One Paper Guide Mcqs For PPSC, FPSC, Nts

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Table of Contents

S.N Chapter Pages

1 One Paper Islamiat MCQS 2-9
2 One Paper PS MCQS 10-24
3 One Paper GK MCQS 25-41
4 One Paper G. Science MCQQ 42-50
5 One Paper Geography MCQS 50-51
6 FIA ASI Past Paper 51-53
7 FIA SI Past Paper 53-55
8 FIA UDC Past Paper 55-57
9 FIA Steno Typist Paper 57-59
10 FIA Constable Paper 2018 60-61
11 FIA Constable Paper 2019 62-63
12 Office Assistant Paper PPSC (FDA) 64-66
13 Assistant Head Clerk PPSC FDA 67-68
14 SSU Sindh Police Paper 12 June 69-70
15 SSU Sindh Police Paper 13 June 71-72
16 Past Paper of Paper of ASI ASF 73
17 LDC Paper Ministry of law and justice 74
18 Past Paper of ASI ASF 75
19 Office Assistant Paper SPSC 76
20 Steno Typist Paper (Finance Division) 77-79
21 LDC Paper Ministry of law and justice 80
22 MOD Assistant Director Paper 27-06-21 81-83
23 MOD UDC/LDC Paper 26-06-21 83-85
24 MOD Sub Inspector Paper 27-06-21 85-87
25 MOD Traffic Analyst Paper 26-06-21 87-88
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
Islamiat Master File
 Distance between Makkah and Madina is 450 Km
 Ambassadors were sent to Arab and other regions in 7 Hijri.
 King of Iran tore away the message of the Prophet
 King of Iran in the 7 Hijri was Chosroes.
 King of Byzantine in the 7" Hijri was Heraclius.
 King of Abyssinia in the 7 Hijri was Negus.
 Qayas means reasoning by analogy.
 Qazaf is false accusation of adultery.
 Mesopotamia is the old name of Iraq.
 First father in law of the Prophet was Khuwalad.
 Hazrat Umer (RA) accepted islam in 616 AD.
 Father of Hazrat Umer (RA) was Khattab bin Nufayl.
 Shi'b means valley in Arabic language
 The grand mosque of kairouan also known as the mosque
 of Uqba is located in Tunisia,
 King of Byzantine in the 7th Hijri was Heraclius.
 10th year of Prophethood is known as “Aam ul Huzn” or year of sorrow.
 First Azaan was called in 1 Hijri.
 Bahira, a Christian saint recognized prophet as the last prophet
 Prophet visited Taif in the 10th year of Prophet hood.
 Abu Lahab is a name mentioned in the Quran.
 First place from where Prophet (PBUH) openly started his preaching was Jabl Faran or
Mount Safa.
 Prophet (PBUH) did covert messaging at House of Arkam upto 3 Nabvi. (i.e for 3 years)
 Prophet (PBUH) was staying at the house of Umme-e-Hani on the night of Mira.
 Seal of Prophet (PBUH) was made of Silver.
 Sidra tul Muntaha means the tree of the farthest boundary.
 Barzakh: time period between death and Day of Judgment.
 The second wife of Prophet (PBUH) was Sauda bint Zama.
 Distance between Makkah and Madina is 450 Km
 Ambassadors were sent to Arab and other regions in 7 Hijri.
 King of Iran tore away the message of the Prophet
 King of Iran in the 7 Hijri was Chosroes.
 King of Byzantine in the 7" Hijri was Heraclius.
 King of Abyssinia in the 7 Hijri was Negus.
 Qayas means reasoning by analogy.
 Qazaf is false accusation of adultery.
 Mesopotamia is the old name of Iraq.
 The first Hafiz Quran among Sahaba was Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA).
 Kitab ul Kharaj was written by Imam Abu Yousaf.
 Varqa Bin Naufal verified prophet for the first time.
 Hazrat Sauda bint e Zama was the second wife of Holy Prophet.
 Hazrat Haleema was the foster mother of Holy Prophet SAW.
 Besides Hazrat Haleema, the Prophet said that Umme Ayman is also my mother.
 Shaymah was the foster sister of the Holy Prophet.
 Prophet was 35 years old at the time of Hijra e Aswad incident.
 Home of Hazrat Arqam was used as the centre of secret preaching by the Holy Prophet.
 In 7th Nabvi the boycott of Banu Hashim began.
 Hazrat Ibrahim was born at Ur near Euphrate.
 Grave of Hazrat lbrahim is in Palestine.
 Hazrat Loot was contemporary of Hazrat Ibrahim.
 Prophet met Adaas in Tait, a Christian slave who came from Nainwah.
 Masjid e Qiblatain is a mosque in Medina where Prophet received directions to change the
 Cave of Hira is in Jabl e Noor.
 Mawakhat e Medina is the brotherhood among Sahabas.
 First place from where Prophet openly started his preaching was Jabl Faran or Mount Safa.
 Prophet did covert messaging at House of Arkam upto 3 Nabvi. (i.e for 3 years)
 Prophet was staying at the house of Umm-e-Hani on the night of Miraj.
 Seal of Prophet was made of Silver.
 Ghazwa e Badar was fought in 2 Hijri.
 Leader of kuffar in Ghazwa e Badar was Abu Jahal.
 Ayat-ul-Kursi is called Sardar-ul-Ayat.
 Hadith are record of the traditions or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad
 The six books of Ahadith are known as Sihah Sitta.
 The writer of Sahih Muslim is Imam Muslim bin Hajaj Qushayri.
 The writer of Jami Tirmizi is Imam Muhammad ibn Isa Tirmizi.
 The writer of Sahih Bukhari is Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhan.
 The writer of Sunan Abi Dawood is Imam Aba Dawud Sulayman ibn al-Ash'ath.
 The writer of Sunan Al Nasai is Imam Ahmad ibn Shu ayb ibn Ali ibn Sinän al-Nasäi.
 The writer of Sunan Ibn Majah is Imam Aba Abdullah Muhammad ibn Yazid Ibn Majah.
 The writer of Al Muwattah is Imam Malik ibn Aas
 Madurak is the person who starts prayer with Imam.
 Namaz of Eid is Wajib.
 Hottest Planet is Venus.
 Namaz-e-Khasoof offered in Lunar Eclipse.
 Namaz-e-Kusuf offered in Solar Eclipse.
 Namaz-e-Istasqa offered for Rain.
 The centre of Jewish population in Arabia was Khyber.
 Ghazwa-e-Badar was fought in 2nd Hijri, Leader Abu Jahal.
 First female martyr of Islam is Hazrat Bibi Summaya.
 The real name of Abu Sufyan was Sakhr ibn Harb.
 Ahzab Means Group, Allies.
 Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran two times.
 Last Surah revealed to prophet is Al-Nasr
 Yahya’s tomb is in Damascus
 Grave of Dawood is in Israel.
belly of fish.
 Prophets attached with profession of weaving are Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Idrees & Hazrat Shees.
 At Hanif Mosque, Almost 70 Prophets are buried.
 Hazrat Zakaria was a Carpenter.
 Hazrat Sulaiman & Dawood understood languages of the Birds.
 Hazrat Adam & Dawood are addressed as Khalifa in Quran.
 In the beginning Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) worked as a shepherd for Banu Ummayya
 Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in 40 Hijra Hijrah.
 Siha e Sitta are 06 books of Hadith
 The book of Hadith, Al-Muwatta, was compiled by Imam Malik R.A .
 The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar, was compiled by Imam Abu Haneefa
 The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
was to Abyssinia (Ethopia)
 Allah says, “Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers” in Surah Ahzab
 Which surah contains the orders about Wuzu, Ghusal and Tayammum? Al Maida
 Which famous Ghazwah is mentioned in surah Al-Imran? Ghazwa Uhad
 The “Battle of Yermuk” was fought between Muslims and Romans
 In Surah Kahf, Kahf means cave.
 In Surah Muzammil, Muzammil means Wrapped in garments.
 In Surah Kausar, Kausar means abundance, Bountiful.
 In Surah Nasr, Nasr means help, victory.
 In Surah Ikhlas, Ikhlas means purity of faith, Sincerity.
 In Surah Falak, Falak means dawn, cosmos, daybreak.
 In Surah Al-Nas, Al-Nas means mankind.
 In Surah Al-Alq, Al-Alq means clot of blood.
 In the 94 Surah of Quran Alm Nashrah means expansion, opened, comfort.
 In Surah Al-Zukhruf, Al-Zukhruf means Ornaments of Gold, luxury.
 Istalam is kissing of Hijra e Aswad.
 There are 5 Fundamentals of islam.
 Tehlil means recitation of kalima.
 First Institution of islam is Suffah.
 1jma means agreement upon any subject.
 Qayas means reasoning by analogy.
 Jannat ul Baqi is situated in Medina.
 Qazaf is false accusation of adultery.
 Greatest Angel as per Islam is Jibraeel.
 Barzakh is the time period between death and day of judgement.
 In Ghazwa Uhd Hazrat Ali was awarded with the sword Zulfiqar.
 Hazrat Usman is known as Zul Noorain because he wedded two daughters of Prophet.
 The Holy Prophet only performed one Haj in 10 A.H.
 Ummahat ul Momineen means the mothers of the believers.
 Abyssinia is the old name for Ethiopia.
 Mesopotamia is the old name for Iraq.
 Persia is the old name for Iran.
 Al Azhar University is in Egypt.
 Shah Faisal mosque is in Islamabad.
 Kitab ul Kharaj was written by Imam Abu Yousaf.
 Varqa Bin Naufal verified prophet for the first time. At the age of 40 the Prophet
received the first Wahi (Revelation).
 Hazrat Sauda bint e Zama was the second wife of Holy Prophet.
 In 622 A.D Prophet migrated to Medina, the event is known as Hijrat.
 Hazrat Haleema was the foster mother of Holy Prophet.
 Besides Hazrat Haleema, the Prophet said that Umme Ayman is also my mother.
 Shaymah was the foster sister of the Holy Prophet.
 Prophet was 35 years old at the time of Hijra e Aswad incident.
 Home of Hazrat Arqam was used as the centre of secret preaching by the Holy Prophet.
 In 7 Nabvi the boycott of Banu Hashim began
 The nonbelievers of Makkah worshipped three main idols; Al-lät, Al-Uzza, and Al-Manat.
 Sulah Hudaibiah is called Fatah Mobeen.
 The real name of Abu Sufyan was Sakhr ibn Harb.
 Ahzaab means group, allies.
 Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran for 2 times.
 Suran Al-Rehman is known as beauty of Quran.
 Subject of Holy Quran is Human being.
 Last Surah revealed to Prophet is Al-Nasr.
 First Institution of Islam is Suffah.
 Distance between Makkah and Madina is 450 Km (Approximate).
 The Prophet was born in the first year of elephant.
 Ambassadors were sent to Arab and other regions in 7 AH.
 King of Iran tore away the message of the Prophet
 King of Iran in the 7 Hijri was Chosroes.
 King of Byzantine in the 7th Hijri was Heraclius.
 King of Abyssinia in the 7 Hijri was Negus.
 Hazrat Ibrahim intended to sacrifice Hazrat Ismaeel at Mina.
 Hazrat Ibrahim was born at Ur near Euphrate.
 First Wife of Hazrat lbrahim was Sarah.
 Second wife of Hazrat lbrahim was Haajra.
 Hazrat Ibrahim is also known as Khalilullah meaning the friend of Allah.
 Grave of Hazrat Ibrahim is in Palestine.
 Hazrat Loot was contemporary of Hazrat Ibrahim.
 Hazrat Ibrahim remained in fire for 40 days
 Terah or Aazer was the father of Prophet Ibrahim.
 Hazrat Loot was the nephew of Hazrat lbrahim
 Hazrat Abu bakar accompanied the Prophet SAW on migration to Medina.
 In 622 AD The Prophet SAW migrated to Medina
 Prophet SAW purchased land for mosque in Medina from 2 Orphan boys.
 Charter of Medina was issued in 1 A.H. (622 AD).
 Hazrat Nooh is also known as Adam Sani.
 King Negus accepted Islam by Prophet's letter.
 The dome above the sacred grave of Holy Prophet SAW is known as Gunbad e Khizra.
 Bait ul Mamoor is on 7 heaven
 Mosque of Zarrar was demolished by The Prophet SAW
 Ume Salma was present a t the battle of Khyber.
 Transfer of Qibla was ordered in 2nd Hijri.
 Abu Lahab is a name mentioned in the Quran
 Barzakh: Time period b/w death and Day of Judgment.
 Sidra tul Muntaha mean the Tree of the farthest boundary.
 Hazrat Umar ordered a full-scale Invasion of Persia by the Rashidun army.
 Hazrat Usman bin Talha was the key holder of Kaaba.
 Heraclius invited Abu Sufyan and his companions and asked him about Prophet
Muhammad SAW.
 Abu Sufyan's real name was Sakhr ibn Harb ibn Umayya
 Wars of Apostasy were called the Ridda wars.
 Ridda wars started in the period of Hazrat Abubakar.
 Hazrat Umar was martyred by a Zoroastrian slave Abu Lu'lu Feroze.
 Hazrat Umar introduced Hijri Calender.
 Hazrat Ali married Hazrat Fatima in 2 A.H.
 Hazrat Ali had four children with Hazrat Fatima.
 Hazrat Umar (RA) was the first key-holder of Bait-u-Maqdas among the righteous Caliphs.
 Hazrat Umer (RA) embraced Islam in 616 AD.
 Hazrat Umar (RA) was killed by a Persian prisoner of war, named Abu Lu'lu'ah (Piruz
 Bait-e-Rizwan' was made to take the revenge of Hazrat Usman (RA).
 Caliph Abu Bakar (RA) has been titled as the 'Saviour of Islam.
 The Holy Book "Taurat" was revealed to Prophet “Musa AS”
 Palestine is called the Land of Prophets
 Khateeb ul Anbia is a title of Hazrat Shoaib (AS).
 Politus Roman governor ordered the execution of Hazrat Issa (AS).
 Hazrat Yousaf (AS) remained in a well for 3 days
 Zakat means to purify.
 Zakat was made obligatory in 2 A.H.
 7 𝟏⁄𝟐 is the nisaab of Gold and 52𝟏⁄𝟐 is the nisaab for silver.
 Injunctions of utilization of Zakat is in Surah Al-Taubah.
 Number of Masarfeen of Zakat are 8.
 Maal e ghaneemat in Arabic is Ganeematul-Al-Harb
 Al-Gharmain means debtors.
 Ushar is a tax on the agricultural produce of land levied on the Muslims.
 Ushar is at the rate of 10 per cent if the land is irrigated by rainfall.
 Ushar is at the rate of 5 per cent if the land is irrigated artificially
 Hazrat Ali conquered the Fort of Qamus.
 Lady named Zainab tried to poison The Prophet SAW
 Prophet recited Surah Al-Fatiha at the conquest of Makkah.
 Hashim was the father of Abdul Muttalib.
 The name Muhammad was proposed by Abdul Muttalib.
 Maisara was a slave of Hazrat Khadija who accompanied Prophet SAW on His trade
 The Prophet SAW belonged to Banu Hashim, a tribe of Quraish.
 Hazrat Amna belonged to Banu Zuhra tribe.
 Surah Yaseen is called the heart of Quran.
 Surah Rehman is called the beautification of Quran.
 Hazrat Suleman (AS) was a king and a Nabi.
 Hazrat Suleman (AS) was the son of Hazrat Dawood (AS).
 Hazrat Suleman (AS) was bestowed with the ability to communicate with animals and Jinns.
 Hazrat Suleman (AS) died while leaning on his staff.
 Queen of Saba submitted to the will of Allah on the call of Hazrat Suleman (AS).
 Hazrat Esa (AS) could heal blindness and leprosy
 Hazrat Esa (AS) could raise the dead by the will of Allah.
 According to Quran Hazrat Esa was neither killed nor crucified
 Hazrat Maryam (AS) was the daughter of Hazrat Imran (AS).
 Hazrat Esa (AS) has been mentioned as Esa bin Maryam in Quran.
 Hazrat Yousuf (AS) was the son of Hazrat Yaqub (AS).
 The story of Hazrat Yousf (AS) is called Ahsan ul Qasas in Quran.
 Hazrat Yousuf (AS) saw eleven stars, the sun and the moon in his dream.
 Hazrat Yaqub (AS) advised Hazrat Yousuf (AS) to keep the dream to himself to protect
him from his brothers' jealousy.
 The brothers of Hazrat Yousuf (AS) left him in a well
 The incident of shirt happened between Hazrat Yousuf (AS) and Zulekha.
 Sheikh Zayed Mosque is located in Abu Dhabi.
 Zahir Mosque is located in Malaysia.
 Al Fateh Grand mosque is located in Bahrain.
 Mohamed Ali Mosque is located in Cairo.
 48 total numbers of Rakats are in Farz prayer.
 Jalsa is short pause between Sujood.
 Qauma is standing straight after Ruku.
 Prayers of Eid are wajib.
 5 prayers were made compulsory in 10 Nabvi.
 Fasting is commanded in Surah al-Bakarah.
 1st Ashra of Ramzan = Ashra-e-Rehmat.
 2nd Ashra of Ramzan = Ashra-e-Maghfirat.
 3rd Ashra of Ramzan = Ashra-e-Nijat.
 Hazrat Adam (AS) was the first prophet ever sent by Allah.
 Hazrat Adam (AS) is also known as Abul Bashar.
 Hazrat Shees (AS) was the second prophet and the son of Hazrat Adam.
 Hazrat ldrees (AS) was the third prophet.
 Hazrat Nooh (AS) is also known as Adam e Sani
 Hazrat Nooh (AS) constructed an ark on the command of Allah.
 One of the son of Hazrat Nooh (AS) was a disbeliever and refused to come aboard the ark.
 Hazrat lbrahim (AS) was thrown into fire on the order of Namrud
 Hazrat Ibrahim's father's name was Aazar
 Hazrat Ali RA belonged to tribe of “Banu Hashim”
 Hazrat Abu Bakar RA belonged to tribe of “Banu Taym”
 Hazrat Umar RZ belonged to tribe of “Banu Adi”
 Hazrat Usman RA belonged to tribe of “Banu Ummaya”
