Lord Chapter 4

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Questions Yes No
1. Do you feel secured in your workplace? 31 0
2. Have you experienced sudden change in the workplace? 25 6
3. Are you that person who finds it difficult to cope up with sudden 8 23
4. Are you that person who welcomes sudden changes in the workplace? 29 2
5. Have you attended in-service trainings before? 31 0
6. Have you studied Personal Development course before or other similar 24 7
subjects that focus on one’s identity?
7. Would you like to attend to seminars or trainings focusing on one’s 30 1
8. Do you think attending trainings that focus on one’s identity will have 31 0
an effect on your working behaviour?
9. Do you think attending trainings on personal development will help you 31 0
to cope up with sudden changes?
10. Do you think attending sports training will have a positive effect in your 30 1
personal development?
Figure 1. Summary of the Survey

From my data analysis, my discussion can be divided into four parts: number of

respondents with in-service trainings, number of respondents who would like to include

personal development and sports training as part of their in-service trainings, common

struggles in the workplace, and the possible effects of the inclusion of sports training and

personal development course in their working behaviour and organisational commitment

especially in dealing with changes in the workplace.

First of all, although there are no conclusive results yet on

the effects of personal development course and sports training among teachers, the results of

the interview may agree to the findings of (Lo, Lin, Tung-Hsing, Tu, 2014; Demir, Şahin,

Şentürk, Aydın, Altınkök, 2016) that sports training may affect one’s personality and

personality may in one way or another affect organizational commitment and working behavior.

First, based on the results of the interview,

there are 15 identified common struggles in the workplace and the top five common struggles
among these three departments are the following: 1. students’ misbehavior and attitudes, 2.

paperworks/workload, 3. students with individual needs and special needs, 4. difficult parents,

and 5. deadlines. This study aims to find the effects of the inclusion of personal development

course and sports training to teachers in handling these struggles and their perception of

changes that may occur in the workplace. Changes are inevitable. Resistance to change

among any teacher slows the implementation of educational reform. Effective implementation

of change remains inconsistent in spite of the efforts from researchers and leaders (Dufour &

Marzano, 2011; Payne & Kaba, 2007; Tyack & Cuban, 1995). Snyder (2017) believed that

educational leaders’ approach toward resistance plays a vital role in order to effectively

engross change recipients. Contemporary business theorists emphasized the importance of

interaction between change agents and change recipients to effectively implement the change

(Ford, 2009b; Ford et al, 2008). Second, upon asking the sport that they would

like to have, 13 sports were gathered and the top four are the following: 1. Badminton, 2.

Volleyball, 3. Swimming, and 4. Basketball. In the connection of sports and personality, Bayer

(2003) claimed that some scientists hypothesize that individuals may often choose sports that

fit their personality, then assume success. While others hypothesize that individuals emulate

personality traits that gear towards their chosen sport. As mentioned, results may not be

established to back up the effect of sports to teachers however, studies show that clearly,

sports may affect one’s personality. Thus, sports training may also affect one’s working

behavior and organizational commitment. Third, out of 31

respondents, 29 claimed that sports training will improve their working behavior. As the

literatures about the connection of sports and personality suggest, it is shown that sports may

improve one’s personality thus, this can also contribute to better working behavior and

organisational commitment. Although, this study is not yet proven, the effects of sports training

may include positive adaptation to change as based on their interviews, most of them would
claim better personality with sports training. Some of the answers in the interview would find

improvement in interpersonal skills or the way they deal with their co-workers, developing their

patience, sportsmanship, teamwork, and also in their physical health. One interviewee for

example answered, “Yes, it will help me build my management skills, dealing with groups, and

developing discipline.” Fourth, it is

in my surprise that out of 31 respondents who were interviewed on their attendance in the past

on personal development trainings or taking subjects relating to one’s personality, 7 claimed to

have not yet attended any trainings about the course. And when asked if they would like to

have and why, they all agreed in order to know more about themselves and the way they

should deal with other people especially in the workplace. On the other hand, those who

attended found personal development trainings beneficial to them. Moreover, one interviewee

answered, “Yes, I had. Those trainings helped me to see myself as a brand ambassador of

myself. It improved the way I deal with others as I slowly developed the important traits that I

should have. Additionally, I performed way better in my work after attending such trainings.”

Clearly, trainings in personal development may have an impact in their personality traits thus, it

will have a ripple effect in their working behavior and organizational commitment.

Finally, the results also showed an indispensable number of respondents who find

personal development training helpful to them particularly in the workplace. Out of 31

respondents, one respondent disagreed, one was neutral, and the other 29 respondents

claimed that the training may have an effect in their personality traits. The results may not be

conclusive yet, but based on the collation of possible effects among the 29 respondents, the

following are the possible effects of the sports training and personal development course

among teachers’ adaptation to change, working behavior, and organizational commitment.

A. Possible Effects of Personal Development Course

1. Be more open to such change

2. Helps in understanding one’s behavior

3. Develops the ability to adjust on the changes that may occur in the workplace

4. Knowing and understanding oneself

5. Be resilient

6. Enlightens one’s beliefs

7. Develops interpersonal skills

8. Helps in building trust among employees

9. Develops self-composure.

B. Possible Effects of Sports Training

1. to be physically fit and mentally ready

2. To adjust easily in different tasks inside the workplace.

3. To lessen stress and feel happier

4. To be competent and helps to deal with success and failure in a positive way

5. To help build strong leadership, dealing well with teammates, and it gives sense of


6. To improve camaraderie and discipline

7. To build one’s management skills, dealing with groups, and developing discipline

8. To build confidence and skills in managing the classroom

9. To have an active body, concentration and attitude towards work

10. To develop good rapport with one’s workmates

11. To develop self-discipline and time management

12. To develop the virtue sense of family and the unity of everyone

13. To develop one’s personality and attitude towards challenges whether it’s work or

personal life
14. To have a balance of mind and body.

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