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Barangay Bahong
La Trinidad, Benguet

(Introduction and Rationale)

of the population are 24 years old and below,

History belonging in the younger generations.

The history of Bahong shows its transformation

of how the place emerged by the settlers who
started to reside in that area. Bahong, part of Religious Affiliation. 74.97% of the population
Tacdian, has a history dating back to the pre- belong to the Catholic denomination, followed
Spanish era. It witnessed two waves of by Protestant, those who don’t identify with any
migration, with the first wave bringing the religion, Baptism and the rest belongs to various
"iuwaks" who cultivated wet rice. Bahong was different religious denominations/churches.
an early settlement area in La Trinidad, known
for its rice terraces and trade with lowlanders. A Ethnicity. Majority or 62.78% of the total
cataclysmic event in 1641, involving an population belong to Ibaloi ethnic group. This is
earthquake and flood, devastated the region,
followed by Kankana-ey ethnic group,
leading to the formation of a lake. The second
representing 17.89% of the total population.
wave of migration occurred in the 1700s, as
Bontoc group and Ifugao group, representing
hunters discovered the remaining survivors of
the iuwaks and settled in Takdian. During the 4.98% and 2.80% respectively. Ethnicities
Spanish period, Bahong was a separate coming from far regions are also present in the
Rancheria from La Trinidad, and its rustic batrangay such as Aetas, Mangyans and T’walis.
character remained intact while La Trinidad
became cosmopolitan. Forced labor by the Education. Bahong has a literacy rate of 96.22%
Spanish led La Trinidad inhabitants to flee to of the population who are 10 years old and
Bahong. In the American period, Baniwas, a above.
prominent figure from Bahong, served as the Out of the total population 30.53% are still
President of La Trinidad. Later, the barrio of attending school. While a total of 2,928 persons
Tacdian was divided into two, resulting in the were not attending school, with 1,533 males and
creation of Barangay Shilan and Barangay 1,395 females, representing 69.47% of the total
Bahong. The Ibaloi word "pesjohong or population. About 16% of the population was
naydihong," meaning hollow or bowl-like, gave able to be a college graduate while 12% are high
rise to the name Bahong. school graduates. However, 9% of the
population did not start or finish any grade level.