 Stay at Muzdalifah is Wajib during Hajj.
 Command of fasting is given in Ayat 13 183 of Surah Baqarah
 Takbir Tehrima, Qiyam, Qirat are Faraiz of Salat.
 Ruku, Sajdah, Qa’adah, Akhira, are also Faraiz of Salat.
 Thirteen acts are wajib during offering Salat.(One Paper Islamiat MCQS
 Hazrat Adam (AS) is the 1st among the prophets to be mentioned in the Quran.
 In Surah Ahzab, Prophet (Hazrat Muhammad SAW) is called Khatam-un-Nabiyin.
 The Name of the Author of Jami-e-Tirmidhi is Imam Abu Isa Muhammad bin Isa
 Ablution is wajib for Tawaf.
 Hazrat Sohaib (RA) offered the funeral prayers of Hazrat Umar (RA).
 Hazrat Abdullah bin Qais (RA) was first Naval Commander of Islam.
 Torait was the first revealed Diving Book.
 Hazrat Zakariya (AS) was a carpenter by profession.
 A Short history of Saracens was written by Syed Ameer Ali.
 Torait and Zuboor are included in Old Testament.
 Islam is an Arabic word meaning "submission" and in the religious context means
"submission to the will of God".
 "Islam" is derived from the Arabic word "sal'm" which literally means peace.
 Ishraaq is a type of prayer which should be performed 15-20 minutes after the sunrise.
 Chasht is a type of prayer which should be performed after ¼ of the day is passed till
 Tahajjud (Also known as night prayer) is the type of prayer
 Which should be offered in the latter part of night.
 Salat ul Hajaat is the type of prayer which should be offered In time of need.
 Salat al Istikhara is offered to seek guidance from Allah in Matters of choice
 First Moazzan of Islam is Hazrat Bilal (RA).
 Ghani was the title of Hazrat Usman (RA).
 Only sahabi without seeing the Prophet is Hazrat Owais Qarni (RA).
 Hazrat Younus (AS) was swallowed by a Whale.
 In the Quran, Surah At-Tawba, verse 9:30, which states that Hazrat Uzair (AS) was
revered by the Jews as "the son of God".
 Hazrat Uzair (AS) became alive after being dead for 100 years.
 30 sahifay were revealed to Hazrat ldrees (AS).
 Hazrat Dawood (AS) could mould iron easily with his hands.
 Hazrat Ishaq (AS) lost his eyesight in old age.
 Hazrat Esa (AS) is known as Jesus in Christianity.
 Injeel was revealed to Hazrat Esa (AS).
 Hazrat Esa (AS) was born to Hazrat Maryam (AS).
 Crucifix is the sign of cross related to Christian belief.
 Hazrat Nooh is also known as Adam-e-Sani.
 The dome above the sacred grave of Holy Prophet is known as Gunbad e Khizra.
 King Negus accepted Islam by Prophet's letter.
 Mosque of Zarrar was demolished by The Prophet.
 Ume Salma was present at the battle of Khyber
 Lady named Zainab tried to poison The Prophet.
 Hashim was the father of Abdul Muttalib.
 Maisara was a slave of Hazrat Khadija who accompanied The Prophet on His trade
 Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was born about three thousand years, after Hazrat
Ibraheem (A.S).
 Name of Shah Waliullah was Qutubuddin Ahmad.
 Khatam al Nabien is mentioned in Surah Ahzab.
 Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit (R.A) was the head of Tadween Quran (Compilation of Quran)
 After demise of Hazrat Khdija (R.A), Prophet (P.B.U.H) married Hazrat Sawda (R.A).
 Ibn Zakariya -al- Razi suggested treatment of chicken pox.
 Hazrat Usman (R.A) was assassinated in year 35 A.H.
 Fasatat al Quran is other name of Surah A1 Baqarah.
 Nursils movement is a religious movement in Turkey.
 In Ghazwa- Khandaq Munafiqeen were 10000.
 The heads of Zakat are 8.
 Surah Yasin was recited by Muhammad (PBUH) at the time of migration.
 Distance between Quba Mosque and Medina is 5Kms.
 Literal meaning of Nabi is a person who conveys the message of Allah.
 A verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of Hazrat Zaid (R.A).
 A1-ltqan Fi Uloom al -Quran is written by Jalauddin Suyuti.
 Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (R.A) was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish.
 Mashoor Hadith consists of chain of citations by number of the people 3. Muhammad
Asad was the author of "Islam at the Crossroads.
 Sahi Bukhari and Sahi Muslim are collectively called Sahihain.
 Title given to Imam Malik was Mujtahid fil Masail.
 Purpose of fasting is described in Quran as Taqwa.
 Hazrat Usman (R.A) was chosen by Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf (R.A).
 Five Salats were made obligatory at the time of Mir'aj.
 People present at the last sermon were 124000.
 Law of refraction was given by Ibn-al- Haytam.
 Abu al- Qasim al Zahrawi was a Physician and Surgeon.
 Medina Charter has 52 clauses.
 Scribe of the Treaty of Hudaibiya was Hazrat Ali (R.A).
 The period of Islamic Caliphate lasted for nearly 30 years.
 In Ghazwa -e- Khandaq, the salats combined by Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) Zuhr and Asr.
 Jibrael means the celestial messenger
 Ghazwa- e- Ahzab is also called Ghazwa -e- Khandaq. First lady market controller of
Madina made by
 Hazrat Umar (R.A) was A1-Shifa bint Abdullah.
 Literal meaning of Hajj is Intend to go somewhere.
 The members of the committee constituted by Hazrat Umar (R.A) to elect next caliph
were six
 Umm- ul- Masakeen is the title of Hazrat Zainub Bint-i- Khuzayma (R.A).
 Jewish Tribe expelled from Madina after Badr is The Banu Qaynuqa.
 Book Maliat Ka Islami Nizam written by Sayyad Abul-Hassan Ali Nadvi.
 Sassanid family ruled the Iran.
 The total number of migrated people in second migration to Abyssinia was 101.
 Queen Saba was the ruler of Yemen.
 Inventor of Dark room is Al-Hasan Ibn al- Haytham.
 Battle of Khandaq was fought in 5 A.H.
 Hazrat Noah (A.S) was called as Abul Bashar-e-Sani.
 Ghazwa Badr is named as Youm-ul-Furqan.
 Invention of Omar Khayyam is Jalali Calendar.
 Faith of reincarnation is founder in Hinduism.
 Secondary Sources of Islamic Law is ljma' and Qiyas
 Journey of Miraj happened in 621 A.D.
 The word Rukhaa means Soft Breeze.
 Salat ul Hajaat is the type of prayer which should be offered in time of need.
 Salat al Istikhara is offered to seek guidance from Allah in matters of choice.
 First Moazzan of Islam is Hazrat Bilal (RA).
 Ghani was the title of Hazrat Usman (RA).
 Siddiq was the title of Hazrat Abubakar (RA)
 Second wife of Hazrat Ibrahim was Haajra.
 Hazrat lbrahim is also known as Khalilullah meaning the friend of Allah.
 Grave of Hazrat lbrahim is in Palestine.
 Hazrat Loot was contemporary of Hazrat lbrahim.
 The story of Hazrat Yusuf (RA) is called Ahsan Al Qasas in Quran.
 Abdul Sattar Edhi Hockey stadium is in Karachi.
 The Center of Jewish population in Arabia was Khyber.
 Banu Nuzair settled in Khyber after being expelled from Medina.
 Jihad was made obligatory in 5 Hijri.
 The Ghazwa in which Prophet (SAW) missed four prayers was Ghazwa Khandaq
 Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) has reported the highest number of Hadiths.
 Khaarjiites were one of the earliest sect of Islam.
 Sindh was conquered in the era of Walid-I
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
One Paper Pak Study/ Affairs MCQS
 The most famous court poet of Akbar was Abdur Rahim Khan-i- Khanah,
 Shah Jehan Mughal ruler has been called as the "Prince of Builders"
 Agra Fort was built by Akbar.
 The Red Fort of Delhi was built by Shah Jahan.
 The Mughal paintings reached its zenith during the reign of Jahangir.
 Taxila was a famous site of Gandhara Art.
 The structure of Qutab Minar was completed by lIitumish.
 Baland Darwaza is situated in Fatehpur Sirki,
 The current president of International Court of Justice is Joan E. Donoghue.
 Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the father of English poetry.
 Blue color of sky is due to Tyndall Effect.
 Saudi Arabia became first country to grant a robot citizenship
 Al-Qarawiyyin University, the world's oldest university is located in Fez, Morocco,
 The first Pakistani to hoist the Pakistani flag at the North Pole and South Pole is Namira Salim.
 The first climber from Pakistan to have summited Mt Everest on 17th May, 2000 was
Nazir Sabir
 Tipu Sultan was the first to use rockets in warfare.
 Jaswant Singh was the author of the book "Jinnah: India Partition, Independence.
 The height of Diamer Basha Dam is 272 meters.
 The name United Nations was coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
 The Republic of South Africa is referred to as a Rainbow Nation
 The UN French Language Day is globall observed on 20 March
 Cairo is known as the "City of Thousand Minarets"
 William Howard Taft was the only President of the United States who also served as the
Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court
 Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the foremost 20th-century leader of the Pashtuns was called the
"Frontier Gandhi"
 Sir Edwin Lutyens, the Edwardian architect, designed the Indian capital "New Delhi”
 The City of Agra was founded by Sultan Sikandar Lodhi.
 The Autobiography of Babur’s Life (Tuzuk-i-Baburi) was written in Turkish.
 The Marathas Chief Sambhagi was executed during the reign of Aurangzeb.
 Maharaja Ranjit Singh united the Sikhs and founded kingdom in Punjab.
 In 1957, Siraj ud Daula was defeated by Robert Clive.
 Purana Qila, Delhi was constructed during the reign of Humayun.
 Gwalior Fort was built by Raja Man Sing Tomar.
 Fatehpur Sirki was founded by Akbar.
 Tansen was great musician in the court of Akbar.
 Aurangeb Mughal Ruler banned music and dancing.
 The mausoleum of Sher Shah is at Sarsaram.
 Baland Darwaza, built by Akbar, is to commemorate the victory of Gujrat.
 Mir Jafar succeeded Siraj ud Daula as Nawab of Bengal after the Battle of Plassey
 Tipu Sultan, the Indian ruler, requested Napolean for help to drive the British from India.
 The court language of Mughals was Persian.
 The capital of Mughal Empire was shifted from Agra to Delhi by Shah Jahan.
 The East India Company was founded in India during the reign of Jehangir.
 The two great Mughal rulers who wrote their Own memoirs are Babur and Humayun.
 The height of Nanga Parbat is 8126m.
 Baluchistan has the longest coastline.
 The origin of Lower Bari Doab is Ravi
 The largest seaport of Pakistan is Karachi.
 Longest tunnel of Pakistan is Khojak.
 Hermann Buhl was the first person on to climb Nanga Parbat.
 Al Azhar University is in Egypt.
 Babur laid the foundation of Mughal Empire in 1526 by defeating Ibraham Lodhi.
 The Mughal ruler Bahadur Shah Zafar was exiled and sent to Rangoon
 The “Jiziya” was abolished by Akbar.
 The Mughal emperor Humayun died due to a sudden fall from the staircase.
 Aurangzeb was regarded as “Zinda Pir”
 The Asiatic Society was established in Kolkata by Sir William Jones.
 Brahmo Samaj mainly insisted upon Monotheism
 Al-Hilal weekly was started by Abul Kalam Azad.
 The Non-Cooperation Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi.
 The Government of India Act of 1935 divided India into eleven provinces.
 The Cripps Mission visited India in 1942.
 Sixty Dome Mosque is located in Bangladesh
 The Blue Mosque or the Mosque of Sultan Ahmad is located Istanbul, Turkey.
 The Angkor Wat Temple is located in Cambodia
 Rohtas Fort was built by Sher Shah Suri near Jhelum, Punjab.
 Attock Fort was built by Akbar and it is situated on the bank of the River Indus.
 Al-Tehrir Square is located in Cairo
 East India company was formed in 1600 in London
 Raishmi Romal campaign start by Ubedullah Sindhi.
 At Meerut, firstly the War of Independence was fought.
 The 1st Viceroy of the Indian subcontinent was Lord Canning
 Indian National Congress made by Allan O. Hume in 1885.
 1st President of INC was Womesh Chandra Bonnerje,
 Urdu Hindi Controversy started in 1867.
 Warren Hastings was the 1st Governor of Bengal.
 The Original name of Mohsin Ul Malik was Syed Mehdi Ali.
 Syed Ameer Ali established Muslim League London in 1908.
 1st President of Muslim league was Sir Agha Khan.
 Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar wrote the constitution of Muslim League: The Green Book.
 The HQ of Muslim League was established in Lucknow.
 Muslim League was formed in the annual session of Muslim Educational Conference in
Dacca with the proposal of Nawab Salimullah.
 Bengal was divided into Eastern Bengal (Muslim Bengal) and Western Bengal (Hindu Bengal)
 Babur came to India originally from Ferghana Born on 14 Feb, 1483, Andijan,
 The 1st battle of Panipat (Haryana state) on 21 April 1526, was fought b/w Babur and
Ibrahim Lodhi.
 The battle of Khanwa (Rajasthan state) on 16 March 1527, was fought b/w Babur and
Rana Sanga of Mewar.
 The battle of Ghaghra on 6th May 1529, b/w Babur and Afghans under the leadership
of Sultan Nusrat Shah & Sultan Mehmood Lodhi, the Sultans of Bengal.
 Babur dies in 30 Dec, 1530, in Agra, India and His tomb is located in Kabul.
 Baburnama or Tuzuk-e-Babari is 1st autobiography in subcontinent.
 Quaid-e-Azam resigned from Imperial Legislative Council as protest against Rowlett Act
in 1919.
 Minto Morley Reforms introduced separate electorates on 1909.
 Minto Morley Reforms: Minto was an Indian viceroy and Morley was state secretary for India.
 Montague Chelmsford Reforms came in 1919.
 Jillanwala Bagh is an Amritsar. It was place where a number of Indians were killed by
the England on 13th April 1919.
 General Dyer was the army commander of Amritsar during Jillanwalla Bagh incident.
 Lucknow Pact came in 1916. Through this pact, Muslim League and Congress agreed to
allow representation to religious minorities in the provincial legislatures.
 Cento stands for Central Treaty Organization formerly middle East Treaty Organization
or Baghdad Pact Organization. It was formed on 24th Feb, 1955, by Pakistan, Iran,
Turkey and the UK and dissolved on 16th March, 1979.
 The International Labor Organization was originally established as autonomous part of
League of Nations in 1919. HQ Geneva. (Geneva is also called city of Conferences)
 River Roe is the shortest river of the world (Length 61)
 Rome, the capital of Italy is located besides the river Tiber.
 RAW established on 21, September 1968.
 Saudi Billionaire Osama Bin laden made his money through construction business.
 Agerpres is the news agency of Romania. (Capital Bucharest)
 Gatwick International Airport is located in Crawley UK.
 Khilafat Movement started in 1919 and abolished in1924.
 Chauri Chura incident took place in 1922. (Non-Cooperation Movement was called of
by Gandhi B/c of Chauri Chaura Incident.
 Treaty of Lausanne was signed in 1923.
 Kemal Ataturk (Ataturk means the father of Turks) Original name Mustafa Kemal was
the 1st president of Turkey
 Lord Rippon is associated with the Hunter Commission
 Lord Dalhousie is associated with Wood’s Dispatch.
 Lord Cornwall’s is associated with permanent settlement of Bengal
 Nehru Report was presented by Motilal Nehru in 1928.
 Simon Commission visited India in 1928 and it was consisted of 7 members.
 Simon Commission submitted its report in 1930.
 Civil disobedience Movement started by Gandhi on 12th March, 1930.
 Gandhi-Irvin pact was made on 5th March, 1931.
 Comrade and Hamdard were launched by Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar.
 Zamindar was an Indian Muslim newspaper in the Urdu language. The founding editor
of this newspaper was Maulana Zafar Ali Khan.
 Al-Hilal was a weekly Urdu Language newspaper established by the Indian Muslim
independence activist Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
 Allama Iqbal was tutored by Syed Mir Hassan.
(Syed Mir Hassan was a scholar of the Qur’an, Hadith, Sufism, & the Arabic Language.

