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simply Reinforced Concrete Pavement Simply reinforced concrete pavements have dowels for the transfer of traf loads : " ralfic loads across joints, with these joints spaced al larger distances, Fanging {rom 30 10 100 #. Temperat mperature steel iS used throughout the slab, with the amount ‘dependent on the length of the slab. Tie bars also are used commonly at longitudinal joints, Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) Continuously reinforced concrete pavements have no transverse Joints, except construction Joints or expansion joints when they are necessary at specific positions, such as at bridges. These pavements have a relatively high percentage of steel, with the minimum usually at 0.6 percent of the cross section of the slab, They also contain tie bars across the longitudinal joints, Example 1; determine the Max spacing between expansion joint given that |) ak 2s ‘Width of expansion joint gap = 2.5m Need ade ial Max, variation in temp (seasonal) = 35C° stycsi or) Neacss [> os Coetficient of thermal expansion = 10*10°*/C" fo-5 b5-bo)ts~ cls > ™ os e°At Alaais! ov opr Als fe Ate3s" Eadyli Gama 5, Lda e=10"10°C* ne | ‘L=% of gap win aw Aw Assume compressible maternal is ‘compressed up to 50% = 125 138 —935,7m ows éthtb)(yo)"fav. = bth’6 (When not reinforcement use) Where: L= max. spacing ‘b*h* yc= fc As (when reinforcement use) ee ec Ack. © m ph Ae (Subsurface) (Clary) olé 151 91 (SiS) v8- Fou. @ 2 9 f Siew Lozatuh 4A) Cea Cb yet ¢ Crugh) Asc o941 University of Kerbala ‘o) College of En, Highway Engineering Department of = c 7 Example 2 determine the Max. spacing between contraction and expansion joints for plane concrete pavement. Given that = Width of expansion joint gap = 2.5cm ye ‘Max. variation in temp = 35C* ~ Coefficient of thermal expansion =10°10-81C* ATUS2 Gubraction Joists = Allowable tensile strength in concrete = 0.8 kg/cm? a, tai ot conch = 2400 kg 5 export. jamh ~ Fav=15 sid gma slay god | Job oth souion or expansion: 78 = 1.25 FR CiParks sont JOS ors a! Jesus ome: jo Evpa? Contr Aa? 7 Olam ay Perle 9m ab arh/ ys _, * For contraction J Weed ar (oheb)iye)tt av. = beng Expant. Jk Cwndvac- pans ekmax = 2 = Addn MO. of Geeyea- 2 2 Kon «No, af joint= “2 = g.04 ia ” contraction and texpantion = _AdO~ of expan. 2 2M ale Ate aagm, 4.44 7 OP aie: yong 4 nc 0 SMM. ahh pint SeDowel Jive (Dowel Jose cab 121) Example 3: determine the Max spacing between contraction join's for q reinforced slab, given ~“Upl Olde ale art | io: Thickness = 10cm Width = 3.5 sf Unite weight of concrete =2400 kgin' Unit weight of steel = 7500 kg/in™ Allowable tensile slress in stee! = 600 kg/cm! - Fawe15 Weight of reinforcement = 3 kgiem? Solution; Fa 7 "b"h* ye= fc As GOI 2 de Lecrd 9 Ws = 32=1,5 kg/cm! (one direction) pony 054 aye 193 5A87500- Hy, bob = As-L YX 2 As= 7.0 cm? 154H3.6-°0.1°240087"- 5,» : L= 6.67m (Max spacing between contraction joint ) ee =rw. of Comba. rotat (17 points) ntence eath each se! oe e one wor Sanitary Engineering Jete sentence not ep and d. Choose IT "select Problem 1 ( 9 pts, 1.5 pts for each) are incomp! xam SI Directions: Questions 1-6 xed 2. il fe hrases, mar’ M, you will see four words or PI Ne ence: ‘Then, on your e the followings or phrase that best completes and encircie the most appropriate answer for 4-Removal of inorganics from sewage is known - a. Sedimentation b. grit removal c. Filtration d. None of these. 2-The standard BOD of wastewater Is taken for. a. 2day b. 9day c. Sday d. 10 day 3-The minimum depth above the water pipe is a. 1m b. 1.2m ec. 1.25m d 15m 4-The minimum velocity in the rain sewer pipe is a. 0.6 mis b. 0.5 m/s c. 0.75 ms d. 0.65 m/s a parallel pipe is sometimes 5- In a pipe network of municipal water supply, installed over a portion of the pipe mainly for ........---- @ Reducing water hammer pressure, b. Decreasing the pumping power nee ©. Increasing the head. d. Increasing the discharge. 