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Name of FS Student: Signature of FS Student:

Course: Year & Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:


- At the end of this activity, the FS students can determine the appropriateness of teaching aids to
learning tasks (CLO 2)



Using the same videos in your episode number no. 4, observe the two (2) teachers on how they go through their


1. Accomplish observation sheet.

2. Analyse your observation.
3. Reflect on your observations.

Description of the Resource Teachers Observed:

School Address: Date:

Grade/Year Level:
Subject Areas:


Answer the following questions:

1. Describe how the teacher began his/her lesson. Why do you think did she/he do that?
During the class discussion, the teacher begins her lesson by giving a motivation. It is a
song about adding numbers. The teacher did this to catch the attention of her students and
to ignite curiosity and willingness to learn among her students.

2. What activity/es did the teacher ask the learners to do after she/he introduced the lesson?
After introducing her lesson the Resource Teacher asked the learners to analyze the numbers
and how they will get the sum of it. This activity is in connection with their topic “Adding one
to two-digit numbers to get the sum”. In addition, the students state that by adding all
numbers they will get the sum. The teacher did this to relate her topic and her motivation.
Another reason is that one of her lesson objectives is achievable through giving an activity
like what she gave after introducing the topic.

3. What instructional materials did the teacher use in his/her discussion? Do you think these materials
are appropriate in enhancing the discussion of the topic? Why or why not?

The instructional materials that the teacher use is the combination of both traditional
and multi-media. This is very appropriate in enhancing the discussion especially the
teacher deals with a young learners. The teacher need different kind of fan activity that
will catch the attention of the learners.

4. How did she end her/his lesson? Why do you she/he did that?
The teacher ended her lesson by giving a generalization about their topic. However, she did
not state it directly, instead she asked questions to the students about their topic. The teacher
did this in the sense that generalization is very important to learning, it summarizes
everything. It gives the learners a clear picture of the topic. These are the main reasons for
giving generalization as done by the teacher.

5. Did you notice an assessment of learning in the process of teaching? If yes how was it done?
Yes, there is an assessment of learning in the process of teaching that I had observed. It is a
form of quiz. The teacher gives questionnaires to the students. She also gave them
instructions which is they need to count all the shapes and then encircle the correct answer
on the choices.

6. Did you observe if the teacher checked learning at the end of her/his lesson?

Yes, the teacher checked learning at the end of her lesson. Giving a quiz is one way of
checking learners. Another is through giving an activity which is an application to the topic. By
doing this, the teacher can verify whether her learners learn from the discussion. These are
some ways of checking learning.

7. Checklist: Of the following which did you observe? Please check if you observed the item.

Teaching Behavior Check Here

1. Connecting lesson to past lesson. 
2. Introducing the lesson for the day. 
3. Sharing the lesson objective of the day. 
4. Motivating the students. 
5. Students doing learning activity. 
6. Teacher giving lecture. 
7. Teacher checking for understanding. 
8. Teacher/students summarizing the lesson. 

Answer the following questions:

1. How should a lesson begin and end?

There are many ways to begin and end a lesson. It depends upon the method of teaching
used. But most commonly, lessons begin by giving motivation to learners, this should be
connected to the topic. In the end, generalization is given to summarize the topic.

2. Did you observe any part of the lesson development to have out of place? Explain your answer.
No, I have not seen any. It is because the discussion is planned out and the teacher is
very good at making the learners understand the lesson. Also the lesson plan helped the
teacher to be guided throughout the discussion.


“Tell them what you want to tell them; tell them what you told them”. Relate this statement to lesson development.



Name of FS Student: Signature of FS Student:

Course: Year & Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:


At the end of this activity, the FS students will be able to describe how the classroom is
structured/designed to allow everyone to participate in the learning activities. (CLO 3)



To reach your target, do the following tasks:

 Watch a video from YouTube showing an actual classroom
setting focusing on classroom management


 Using a checklist, find out the evident classroom

 Describe how the classroom is structured / designed to allow everyone to participate in the learning
 Relate the data in your checklist to the learners’ behaviour.
 Reflect on how classroom management affects learning.

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation.
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided
1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.
As I observed the grade 5 students. I can see that the learners sometimes need additional
motivation to keep their attention focused and avoid doing something in their seats. The student’s
ages range from 10-13 years old.
2. How many boys are there? How many girls?
There is a total class population of 36 students, composed of 14 boys and 22 girls.
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
They can manage their behavior but they will just settle down if the teacher already warns them.
4. Can the learners already work independently?
The learners can already work independently, they don’t need any more assistance from their
homeroom teacher. They only asking questions that they don’t understand.
5. Describe their span of attention.
The span of attention of the students is very wide compared to the lower grades. They are more
focus on learning and discovering new things.
6. Look into their listening skills and ability to concentrate?
On their listening skills, I noticed that they are mature enough to follow the instructions given to
them. On the other hand, their ability to concentrate is good even they are distracted by some
ideas such as playing and discussions with their peer group they can still manage to finish their
assigned task.