 Allama Iqbal was elected as a member of Punjab Legislative Assembly in 1926.

 Quaid-e-Azam got education of law from Lincoln’s Inn.
 Quaid used by Molvi Mazharul Haq in 1938.
 Emibai Jinnah was the 1st cousin and wife of the Founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali
Jinnah, she was married with Jinnah in 1892.
 Rattanbai Jinnah was the 2nd wife of the Founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah, she
was married with Jinnah in 1918.
 Pakistan National Movement was founded in 1933 by Ch Rehmat Ali
 Provincial elections were held in British India in the winter of 1936-37 as mandated by
the Govt: Act of India 1935
 Muslims observed Day of Deliverance on 22 December 1939.
 The idea of Civil Defense originated from WW1 (WWI: 1914-18).
 "Abadan" is the seaport of Iran (Khuzestan Province)
 UNICEF is dedicated to the development of Children (H.Q: New York)
 Sea route from Europe to India was discovered by Vasco da Gama (belongs to Portugal).
 Magellan was the first to travel around the word (belongs to Portugal).
 Montessori is associated with Child education (Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori)
 Braille system is associated with the blind (Created by Louis Braille)
 Zionism was started by The Jews (founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897)
 The capital of Albania is Tirana (Currency: Lek).
 Human Rights Organization 'Amnesty International is based in London (Founded: July 1961).
 UNHCR body of the UN deals with refugee issues.
 The famous Muslim historian and thinker, Ibn Khuldun, Was born in Tunisia.
 Manama is the capital of Bahrain. (Currency: Dinar)
 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has its headquarters in Montreal, Canada.
 A person is called ambidextrous when he is able to use right And left hand equallywel
 ANC stands for African National Congress.
 The father of former President Barrack Obama belonged to Kenya
 Saudi Arabia is the first country to grant citizenship to a Robot (Oct. 2017).
 Kazuo Ishigueo won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017.
 The length of Great Wall of China is 21,196 km
 August Offer was made by Viceroy Lord Lint Lithgow in 1940.
 Cripps mission visited India1942.
 Quit India Movement started in 1942.
 Simla Conference was presented by Lord Wavel in1945.
 The Labour Party came to power in the UK after its unexpected victory in the July 1945
general election (Party leader Clement Attlee become PM replacing Winston Churchill.
 The Interim Government of India, also known as the Provisional Government, Formed
2nd Sep 1946.
 In Interim Government, Muslim league got portfolio of Finance and Liaqat Ali Khan was
Finance Minister.
 Real Name of Gandhi Was Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi. Born 2nd Oct, 1869, Died
30th January, 1948.
 Lahore resolution was presented in 27th session of Muslim league at Monto Park
(Lahore) on 23rd March, 1940
 30 years is the minimum age of senator in Pakistan under 1973 constitution.
 Term of the office of Election Commissioner of Pakistan is 5 years.
 Current Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan is Sikandar Sultan Raja since 20
January, 2020.
 The only Muslim woman who attended Round Table Conference (RTC) was Begum
Jahaan Ara Shahnawaz
 The British sold Kashmir to Gulab Singh Dogra under Treaty of Amritsar (March 1846).
 Dr Abdul Salam, the first Noble Prize recipient of Pakistan got his PhD degree from
University of Cambridge.
 "Habba Khatoon" is famous poetess of Kashmir.
 Renowned Urdu writer Mushtaq Ahmed Yusufi, by profession was a Banker.
 "Lowari Pass" connects Dir with Chitral.
 Dr Ruth Ptau, the "Mother Theresa" of Pakistan, campaigned Against Leprosy.
 The Shandur Pass connects Chitral with Gilgit.
 Karakoram Highway between Pakistan and China was completed in 1979. (Length of
Karakoram Highway: 1300Km).
 Tomb of Khwaja Farid is in Kot Mithan (1845-1901).
 River Kabul joins Indus River near Attock
 The Chainman of National Economic Council of Pakistan is Prime Minister Imran Khan.
 Sardar Abdur Rab Nashtar was the first Muslim Governor of Punjab.
 Objectives Resolution was presented in the Constituent Assembly on 7th March, 1949.
 Objectives Resolution was passed on 12 March, 1949 by PM Liaquat Ali Khan.
 The only vice-president of Pakistan was Noorul Amin.
 Divide and Quit " was Written by Penderel Moon.
 Mission with Mountbatten written by Alan Campbell Johnson,
 Cabinet Mission announced its plan on 16 May.1946.
(The members of the Cabinet Mission were: Lord Penthick- Lawrence, Secretary of State for India, Sir
Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade, and A.V Alexander, First Lord of Admiralty)
 Muslim League observed direct action day on 16" August. 1946.
 On 18 July.1947, British Parliament passed Indian Independence Bill
 PM of England at the time of Independence of Pakistan was Clement Attlee.
 President of USA at the time of Independence of Pakistan was Harry Truman,
 The Radcliffe Line was the boundary demarcation line between the Indian and Pakistani
portions of the Punjab and Bengal provinces of British India. (t was named after its
architect, Sir Cyril Radcliffe, who, as the joint chairman of the two boundary)
 The renowned author of "The Spirit of Islam and "Short History of the Saracens" was
Syed Ameer Ali.
 "The Millat and Menace of Indianism' is written by Ch.Rehmat Ali.
 The Quaid-e-Azam resigned from the membership of Imperial Legislative Council on
the account of Rowlett Act in Delhi on 18 March 1919.
 The United Nations General Assembly has declared the decade 2021-30 as the decade
on ecosystem restoration,
 "The Wealth of Nations was written by Adam Smith (Published: 1776).
 Statue of Liberty was given to USA by France (dedicated on October 28, 1886)
 Watergate scandal is related to Spying.
 The goal no. 3 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of UN relates to good health
and well-being.
 The Treaty of Versailles settled peace in France (Effective: 10h January1920)
 International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created after the Bretton Woods conference
(July, 1944).
 China has claim on part of Indian province of Arunachal Paradesh.
 The political term “Shadow Cabinet” stands for a group of specialized critics in the
official opposition party.
 Deal of the century" presented by US President Donald Trump related to Palestine issues.
 The lengthiest written constitution of the world is Indian Constitution.
 The word "REX" stands for The King.
 Continental Shelf limit of Pakistan is 350 Nautical Miles.
 Soviet Union was replaced by Russian Federation in Dec1991.
 Kyoto Protocol came into force on16th February, 2005.
 Pakistan installed the first nuclear power station in Karachi with the cooperation of Canada
 The Quran and Sunnah are declared the Supreme law of Pakistan under the 9h Amendment.
 "Kapas ka Phool" is written by Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
 Plan of division of Indo-Pak announced on 3" June, 1947.
 National Anthem of Pakistan was written by Hafeez Jalandhari
 (Hafeez Jalandhar’s collection of words "Chirag Sehar” includes the national anthem).
 The music of National Anthem of Pakistan was composed by Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chagla
 Flag of Pakistan was designed by Syed Amiruddin Kedwai.
 Quaid-e-Azam elected as President of Pakistan's 1 Constituent Assembly on 11th August 1947.
 The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved on October 24, 1954, by Governor
General Malik Ghulam Muhammad.
 Ghulam Muhammad was the Finance Minister in the first cabinet of Pakistan.
 Jogendra Nath Mandal was Minister for Labour and Law in the first cabinet of Pakistan.
 Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar was Minister for Communications in the first cabinet of Pakistan.
 Hugo Chavez was 45th President of Venezuela from 13 April, 2002 to 5 March, 2013.
 The Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia in 1917.
 Jahangir Khan won British Open Squash Championship 10 times.
 In 2018, German Chancellor Angela Markel was sworn in for Fourth time.
 The World Water day is celebrated every year on 22nd March
 The current president of India is Ram Nath Kovind since 25 July 2017
 Abul Hassan Isphani was Pakistan's first ambassador to US
 Jabir bin Hayan is famous for his work on Chemistry (famous Book: Kitab-al-Kimya).
 The Pakistani scientist who worked under Albert Einstein was Muhammad Raziuddin Siddiqui.
 India represents 70% of South Asia's population.
 Oceans cover 71% of the earth's surface.
 SAPTA is a trade agreement by SAARC nations (SAARC established: 8th December, 1985).
 Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system (closest to Earth).
 Dome of Rock is located in Jerusalem.
 Sindh was separated from Bombay on 1" April, 1936.
 Vasco de Gama was the native of Portugal.
 The largest earth filled dam of the world is Tarbela (Completed: 1976).
 Arab Spring movement in Middle East started from Tunisia.
 Timbuktu is famous city of Mali.
 The Three Gorges Dam is located in China (Yangtze River).
 The first cabinet of Pakistan took oath on 15 August 1947.
 I.I Chundrigar was the Minister for Commerce, Industries and Works in the first
Cabinet of Pakistan.
 Raja Ghazanfar Ali was the Minister for Food, Agriculture, and Health in the first
cabinet of Pakistan.
 Fazl ur Rahman was the Minister for Interior, Information and Education in the first
Cabinet of Pakistan.
 Sir George Cunningham took oath as the first Governor of N.W.E.P
 Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah took oath as the first Governor of Sindh.
 Sir Frederick Chalmers Bourne was the Governor of East Bengal.
 Sir Geoffrey Prior took oath as the Chief Commissioner Baluchistan.
 Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot took oath as Chief Minister of West Punjab.
 General Frank Walter Messervy was the first commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Army.
 Vice Admiral James Wilfred Jeffords was the first Commander-in-Chief of Royal
Pakistan Navy.
 Air Vice Marshal Allan Perry-Keene was the first Commander-in-Chief of Royal
Pakistan Air Force.
 On 30 September,1947 Pakistan was admitted as a member of United Nations.
 Pakistan became the member of NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) in 1979.
 Pakistan became the member of World Bank in 1950.
 Azad Kashmir Government was set up on 24 October.1947
 Objective Resolution was presented in Constituent Assembly on 7 March, 1949 by
Liaqat Ali Khan.
 Lord Mountbatten, Governor General of India, addressed the Constituent Assembly of
Pakistan on 14 August 1947.
 Sir Khawaja Nazimuddin, a former Prime Minister of Bengal, Was the first Chief
Minister of East Bengal after partition.
 Liaqat Ali Khan visited USA in 1950.
 Homer was a great poet of: Greek
 The Gas used to extinguish fire is: CO2
 Balloons are filled with: Helium
 Who invented Paper: China
 Which amendment defines the the boundaries of Pakistan: 1st
 IMF was created after the: Breton wood conference
 Ibn-e-Batuta came to India during reign of: Muhammad bin Tughlaq
 Faraizi Tehreek started in: Bengal
 Frederic Parsy belonged to: France
 ………….. won the 1st Noble Prize in 1901: Frederic Parsy
 “Jallianwala Bagh” is located in: Amritsar
 Ahmed khan kharal the famous character of war of independence belongs to: Jhamara
 Kachura lake is situated in: Skardu
 Aab-e-Hayat is written by: Muhammad Hussain Azad
 Kilauea volcano on Hawaii is the world's most active volcano in the world.
 The term civil disobedience was coined by Henry David Thoreau in 1948
 Niagara Falls was discovered by French explorer, Father Louis Hennepin in December 1678.
 La Tomatina Tomato Fight" is a festival celebrated in Spain
 Napa Valley in California is famous for wine
 The headquarters of the International Tropical Timber Organization is located at Yokohama.
 Amir Khusro's name is associated with the invention of Sitar.
 The common name for the crime of stealing passwords is Spoofing attack.
 Rainfall related to mountains is called orographic rainfall
 Abdullah Abdullah is the Chief Executive of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
 The great book “Al-ltqan Fi Uloom-al-Quran” was composed by Imam Jalaluddin Suyut
 The book “Muslim League Yesterday and Today” was written by A. B. Rajput
 Penology is the study, theory and practice of prison. Management & criminal rehabilitation.
 Waris Shah is called the 'Shakespeare of Punjabi literature.
 Leo Tolstoy was the political guru of Gandhi.
 A parliament in which no political party has enough seats to secure an overall majority
is called Hung Parliament
 The 2023 South Asian Federation games will be hosted by Pakistan
 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were named Time Magazine's 2020 person of the year
 Article 95 of the constitution deals with vote of no confidence.
 Palk Strait separates India from Sri Lanka
 The book Foundations of Pakistan was written by Sharifuddin Pirzada.
 Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August. 1990.
 Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of Homeopathy
 Sargodha is known as the 'City of Shaheens
 The largest section of the Kurd population is living in Turkey.
 Tanjug is the news agency of Serbia.
 Brazil is the only country crossed by both the equator and
 Donbas is a disputed region between Russia and Ukraine.
 Quarantine has been named word of the year by Cambridge Dictionary.
 The 16 year old girl Aava Murto became Finland's Prime Minister for a day.
 The International Day of the Girl Child is observed on 11 October.
 The name of the bomb that was detonated underwater in Poland in WWIl was called Tall Boy.
 The first charter of human rights is Khutba Hajjat-ul-Vida.
 Safety pin was invented by Walter Hunt.
 The scientific study of structure and diseases of teeth is called Odontology
 The famous book of Fiqh "Kitab-ul-Kharaj" was written by mam Abu Yousaf
 Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated in Rawalpindi on 16 Oct 1951
 Khawaja Nazimuddin replaced Liaqat Ali Khan as a PM.
 Baluchistan got status of province on 1 July,1970
 Pakistan purchased the Gwadar enclave from Oman for free as Friendly gift on 8