6- The gradient of sewers depends upon a. Diameter of the sewer. b. Depth of the sewer. Bidding material d. Type of sewer material. Probiem 2 ( 8 pts, 2 pts for each) Briefly, answer the followings: a a 1- Residential area of 30 hec. Has been exposed to incident Fe Tre Population of the area is 20000 persons if runoff coefficient is 0.25 an of concentration is one hour . Determine the discharge of runoff required for sewer design. Using |= = : (t= 20 — 100min) 2- If the average water consumption of a city is 200 liters per capita day, and the population of city is 5,00,000. Calculated the maximum wastewater per day. 3- BODS = 180 mg Ml at 20 C°, find BOD? at 22 C? use K1 = 0.23 /day at 20 C' 4- Discuss the various factors which influence the water consumption in community? Pavement Design Problem 1( 10 pts) each s, Beneath Directions: Questions 1-10 are incomplete sented g Choose the one wor you will see four words or phrases marked 2. BP yr ox sheet. or phrase that best complete: and encircle the mast appropriate an" 4. The amount of steel required for control variati for rigid concrete pavement depends on: = a. the length of the pavement between expansion joints. b. the maximum stress desired in the conarete PaVEMER ty of the concrete c. the thickness of the pavement. and the moduli of ela: and steel d, All the above is 2- If the direction spilt factor for traffic movement for a specific hignway 40/60, then fd for design purpose will De a. 66.67% b. 60% c. 50% d. 40% 3- If it is required to reduces the refiection of light from pavement surface perating conditions, for surface layer it IS better to during wet and dark o use |. Open-graded mixture a b. dense-graded mixture ¢. gap-graded mixture d. none of the above ct Marshall stability for a specimen with hei 4- To determine the corre than 63.5 mm, the correction factor should be: . More than 1 1 less than 1 a b. c d. i 5 void ratio is : a, . ight more 2 Figure (1) shows a rectangular siab simply supported aiong four edge . Uniformly distributed load(w) is applied to the surface and L=2S. thus the fatio between the share of the load cared in the short directon (Ws) anc between the share of the load carried in the jong direction (WL) is 2)Two ©) Eight ) Sixteen ¢) Twenty four Problem 2( 7 pes) a Briefly, answer the followings: sechnalogies. show ie b- What are the mechanical stabiizaton methods used for weak highway | subgrade, state them only? On Se Goss ares of sta. 1+150 nee Sa work volume is. eo iS 22.8 m’ , for sta. 14350 is zero, then thy ‘SE |S required fo us as roofing material, and as a joint select Pavements, then i is bet z @n aggregate used for paving madure to resist the| actue under an anc: Cac known as: The Leas Camying Mechanism for dense graded asphalt mixture is Aggregate imecioce Factor Mecaus™ MWastc Vecans™ al Pe stove 6 a ow vane aed A For basic segments of srawway highwey. PFS passenger cars operating In tov ratew i 1300 poshifin 1400 vetvhiiin 1900 velvirin 1400 postin The oritical groups or approaches are thoes Ire that have the maximum for awch wgnal yhwew wa vie vis & vic av The length of highway section raquired to acneve # superstores section from a section with adverse SF VE AO represents, Superelevation runotf length of the spiral curve when used in transition doe ¢ botha&b d Superelevation distance: gins A WT ATA Saoses >o® ~ crown (ents Problem 2 (6 pts ) Answer In one word to one ling for the followings, a- What do the following acronyms mean? AASHTO - TRB - CBD. - AADT ie . Vehicle stream potential conflicts at four leg intersection are. conflict points seeenvaen and Webester model for signal timing computes the appromnate ode tere g that. d- Extra width of widening needed varies with pavement may be necessary on curves The arnourt a ‘i sentra ' . and. Vehicle time headways and spacings were measured at 2 period gang & highway, from a single lai were calculated as 2.4 over a Course of an hour The average 1aues eclveh for headway and 60 meterver for 7 peneat choo" can ‘on your exam Traffic Engineering Problem 1 (7 pts) sentences Directions: Questions 1-7 96 ‘ ote you will see four words of a or phrase that best complet and encircle the most appropriat 1. To determine the provide adequate roadway object hei 1080 mm, 600 mm 600 mm, 1080mm 1080 mm, 1080 mm 600 mm, 600 mm An equal tangent v + 3.0 % and - 5.0 length of curve is: +30% +50% - 50% -3.0% The time mean speed is always vehicles are travelling at the exe measures will be equal, . upper . lower equal not related to Research has found that a typical is possible at signalized interse income! a > je answer require ight, H, of ned ertical crest curve is desig grade used 10 a. b, « d. 2. %, The critical a b. c d, 3 act same Spee! a b. c. d. 4 maxim ctior the base saturation flow rate. 1800 peshr/In 1900 pe/hr/in 1800 veh/hri/In a. b. Cc. d. 1900 veh/hri/In the space mean S| oun 12 00m) ritence each 96" Bae the one word eet. set to ht sistance 7” nt, Hy 28 0 sia! eye neid to connect 9°2dee of compute SSO thereby peed, unless all case the two d, in which um saturation flow rate 0 ns, and this is referred to a