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Matrix Biology 21 (2002) 525–532

E-cadherin is a ligand for integrin a2b1

John D. Whittarda, Susan E. Craiga, A. Paul Moulda, Alexander Kochb,1, Olivier Pertzb,2,
Jurgen Engelb, Martin J. Humphriesa,*
Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, 2.205 Stopford Building,
Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PT, UK
Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 70, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland

Received 1 May 2002; received in revised form 10 June 2002; accepted 11 June 2002


E-cadherin is a 120-kDa transmembrane glycoprotein expressed mainly on the surface of epithelial cells. The best characterised
function of E-cadherin is homotypic, calcium-dependent cell–cell adhesion; however, the observation that E-cadherin is also
capable of interacting with the aEb7 integrin to mediate leukocyte cell–cell adhesion wNature 372 (1994) 190x suggests that it
also participates in heterotypic interactions. To investigate the possibility that E-cadherin may interact with integrins expressed on
non-leukocytic cells, cell adhesion and solid-phase receptor–ligand binding experiments were performed using a pentameric E-
cadherin construct designed to detect low affinity, high avidity interactions. HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cells specifically adhered
to pentameric E-cadherin, and this adhesion was inhibited by anti-functional monoclonal antibodies directed against the integrin
a2 and b1 subunits, but not by a series of antibodies recognising other subunits. This suggested that the E-cadherin receptor was
a2b1, a previously characterised collagenylaminin receptor. Pentameric E-cadherin, but not monomeric E-cadherin, specifically
bound, in a divalent cation-dependent manner, to both purified a2b1 and to a recombinant form of the A-domain of the a2
subunit, which has been shown to be a major ligand-binding site within this and other integrins. These findings demonstrate that
E-cadherin can interact with a2b1 and suggest that heterotypic interactions between E-cadherin and integrins may be more
common than originally thought.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. and International Society of Matrix Biology. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adhesion; E-cadherin; Integrin a2b1

1. Introduction highly conserved cytoplasmic domain associates with

a-catenin, b-catenin, plakoglobin (g-catenin), and p120
E-cadherin is an epithelial cell adhesion molecule that to form complexes that link cadherins with the actin
mediates the establishment and maintenance of cell–cell cytoskeleton (Kemler, 1993; Aberle et al., 1996; Aplin
contacts (Takeichi, 1995). E-cadherin contains an extra- et al., 1998). The three-dimensional structures of the
cellular domain of five, tandemly repeated immunoglob- amino-terminal regions of N- and E-cadherin have been
ulin-like modules, a single membrane-spanning region determined (Overduin et al., 1995; Shapiro et al., 1995;
and a cytoplasmic tail (Geiger and Ayalon, 1992). The Nagar et al., 1996), and crystal packing data suggest
that the molecules may form a dimeric structure at the
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q44-161-275-5071; fax: q44-161-
same plasma membrane through the lateral interaction
E-mail address: (M.J. Humphries). of two cadherin subunits. Ca2q-dependent hydrogen
Current address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular bonding (Nagar et al., 1996), tryptophan intercalation
Biology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Box 1130, 1425 Madison (Shapiro et al., 1995) and use of a conserved HAV
Ave, Room 16-02, New York, NY 10029, USA.
Current address: Department of Cell Biology, The Scripps
motif (Blaschuk et al., 1990; Nose et al., 1990) have
Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA all been proposed to contribute to the dimerisation
92037, USA. process. It has also been suggested that two N-cadherin