General Population. The population rate of Environment

barangay Bahong has been steadily increasing
since 1975 with a population of 1,790 back then. Bahong is a barangay located in the southwest of
According to the most recent census that is La Trinidad. It shares its boundaries with other
available, barangay Bahong has a projected four barangays of the municipality. On the
6,632 population with an estimated 1,658 north, Barangay Alno and the Municipality of
number of households at 2020. Most of the Tublay, Barangay Tawang on the south and
population are males who are 50.75% of the Barangay Shilan on the south-east and Barangay
population while females take up the 49.25%. Alapang on the west. The barangay is situated 3
Most of the population resides in Sitio Tomay kilometers from the Poblacion, 2 kilometers
that takes up 34.50% of the population, followed from the national highway, 3 kilometers from
by Sitios Ma-e, Central Bahong, Sadag and the provincial road and Provincial Capitol, and
Anoding, respectively. 10 kilometers from Baguio City. It comprises
five sitios: Sadag, Central Bahong, Anoding,
Age Dependency. Most of the population Ma-e, and Tomay. Accessible via Baguio-
(63.65%) are part of the working age group Bontoc Road or Camp Dangwa-Bahong-Sadag
followed by the Age-dependency ratio and the Provincial Road, public utility jeeps are
young-age dependency ratio. The barangay has a available for transportation. The average
median age of 24 years old. This means that half temperature is 26°C, with a dry season from
November to April and a wet season the rest of
the year. The dominant land type is hilly to
mountainous, followed by upland, rough Community Culture
mountainous, and very steep, extremely rough
mountainous areas. The barangay has three types The community culture in Barangay Bahong of
of soil: Puguis gravelly loam, Tacdian loam, and La Trinidad, Benguet is influenced by the Ibaloi
Halsema loam, with a risk of soil erosion. It is indigenous culture and the agricultural lifestyle
home to Dong-oy River, five creeks, and ten of its residents. Bahong is home to the Ibaloi
springs. The agricultural land covers most of the people, and their traditions, customs, and
barangay’s land use with 540.32 hectares, while practices are an integral part of the community's
the road, residential, commercial, and culture. The barangay is also dubbed as 'The
institutional areas cover 66.81, 29.66, 17.82, and Rose Capital of the Philippines'. In connection to
2.95 hectares respectively. this, the community's culture also revolves
around agriculture, as farming is a significant
Infrastructures livelihood for the residents.The cultivation of
crops, fruits and flowers is essential to their way
Electricity. A total of 906 households has of life. Traditional farming methods and
electrical connections with BENECO, knowledge are often preserved and
representing96.28% of the total households. practiced.The people of Bahong foster a strong
sense of community and cooperation. They
Water Supply. There were 516 households who engage in communal activities like ‘Binnadang
have access to safe water (bottled water), culture’ wherein people help one another in
representing 54.84% of the total households. times of needs without expecting anything in
Some 227 households or 24.12% have their own return .
connections to the community water system and Given the community's close relationship with
34 households shared with other households’ the environment, there is often a deep respect
water connection. Source of water of 148 and reverence for nature. Practices such as
households is from rivers, stream, lake and/or sustainable farming techniques, conservation of
spring, representing 15.73%. natural resources, and a strong connection to the
land are commonly observed. Family also plays
Roads. The main road going around and/or a central role in the community culture of
along the barangay is the Baguio-Bontoc road. Bahong. Family values, respect for elders, and
Most of the roads are concrete especially the intergenerational bonds are highly regarded and
main highways and provincial roads but some contribute to the social fabric of the community.
barangay roads are still gravels.
Patterns of settlement
Housing. From the records of the Municipal
Engineering Office, a total of 22 new buildings The settlement patterns in Barangay Bahong
were constructed in barangay Bahong last 2012. exhibit a combination of clustering, dispersal,
This represents 5.82% of the total number of and site selection influenced by topography,
buildings constructed in La Trinidad. road networks, agricultural practices, and
proximity to natural resources. The settlement in
Local Institutions and Groups Bahong exhibits a clustered pattern, where
houses and structures are grouped together in
Educational Institution. Barangay Bahong has specific areas. The choice of settlement sites in
one available public school, namely the Bahong Bahong is influenced by factors such as
Elementary School. topography and proximity to natural resources.
The hilly to mountainous terrain result in houses
Health Institution. Bahong’s Barangay Health being built on elevated areas or slopes, taking
Station is adjacent to Baguio-Bontoc Road. The advantage of available space and views.
midwife holds clinic on Mondays, Wednesdays Settlements in Bahong are often located along or
and Fridays. Then she conducts home visits on near roads, providing accessibility for
Thursday. Another clinic is located in Sadag transportation and connecting the community to
Day Care Center. Clinic day is every third other areas. The residential areas in Bahong are
Tuesday of the month. scattered throughout the barangay, reflecting a
dispersed settlement pattern. Houses may be
Community Organizations. As to participation in situated in close proximity to agricultural fields
community affairs, 20.31% are members of a or clustered near community facilities. Much of