September 1958.
 The only Vice President in the history of Pakistan is Noor Ul Amin.
 Maharaja Sir Hari Singh (23 September 1895-26 April 1961) was the last ruling
Maharaja of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir in the British Raj and later India.
 National Anthem of Pakistan played for the first time on August 13, 1947.
 K.K.Aziz has written the book entitled "The Making of Pakistan"
 Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan was the leader of Unionist Party.
 Indus Waters Treaty signed on September 19, 1960. between India and Pakistan and
brokered by the World Bank
 The U-2 incident occurred in 1960. (When an American U-2 spy plane was shot down
by the Soviet Air Defence Forces).
 Ahmadis declared Non-Muslim in 1974.
 Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) started on 26 Nov.1964.
 Boundary agreement between Pakistan and China were signed in 1963.
 The Legal Framework Order (LFO) was a decree issued by then-President of Pakistan
Gen. Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan in 1970.
 The Simla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan on 2 July 1972.
 Faiz Ahmed Faiz got Lenin Prize in 1962.
 Dr. Abdus Salam awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979.
 The Nationalization process in Pakistan was a policy measure program in the economic
history of Pakistan, first introduced promulgated and implemented by PM ZAB.
 In Pakistan, the system of compulsory collection & distribution of Zakat and Ushr began
in 1980 with an ordinance decreed by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq.
 General Zia-ul- HaQ, Chief of Army Statf (COAS) who was also serving as the President
of Pakistan, had died in a C-130 Hercules plane, crashed on 17 August 1988.
 US ambassador who died with Zia Ul HAQ was Arnold Lewis Raphel.
 The office of the Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) was created in 1983
 On 29 May 1988, Prime Minister Muhammad Khan Junejo was dismissed by President
Zia Ul Haq.
 Ghulam Ishaq Khan became president of Pakistan in 1988
 Durand Line is the name of the international border between Pakistan and Afghanistan
which was established in 1893.
 Elective Bodies Disqualification Order EBDO was an ordinance passed by Ayub Khan in
1959. Under this, 75 leaders were disqualified from participating in political activities.
 Pakistan’s first nuclear energy plant, Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP), became
operational in 1972.
 Tashkent Declaration was a peace agreement between India and Pakistan signed on 10
January 1966 that resolved the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.
 In 1954, the United States, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, the
Philippines Thailand and Pakistan formed the SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty
 Pakistan became an Islamic Republic on 23rd March,1956
 Pakistan formally left SEATO in 1973. (Because the organization had failed to provide it
with assistance in its ongoing conflict against India.
 In 1955, Pakistan joined the CENTO (also called Baghdad Pact) and left in 1979.
 The One Unit Scheme was a geopolitical programme launched by the Government of
Pakistan led by the then-Prime Minister Muhammad All Bogra on 22 November 1954.
 The province of West Pakistan was dissolved on 1 July 1970 by President General Yahya Khan.
 Martial law was imposed in Lahore to control the sectarian riots against the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community in 1953.
 In 1958, the first Pakistani President Major General Iskander Mirza dismissed the
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan and the government of Prime Minister Feraz Khan
Noon, appointing army commander-in-chief Gen. Ayub Khan as the Chief martial law
 On 25th March 1969 the second Martial law was imposed and General Agha
Muhammad Yahya Khan took-over as the President of Pakistan and Chief Martial Law
Administrator (CMLA).
 On 5th July 1977, third Martial Law was imposed by the Army Chief General
Muhammad Zia Ul HaQ
 Charles Canning was viceroy of India when Indian Council Act 1861 was passed
 Shah Waliullah translated the complete Holy Quran in Persian for the first time.
 Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi was the founder of Jihad Movement in the Subcontinent.
(He was martyred at Balakot during battle against Sikhs in 1831)
 Stanley Wolpert is the author of book 'Jinnah of Pakistan.
 Nawab Salimullah Khan left the politics after the cancellation of partition of Bengal
(Bengal partitioned on 16 October, 1905)
 Swami Dayanand Saraswati was the founder of Shuddhi Movement,(The aim of the
Shuddhi Movement was the conversion of non-Hindus in Hindus particullary Muslims
of Hindu origin)
 Syed Ameer Ali is the author of famous book The Spirit Of Islam
 Muslims and Hindus agreed for separate electorate for Muslims in Lucknow pact. 1916).
 Basic Democracy System was introduced in Pakistan in 1959 by Ayub Khan.
 Maulana Zalar Ali Khan translated Lahore Resolution in Urdu language.
 Scientific Society was established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in 1864.
 Badaruddin Tayabji became the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress.
 The Constitution of 1956 of Pakistan consisted of 234 articles (It was enforced on 23 March 1956)
 The Constitution of 1962 of Pakistan consisted of 250 articles (It was enforced on 8 June 1962)
 The Constitution of 1973 of Pakistan consisted of 280 articles (It was enforced on 14 August 1973)
 Islam was declared as the “State Religion” in Pakistan's Constitution of 1973
 Ayub Khan is the author of the book, “Friends Not Master”
 A book "Myth of Independence" was written by ZA Bhutto.
 Lal Bahadur Shastri was the prime minister of India during the 1965 war between
Pakistan and India.
 Muhammad Ali Jinnah was called the ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity.
 Arfa Software Technology Park is located in? Lahore
 The word Karakorum is? Turkish Word
 Nehru & Ayub Khan signed Indus Water Treaty in 1960 in? Karachi
 1st mosque on the surface of earth? Masjid Ul Haram
 Which Assembly elects president of Pakistan? NA, Senate & Provincial Assembly
 Kamala Haris, VP of USA Belongs to which party? Democratic
 The Pakistan-China boundary agreement finalizing the border between Pakistan and
China was signed in 1963
 Renowned Muslim leader of Pakistan Movement Abdullah Haroon belonged to Sindh Province.
 The Central Muhammadan Association was founded in 1877 by Syed Ameer Ali
 1st amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan is related to demarcation of borders of
Pakistan. (1" amendment: 4 May, 1974).
 ZAB was the author of the book "If 1 am Assassinated" (it was originally published in 1979).
 After the dismissal of the Provincial Movement of Pakistan of Punjab in 1949, Sardar
Abdur Rab Nishtar designated as Punjab Governor (The 1st Pakistani Governor in the
history of Pakistan)
 Gulbadan Begum wrote "Humayun-Nama"
 "Bicameralism" in Pakistan was 1 introduced in the constitution of 1973.
 Nadir Shah King of Persia conquered Delhi in 1739.
 The Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) was established among Pakistan, Iran
and Turkey in 1964 and was annulled in 1979.
 The freedom war 1857 was started from Meerut
 Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb buit the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore in 1673.
 Lord Wavell was known as the penultimate viceroy of the Subcontinent.
 Sultan Mehmood Ghaznvi attacked India 17 times (He was the son of Sabuktigin)
 In 1761, 3rd battle of Panipat was fought and Marathas were defeated
by Ahmed Shah Abdali. (1st battle of Panipat:1526, 2nd battle of Panipat:1556).
 In 1888 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan received the title of Knighthood.
 In 1875 M.A.O. High School was established at Aligarh by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
 In 1877 M.A.0. High School was upgraded to the status of M.A.0.
 College (M.A.0. College was inaugurated by Lord Lytton
 Maulana Shibli Naumani was an Islamic scholar from the Indian Subcontinent during
British Raj.
 Nadwa-tul-Ulema was established in 1894
 The title of Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity was given to Quaid-e-Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah by Sarojini Naidu.
 "Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam" is written by Allama Muhammad lqbal.
 The Objective Resolution was made a part of the 1973 Constitution in 1985.
 When Ayub Khan took over power in 1958, the Prime Minister of Pakistan was Malik
Feroz khan Noon.
 The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) was signed in 1965.
 The Constitution of All India Muslim League was drafted by a Committee in 1907
headed by Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar.
 The most important and famous Urdu newspaper published from Lahore by Maulana
Zafar Ali Khan was Zamindar.
 Article 251 of the 1973 constitution relates to the National Language of Pakistan
 Simon Commission Report was published in 1930.
 Liaquat Ali Khan joined Muslim League in 1923.
 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a Congress leader was called show boy of Congress" by
 On October 24,1954 the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved by
Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad.
 The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) of Pakistan consists of President, National Assembly
and Senate.
 Lahore Resolution of 1940 was moved by A.K Fazalul Haq.
 "llmul-Iqtasad' is written by Allama Muhammad lgbal.
 The Upper House of the Parliament is called Senate and it consists of 100 members.
(The candidate for the Senate must not be less than 30 years of age).
 The Lower House of the Parliament is called National Assembly and it consists of 342
members. (The candidate for the National Assembly must be the age of 25 years).
 The Constitutional Chief of a province is called Governor and it is appointed by The President.
 The Executive Head of the province is called Chief Minister and it is elected by the
provincial assembly).
 On March 1956 Major General Iskandar Mirza became the first elected President of Pakistan.
 Pakistan's ldeology is based on the ideals of Islam.
 Ayub Khan was the president of Pakistan during India China war of 1962.
 Justice Din Muhammad and Justice Muhammad Munir were the members of the
Punjab boundary commission (in the Red Cliff Commission) on behalf of Pakistan.
 Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi was the author of pirpur Report (1938).
 Simla Deputation (1906) was headed by Sir Agha Khan(it was comprised of 35 leaders).
 8th Amendment in the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan was adopted in 1985.
 The Pakistan Forest Institute, a national organization was established in 1947.
 All India National Congress was established by a British civil Servant A.O. Hume in 1885
 Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUP) was built with the help of Canada.
 Al Hilal Newspaper is associated with Abul Kalam Azad
 Qutub-Ul-Din Aibak ruler of Sub-continent died while playing the Chowgan.
(A game akin to polo)
 In 1985, RCD (Regional Cooperation for Development) was replaced by ECO (Economic
Cooperation Organization)
 Lord Wavell Presided over the Simla Conference in 1945.
 The Only National Election held on non-party basis were in1985
 In the Intrim Government 1946, the Minister of Health was Ghazanfar Ali Khan.
 Hazrat Baha-ul-Din Zakariya was prominent sufi Saint of Suhrawardia Order.
 Babar was direct descendent of Timur.
 At its peakpoint, the Mughal Empire was the 2nd largest empire in Indian history after
Mauryan Empire.
 Mughal Empire at its zenith covered an area of Four million square kilo meters.
 Shah Jahan shifted the capital of Mughal Empire from Agra to Delhi in 1648.
 Akbar used Fatehpur Sikri & Lahore as the capitals of Mughal Emperors.
 Sher Shah Suri defeated twice the second emperor of Mughal Dynasty Humayun.
 After defeat by Sur, Humayun fled to Kabul.
 Memogate scandal was related to Pakistan.
 Shahbaz Airbase is located in Jecobabad.
 The Silicon Valley is located in USA.
 Kitab Al Hind the famous book of Al-Beruni about Hindu religion and culture.
 Zaheer Abbas is called the “Bradman of Asia”
 The legendary football player Pele is from Brazil.
 Thomas Cup is associated with Badminton.
 Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in the world.
 Kiwi is the bird having very weak eyesight.
 Biman & Bismillah Airlines belong to Bangladesh.
 The wonder of the world “Taj Mahal” is situated in the Indian state “Uttar Pradesh”
 Rousseau is regarded as the “Father of French Revolution”
 Strait of Malacca separates Malaysia & Indonesia.
 Capital of East Timor is Dili.
 Ibne Batuta Stayed in the court of Muhammad bin Taghluq for several years.
 In 1327, Tughluq ordered to move his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad
 In 1330, Muhammad Bin Taghluq replaced gold and silver coins with coins of brass
and copper as the currency.
 Feroz Shah Taghluq promoted canal irrigation system in sub-continent.
 Sayed Khizar khan was the founder of the sayed dynasty of the of the Delhi sultanate.
 The Lodhi Dynasty was founded by Bahlol Lodhi.
 Fatehpur Sikri was built by Emperor Akbar.
 Gulbaden Begum was the author of “hamayun Nama” and sister of Mughal King Hamayun.
 Hamida Banu was mother of Akbar.
 Akbar the Great was born in Umerkot.
 The Main aim of Brahmo Samaj was Reform in Hinduism.
 Tomb of Akbar is at Sikandara.
 Mahmud Started his attackes on India in 1000 AD.
 Mahmud attacked on Somnath in 1025 AD.
 Kitab Ul Hind was written in 1030 AD.
 Slave Dynasty ruled from 1206 to 1290.
 Mongols conquered Lahore briefly in 1241.
 Saint Rukn-e-Alam lived during the rule of Muhammad bin Taghluq.
 Khilji Dynasty ruled from 1290-1320.
 Alauddin Khilji defeated Mongols in their attack on Delhi in 1299.
 Amir Khusrau was part of court of Alauddin Khilji.
 Akbar assumed the titles of Mujadid-Azam and Imam-i-Adil.
 Sheikh Ahmed Sirhandi wanted Jizya to be re-imposed on Hindus.
 Sheikh Ahmed Sirhandi passed away on 10 Dec 1624.