0945-053X/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. and International Society of Matrix Biology. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 4 5 - 0 5 3 X Ž 0 2 . 0 0 0 3 7 - 9
526 J.D. Whittard et al. / Matrix Biology 21 (2002) 525–532

dimer interfaces could combine to form zipper-like 2000). Recently, disruption of either Ca2q-dependent
superstructures at the intercellular space (Shapiro et al., interactions in the domain 1–2 junction of E-cadherin
1995; Boggon et al., 2002), and that E-cadherin mole- or W2-dependent cross-intercalation of E-cadherin mon-
cules form active pairs at the cell surface that are omers, both of which have been suggested to mediate
capable of combining with E-cadherin pairs on the dimerisation (Shapiro et al., 1995; Nagar et al., 1996;
opposing cell surface (Tomschy et al., 1996; Pertz et al. Pertz et al., 1999), were shown to inhibit aEb7 binding
1999). (Corps et al., 2001). This finding suggests that E-
For some time, cadherins were only thought to be cadherin dimerisation might be needed to generate
involved in homophilic interactions; however, the inter- favourable binding kinetics.
action between intraepithelial lymphocytes and mucosal The observation that E-cadherin is capable of inter-
epithelial cells was found to be mediated by E-cadherin acting with the aEb7 integrin to mediate cell–cell
and the integrin aEb7 in humans (Cepek et al., 1994; adhesion raised the possibility that E-cadherin may also
Higgins et al., 1998) and in mice (Karecla et al., 1995). interact with other integrins. In this regard, experimental
The interaction of the integrin aEb7 with E-cadherin studies using dominant negative E-cadherin mutants
may function as a mechanism for the retention of have revealed cross-talk between the cadherin and inte-
intraepithelial lymphocytes within the mucosal epitheli- grin families (Hodivala and Watt, 1994). In the present
um (Cepek et al., 1994; Farstad et al., 1996). The study, we have examined the possibility that E-cadherin
integrins are a large family of a,b heterodimeric, trans- may bind to other A-domain-containing integrins. Our
membrane cell-adhesion receptors that recognise both results demonstrate that a2b1 is able to bind E-cadherin,
cell-surface and extracellular matrix molecules. At pres- and that the binding is mediated by the a2A-domain.
ent, 24 different integrin receptors have been identified
in higher vertebrates, each drawn from a collection of 2. Experimental procedures
18 a subunits and eight b subunits (Hyne, 1992;
Humphries, 2000). The cellular distribution of integrins 2.1. Cell culture
varies considerably, with the b1 and b3 integrins gen-
erally having a widespread distribution, and the b2 A375-SM cells, a human metastatic melanoma cell
integrins being restricted to leukocytes (Springer, 1990). line, were a gift from I.J. Fidler (MD Anderson Hospital
