. It is believed that a number of circumstances, including the offender's personality,
the important people in his life, the social institution to which he was exposed, and the
neighborhood's acceptance of conditions that favor criminal activity, all contributed to the
offender's crime.

In order for the offender's resocialization process to be successful, he must be given

• meaningful relationships with other people that help him see himself as a valuable
person and teach him how to solve problems in his daily life appropriately;
• membership in groups that provide genuine satisfaction through legitimate experiences,
teach him how to use appropriate reference groups for support in controlling behavior,
and teach him the social skills required to accomplish these goals.
• access to the community's typical opportunity structures, such as employment,
education, structure, and religious instruction;
• corrective services designed to address specific social functioning issues, such as job
training, psychotherapy, or medical rehabilitation; and
• improvement of the circumstances in his local area that contribute to his propensity to
commit crimes.

Correctional work in adult institutions

It has been described as being in the stage of development where some attempts at
rehabilitation coexist with relics of feudalistic prison practices. Prison work in institutions for
adults is in a transitional stage, with limited rehabilitative measures and feudalistic practices
due to limitations of budget, staff and facilitators.
National Correctional Institutions
• convicted adult offenders - National Penitentiary in Muntinlupa
• prison and penal farms - Davao, Zamboanga, Palawan and Occidental
• the regional prison - Leyte
• Correctional Institution for Women - Alabang

Bureau of Prisons of the Department of Justice

It is a management and regulation of all Federal penal (used for, or prescribing the
punishment of offenders under the legal system) and correctional institutions. Those 4
institutions above are already administered and last February 28, 2022 there were four licensed
social workers assigned. Most provincial, city, and municipal jails lack social workers, with
the exception of those in Metro Manila.
The Vicente Madrigal Rehabilitation Center (boys) and Marilac Hills (girls), both under
the administration of the Department of Social Welfare and Development, are two such
institutions for children and adolescents who are not given probation by family courts (or by
ordinary courts in the case of provinces) in the nation. Both institutes have social professionals
on staff. These two institutions have always had licensed social workers as administrators,
supervisory social workers, and other staff members. Nonetheless, in spite of the DSWD's
dedication to a rehabilitation-focused approach, these two institutions nevertheless experience
management and administration problems as a result of a shortage of budget and staff.

In Social Work Practice in adult probation services, it is already recognized in the country.
In Presidential Decree No. 968, otherwise known as the Probation Law of 1976:
- it which allows first offenders who are handed a jail sentence of not more than six years
to apply for probation
- established the Probation Administration which today has about 124 social workers
employed as Social Welfare Officers and Probation Officers in fifteen regional offices and in
the Central Office in Quezon City.

In Presidential Decree 603

- Social workers occupied regular positions in the social service units of juvenile and
domestic relations Courts in the country between 1955 and 1983 (ten cities had a
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court: Manila, Quezon City, Caloocan, Baguio, Iloilo,
Dumaguete, Tacloban, Naga, Bacolod, and Cebu), and the more recently, were
designated as probation workers in the Department of Social Welfare and Development
which usually assigned them to the provinces to work with youthful offenders who were
brought to the attention of regular courts.

In Social work practice in the juvenile probation system, it is already established.

Function of social workers in relation to juvenile (youth) probation work are

a) preparation of social case studies to facilitate legal decision-making
b) provision of counseling and other necessary services to the youth and his family
throughout the period that the youth is on probation,
c) referral and mobilization of community resources on behalf of the youth and/or his
d) coordinating with other groups/agencies which are engaged in activities relating to
or affecting probationers;
e) preparing reports/recommendations in the probationers which will be the basis for
decision-making by the courts.

In Republic Act 8369 on October 28. 1997

- The Family Courts Act became a law, establishing a family court in every province and
city in the country giving it exclusive jurisdiction over child and family cases and
making it a state policy to provide a system of adjudication (act as judge in a competition
or argument, or to make a formal decision about something) for youthful offenders.
Furthermore, the law provides for the employment of licensed social workers in these
courts who will provide counseling and other necessary social services to children and
their families.
According to Thelma Lee Mendoza, since education is typically seen as caring for and
responsible for the "whole" person rather than just his or her intellectual development,
school systems devote themselves to the objective of fostering that person's intellectual,
physical, social, and emotional endowments.
Thus, we now find a variety of social services, sometimes referred to as student personnel
services or school guidance services, in the majority of schools. These are professional services
offered by staff members who have undergone formal training; formal academic education
is not included.
School Social Works
Exist primarily to provide a helping service to those students whose problems in school
stem from social to emotional causes which interfere their adjustment and potential academic
achievement. The purpose of this school social work is to provide services that would achieve
any or all of the following:
a) restoration of impaired adjustment
b) provisions of resources by mobilizing capacities of individual students, their parents,
families and the academic and larger communities
c) prevention of maladjustment, it is defined the specific function of the school social
worker, namely, to add as a non-instructional specialist, through his professional
competence to avoid the indication of a malfunction in the child-teacher-parent system.
Having these mind, the school social worker usually engages in two kinds of activities:
1. Activities which focus on particular children:
▪ these would consist of provision of counseling services to selected
children and/or parents
▪ provision of group work services to selected children whose needs and
problems are perceived as amenable to change or modification through
a group experience
▪ meeting regularly or occasionally with groups of parents of school
children to discuss/find solution to their children's/family's problems
which affect the performance in school
▪ collaboration of teachers, schools’ specialists and community agencies
in working particular children with problems e former’s performance in
▪ providing consultative services to individual teachers and other school
personnel usually in the area of human behavior and social environment
and community resources

2. Activities which focus on children in general

▪ serving on curriculum and other school committees
▪ providing consultation on the educational programs with groups of
parents and teachers
▪ acting as liaison between the school and the community by presenting
the school on academic and other community planning bodies
▪ social worker's acting as mediator that will enable a school to avail of a
particular community resource or service
First known School Social Work Program
o Zaragoza Elementary School in Tondo (now the Rosauro Almario Elementary
School) began in January 1924 and ended in March 1925, took the form of an
o voluntary act of a social worker in the (then) Public Welfare Commission
Josefa Jara Martinez
o known as the first Filipino social worker/ the pillar of social work in the
o serve as a school counselor, because of her concern about the growing number
of school dropouts who were being committed to the correctional agency for
youthful offenders the (then) welfare Ville institutions.

• The school investigation was put into place with the Superintendent of City (Manila)
Schools' approval in order to assess if it is worthwhile to use the school as a platform
for doing preventative and protective child welfare activities. But it was terminated but
eventually new program introduced in public schools which is guidance counseling.
• 1965 - Social work returned when there’s a set up of school social service program in
Manila City Department in eight public elementary and secondary school, because of
high incidence of dropouts in government schools.
• Late 1960’s - fifteen social workers of the city were serving thirty public elementary
and secondary schools, handling problems of the regular attendance, health problems,
and learning difficulties
• 1971 - mainly because of administrative problems the program ceased to operate.
• Private education is also known to have established school social work programs.

Victoria school in Quezon City, the St. James Academy in Malabon and Jose Abad Santos
Memorial School (JASMS) - affiliated with the Philippine Women's University. The
program at the JASMS, started in 1961, is today considered to be very important aspect of the
school program.

St. Joseph Cupertino School in Quezon City - for the mentally retarded, the rule of the social
worker involves a wide scope of functions - in out guidance work, facilitating, community
relations, recruitment and coordination of the schools' volunteer program, and coordinating the
clinical team.

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