Shah Waliullah translated Holy Quran in Persian Language in 1737-38.
In his w ork H ujjat-ul lah-al-Balig ha, Shah Waliulla h d iscussed the i mpo rta nce of Ij iti had.

 Syed Ahmed started Jihad Movement in 1823.

 In the time Syed Ahmed, Punjab was ruled by the Sikh ruler Ranjit Singh.
 Ranjit Singh was popularly known as Sher-e-Punjab.
 Syed Ahmed was decalred Amir-ul-Momneen in 1827.
 “The Politics” is considered as the 1st book on the art of Government written b Aristotle.
 Ali Makhdum Hajweri, popularly known as Hazrat Data Gunj Bux, came to India with
Sultan Masud of Gazni.
 Full name of Mughal Emperor Babar is Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad.
 Full name of Mughal Emperor Akbar is Abu Al-Fath Jalal-Ul-Din Muhammad Akbar.
 Full name of Mughal Emperor Jahangir is Nur-ud-din Muhammad Saleem
 Full name of Mughal Emperor Humayun is Nasir-ud-Din Muhammad
 Full name of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan is Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Khuram
 Full name of Mughal Emperor Aurangeb is Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad.
 Full name of Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar is Mirza Abu Zafar Siraj-ud-Din
 Mughal Emperor was founded as the result of 1st war of Panipat (1526)
 Mughal Emperor was dissolved as the result of War of Independence (1857)
 Mughal Empire reigned from 1526-1857.
 Quaid-e-Azam inaugurated the State bank of Pakistan on 1st July 1948.
 Pakistan’s first postage stamp is issued 9th July 1948.
 Pakistan was the Muslim Country to recognize the China.
 Pakistan has six designated UNESCO world Heritage sites.
 Pakistan has the Highest Paved International road the Karakoram Highway.
 Blind dolphin, found in the water of Indus River, is the 2nd most endangered freshwater
dolphin species in the world.
 Construction of Badshahi Mosque was completed in 1673.
 Sohail Abbas the highest goal scorer in the history of Field Hockey.
 Arabs were the 1st to invade Inda.
 Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered Sindh during Ummayads.
 Siskar was Wazir of Raja Dahir.
 The Abbasid Governor Hisham came to Sindh in 757 AD.
 Ibn Batuta visited India in the reign of Muhammad Bin Tughluq.
 Mughal Emperor Babur used artillery in warfare.
 Mughal Emperor Akbar prohibited the practice of Sati.
 Hazrat Nizam Ud Din Auliy’s Dargah is located at Delhi.
 Baba farid Gang Shakar was the 1st Punjabi Poet.
 Ghulam Muhammad dissolved 1st Constitutional assembly on 24th Oct 1954.
 Major-General Iskander Mirza sworn in as 1st President of Pakistan on 23 March 1956.
 Soviet Union awarded Lenin Prize to Faiz Ahmed Faiz for his literary contribution on 1st
June 1962.
 President Ayub Khan inaugurated Pakistan Television Lahore Station 26 November 1964.
 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Chief of Awami League announces his six points in Karachi
on 12 Feb 1965.
 Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah dies in Karachi on 9 July 1967.
 Ahmed Shah Abdali was king of Kabul.
 Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated Marhatas in 1761.
 Pan Islamist introduced by Jamaluddin Afghani.
 Nadir Shah of Iran invaded Delhi during the period of Muhammad Shah Rangila
(The Mughal Emperor)
 4th May 1799 was the day of Shahadat of Tipu Sultan.
 Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi is known as Mujaddid Alf Sani.
 Shah Waliullah was in 1703 and Dies in 1762.
 First census in India made during the period of Lord Mayo
 Sati was abolished by Lord William Bantinck.
 Anti-Muslim Arya Samaj was founded by Dayanand Sarwasti in 1875.
 The main aim of Brahamo Samaj was Reforms in Hinduism.
 Battle of Buxar was fought in 1764.
 Syed Ahmed of Rai Brelli was the founder of Jehad Movement against Sikhs, he was
martyred Which kind of system of Government was introduced in 1973 constitution?
 In constitution of 1973 what age is specified for a person to contest for the Election to
National Assembly? 25
 In constitution 1973 what number of seats in Senate was set? 10
 Article 58(2b) of constitution 1973 is about: Power of President to dissolve National Assembly
 The ‘Kashaf-ul-Mahjub’ was written by? Hazrat Data Gunj Buksh (R.A)
 Who reviewed the famous book “The Indian Musalmans” in 1872? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
 Indian Council Act 1858 was passed on? 2nd August 1858
 The book, “Khutbat e Ahmadia’ is written by? Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
 Indian Independence Act’ was enforced on? 15th August 1947
 In which year British East India Company occupied Punjab? 1849
 In which year the Kashmiris started their freedom movement against Dogra rule before
the partition of the sub-continent? 1930
 In which year Syed Jamal-u-din Afghani died? 1897
 The area between rivers Jhelum and Chenab is called? Chaj
 The founder of All India Muslim League Nawab Salimullah Khan belonged to? Dhaka
 The Indus Waters Treaty was signed on 19 Sept 1960
 The founder of Lodhi dynasty was Bahlul Lodhi.
 Qutub-ud-Din Aibak was the first independent Muslim King crowned in 1206 AD at
 The title of Lakh Baksh earned by Qutub-ud-din Aibak
 First battle of Tarain was fought in 1191 A.D
 Second batte of Tarain was fought in 1192 A.D.
 Sindh was separated from Bombay on 1 April 1936.
 The Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia in 1917.
 Grand Trunk (G.T Road) was constructed by Sher Shah Suri.
 Taj Mahal was constructed by Shah Jahan.
 First battle of Panipat was fought in 1526 A.D.
 Second battle of Panipat was fought in 1556 A.D.
 Third battle of Panipat was fought in 1761 A.D.
 War of Independence was fought in 1857 A.D.
 The Battle of Plassey was fought in 1757 A.D.
 Shah Walliullah was born in 1703 A.D.
 Shah Walliullah translated the Holy Quran into Persian.
 World War I was started in 1914 A.D.
 SAARC secretariat is located in Kathmandu
 The search for suitable words of National Anthem with the music set by A.G. Chagla
finally ended with the approval won 13" August 1954.
 Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan presented the Chenab Formula to resolve the Kashmir
 Qutub-ud-Din Aibak became ruler of India in 1206 A.D
 Babur came to India originally from Farghana.
 SAARC was formed in Dhaka on December 8, 1985.
 G. M. Ayub Khan was the first Muslim Commander-in-Chief of Army.

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was appointed a member of Imperial Council in 1877.
 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan received the title of Knighthood.
 M.A.O High School established at Aligarh in 1875.
 M.A.O High School was inaugurated by Lord Lytton.
 M.A.O High School was upgraded to the status of a college in 1877.
 M.A.O High School became university in 1920.
 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan set up Scientific Society at Ghazipur in 1864.
 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan formed British India Association at Aligarh in 1866.
 “the Life of Muhammad” was written by William Muir.
 Sir Syed Ahmed khan was born 17th Oct, 1817 AD in Delhi.
 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan died on March 27, 1898 in Aligarh.