The aE subunit is a member of a subset of integrins, and University of Texas, Houston, TX). The human
including those containing the a1, a2, a10, a11, aM, fibrosarcoma cell line HT1080 was obtained from the
aL, aX and aD subunits, which all contain an inserted European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures (Porton
domain (A-domain) of approximately 200 amino acids Down, Salisbury, UK). A375-SM cells were cultured in
in their N-terminal region (Shaw et al., 1994). This Eagle’s minimal essential medium (MEM) with Earle’s
insert shares sequence homology to the ‘A’ domains of salts, supplemented with 10% (vyv) foetal calf serum
von Willebrand factor, matrilins, type VI collagen, and (FCS), 1.5= MEM vitamins, 1= non-essential amino
complement factors B and C2 (Colombatti et al., 1993). acids, 2 mM L-glutamine, 1 mM sodium pyruvate and
To date, the aE A-domain has not been expressed, 50 mgyml gentamycin (all from GIBCO-BRL, Paisley,
but the A-domains of a1, a2, aL, aM and aX have UK). HT1080 cells were cultured in Eagle’s MEM
been shown to represent a major ligand-binding site supplemented with 10% (vyv) FCS, 1 mM sodium
within the a subunit, as recombinant versions bind pyruvate and 2 mM L-glutamine.
ligands with virtually the same cation dependence and
specificity as their parent molecules (Randi and Hogg, 2.2. Reagents
1994; Ueda et al., 1994; Zhou et al., 1994; Tuckwell et
al., 1995). An acidic amino acid, E31, which is located Mouse monoclonal antibody HP2y1, directed against
in the B–C loop of the N-terminal domain of E-cadherin, the human a4 integrin subunit, was purchased from
is required for aEb7 binding (Karecla et al., 1996), as Serotec (Oxford, UK). Rat monoclonal antibodies
are residues in the adjacent F–G loop (Taraszka et al., mAb13, directed against the human b1 integrin subunit,
2000). The role of E31 is reminiscent of the well- and mAb16, directed against the human a5 integrin
characterised contribution of acidic residues in binding subunit, were gifts from S.K. Akiyama (National Insti-
of VCAM-1 and MAdCAM-1 to a4 integrins (Newham tute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Trian-
et al., 1997), and collagen to a2b1 (Emsley et al., gle Park, NC) and K.M. Yamada (National Institute for
2000). Consistent with this, mutation of the metal ion- Dental and Craniofacial Research, Bethesda, MD).
dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) in the aE A-domain Mouse monoclonal antibody GoH3, directed against the
(D190A) abolished E-cadherin binding, and a docking human a6 subunit, was a gift from A. Sonnenberg
model of the A-domain with E-cadherin domain 1 (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Nether-
indicated that the side-chain of E31 could potentially lands). Mouse monoclonal antibodies 5E8 and HAS3,
co-ordinate the aE MIDAS metal ion (Higgins et al., both directed against the human a2 integrin subunit,
J.D. Whittard et al. / Matrix Biology 21 (2002) 525–532 527