Name of the school observed:

Location of the School:
Date of Visit:


Base on the video that you observed, fill in the matrix on classroom management below.
Aspect of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners
Management (to be filled up after you answer the
analysis questions)
1. Specific Areas in the The areas in the classroom are The effect on the learners is that they
very well organized. will be easy to locate their different
instruments they needed such as
books and other material.

2. Classroom Rules The classroom rules are reminded The effect on the learners is that they
by the teacher in every point of will be reminded of the rules so that
time. they will not do any kind of act to
oppose any of these.

3.Classroom Procedures The teacher starts a little talk The effect on the learners is that the
before the class discussion on the students will feel at ease and more
subject matter. comfortable with the class.

4. Daily Routines The teacher starts the class with a The effect on the learners is that their
prayer then a review of the last discussion will be refreshed in the
discussion they discussed last mind of the learners.

5.Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement is The effect on the learners is that they
arranged alternately from boy to will be able to socialize with the
girl. opposite sex role.

6.Handling The teacher gives precise The effect on the learners is that they
disciplinary action to the student if will be able to know their limitations
misbehaviour / off-task
they make a particular mistake. and become aware of behaving inside
behaviour the class.

7.Reinforcement of The teacher gives The effect on the students is that they
acknowledgement to every student will be able to strive hard to be
Positive behavior
that will do positive behavior and excellent in class.
excellence in the class.

8. Others…..


Answer the analysis questions comprehensively.

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?
The classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior by knowing their
limitations. The minds of the students are set that they need to follow rules because it will
practice their proper attitude and personality. It will limits their bad behavior and to avoid chaos
inside the classroom.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when he / she designs the classroom organization and routines?
What theories and principles should you have in mind?

The teacher should keep in mind that he/she united with students so that he/she will be
more careful while making the set of routines that students need to follow. It should be
clear to avoid confusion to the rules. The both students and teacher should be decide in
making classroom rules.

3. Which behaviour strategies were effective in managing the behaviour of the learners? In motivating students?
Why were they effective?

Behavior strategies effective in managing the behavior of the learners by doing positive
reinforcement. The teacher should play the characteristics of being caring and should
motivate the learners to pursue their efforts in their study by giving rewards or incentive if the
students perform excellence in class whether academically or non-academically by doing this,
the students will strive hard, will actively participate and will perform very well.


1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade / year level do you see
yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?

As I imagine myself organizing my classroom in the future, I can see that I will be handling
grade 1 students. If I will handle grade 1 students I will set routines or procedures that will
surely suit their age range. For example when the class starts I will teach them to pray first
before anything else, I would also imply that there would be story telling session so I can get
their interest and slowly going to the subject matter in a way that they will not feel bored but
instead they will enjoy. I could also conduct ice breakers, a little dance step and singing a
song to stimulate the energy of the students. And I will also provide few minutes for rest
because during this stage of the learners they will surely get tired as time and activities pass
by. Rest will help them to regain their energy.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these rules?
• Uniform of the students should be worn properly.

• School I.D should always be present.

• Boys should observe proper haircut.

• Boys and Girls should observe proper hygiene all the times.

• The students should raise their hands if they want to say something.

I choose this set of rules so that the students will observe cleanliness, and being orderly.
So that the students will be able to become responsible of their own being. I would also like
to promote unity inside the classroom and good relationship between myself and my

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why? Why not?
Yes, for the main reason that they will be the one who will benefitted and will follow these set of
rules. And they should also be aware of these rules so that they will know their limitations.



Name of FS Student: Signature of FS Student:

Course: Year & Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:


 After watching videos on YouTube on Assessment of Students learning, the FS students will be
able to identify and name the different assessment methods used by the teacher in his/her topic; and
 analyse what assessment method is most appropriate to use in a particular lesson
(CLO 4)



For this process, go through the following steps:

1. Review appropriateness of 2. Observe three

assessment tools in ASL 1 and different classes, from
2 YouTube and interview
3 resource teachers
and request for
documents from them

3. Identify the proofs of the use of

these assessment tools.

4. Guided by a question/questions,
reflect on your own experience
then write down your reflection


While watching the videos, fill in the observation checklist that follows.