 In 1240. A.D Razia Sultana was assassinated by her brother Baharam Shah.
 In 1025 A.D Mehmood attacked Somnat.
 Somnat is located in Indian Gujrat.
 Jalal-ul-din Khilji was founder of Khilji Dynasty.
 Fort William college was founded in 1800 A.D
 Bahadur Shah Zafar Become the king of India in 1837.
 Sindh was annexed by British in 1843.
 Mujadid Alif Sani introduced Wahdat-ul-Shahood.
 The Founder of Tughlaq dynasty was Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq.
 Muhammad Bin Tughlaq shifted the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad in 1327.
 Mughal Emperor Babar completed Babri Mosque at Ayodha from 1528 to 1529.
 Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992.
 Babar Built Bala Hissar Fort near Peshawar.
 Khizr Khan was founder of Sayyed Dynasty.
 Bahlul Lodhi was founder of Lodhi Dynasty.
General Knowledge
 Jakarta is the world's fastest sinking city as fast as 10 centimeters per year
 The longest lunar eclipse of the 21t century occurred on 27 July 2018.
 The bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe That is called Bosphorus
 Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989
 The Great Wall of China is about 21.196km long
 The study of spiders is called arachnology
 Agriculture shot is a term related to cricket.
 International Day of Education is celebrated on 24 January
 Highest point of South America is Mount Aconcagua (Argentina) and lowest point is
Valdes Peninsula (Argentina)
 The first ATM (automated teller machine) was installed in London in 1967
 The inventor of copy, paste and cut is Larry Tesler
 Amir Khusro's name is associated with the invention of Sitar
 The Sun Temple of Konark is located in Odisha state of India.
 31st May is observed as World's No Tobacco day.
 Ali Makhdum Hajweri, popularly known as Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh, came to India with
Sultan Masud of Gazni
 Lan Fleming created the character of James Bond.
 Sultan Mohammed Ghori defeated Prithvi Raj at the Second Battle of Tarrain in 1192.
 Portuguese East Africa is the old name of Mozambique.
 Mongolia is the second largest landlocked country in the world.
 3rd May is observed as World's Press Freedom day.
 The book "Unsafe at Any Speed" was an attack on Automobiles.
 "On China', published book, is written by Henry Kissinger (USA)
 Qantas is an airline of Australia
 The first Foreign Minister of Pakistan was Sir Muhammad Zafarullah
 The most famous court poet of Akbar was Abdur Rahim Khan-i- Khanah,
 Shah Jehan Mughal ruler has been called as the "Prince of Builders"
 Agra Fort was built by Akbar.
 The Red Fort of Delhi was built by Shah Jahan.
 The Mughal paintings reached its zenith during the reign of Jehangir.
 Taxila was a famous site of Gandhara Art.
 The structure of Qutab Minar was completed by lIitumish.
 Baland Darwaza is situated in Fatehpur Sirki,
 The study of spiders is called arachnology
 The current president of International Court of Justice is Joan E. Donoghue.
 Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the father of English poetry.
 Blue color of sky is due to Tyndall Effect.
 Saudi Arabia became first country to grant a robot citizenship
 Al-Qarawiyyin University, the world's oldest university is located in Fez, Morocco,
 Caffeine is the most important stimulant in tea leaves.
 Acid rain contains high level of Sulphuric and nitric acid.
 The inventor of copy, paste and cut is Larry Tesler
 Dhaka & Istanbul are called the “City of Mosques”
 Island of Cloves is the nickname of Madagascar Indian Ocean (Old Name Malagasy.
 Diet is the parliament of Japan, Knesset is parliament of Israel.
 “Antwerp” is the seaport of Belgium
 Bhutan South Asian country is landlocked.
 Largest landlocked country by the area is Kazakhstan.
 Largest Landlocked country by population is Ethiopia.
 Silk Airways are an airline of Singapore.
 1 Nautical mile is equal to 1852m
 1st Conference of NAM was held in Sep1961 in Belgrade
 HQ of International Atomic Energy Agency is loced in Vienna capital of Austria
(Established in 29th July 1957)
 The height of the wickets used in the game of cricket is 28 Inches,
 USA won the most Olympic titles USA 1022, Russia 440.
 FSB is the intelligence agency of Russia. It was called KGB in Past
 Calcutta is situated on the bank of Hooghly River.
 The Equator is the great circle (It divides earth into two Sphere)
 Kyzyl-Kum desert is located in Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan
Uzbekistan Currency Som, Kazakhstan Currency Tengy)
 The largest country in land size in Russia (Smallest country in area is Vatican city also
known as Holy See, Pope Francis (Born: Argentina) is the head of the Catholic Church
lived in Vatican City.
 Congo River (formerly known as Zaire River crosses the Equator Twice (length 4370 km)
 3rd Battle of Tarain battles was fought in 1216 AD.
 “Freedom Air” is an Airline of News Zealand.
 One the bank of River Tigris Baghdad, Mosul (Iraq) and Diyarbakir (Turkey) cities are
 Palk Strait separates India from Sri Lanka
 The book Foundations of Pakistan was written by Sharifuddin Pirzada.
 Iraq invaded Kuwait on 2 August1990
 Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of Homeopathy
 The largest section of the Kurd population is living in Turkey.
 Sargodha is known as the “City of Shaheens”
 Tanjug is the news agency of Serbia.
 Brazil is the only country Crossed by both the equator and Tropic of Capricorn
 The disease small pox has been completely eradicated from the world because of effective
 Ostrich is the largest bird in the world (Biggest Mammal is Whale.
 Farakka Dam on river Ganges is disputed b/w India & Bangladesh.
 In Nairobi, days and nights are equal all through year.
 League of Nations is oldest organization of world.
 English Poet John Keats died at age of 26 years.
 China has the largest army in the world.
 Privatization is transfer of the government businesses to private sector.
 Liberty, Equality, Fraternity was the slogan during The French Revolution, 1789
 Wright Brothers are widely famous for their invention of aero Plane.
 The world’s largest land frontier is b/w Canada & US.
 “Interfax” is the news agency of Russia.
 Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) was established on 21st July, 1964, by Iran,
Pakistan & Turkey.
 Every year, 5th June is observed as World Environmental day.
 The book “Khaki Shadows” is written by Khalid Mahmud Arif.
 Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq was written by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.
 The court call to person in law is called Summons.
 Agoraphobia is a fear of open places.
 Stephenson invented the Steam Locomotive.
 Insulin is produced by Pancreas.
 A person with shortsightedness (Myopia) can see near object clearly.
 Remission systems mean decrease in imprisonment.
 Mother Theresa was born in Albania.
 The Lighthouse of Alexandria' is among the Seven Wonders of the World, located in Egypt.
 The term of office of a Judge of International Court of Justice is Nine years.
 The world's largest glacier is Lambert.
 McMahon Line' is a boundary between China and India.
 Niagara Falls is situated in USA & Canada.
 Teacher's day is observed internationally on 5 October.
 Ramallah is the headquarters of Palestinian Authority situated at West Bank.
 14 points of Woodrow Wilson were presented before a joint meeting of Congress on 8
January, 1918.
 English Channel separates England from France.
 DVD stands for Dynamic Versatile Disc.
 World Press Freedom Day is observed on 3rd May.
 Al-Hawt was written by Abu Bakar Ibn Zakaria Razi.
 Riz Ahmed has become the first Muslim actor to be nominated on 9 April, 2021 for Oscar
 White Bellbird is the world's loudest bird
 Salat-e-Istasqa is performed at the occasion of shortage of rain.
 Albania declared itself first atheist state in the world in 1967,
 Caffeine is the most important stimulant in tea leaves.
 Acid rain contains high level of Sulphur and nitric acid.
 Optic Fibrs are mainly used for which of the following: Communication
 Which was the 1st missile launched by Pakistan: Hatf
 “Scurvy” is the disease of: Gums
 ………. Is the Head of Province in Pakistan: Governor
 Airbus is a brand of: France
 “No dynasty lasts more than three generations is the theory of: Ibe-E-Khadoon
 Diplomatic case arose between USA and Iran in 1979.
 Jinnah Antarctic Station was established in January 1991 in Antarctica by Pakistan.
 When the stock market is going down, it is called Bearish.
 Fiber optics technology is being used in Telecommunication
 “Diego Garcia” is a United State ‘Naval Base’ in Indian Ocean.
 “No dynasty lasts more than three generations” is the theory of Ibn-e-Khaldun.
 Damascus is the oldest inhabited capital in the world.
 “Temple Trees” is an official residence of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.
 The parliament of Spain is called ‘Cortes
 The famous oil painting “Mona Lisa” is the creation of Leonardo da Vinci.
 The parliament of Spain is called ‘Cortes
 The world’s largest copper producer country is Chile.
 The earth’s rotation on its axis is from West to East.
 “Insomnia” means Inability to sleep.
 “Ornithology” is the study of Birds.
 The world’s most populous city is Tokyo.
 “A Tale of Two Cities” is a famous novel of Charles Dickens.
 “Taipei” is the capital of Taiwan.
 Eiffel Tower is located in Paris
 Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was started in 1961.
 ‘Mauritius’ is an island state in the Indian Ocean
 The theory of ‘Clash of Civilizations’ was presented by Samuel P. Huntington.
 The world’s highest waterfall Angel is located in Venezuela.
 The largest island in the world is Greenland
 Photophobia is a fear of Light.
 Texas, US state, is called “The Lone Star Republic”
 The US purchased Alaska from Russia on March 30, 1867
 POTA stands for Prevention of Terrorist Act.
 Camcorder is a word used for Video camera.
 John Napier invented logarithms in 1614.
 Harvard University is the oldest university of USA.
 Dr Ahmad Sukarno was the first President of Indonesia.
 U Thant, the third Secretary-General of United Nations from 1961-71, belonged to
 Hundred-Year War was fought from 1337 to 1453 between France and England.
 Kyoto Protocol, the UN Convention on Climate Change was enforced in February 2005.
 Amazon is the longest river of South America.
 Liverpool is situated on the bank of Mersey River.
 Nile is the longest river in the world.
 Michelangelo was a famous Painter (Italian).
 The Sea of Galilee is located in Israel.
 The first Muslim scientist who presented the law of reflection and refraction was
lbn al-Haitham.
 The world's largest Wool producer country is Australia.
 Senkaku Island is disputed between China and Japan.
 Paris is situated on the bank of Seine River.
 The foreign phrase De Facto means in fact
 Mount Ararat is the longest peak of Turkey.
 Dublin is situated on the bank of river Liffey River
 Abyssinia is the old name of Ethiopia.
 Bhutan is known as the Land of Thunderbolt.
 UK is known as 'Mistress of Seas'
 Pakistan has won first World Cup hockey in 1971
 Carbon dioxide gas is the major cause of global warming.
 Anaemia is a deficiency in the number or quality of red blood cells in human body.
 "Petra" is the news agency of Jordan.
 Britain's secret intelligence service is called MI6.
 Israel snatched 'Golan Heights' in 1967 from Syria.
 "Alexandria" is the seaport of Egypt.
 Freetown is the capital of Sierra Leone.
 The world's first international airline KLM (Netherlands
 Operated its first flight on May 17, 1920.
 Among the SAARC countries, the smallest by area and population is Maldives.
 May 31 is observed throughout the world as No Smoking Day.
 Sun Yat-sen was the First President of the Chinese Republic.
 News agency AIP belongs to Afghanistan.
 Headquarters of United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (established in
1946) is located in New York.
 Southern Rhodesia's new name is Zimbabwe.
 Belize was formerly known as British Honduras.
 The Tripitaka is sacred book of Buddhism.
 Red Cross was established in 1863 by Jean Henry Dunant
 The celebrated novel The Godfather was authored by Mario Puzo.
 Nobel Peace Prize winner M. Younas was born in 1940 at Chittagong.
 Flag of Red Cross is the reverse of the flag of Switzerland.
 Margaret Thatcher has written the famous book The Downing Street Years.
 Karl Marx wrote 'Das Kapital'
 1st Asian Amartya Sen got Nobel Prize in economics in 1998.
 The highest peak of salt Range is Sakesar.
 Mumbai is the new name of Bombay.
 International Scout Day is observed on 22nd February.
 Rio de Janerio' is the seaport of Brazil.
 Danube is the second longest river of Europe.
 In the Line of Fire' was first published from London.
 Mississippi is the longest river of North America.
 ASEAN was established in 1967.
 Chenab River of Punjab is associated with Sohni Mahiwal legend.
 Jansher Khan is associated with Squash.
 Tarbela is the world's largest Earth-filled dam.
 The first Captain of Pakistan Nation Cricket Team was Abdul Hafeez Kardar.
 MOSSAD is the intelligence agency of Israel.
 Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks.
 Capital of Turkey is Ankara.
 Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.
 Emmanuel Macron is the president of France.
 The Olympic Games are held after every four years
 Amnesty International is an organization for Human rights.
 Scotland Yard is the police force of UK
 Tiger Woods is a famous player of Golf.
 Julia Gillard was the Prime Minister of Australia.
 Mr. Muhammad Younas of Bangladesh got Nobel Prize for his contribution in the field
of Economics
 Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba.
 White Flag is known as a symbol of Peace.
 Davis Cup is associated with sports Tennis.
 The currency of China is called Yuan.
 Father of the nation of Indonesia is Sukarno.
 The first Prime Minister of Bangladesh was Tajuddin Ahmad.
 Vladimir Putin is the President of Russia.
 Khyber Pass connects Peshawar with Afghanistan.
 Malika-e-Taranum was the tit given to Noor Jahan,
 Copper element is named after the country Cyprus.
 Mahathir Muhammad was the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
 River Amu Darya flows through Central Asia and Afghanistan.
 The Muslim Andalus was located in Spain.
 SAARC secretariat is located in Kathmandu.
 Sarajevo is a capital of Bosnia,
 Sir Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of United Kingdom.
 The Second World War was fought between the years 1939-1945.
 European Union has 27 member states.
 People of New Zealand are known as Kiwis.
 Ceylon is the old name of Sri Lanka
 United Nations Organization (UNO) was formed in 1945.
 Tibet is known as the roof of the word.
 Allama Dr Sarfraz Hussain Naeemi Shaheed has been awarded Tamgha-e-Shujaat.
 The present US Secretary of States is Antony Blinken
 The Declaration of Independence of USA was announced on July 4, 1776.
 Abu Ghraib Prison is in Iraq.
 Wimbledon Tennis Grounds are in England.
 Nairobi is the capital of Kenya.
 Author of “Paradise Lost & Regained” was John Milton.
 Asgheri and Akbar are characters of Mirut Ul Aroos Urdu Novel
 Karl Marx wrote the “ Communist Manifesto”
 Euclid is known as the “father of Geometry”
 Pakistan Played First Twenty20 International (T20I) match against which country?
 “Donbass” is a disputed region between? Russia & Ukraine
 Where is Katpana desert located? Skardu, Pakistan
 What is the height of Diamer Basha Dam? 272m
 How many Islamic Republics are there in the world? 4
 “NIKKEI” is a stock exchange index of ________? Tokyo
 Which country has maximum languages? Papua New Guinea
 The Width of Suez Canal is_______? 205m
 Florida strait is located between:________? Cuba and Bahamas
 Which land of country is below the sea level? Netherlands
 Which country has the unwritten constitution? England
 Who coined the name of United Nations? F.D Roosevelt
 Afghanistan is separated from Central Asia by:____? Oxus river
 The most dispersed country in the world is: _____? Maldives
 Egypt connects the two continents: Asia and Africa
 White Bellbird is the World’s Loudest Bird:
 Which of the following pairs of City and River is correct? Baghdad — Tigris
 Which mountain system lies between the Black sea and the Caspian sea? Caucasus
 Name the country shares 16 borders with other states:__? China
 CEYLON was changed to SRI LANKA in:________? 1972