were gifts from R.B. Bankert (Roswell Park Memorial fixed by the addition of 10 ml of 50% (wyv) glutaral-
Institute, Buffalo, NY; Chen et al., 1991) and F.M. Watt dehyde for 30 min at room temperature, and the per-
(Keratinocyte Laboratory, Cancer Research UK, Lon- centage of cells spread in each well was determined
don, UK), respectively. using phase contrast microscopy. A total of 400 cellsy
The Hy120 variant of the HepIIyIIICS region of well from a number of randomly selected fields were
human fibronectin was cloned and expressed as counted. The criteria for a spread cell included a phase
described (Makarem et al., 1994). a2b1 integrins from dark appearance and an area of visible cytoplasm encir-
HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cells (Mould et al., 1995) cling the nucleus.
and the 80-kDa cell-binding fragment of fibronectin
(Garcia-Pardo et al., 1989) were purified as previously
described. Recombinant human integrin a2 A-domain 2.4. Solid-phase receptor–ligand binding
was a gift from D.S. Tuckwell (University of Manches-
ter, UK; Tuckwell et al., 1995). Recombinant a1 and
Proteins to be biotinylated were diluted to 0.5 mgy
aM A-domains were gifts from D.A. Calderwood (Uni-
ml in PBSq. A 100-ml aliquot of 0.5 M NaCl, 0.1 M
versity of Manchester, UK; Calderwood et al., 1997).
Rat cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), mono- NaHCO3, pH 8.0, and 200 ml of an approximately 30-
meric E-cadherin (ECAD; contains the five extracellular fold molar excess of Immunopure sulfo-N-hydroxysuc-
domains of mouse E-cadherin), and pentameric E-cad- cinimide ester–biotin (Pierce, Chester, UK) were added
herin (ECAD-COMP; contains the five extracellular and rotated for 30 min at room temperature. The mixture
domains of mouse E-cadherin fused to the assembly was then dialysed against several changes of sodium
domain of rat cartilage oligomeric matrix protein) were phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, to remove excess biotin. The
produced as recombinant proteins in human kidney 293 initial protocol for solid-phase receptor–ligand binding
cells as described in Koch et al. (1997). Pepsinised rat- assays followed the method of Charo et al. (1990) and
tail type I collagen was purchased from Sigma (Poole, Mould et al. (1994), and was subsequently optimised
UK). for each different experiment. Purified integrins were
diluted 1:100 with PBSq, and 100-ml aliquots added to
2.3. Cell spreading the wells of a 96-well enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent
assay plate (ELISA; Immulon 4 plates; Dynatech, Bil-
A modification of the assay described by Humphries lingshurst, UK) overnight at 4 8C. Wells were then
et al. (1986) was used. Cell spreading assays were blocked with 200 ml of 5% (wyv) Fraction V BSA
performed using flat-bottomed 96-well microtitre tissue (Sigma), 150 mM NaCl, 0.05% (wyv) NaN3, 10 mM
culture plates (Costar). Micotitre wells were coated with Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, overnight at 4 8C. A 25-ml aliquot
100-ml aliquots of proteins diluted with Dulbecco’s of 5% (wyv) Fraction V BSA was added to each well
phosphate-buffered saline containing Ca2q and Mg2q before the wells were washed three times with 200 ml
(PBSq; GIBCO-BRL) for a minimum of 1 h at room of 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM MnCl2, 25 mM Tris–HCl, pH
temperature. Wells were then aspirated and washed with 7.4, containing 1 mgyml BSA (buffer A). If anti-integrin
PBSq. Sites on the plastic for non-specific cell adhesion
antibodies or other inhibitors were used, they were added
were blocked with 100 ml of 10 mgyml heat-denatured
30 min before the addition of biotinylated ligands.
crystalline bovine serum albumin (BSA; Calbiochem,
Aliquots of 100 ml of biotinylated ligands (ranging from
Nottingham, UK), for 30 min at room temperature. For
experiments examining the effects of antibodies on cell 1 to 10 mgyml) diluted in buffer A were added, and the
spreading, 50-ml aliquots of antibody were added for 1 plate was incubated at 30 8C for 3 h. Biotinylated
h prior to the addition of cells. Wells were subsequently ligands were aspirated and the wells washed four times
aspirated and washed three times with PBSq. Near- with buffer A. Bound ligand was quantitated by the
confluent cultures of A375-SM or HT1080 cells were addition of 100 ml of a 1:200 dilution of ExtrAvidin–
detached with 1% (vyv) trypsin–EDTA and harvested. peroxidase conjugate (Sigma) in buffer A for 10–15
Cells were resuspended to a density of 1=105 yml in min. Wells were then washed four times with buffer A,
warm Dulbecco’s MEM containing 1 mM Mn2q with and colour was developed using 2,29-azino-bis(3-ethyl-
25 mM N-w2-hydroxyethylx-piperazine-N9-w2-ethanesul- benzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) solution. The absorbance
fonic acidx (Sigma), and allowed to recover for 15 min of each well was measured at 405 nm using a multiscan
at 37 8C. Aliquots of cell suspension (100 ml) were ELISA reader (Dynatech, Billingshurst, UK). The level
added to each well and incubated in a humidified of non-specific binding was determined by measuring
atmosphere containing 7% (vyv) CO2 for 20 min at 37 the level of biotinylated ligand binding to wells coated
8C for the initial 15 min. For the subsequent 1 h 15 with BSA or GST alone. Values for receptor–ligand
min, the plate was incubated in a humidified air atmos- binding were then determined by subtracting non-spe-
phere containing 5% (vyv) CO2 at 37 8C. Cells were cific binding values.
528 J.D. Whittard et al. / Matrix Biology 21 (2002) 525–532