community organization. Most of these the land in Bahong is dedicated to agriculture,
members are part of a cooperative (76.15%), with fields and terraces used for cultivating
followed by Senior Citizen Associations crops. The agricultural areas are typically
(10.73%), Womens Organizations (3.4%) and located away from the residential clusters and
the rest are part of other groups. closer to water sources for irrigation purposes.
As Bahong is located near the urban center of La
Trinidad and Baguio City, there may be areas elected councilors who work together with the
where residential and commercial developments Punong Barangay in making legislative
are more concentrated, reflecting the influence decisions and formulating policies for the
of urbanization. barangay. The Barangay Secretary assists in the
administrative functions of the barangay. They
Economics are responsible for keeping official records,
documenting meetings, and facilitating
Most of the households in the barangay communication between the barangay officials
engages/d in entrepreneurial activities. and the residents. While the Barangay Treasurer
Approximately half of these activities are in the manages the financial affairs of the barangay,
crop farming and gardening industry, followed including budgeting, accounting, and financial
by wholesale and retail trade activities, reporting. They oversee the collection of local
transportation, storage, and communication taxes and fees and ensure proper financial
services, Livestock and poultry raising and management. Then, the Barangay Clerk assists
others such as mining, fishing and forestry. in maintaining official documents and records of
More than half of the total households in the barangay. They handle administrative tasks
Bahong were wage earners. Aside from the
such as issuing certifications, processing
main source of income, 647 households had
permits, and managing barangay files. Lastly,
other sources of income. Most of these
the Barangay Tanods are appointed or elected
households received dividends from
investments. A number of households received volunteers who serve as peacekeepers and
remittances from Overseas Filipino Workers. maintain peace and order within the community.
Others had additional income from cash They collaborate with local law enforcement
receipts, support, assistance, relief from agencies to ensure the safety and security of the
domestic sources, rentals of agricultural lands, barangay.
buildings, spaces and other properties and
additional income from retirement pensions. Social Structure
36.45% of the total number of households
engaged in agriculture wherein most owned the The social structure of Barangay Bahong is
land they are tilling. Some cultivated through shaped by various factors, including cultural
rented lands while some used lands not owned traditions, community dynamics, and local
by them but with permission from the owners. customs. It reflects a blend of traditional values
In terms of employment, 98.94% of employed and evolving dynamics within the community.
residents are part of the potentially employed. Family plays a central role in the social structure
45.98% were employed in agriculture, mining of Bahong. The community is often organized
and forestry. This is followed by individuals around extended families and kinship ties, with a
employed in wholesale and retail trade, strong emphasis on familial relationships and
representing 13.90%. There were persons obligations. Respect for elders, intergenerational
employed in transportation, storage and cooperation, and mutual support within families
communication sector, which represents 9.12%. are highly valued. In connection with this,
Some were employed in other community, Bahong also fosters a close-knit community
social or personal activities, representing where residents often engage in communal
6.02%. Education sector 5.01% of the total
activities and collective decision-making. The
while 4.61% were employed in public
social structure of Bahong is also influenced by
administration and defense sector.
the cultural heritage, values, and customs of the
Local Government Structure Ibaloi community. This includes the
preservation of indigenous knowledge,
traditional practices, and a deep connection to
The local government structure of Barangay the land and natural environment. Within the
Bahong operates within the framework set by barangay, there may be informal social roles and
the Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local hierarchies based on factors such as age, gender,
Government Code of the Philippines. It follows and community involvement. Elders often hold
the typical barangay governance framework in positions of respect and authority, and
the Philippines. It consists of elected officials community leaders or influential individuals
who serve as the key decision-makers and may play significant roles in decision-making
administrators of the barangay. The barangay's processes. In terms of education, it is valued as a
officials include a Punong Barangay or means of upward social mobility and the
Barangay Captain. The Punong Barangay serves transmission of cultural values and knowledge to
as the highest elected official in the barangay. younger generations. Schools and educational
They are responsible for the overall governance institutions in the barangay play a role in
and administration of the barangay, including shaping the social structure by providing
the implementation of policies and programs. opportunities for learning, skill development,
The Sangguniang Barangay Members are the and social interaction. Traditional practices,
customs, and rituals are also respected and
valued in Bahong's social structure. Ceremonies,
festivals, and cultural events serve as platforms
for the preservation and promotion of
indigenous traditions, reinforcing a sense of
identity and cultural continuity.

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