 BURMA was changed to MYANMAR in:___________? 1989
 What percentage of land is cultivable in the world? 11%
 What percentage of land is cultivable in the world? Loas
 Who is writer book ‘Cutting edge? Javed Mian Dad
 Rousseau was__________? Political Philosopher
 The bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe is called_____________?
Bosporus Bridge
 Which city is also called The City of 1,000 Minarets? Cairo
 When Bangladesh celebrates it’s Independence Day? 26 April
 Picture of which US President is on the 5 dollar note? Abraham Lincoln
 Name the only US president who also served as the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court?
Howard Taft
 The currency of Azerbaijan is Manat.
 Diego Garcia is an island in Indian Ocean
 Cultivation of grapes is called viticulture.
 The first Pakistani is hoist the Pakistan flag at the North & South Pole is Namira Salim.
 “Fleet Street” is situated in London.
 “Ribbon Falls” is located in Southern Africa.
 “Kalahari Desert” is located in South Africa.
 The Capital of Albania is Tirana.
 The Noble Prize for peace is given in the city of Oslo.
 The Capital of Croatia is Zagreb.
 The 1st Pakistani who became the judge of International Court of Justice ICJ was
Sir Zafarullah Khan.
 The UN Security Council consists of 15 members.
 The highest literacy rate among the SAARC countries is in Maldives.
 The distance of a place south or north of Equator is called Latitude.
 Thailand is called land of free people.
 “Asia Watch” is a Human Rights Organizations established in 1985 (HQ New York)
 Pakistan Separated from Tajikistan by Wakhan Corridor (Length : 350 KM)
 Taiwan was separated from China after communist Revolution on 1st Oct 1949.
 Dead Sea is lying b/w Israel & Jordan (Lowest point of the World.
 Big Ben, a huge clock, was installed at British Parliamnet in 1859.
 UNO’s Oil & Food program is associated with Iraq. (Formed 1995, Dissolved 2013)
 R.N Tagore was the first Asian received th Nobel Prize in 1913 in Literature.
 Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of USA during WWI (Belonged to Democratic
Party, Noble Peace Prize 1919. (Woodrow Wilson 14 Points 8th Jan. 1918.
 James Prescott Joule Britain discovered the “First Law of Thermodynamics”
 The Colorado River which flows through the canyon, touches even states of USA.
 Vasco de Gama discovered the sea route from Europe to India.
 Maria Montessori's name is associated with Child education.
 The first navigator to sail around the world was Magellan,
 The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal.
 Gourde is the currency of Hait.
 The headquarters of International Court of Justice is locatedin The Hague
 The term of office of a judge of the International Court of Justice is 9 years.
 Red Cross was founded by J.H. Dunant.
 The world's largest glacier is Lambert.
 "Alexandria" is the seaport of Egypt.
 Wall Street, New York is famous for Stock Exchange Market.
 Zionism is the nationalist movement of the Jews.
 Fourth Estate means The Press
 Food is cooked quickly in a pressure cooker because Boiling point of water is increased.
 Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Tin.
 The major constituent of air is Nitrogen
 The first metal used by man was Copper.
 An element common to all acids is Hydrogen
 SAARC Disaster Management Centre was set up in October 2006 at New Delhi.
 The largest earthquake by magnitude in 20th century was recorded in 1960 at Valdivia
 Charles Francis Richter of US developed Richter scale to measure Magnitude of
 Thomas Cup is the prize associated with Badminton.
 Zaheer Abbas is called the “Bradman of Asia”
 Pakistan won the first Hockey Gold Medal in Olympic
 Games of 1960 held in Rome
 Dilute acetic acid is the chemical name of Vinegar,
 Lactometer is an instrument for measuring Density of milk,
 Ampere is a unit of Electric current.
 Oasis is associated with Desert.
 Kitab al Hind the famous book of Al-Beruni where he details Hindu religion and culture.
 The instrument which measures very high temperature is called Pyrometer
 Chemicals which kill rats and mice are Rodenticides
 Juha Sipila was the Prime Minister of Finland.
 The Silicon Valley is located in USA.
 Memo gate scandal was related to Pakistan.
 Khartoum is the capital of Sudan.
 Rand' is the currency of South Africa.
 The capital of Kosovo is Pristina,
 UN General Assembly approved Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in 1996.
 The Imaginary line of zero degree longitude which passes through Greenwich is called
Meridian (Greenwich is in UK, GMT Established on 1st Nov. 1884.
 In 2012, United Nations granted the Palestinians with the Status of Non-member
Observer State.
 The New status of Palestinians at the United Nations will make them equal in diplomatic
status to Holy See is also called Vatican City.
 The capital city of Libya is Tripoli (Independent from Kingdom of Italy 10th Feb, 1947.
Current Diner
 Turkey is called Sick man of Europe (Capital Ankara) Since 1923.
 The Tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa (Dubai) which rises 828 Meters
(2717 ft) and contains 209 floors, Completed in 2010.
 Jordan River is most often mentioned in the Bible (Considered Holy by Christians)
 Current G.S of OIC is Dr. Yousef Bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen Saudi Arabian (17th Nov. 2017)
 OIC was formed on 25th Sep 1969, HQ Jeddah. Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysian) was
1st Secretary of General of OIC.
 King Fahd International Airport, Dammam Saudi Arabia is the Largest (Area-wise)
airport of the World (Area 776 km2)
 “Pravda” is most important newspaper of Russia.
 The Winner Stands Alone written by Paulo Coelho.
 Longest Glacier of the world is Lambert situated in Antacatica (length 250 miles)
 The “Old Man and the Sea” is written by Ernest Hemingway.
 Al-Azhar University is situated in Cairo.
 Ethiopia was earlier known as Abyssinia (Capital Addis Abbaba
 Belga is the news agency of Belgium.
 Liverpool & Bristol is the seaport of UK.
 Santiago is the capital of Chile.
 10 Downing Street is the residence of British Prime Minister.
 Xi Jinping is the president of China.
 Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is the president of Egypt
 Khartoum is the capital Sudan
 Adil Abdul-Mahdi is the Prime Minister of Iraq.
 Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan.
 Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan.
 The Capital of Nigeria is Abuja.
 The Headquarters of OPCW (Organization for the prohibition of
Weapons) is located in the Hague.
 The South East Asian Country Myanmar was previously known by the Burma.
 UN High commissioner for Human Rights located in Geneva.
 Borstal Jails/Institutions are meant for Juvenile Prisoners.
 In Security Council of the UN the five permanent members can exercise of
the Power of Veto.
 Veto Power is not possessed by Germany.
 Members of SAARC are Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh & Afghanistan.
 SAARC Movement was launched for Regional Cooperation.
 The Headquarters of UNESCO is in Paris.
 Sweden is a not member of NATO.
 G-15 is an economic group of Developing Countries.
 The Head Quarter of ILO is in Geneva.
 The Special Agency UN set up to improve standards of educations and
strengthen the international cooperation in this sphere is called UNESCO
 The Headquarter of UNHCR is located at Geneva
 Iran is not a member of SAARC.
 Iraq was the 1st country to withdraw from CENTO.
 UNESCO is a cultural organization.
 Inter Alia Means “Among other things”
 John F. Kennedy was the youngest elected president of USA.
 Pamir (Tibet) mountain range is also known as “Roof of the World”
 The Knesset is the Parliament of Israel.
 Plutophobia a fear of Wealth.
 Aero Asia the airline of Pakistan.
 European Union has 27 members states.
 Barack Obama was 44th President of USA.
 Wall Street, New York, is famous for Stock Exchange Market.
 Zionism is the national movement of Jews.
 Ceylon is the old name of Srilanka.
 The Place known as the roof of the world is Tibet.
 Nairobi is the capital of Kenya.
 Wimbledon Tennis grounds are in England.
 Author of “Paradise Lost & Regained” was John Milton.
 Euclid is known as the “father of Geometry”
 Onyx is a kind of Marble.
 Amnesty International is organization for Human Rights.
 Tiger Woods is a famous player of Gold.
 Guantanamo Bay is situated in Cuba.
 Tennis is associated with Davis Cup.
 White Flag is known as a symbol of Surrender.
 The Muslim Andalus was located in Spain.
 Muhyiddin Yasin is the current PM of Malaysia.
 The 1st PM of Bangladesh is Tajuddin Ahmed.
 Father of the nation of Indonesia is Sukarno.
 Cybercrime is related to Information Technology.
 Mongolia is a landlocked country.
 Pentagon is the Military HQ of USA.
 Junko Taibi was the first women to climb Everest.
 The Common wealth of Nations was established in 1931.
 (ASEAN) was established on August 1967.
 World Environmental day is observed on 5th June.
 The Foreign Phrase “Aqua Pura” mean Pure Water.
 Freetown is the capital of Sierra Leone.
 Ronald Amundson is the 1st persons who reached South Pole in 1911.
 The Tripitaka is sacred book of Buddhism.
 Southern Rhodesia’s new name of Zimbabwe.
 Tegula is the 2nd highest waterfall of world.
 Dragon is the national symbol of China.
 Arab League was established in 22nd March 1945 with HQ in Cairo (League has 22
members but Syria suspended since November 2011)
 Suez Canal (Egypt) constructed from 25th Sep. 1859 to 17 Nov. 1869, connects
Mediterranean with Red Sea. The Length of Suez Canal in Kilometers is 193.30 KM
(120.11 mile.
 OPEC was formed was on 14th Sep. 1960 (Bagdad its HQ in Vienna capital of Austria
(15 Countries members)
 The First Republican 16th President of America was Abraham Lincoln elected in 1861
(Assissinated on 15th April 1865)
 “Emirates” established on 25th March 1985 is an airline of Dubai (UAE)
 Nepal is called “land of mountains “Capital Kathmandu” Currency “Nepalese Rupee”
 Amaan is the capital of Jordan.
 The headquarters of OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) is
located in The Hague.
 The capital city of Nigeria is Abuja.
 Baku is the capital city of Azerbaijan.
 Khewra mines are known for their huge deposits of Rock Salt.
 OGRA is the regulatory body for Oil and gas.
 Taj Mahal built at Agra is the mausoleum of Mumtaz Mahal.
 Pakistan Steel Mill was established on 2 July.1973.
 Cybercrime is related to Information Technology.
 The Universal Declaration on Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations on 10
December, 1948.
 IMF stands for International Monetary Fund (formed: 1944 Bretton Woods, USA).
 Khartoum is the capital of Sudan.
 The Indus Waters Treaty was signed on 19 September, 1960.
 Rafael Nadal is a Spanish famous player of Tennis.
 Haider al-Abadi was the Prime Minister of Iraq from 2014 to 2018.
 'Ashes' Cricket Series is played between England and Australia.
 The headquarters of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is located in Geneva,
 Bashar Al-Assad is Current & the 19 President of Syria since July 2000.
 Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was the self-styled leader of DAESH
 Religion Shintoism is followed in Japan.
 The headquarters of FAO is in Rome (formed: 16 Oct, 1945).
 The earliest Surat factories were established by the English.
 International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer is observed on 16th September.
 Belgium is called The Battlefield of Europe' ("crossroads of Europe", "cockpit of Europe").
 Rome is called the Eternal City.
 Taklamakan desert is situated in China.
 Greenwich Mean Time was established in 1884.
 Lake Tana is present in Ethiopia.
 The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal.
 Tom Jones' book was written by Henry Fielding.
 Anwar Saddat was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1978 (President and PM of Egypt).
 WAM' news agency belongs to UAE (formed: November 1976).
 Ronald Amundsen was the first person who reached South Pole in 1911.
 Robert-e-Peary was the first American to reach North Pole in 1909.
 Brontophobia is a fear of thunder and lightning.
 Aviophobia is a fear of Flying.
 USA is the largest shareholder of World Bank (17.25%).
 Headquarters of World Bank is located in Washington DC (members: 189).
 The new name of British Guiana is Guyana.
 Al-Beruni discovered the radius of the earth, which was 6338 km.
 Neruda waterfall is located in USA
 Regicide term is used for the "Murder of a King.
 One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil is known as Cynic.
 NIPA stands for National Institute of Public Administration.
 The Declaration of Independence of USA was announced on July 4, 1776.
 The Bolshevik Revolution is associated with Russia.
 Nelson Mandela was the first President of South Africa
 Scientific socialism is connected with Karl Marx.
 The Magna Carta is a historical document curbing the king's power.
 Democracy Wall is located in China.
 John Keats, poet and author of La Bella Dame Sans Merci, is a poet of England.
 Hitler is known as Der Führer.
 Second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan is Tajik.
 Kyoto was the old capital of Japan.
 RADAR stands for Radio Detection and Ranging.
 Sudan celebrated its independence day on 1st January.
 Dead Sea is the saltiest lake in the world.
 Louis Bleriot was the first person to fly across the English Channel.
 New Zealand was the first country to give women a right to vote in 1893
 The headquarters of the Inter parliamentary Union (PU) is located in Geneva.
 Asia's largest Tulip Garden in located in Srinagar
 The USA launched its first manned space flight following Russia in May 1961.
 The Head office of ISRO is in Bengaluru.
 Turkey's Salda Lake. mid-size Crater Lake which is located in the country's southwest is
called Mars on Earth
 Freedom House is an American think tank headquartered Is in Washington DC.
 Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) was initiated in August 2007 by Prime
Minister of Japan.
 Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) was formed in 1985.
 World Wildlife day is observed on 3 March.
 The current Board of investment Chairman is Atif Bukhari.
 The number of amendments in Bill of Rights of the US
 Pakistan Army's Zarb-Hadeed exercise was conducted in Cholistan Desert.
 The driest continent on the planet is Antarctica.
 The points at opposite sides of the Earth are called Antipodes
 The animal that has 32 brains is Leech.
 A biologist who studies the structure and function of cells is called Cytologist.
 The international Day to combat Islamophobia was observed on March 15
 The incumbent Chairman NEPRA is Tauseef H. Farooqi
 "Roshni Baji" is a women ambassador programme launched by K-Electric.
 Gobi desert is located in China and Mongolia.
 The founder of science of magnetism is William Gilber
 The strip that separates Pakistan from Tajikistan is called Wakhan Corridor.
 Nanga parbat is located at the western side of Himalayas.
 Kirthar Mountains are located in Sindh and Baluchistan.
 Mula River is in Baluchistan.
 Cape Muari is located to the west of Karachi.
 The Salt Range is in Punjab.
 The famous mines of Khéwra, Mayo, Warcha and Kalabagh are present in Salt Range.
 Takht-e-Sulaiman, meaning the Solomon's Throne, with a height of 3487m (11437ft) is
the highest peak of Sulaiman Mountains.
 Out of the world's 14 highest peaks, those located in Pakistan are Four
 Koyo Zom (22,546 ft) is the highest peak of Hindu Raj Range.
 The Karakoram is a mountain range present in India, Pakistan and China.
 K-2 was named by Thomas Montgomerie.
 Mangla Dam is built on Jhelum River.
 Rasul Barrage & Trimmu Barrage are built on Jhelum River.
 A Pakistani river that is also known as the red river is Sutlej River.
 The Changara and Bhaga rivers in the upper Himalayas join to form Chenab River.
 Chenab River is joined by the Jhelum River at Trimmu.
 Trimmu is a flood control mechanism located near Jhang.
 Chenab merges with the Sutluj river near Uch Sharif.
 The world's 21 largest river in terms of annual water flow is The Indus.
 The Indus River originates from Tibetan plateau near Lake Mansarovar in China.
 Rivers Astore, Balram, Gilgit, Kabul, Tanubal& Zanskar are the tributaries of The Indus.
 Hydaspes is a Greek name of River Jehlum.
 The river that flows by Baghdad the Capital of Iraq is Tigris.