Table 1 cadherin, has previously been observed (Cepek et al.,

Cell spreading on E-cadherin 1993).
Ligand Spreading (%) ("S.D.) To identify the integrin(s) responsible for mediating
HT1080 fibrosarcoma cell spreading on ECAD-COMP,
A375-SM HT1080 the effects of a panel of anti-integrin monoclonal anti-
COMP 0.0"0.0 0.0"0.0 bodies on cell adhesion were studied. As positive con-
ECAD 2.5"0.6 2.3"1.7 trols, the inhibitory effects of the anti-integrin
ECAD-COMP 8.3"3.8 57.5"5.0 monoclonal antibodies on HT1080 cell spreading on
Hy120 78.5"4.7 68.5"2.9
type I collagen (a2b1-mediated), the 80-kDa fragment
Spreading of A375 melanoma and HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells on of fibronectin (a5b1-mediated) and the Hy120 variant
COMP, monomeric E-cadherin (ECAD), pentameric E-cadherin of fibronectin (a4b1-mediated) were determined.
(ECAD-COMP) and Hy120 variant of fibronectin in the presence of
1mM Mn2q. Ligands were coated at concentrations that gave maximal HT1080 cell spreading on ECAD-COMP was almost
spreading (20 mgyml for ECAD-COMP and 10 mgyml for Hy120 completely abolished by either anti-b1 or anti-a2 mon-
variant of fibronectin). COMP and ECAD were coated at concentra- oclonal antibodies, but not affected by any other anti-
tions of 20 mgyml. integrin monoclonal antibodies (Fig. 2). Thus, HT1080
cell spreading on ECAD-COMP appeared to be entirely
3. Results and discussion attributable to the a2b1 integrin.

3.2. Solid-phase receptor–ligand binding assays to

3.1. Cell adhesive activity of ECAD-COMP
examine E-cadherin– a2b1 integrin binding

To mimic the clustering of E-cadherin at the cell To investigate the interaction between purified a2b1
surface, a pentameric E-cadherin construct (ECAD- integrin from HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells and ECAD-
COMP) containing the five extracellular domains of COMP in a cell-free system, solid-phase receptor–ligand
mouse E-cadherin fused to the assembly domain of rat binding assays were carried out. ECAD was unable to
cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) was gen- bind to a2b1, whereas binding of ECAD-COMP was
erated (Tomschy et al., 1996). In the resulting chimeric comparable to that of type I collagen (Fig. 3). Thus,
protein, five E-cadherin strands are linked at their C- results from cell-based and cell-free assays suggested
terminus by the five-stranded COMP domain. To assess that multimerisation of E-cadherin was necessary for
whether E-cadherin was capable of interacting with significant integrin-binding activity.
integrins other than aEb7, in the absence of homotypic
binding, initial investigations focused on its ability to
support A375 melanoma and HT1080 fibrosarcoma cell
adhesion. These cell lines were chosen as they express
a wide range of integrins. In addition to ECAD-COMP,
recombinant monomeric E-cadherin (ECAD) was also
tested in these assays. Cell spreading assays were carried
out in the presence or absence of 1 mM Mn2q, since
Mn2q-occupied integrins generally bind their ligands
with higher affinity, and therefore it was hoped to
maximise adhesive activity (Gailit and Ruoslahti, 1988;
Karecla et al., 1995; Mould et al., 1995).
A375 melanoma and HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells were
unable to spread on COMP or ECAD (Table 1). ECAD-
COMP, however, supported the spreading of both cell
types, but HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells spread to a much
greater extent. The requirement for pentamerisation
implied that the avidity of the interaction was an
important factor for determining whether the cells were
able to adhere to E-cadherin. Furthermore, since the
level of HT1080 cell spreading on ECAD-COMP was
approximately doubled when 1 mM Mn2q was present
(Fig. 1), this suggested that the interaction might be
Fig. 1. Spreading of HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells on pentameric E-
mediated by integrins. A similar stimulatory effect of cadherin (ECAD-COMP), coated at varying concentrations, in the
Mn2q on T-cell hybridoma adhesion to epithelial cells, presence of 1 mM Mn2q (j) and in the absence of Mn2q (d). Values
an interaction mediated by the aEb7 integrin and E- shown are mean"S.D.
J.D. Whittard et al. / Matrix Biology 21 (2002) 525–532 529

phase receptor–ligand binding results were therefore in

broad agreement with results derived from cell-based
assays; both suggested that integrin binding to ECAD-
COMP was specific.