Problem 4 (6 pts ) ups and closed rr 1- What is the difference in application between OPEN sti stirrups in concrete beams? Tene genes Construction Management Problem 1 (7.2 pts, 12 pts foreach) Directions: Questions 7-6 are mcampice: meme: Greet ee mtn YOu will See four wards or phrases mates < Of phrase that best completes the semen Tuer @ and encircle the most appropriate answer torte tain 1- For the nodes diagram giver Deiow te tote urate tor sorta = _—_—— vow semen sonora aoee RNaN 8abk REESE fy < ED RE ED 2- The method is Critical path metnod a b. Line of balance c. Bar chart metnoo d PERT methos 3- The production rate for 2 stove eQuDTRET pepe size and horse power of engine b. volume of bucket anc numper io cyst Cc. crank case capacity of engine d. number of hours between Di cranges So Sage affic flow, and density will ponding average speed, tr spacing. The corres; be... km, vebyhy,..... venvkrn Reinforced Concrete Total (14 points) Problem 4 (8 pts) n sentences. Beneath 3c! 1-8 are incomplete se pera oe jarked a, B,C. hrases, m: oon your Directions: Questions jords OF E the sentence, The! sentence you will see four w: the one word or phrase that best completes exam sheet, Select and encircle the most approP" 4- A pre-tension concrete member jate answer. a. is made of concrete b. is made of reinforced concrete ¢. is stressed after casting d. possesses internal stresses. 2 Apart of the stab may be considered as the flange of the T-beam if 5. flange has adequate reinforcement transverse to beam . itis built integrally with the beam itis effectively bonded together with the beam d. all the above. rall depth does not exceed 8, the 3- If the ratio of the span to the ove! ly be satisfactory in case of @ stiffness of the beam will ordinaril a. simply supported beam b. continuous beam c. cantilever beam d. none of these 4- The shear reinforcement in R.C.C. is provided to resist a. vertical shear b. horizontal shear c¢. diagonal compression @) diagonal tension 5- Pick up the true statement from the following; a. Plain ceiling provides the best property diffusing light. b. In the absence of beams, it is easier to install piping. c. Inthe absence of beams, it is easier to paint. d. All the above. 6- The steel generally used in R.C.C. work, is a. Stainless 7b. Mild-steel c. high carbon steel d. high tension steel 7- The crack width is reduced when a. Number of bars in tension zone 's increased _-’. The concrete cover below the steel is increased c. Width of beam is increased d. All of the above \d be provided at exterior corners in 8- The special reinforcement shoul both top and bottom of slab to resist _-a. Bending moment b. Twisting moment c. bending and twisting ™ d. shear force. joments Construction Management Total (12 points) Problem 1 (7.2 pts, 1.2 pts for each) tions: Questions 1-6 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked a, b, c and d. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your exam sheet, Select and encircle the most appropriate answer for the followings: 1- For the nodes diagram given below ; the total duration for this project is uration a weeks (a ESS — / 22 wk 18 wk 23 wk 21 wk 200m The method used of three times for each activity in scheduling the project iS is Critical path method Line of balance Bar chart method PERT method 2000 The production rate for a shovel equipment depends on size and horse power of engine volume of bucket and number of cycles crank case capacity of engine number of hours between,gii 3- a. bd c. d 4- In the network diagrams of projects ; free float is the @. Difference between early finish for following activity and early start for this activity. b. Difference between early start for following activity and early finish for this activity. Difference between early start for preceding activity and early finish for this activity. d. Difference between late finish for preceding activity and late start for this. activity, ¢. 5- In the construction works ; the limitations of resource leveling are a. Money and society limited b. Resources and environment limited c. Time and regulation limited d. Time and resources limited According to general conditions for contracts of civil engineering works ; If the contract shall not contain any rates applicable to the extra or additional work , then estimated prices of this additional work is : Suitable prices shall be valued at the rates set outin the contract tender. b. Suitable prices shall be agreed upon between the engineer and the contractor c. Suitable prices shall be estimated by the engineer. d. Suitable prices shall be estimated by the contractor. Problem 2 48 pts (1.2 pts for each) Briefly answer the followings: 1- Assume that you deposit 2000S in a savings account at the end of each next 6 years from now , if the interest rate is 6% . how much will you have at the end of this period? 