Which method was used? Please score.
Assessment Method Tally Frequency
1. Written Response instruments 0
a. Multiple choice IIII 4
b. True – False 0
c. Matching Type 0
d. Short Answer 0
e. Completion Test II 2
2. Product Rating Scales (for book reports, 0
projects, other creative endeavours)
3. Performance tests (using a microscope, solving III 3
math word problem)
4. Performance checklist 0
5. Oral Questioning IIIII 5
6. Observation and self-reports 0
Other methods….


Answer the following analyses questions:

1. What assessment method/s did you observe to be most often used? Least often used? What could explain
such observation?
During examinations, most of the test papers in Math is administered using the multi-
choice test. I seldom see matching types and true or false tests. On the other hand, oral
questioning is commonly used during discussion and I observed that there were no
self-reports nor product rating scales. These things happen because some assessment
tools are easier to administer than others.

2. If you are to teach the same lesson would you assess learning in the same way as your Resource teacher
did? Explain.
Yes, I would do just like what my resource teacher did. In discussing addition and
subtraction, students should be taught not only the concept but a real-life example that
the students can relate to for them to understand the importance of addition and
subtraction in their day to day lives. My resource teacher gives a real-life example just
like showing lollipop that can be illustrated as an adding and subtracting numbers.

3. Which of the assessment method are categorized as traditional assessment? Which ones are classified as
authentic assessment?

Among the assessment methods, the written-response instrument was categorized as a

traditional assessment because it only measures the line level of learning as opposed
to authentic assessment which measures the actual performance of students writing
responses including multiple-choice tests, matching type tests, short answer tests, and
completion-type tests. On the other hand, product rating scales. Performance tests, oral
questioning, performance checklists, portfolio assessments and observation, and self-
reports were classified as authentic assessment.

4. How does traditional assessment differ from authentic assessment?

In traditional assessment, student (passive learners are asked to select or supply a

response to tests that are devised by the teacher. Only one correct answer is accepted
like in the paper and pencil test and the objective type of tests. However, in authentic
assessment, students perform tasks that are devised actively by the teacher and
students. Various answers were accepted and higher-order thinking skills were
improved in this assessment.


Write your personal reflections of thoughts and feelings about the importance in the used of appropriate
assessment methods in the classroom, including what students and teachers can gain from appropriate
assessment tools. Share your reflection with your FS facilitator and classmates.

In traditional assessment only the passive learners are asked to select or supply to a test that
is devised by the teacher. Only one correct answer is accepted like in the paper and pencil test
and the objective type of test. However, in authentic assessment, students performed tasks that
are devised actively by the teacher and students. Various answers were accepted and higher-order
thinking skills were improved in this assessment.
As the years pass by many things have changed. The evolution of 21 st century varied learning
styles and goal to meet have led to the creation of new assessment methods. Once, the traditional
assessment served as the main method of measurement but today, authentic assessment has
emerged. However we cannot say that we should abolish traditional assessment and follow the
authentic one. Traditional assessment is still useful, especially in measuring the lower level in
Bloom’s Taxonomy. Meanwhile, authentic assessment comes in hand in measuring the higher
level of learning. Therefore, with the proper use of these assessments, teacher will attain what
he/she aims to measure.
Hence, there’s no single assessment methods that is appropriate for all learning types. What
we need is the proper judgment as to what assessment is appropriate to measure what we want to
measure. The best thing to do is to collaborate on the different kinds of assessment.

Peace Concept on Focus: APPROPRIATENESS

Appropriateness in the use of any method of assessment is not just something that teachers wish to consider, but rather an indispensable principle of
fair assessment practices. If taken for granted, our evaluation of students’ learning is erroneous, misleading, and unfair.



Name of FS Student: Signature of FS Student:

Course: Year & Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:


1. At the end of this episode, discuss the different curricular issues and concerns faced by the educator
and administrator in DepEd
2. reflect on the new innovations, issues, concerns and challenges in the DepEd curriculum
especially in this new normal (CLO 1,2,3,4)


Visit DepEd and interview school administrators (principal, teacher in charge, officer in charge and the like) on
various curricular issues and concerns.


Interview faculty members on the merits and demerits on schools’ innovations.


Interview school officials, faculty members and education students to complete the matrix below.

Curricular Innovations Advantages Disadvantages Your Insights

1. Third Elementary • Build institutional • Offered only TEEP is a good
Education Program
(TEEP) capacity. elementary innovation since it aims
• Actively involve students. the improvement in the
parents, elementary level.
teachers, Elementary should be
Community given more focus
leaders for because it is the
quality education. foundation level.