3.3. Solid-phase receptor–ligand binding assays to

examine ECAD-COMP– a2 A-domain binding

Both the aE and a2 subunits possess A-domains and,

to test whether this region contained the E-cadherin
binding site, the binding of biotinylated E-cadherin and
collagen type I binding to immobilised a1, a2 and aM
A-domain fusion proteins was determined in the pres-
ence of 1 mM Mn2q. The level of biotinylated collagen
type I binding was greater for the a1 than the a2 A-
domain fusion protein, in agreement with a previous
report (Calderwood et al., 1997; Fig. 4). Binding to aM
A-domain fusion protein was only just above back-
ground binding to BSA. The binding profile of biotiny-
lated ECAD-COMP to the a1, a2 and aM recombinant
A-domains was different to that of type I collagen.
Fig. 2. Effect of anti-integrin antibodies on HT1080 fibrosarcoma cell Biotinylated ECAD-COMP binding was highest for the
spreading on ECAD-COMP (coated at 20 mgyml) in the presence of a2 A-domain, followed by a1 A-domain, and the aM
1 mM Mn2q, and to the 80-kDa fragment of fibronectin (coated at A-domain was inactive.
10 mgyml), Hy120 variant of fibronectin (coated at 10 mgyml) and
type I collagen (coated at 10 mgyml) in the absence of Mn2q. Proteins
Some of the binding observed between the a2 A-
were coated at concentrations that gave maximal cell spreading. Cells domain and ECAD-COMP was due to the non-specific
were incubated with anti-b1 antibody mAb13, anti-a2 antibody 5E8, interaction between the GST element of the fusion
anti-a4 antibody HP2y1, anti-a5 antibody mAb16 and anti-a6 anti- protein and ECAD-COMP, as a small amount of ECAD-
body GoH3 at concentrations of 10 mgyml. Values shown are

To test the specificity of the interaction between

ECAD-COMP and purified a2b1 integrin, the effects
of EDTA, anti-b1 and anti-a2 integrin monoclonal
antibodies were studied. Integrin–ligand interactions are
known to be dependent on the presence of divalent
cations (Gailit and Ruoslahti, 1988), and thus integrin
function should be abolished by the presence of EDTA.
Biotinylated type I collagen binding to the a2b1 integrin
was almost completely inhibited by 10 mM EDTA and
by the anti-functional a2 monoclonal antibody 5E8, and
substantially inhibited by the anti-functional b1 mono-
clonal antibody mAb13, but the negative control anti-
functional a5 monoclonal antibody mAb16 had no
significant effect (Table 2). The binding of ECAD-
COMP to purified a2b1 was inhibited by 45% by the
addition of 10 mM EDTA (Table 2); however, it is
possible that the presence of EDTA may inhibit E-
cadherin function, as well as integrin function, since the
presence of calcium ions is important for the confor-
mation of the extracellular region of cadherins (Pokutta Fig. 3. Solid-phase assay showing the binding of biotinylated type I
et al., 1994), and hence for adhesiveness. An excess of collagen (j), monomeric E-cadherin (ECAD) (m) and ECAD-
unlabelled ECAD-COMP (40% inhibition), anti-func- COMP (d) at varying concentrations to a2b1 integrins purified from
HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells in the presence of 1 mM Mn2q. The level
tional anti-b1 (60% inhibition) and anti-a2 monoclonal of non-specific binding, determined from ligand binding to wells coat-
antibodies (50% inhibition) also inhibited ECAD- ed with BSA alone, was subtracted. Values shown are mean"S.D. of
COMP binding to a2b1 (Table 2). Data from solid- five replicate wells.
530 J.D. Whittard et al. / Matrix Biology 21 (2002) 525–532

Table 2
Specificity of E-cadherin–integrin binding

Inhibitor Control binding (%) ("S.D.)