2- Draw the bar chart schedules for the following list of activities | _ Activities TA] B1C)|O)]EF. G Time (weeks) 4/6 8 5 7 5 3 Depends on completion ofthese | —~ - B ; . c 3 L activities { otal (12 points) Numerteat Analyale Prablany ((8 ple 12 pts for each) (wiwotiana: Questions [-f are incomplete sentences. Ber Vai will A@e COW Works OF phrases, marked a, Ov phvase (hal boat Completes the sentence, Then, on your exam sheet, iW! enyetrele the mast appropriate answer for the followings neath each sentence word ose the one Wor" b, cand d. Chor Satect | 1he area af (angle of sides a,b &e can be evaluated as: a) sa ec eine by) Lease eating) o> e)deaehsessin(Ay “ i) None of the above 2 The differential equation "= ¢%* can be solved numerically by a) Simple euler method b) erative euler method ©) Finite differences method 4) None af the above &: The ayatem of the Eigen value problems can be result by a) Vibration applications: b) Buckling applications ¢) Earthquake applications d) ALL of the above 4-The differential eq. y'~ 9x" = = y* is: a) homogeneous b) exact ¢) linear d) None of the above 5 The modified Euler's method can be used to : @) Numerical differentiation b) Numerical integration ¢) Numerical interpolation d) None of the above Fluid Mechanics Problem 1 (6 pts, 1 pt. for each) Directions: Questions 1-5 are incomplete you will see four words or phrases, marked @, B.C and d Choose the ome WG or phrase that best completes the sentence Then. on your exaen weet tees and encircle the most @ppropriate answer for the followings 1, The Imaginary line drawn in the fluid in such a Way that the tangert to ay Point gives the direction of motion at that point. is known as. a. Path line b. Stream line . Steak line d. Potential line 2 A hemispherical tank of radius (R) has an orifice of 0ss-sectonal area (2) at its bottom and is full of liquid. The time required to empty the tare completely is @ _tanet 1SCy x aV29 B. _ tan 93/2 1SCz x asag C. lan R5/? T5Cyx aV2p d, tana? 1SCgx avg 3. When the pressure intensity at a point is more than the local atmospnenc Pressure, then the difference of these two pressures is called “a. gauge pressure b. absolute pressure ¢. positive gauge pressure d. vacuum pressure oi be ssbb The hydraulic gradient line lies over the center fine amount equal to the @ pressure head b. velocity head 2- Determine the Productivity (output: haul distance = 55 m_, blade vol Pushing speed = 3.5 km/hr . min. ) of bulldozer for the following conditions lume =2.5 m° , operating factor = 50 min. , returning speed = 7 km/hr , fixed time = 05 4- What are the functions of the construction manager in the projects ? - Whai 4-in 2 singie comiow tap always como Des & Total (8 points) Engineering Surveying Problem 1 (3 pts) word for the following statements, and then correct Put the true or false the false statements. a+ in ineodolite, the double sighting is just used tor horizontal angle i Santor eae Section (side hill section), always vertical axis (y) comresponde with the center line of the project (CL} (OF alcohol} is used in a bubble because its boiling point is too & Ether liquid tow. Problem 2 (5 pts) Directions: Questions 1-5 are incomplete sentences Beneath each sentence ©. Choose the one word or your exam sheet, Select and inswer for the followings 1-The line of sight (level instrument) for each project will be a. Constant b. Variable ©. together 2-Tuming point (ievel measure frst. a. foresight b. back sight c. either a orb 3- The scale in profile (longitudinal section 18st @ equal b. horizontal greater than the vertical ©. vertical greater than the horizont is taken ement) is the point at which . ) for the horizontal and vertical axis propiem 2 (6 Pt 2 pte for each) Briefly anewor the followings: + vatuate the integra! me to express the scheme of aura at gat oF 3. Use the principals of finite differences SSS Brea of sta. 1+180 is 22.8 m?, for sta. 14350 is zero, then SNS Sart work volume is. a to een 2 12 km highway, where its combined unit 7 and Future ADT is (650 veh.), will be & US as roofing material, a nd aS a joint fil S97 Ris better to select © USed for Paving mixture to resist the] as

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