2. Secondary Education • Improve • Not all benefit SEDIP is like TEEP but
Improvement and
Development Program equitable access from it since for the secondary level.
(SEDIP) to secondary not all It has almost the same
education in division take purpose and function.
poverty affected part in it. But, same with TEEP, it
areas. did not stay long in
3. K-12 Curriculum • Decongest the • Additional As of now, k-12 is the
curriculum years mean greatest curriculum
• Uses the addition innovation in the
progressive way expenses in Philippines. It’s aims are
of teaching school. appropriate to the new
• Promotes totality • Students will era.
of learning spent more
years learning
and going to
school which
could be
to their part.


Enriching Activities:
Select one innovation and complete the discussion web below. Interview at least 5 co – education students to
get their ideas on curricular innovations.


• The world is • Innovating something

changing so there’s means a lot of effort,
a need to innovate to time and money. Even
fit with the new though it promises
needs of the society. Do you really improvement, we are
not sure of the results
• K-12 is the answer to need to innovate? will yield to what we are
the congested
traditional way of expecting.
learning which may • The old curriculum id
be less applicable nice to use since we
today. are already used to it.

One of the greatest curriculum innovations as today in the educational system

of the Philippines is the K-12 curriculum. It’s a new system in which it follow the
principle that the child is the center of learning; thus, using the progressivist point of
view and eliminating or reducing the role of the teacher as the only main source of
knowledge. In this new curriculum, the teacher had become the facilitator of
It is a curriculum that decongest the educational system which gave way to
more competitive learners in local and abroad. I’m looking forward to this new
curriculum that will open the doors of new opportunity to everyone.


State your commitment as student regarding curricular innovations.


I an education student of

commit myself to implement the curricular innovation on
the best of my ability.

I fully realize that I need to do this for the betterment of my

learners and that of my society.

Name and Signature




Name of FS Student: Signature of FS Student:

Course: Year & Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:


- At the end of this episode the FS students will be able to describe the characteristics of a global
teacher; and assess themselves if they have possessed the characteristics of a global teacher. (CLO 1,
2, 3, 4)



The high speed advancement of technology has linked peoples of different nations ever closer. We have all
become part of the global village. An effective teacher, therefore should be global.

Step 1. Interview teachers about their ideas about the knowledge, skills and values that a global teacher has.
Step 2. Analyze and synthesize their responses.
Step 3. Reflect on how you can become a global teacher in the future.


Read the following carefully before you begin to interview.

1. Interview 3 or more teachers. The three teachers can be any of the following:
a. A cooperating teacher
b. A master teacher
c. A teacher who has experienced a teacher exchange program in another country
d. A teacher who studied in another country
e. A teacher who has taught in another country
f. A teacher awarded as Outstanding Teacher or your school or city
g. A metrobank Outstanding Teacher
2. Ask them about what makes a global teacher. Specifically ask about the knowledge, skills and
values that a THE GLOBAL
teacher TEACHER
should have MATRIX
to be considered a global teacher
3. Ask them about experiences and challenges they met and how they managed the situations
4. Use the global teacher matrix to present your interview data and your analysis and synthesis.

Name of Knowledge Skills Values Other Shared

Teacher Experiences
- Know how to A good/ effective Mathematical An effect math
instigate learners mathematics thinking is very teacher is friendly,
to learn. teacher. much a part of not terror to the
Teacher 1 - Involve pupils in life, the way we students.
different activities put our
for learning. knowledge and
skills to use we
can put a
difference in our
growth to have a
better life.
Aware of various - Master in - English is an People who can
strategies and teaching English. international speak English
Teacher 2 methods of language. fluently are known by
teaching. - Good - Knowing others.
communicator/ English
speaker language can be
understood to
almost all parts
Socially active - Master in Always believe A science teacher is
with good link/ teaching science that nothing a patient, careful and
relationship to the subject. happens without scientifically based.
Teacher 3 community. - Professionally a cause.
matured in
dealing with the
diversity of


Answer the following analysis questions promptly.

1. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the knowledge that a global
teacher should have?

2. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the skills that a global
teacher should have?

3. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the values that a global
teacher should have?

4. Collect at least 2 articles/readings about global education and the global teacher. Enrich your answers
in 1-3 with these readings. Place the additional learnings/insights you got from your readings.
(Paste/attach the articles that you’ve read in a short bond paper.)
Your additional insights/learnings here:


You illustrate of figure out what a global teacher looks like. Think of a title for your drawing or illustration.
What message does it convey? (Write down the message)

Its message:



Name of FS Student: Signature:

Course/Yr./Sec: Date of Activity:


At the end of this task, the FS students will be able to:
- reflect on teaching in various situations as how it is viewed on the movie “MILA”
- make their own plan on how they can work towards becoming a global or a world class teacher
(CLO 1,2,3,4)



 What makes teaching as a Vocation not just a mere profession?