Type I collagen ECAD-COMP
None 100"10.1 100"10.6
10 mM EDTA 16.83"13.0 55.49"10.4
Anti-b1 57.26"10.4 37.60"7.9
Anti-a5 87.30"10.7 85.47"6.5
Anti-a2 21.00"5.1 47.91"0.4
10= wECAD-COMPx – 58.28"7.6
10= wCOMPx – 106.14"15.3
None 100"5.1 100"10.6
10 mM EDTA 1.67"0.5 y21.8312.4
Anti-a5 99.42"1.7 104.16"10.3
Anti-a2 9.06"7.5 43.75"7.8
Effect of inhibitors on the binding of (A) biotinylated type I col-
lagen (used at 5 mgyml) and ECAD-COMP (used at 15 mgyml) to
a2b1 integrins purified from HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells in the pres- Fig. 4. Solid-phase assay showing the binding of biotinylated ECAD-
ence of 1 mM Mn2q and (B) biotinylated type I collagen (used at 5 COMP (at 5 mgyml) to a2, a1 and aM A-domain fusion proteins,
mgyml) and ECAD-COMP (used at 5 mgyml) to a2 A-domain fusion in the presence of 1 mM Mn2q. The level of non-specific binding,
protein (coated at 5 mgyml) in the presence of 1 mM Mn2q. The determined from ligand binding to wells coated with GST alone, was
background binding of type I collagen to GST was effectively zero subtracted. Values shown are mean"S.D. of five replicate wells.
in (A) and 35% of control in (B) due to high non-specific binding
of ECAD-COMP to GST. This explains the reduction in ECAD-
COMP binding by EDTA below zero. Wells were incubated with 10 nition of the a2 A-domain. However, interaction with
mM EDTA or anti-integrin antibodies mAb13 (anti-b1), mAb16 a2b1 integrin and the a2 A-domain only occurred when
(anti-a5) or 5E8 (anti-a2) at a concentration of 10 mgyml. The level
of non-specific binding, determined from ligand binding to wells coat-
E-cadherin was in a pentameric state of ECAD-COMP.
ed with BSA alone, was subtracted. Values shown are mean"S.D. of The high activity is best explained by interactions of
five replicate wells.

COMP binding was observed to wells coated with GST

alone (Fig. 5). The specificity of the interaction between
ECAD-COMP or type I collagen and a2 A-domain
fusion protein was tested using EDTA and anti-a2
integrin monoclonal antibodies. The binding of type I
collagen and ECAD-COMP to a2 A-domain fusion
protein was completely inhibited by the presence of
EDTA, suggesting that the interactions of type I collagen
and E-cadherin were both cation-dependent (Table 2).
In addition, type I collagen binding to a2 A-domain
fusion protein was almost completely inhibited by the
anti-functional monoclonal antibody 5E8 (90% inhibi-
tion), while in comparison, ECAD-COMP binding was
inhibited by 55%. These results indicate that the E-
cadherin–a2 A-domain interaction is specific, but the
relative potency of 5E8 might be interpreted to suggest
that ECAD-COMP might bind to a slightly different
region of the a2 A-domain compared to collagen.
In conclusion, the major finding of this manuscript is
that E-cadherin, which usually functions in homotypic
interactions, can participate in a heterotypic interaction Fig. 5. Solid-phase assay showing the binding of 5 mgyml biotinylated
with the integrin a2b1, which is a widely expressed ECAD-COMP (d) and GST (j) to a2 A-domain fusion protein
coated at varying concentrations in the presence of 1 mM Mn2q. The
member of the integrin family. Interaction with a2b1 is level of non-specific binding, determined from ligand binding to wells
specific, as judged by the lack of inhibition by antibodies coated with BSA alone, was subtracted. Values shown are mean"S.D.
directed against a4, a5 and a6, and the specific recog- of five replicate wells.
J.D. Whittard et al. / Matrix Biology 21 (2002) 525–532 531

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discussions. This work was supported by grants from Humphries, M.J., Akiyama, S.K., Komoriya, A., Olden, K., Yamada,
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