 To fully understand the essence of teaching as your chosen vocation, you are to watch a movie


 While watching the movie you are to answer the following:

How did Mila show her significance and make her difference to the following:
a. Primo (Piolo Pascual)

b. Linda (Princess Punzalan)


c. Rona (Cherry Pie Picache)

d. Winona (Kaye Abad)

e. Lani (Angelica Panganiban)

f. Teresa (Kathleen Hermosa)

g. Mrs. Pangan ( Caridad Sanchez)

h. Mr. de Castro (Tony Mabesa)

i. Popoy

j. Jenny (Serena Dalrymple)


k. Peklat (Jiro Manio)

l. Rambo


Answer the following questions for your analysis:

1. Describe Mila as a person and as a teacher.

2. What characteristics as a teacher does Mila possess that are worthy of emulation? Why?

3. Which part of the movie touches you most? Why?

4. If you are in Mila’s situation, will you do the same, to leave her co – workers in the street that are having
their hunger strike? Why? Why not?

5. Which scene/s in the movie do you think violated the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? Why?

6. What realizations came to your mind after viewing the movie, in relation to the teaching vocation?


Make your own game plan about you can work towards becoming a global teacher, a teacher with a mission
and a vocation.. Write on the Future Global Teacher Life-Line the things you will work on to become a
global teacher, starting NOW!


10 years from now, I will… 5

years from now, I will
2 years from now, I will…
Now, I will…

Signature Over Printed Name of FS Student



Bilbao, Purita Ed.D. (2015) Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon
City, Manila

Borabo, Milagros L. Ph.D. (2015) Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum. Lorimar Publishing
Inc. Quezon City, Manila

Corpuz, Brenda B. Ph.D. (2015). Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process.
Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City, Manila

Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2005). Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential
learning in higher education. Academy of management learning & education, 4(2), 193-212.

Lucas, Maria Rita D. Ph.D. (2020) Field Study 1: Observations of Teaching-Learning in the Actual
School Environment. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City, Manila

Lucas, Maria Rita D. Ph.D. (2015). Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment.
Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City, Manila

Lucas, Maria Rita D. Ph.D. (2015). Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment.
Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City, Manila

Lucido, Paz I. Ph.D. (2015) Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies. Lorimar Publishing
Inc. Quezon City, Manila

Pawilen, Greg T. (2019). Field Study 1: A Guide for 21st Century Student Teachers. Rex Bookstore
Inc., Quezon City, Manila

Field Study Form 8


Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of
documentation outstanding quality; were done with high were done with tasks were done; or
work exceeds quality acceptable quality most objectives
expectations met but with poor
My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis Analysis
were answered were answered questions were questions were
completely; in depth completely answered not not answered
answers; thoroughly completely
grounded on theories Clear connections Grammar and
with theories Vaguely related to spelling are
Exemplary grammar theories unsatisfactory.
and spelling. Grammar and spelling
are superior. Grammar and
spelling are
My Reflection Reflection statements are Reflection statements Reflection Reflection
profound and clear, are profound and clear statements are statements are
supported by experiences but not clearly shallow; supported unclear and
from the episode supported by by experiences shallow and are
experiences from the from the episode not supported by
episode experiences from
the episode.
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
deadline deadline after the deadline days after the

Rated by:
FS Facilitator


Name of Rater: Signature: TOTAL:



CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of understanding of understanding of understand the
the topic. the topic. parts of the topic. topic very well.

Stays on Topic Stays on topic all Stays on topic Stays on topic It was hard to tell
(100%) of the most (99-90%) of some (89%-75%) what the topic
time. the time. of the time. was.

Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does not

completely pretty prepared somewhat seem at all
prepared and has but might have prepared, but it is prepared to
obviously needed a couple clear that present.
rehearsed. more rehearsals. rehearsal was
Props Student uses Student uses 1 Student uses 1 The student uses
several props prop that shows prop which makes no props OR the
(could include considerable the presentation props chosen
costume) that work/creativity and better. detract from the
show considerable which make the presentation.
work/creativity and presentation
which make the better.
Time-Limit Presentation is 5-6 Presentation is 4 Presentation is 3 Presentation is
minutes long. minutes long. minutes long. less than 3
minutes OR more
than 6 minutes.

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