GK/Pak Study/Pak Affairs/Current Affairs

 Lord Curzon became the viceroy in 1898.
 Lord Curzon Announced the partition of Bengal on 16 October, 1905.
 The Capital of East Bengal was Dhakka.
 Partition of Bengal was annulled on 12 December 1911.
 The Capital of West Bengal was Kolkata.
 Partition of Bengal was annulled during Lord Harding's period.
 All India Muslim League was formed on 30 December, 1906.
 The Spirit of Islam was written by Syed Ameer Ali.
 Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam was established in 1884.
 Sir Agha khan was the first president of All India Muslim League.
 Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai presided over the first session of All India Muslim league in 1907
in Karachi.
 The Urdu- Hindi controversy began in 1867.
 Swami Dayananda was the founder of Arya Samaj,
 Abdul Ghaffar Khan, also known was Bacha Khan , died on January 20, 1988
 Nato’s support mission in Afghanistan consists of 9600 Personnel.
 Quaid-e-Azam Academy located in Karachi.
 President of Pakistan Sports board Dr. Fehmida Mirza
 Federal Minister of Inter-Provincial Coordination is Dr. Fehmida Mirza.
 Centuries Old Pehrhaladpuri Temple is located in Multan.
 The Gilgit Baltistan (Empowerment and Self Governance) Order was promulgated in
 The current chairman of intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO) is Mujeeb
Ahmed Khan.
 The Durandline got its name from Sir Mortimer Durand.
 Sir Mortimer Durand was the foreign secretary of British India.
 The 2021 edition of International Defence exhibition and Conference ((DEX) and Naval
Defence and Maritime Security Exhibition (NAVDEX) were held in Abu Dhabi.
 World Environment Day takes place every year on 5th June.
 The battle of Hydaspes was fought between the armies of Alexander the Great and
 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is based in Vienna.
 Gabin Jabba is located in Swat Valley
 India's so called air strike in Balakot was code-named Operation Bandar.
 Nandana Fort is located in Jhelum.
 Roscomos is the space agency of Russia.
 The International Rivers day is celebrated on March 14.
 Reuven Rivlin is the President of Israel.
 UNAMA is the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan,
 The National Counter-Terrorism Centre is located in Pabbi near Kharia.
 The People's Republic of China was established on 1O October 1949
 Balch culture day is celebrated on March 02.
 Country Director of Asian Development Bank for Pakistan is Xiaohong Yang

Current Affairs
 On March 10, 2021, a resolution presented by Khalid Khurshid, was passed in the GB
Assembly which says that Gilgit Baltistan should be given the status of an interim
constitution province
 On March 11, 2021, President Dr. Arif Alvi inaugurated the PAF Air War College
Institute in Karachi.
 In Senate Chairman election, seven votes were rejected due to wrong affixing of stamp.
 On March 12, 2021, the ruling coalition candidate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani was
elected as Chairman of the Senate by securing 48 votes.
 On March 12, 2021, Mirza Muhammad Afridi was elected as Deputy Chairman of
Senate by securing 54 votes.
 The USA officially rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement on
19 Feb. 2021.
 The current head of the Vienna based International Atomic Energy Agency (0AEA) is
Rafael Grossi (Argentina).
 On Feb. 18. 2021 NASA'S Perseverance rover touched down on the surface of Mars,
becoming only the fifth ever to set its wheels down on the Red Planet.
 Chairman NEPRA, Mr. Tauseef H. Faroogi launched K-Electric's woman ambassador
programmer "Roshni Baji" on Feb.16, 2021.
 On March 10, 2021 International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach reelected
for a Second term.
 On March 10, 2021 International Cricket Council put its chief executive Manu
Sawhney of India on forced leave
 Former Judge of the Supreme Court Muhammad lyas was passed away on Feb.16, 2021.
 Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi called on the President of Egypt Abel Fattah Al
Sisi in Cairo on Feb.17, 2021.

Parliaments of the World
 Jatiya Sangsad is the Parliament of Bangladesh
 Sejm is the Parliament of Poland
 Loya Jirga is the Parliament of Afghanistan
 Folketing is the Parliament of Denmark
 Knesset is the Parliament of Israel
 Diet is the Parliament of Japan.
 Duma is the parliament of Russia
 Storting is the Parliament of Norway
 Riksdag is the Parliament of Sweden
 Cortes is the Parliament of Spain.
 People's National Assembly is the parliament of Algeria
 General Council is the parliament of Andorra
 National People's Assembly is the parliament of Angola
 National Congress is the parliament of Argentina
 Federal Parliament is the parliament of Australia
 National Council is the parliament of Austria
 Meli Majlis is the parliament of Azerbaijan,
 General Assembly is the parliament of Bahamas
 Consultative Council is the parliament of Bahrain
 National Assembly is the parliament of Bulgaria
 National Congress is the parliament of Brazil.
 House of Common's and House of Lords is the parliament of Britain
 National Assembly is the parliament of Cambodia
 Legislative Council is the parliament of Brunei
 National Assembly is the parliament of Botswana
 Narodno Sabranie is the parliament of Bulgaria
 Congress is the parliament of Colombia
 National People’s Congress is the parliament of China
 Chamber of Deputies and Senate is the parliament of Chile
 National Assembly of People's Power is the parliament of Cuba
 Capital of Tunisia is Tunis ( President: Kals Saied since 23d Oct. 2019)
 Lempira is the currency of Honduras (Capital: Tegucigalpa)
 Virginia State of USA is called the 'Mother of States.
 The English poet John Keats died at aged 26 years.
 Every 5' June is observed as World Environment day.
 "Interfax" is å news agency of Russia.
 Sardar Abdur Rab Nashtar was the first Muslim Governor of Punjab.
 The length of Great Wall of China is 21 196 km.
 "Habba Khatoon" is famous poetess of Kashmir
 Which city was once known as Durolipnte? The Cambridge
 What is the Old name of Dera Murad Jamali? Temple Dera
 The Current Chief Justice of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Supreme Court is?
Justice Raja Seed Akram Khan
 The Current Chief Justice of Azad Jammu & Kashmir High Court is?
Justice Sadaqat Hussain Raja
 The Author of Book Aab-e-Hayat is? Maulana Muhammad Hussain Azad
 Instrument of Rain Gauge is? Pyrometer
 ……….. is called the low country of the world? Holland
 The city known as Golden Capital of the World? Johannesburg
 Largest Fishing ground in the world? North Sea
 Bosphorus, is Also known as? Strait of Istanbul
 Ujjain state located in? India
 Which battle made Hamayun homeless wanderer? Qanauj
 Who has become youngest Microsoft Certified Professional? Arish Fatima
 Pak-American appointed Assistant Chief of USA Police? Yasir Bashir
 Who becomes Youngest Female Aerospace Engineer of Pakistan? Arooba Faridi
 Who is the 1st Pakistani transgender lawyer? Nisha Rao
 The currency of China is Renminbi.
 TDAP is responsible for Export Promotion.
 Lake Michigan is located in USA.
 Strait of Gibraltar located in the Mediterranean
 Biman' is the airline of Bangladesh.
 The new name of Dutch Guiana is Suriname.
 The 'Stonehenge' is among the Seven Wonders of the World, situated in England.
 Gourde is the currency of Haiti.
 Bosanquet said "Right is a reasonable claim recognized by the society and enforced by
the state"
 World's longest street is Yonge Street.
 The capital of Kosovo is Pristina.
 Vladimir Putin is the President of Russia
 12th Bozkir (Turkey) is current 75th President of UNO General June is observed as
World Day against Child Labor.
 World Ocean Day is observed on 8th June.
 Volkan Assembly.
 Current Chairman of FBR is Mr. Asim Ahmed.
 Tariq Bajwa is the current 19th Governor of State Bank.
 Current President of International Court of Justice Joan E Donoghue USA.
 Maulana Shbili was born in 1857. (Azamgarh)
 Nadva-tul-Ulema started functioning in 1898.
 War of independence started from Meerut on 10th May 1857.
 In 2020, the player who claimed an unprecedented eight Australian Open men's singles
titles was Novak Djokovic.
 Olympic Games 2020 are set to take place in Tokyo.
 The Legendary flight that made Yuri Gagarin the first man in space flew on April 12,
 Tass is the state news agency of Russia.
 Gagarin's legendary 108-minute flight was made on spacecraft named Vostok.
 Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia.
 The number of balls on the table at the start of a game of snooker 22
 The Stanley Cup is associated with Ice Hockey.
 Kinshasa is the capital of DR Congo.
 The Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979.
 World No Tobacco Day is observed on May 31.
 The first World No Tobacco Day was organized in 1987.
 Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.
 The current President of European commission is Von Der Leyen.
 The current European Council President is Charles Mich
 The UN Relief and works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the near East, Or UNRWA,
headquartered in Gaza.
 Pakistan's largest hydropower project since the construction of Tarbela dam in 1960s is
Mohmand Dam.
 The river on which Mohmand Dam is being built is Swat River.
 Khartoum is the capital of Sudan.
 Sindh's Inspector General of Police (IGP) is Mushtaq Ahmed Mahar.
 The current Governor of Baluchistan province Justice (retd.) Amanullah Khan Yasinzai.
 The first Pakistani Tennis Player to reach the main draw of a Grand Slam through
qualifying matches was Khawaja Saeed Hai.
 Islamia College University is located in Peshawar.
 The current Gilgit-Baltistan Governor is Raja Jalal Hussain Maqpoon.
 Renowned painter Frida Kahlo was from Mexico.
 The National headquarter of Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) is in Islamabad.
 Pakistan's current Chief Collector of Customs (North) is Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah.
 Kanwal Naseer was the person who spoke to viewers during the first-ever transmission
of PTV in 1964 along with Tariq Aziz.
 The first woman broadcaster of Pakistan was Mohini Hameed.
 Kanwal Naseer’s mother was Mohini Hameed.
 PAF Air War College Institute (AWCI) is located in Karachi.
 A coalition led by Saudi Arabia intervened in Yemen to launcha long war in March
 Rwandan genocide which saw around 800,000 people Slaughtered mainly from the
ethnic Tutsi minority occurred in 1994.
 World Theatre Day is celebrated on March 27.
 The three great mountain ranges that converge at Gilgit near Alam Bridge are
Karakorum, Himalaya and Hindo Khush.
 Prime Minister of Spain is Predro Sanchez.
 Nowrouz is an ancient. celebration and the most important date in Iranian Calendar.
 The moment the sun crosses the equator, day and night are of equal length is called
Spring Equinox.
 The Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA) was created in 2020.
 The first chairman of RUDA was Rashid Aziz.
 Dr Henry Kissinger made his secret journey to China in 1971.
 Dr Kissingers flew to Beijing, China, from Islamabad.
 Deosai National Park is located in Gilgit Baltistan.
 Nouakchott is capital of Mauritania.
 Pakistan's current Indus commissioner is Syed Mehr Ali Shah
New Delhi is required to share data about flood situations in all
rivers in advance under an agreement signed in 1989.
 India Plans to build hydroelectric plants Pakal Dul and Lower Kalnai dams on Chenab
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235

General Science
General Science Units
 Unit of Power is Watt
 Unit of Resistance Is Ohm
 Unit of Conductivity is Mho
 Unit of Energy is Joule
 Unit of Distance Between Stars And Planets is Light Year
 Unit of Wavelength is Meter
 Unit of Volume is Liter
 Unit of Frequency is Hertz
 Unit of Rate of flow of water is Cusec
 Unit of Length is Meter
 Unit of Power is Watt
 Unit of Resistance Is Ohm
 Unit of Conductivity is Mho
 Unit of Energy is Joule
 Unit of Distance Between Stars And Planets is Light Year
 Unit of Wavelength is Meter
 Unit of Volume is Liter
 Unit of Frequency is Hertz
 Unit of Rate of flow of water is Cusec
 Unit of Length is Meter
 Unit of Power is Watt
 Unit of Resistance Is Ohm
 Unit of Conductivity is Mho
 Unit of Energy is Joule
 Unit of Distance Between Stars And Planets is Light Year
 Unit of Wavelength is Meter
 Unit of Volume is Liter
 Unit of Frequency is Hertz
 Unit of Rate of flow of water is Cusec
 Unit of Length is Meter
 Barometer measures Pressure
 Voltmeter measures Voltage
 Lactometer measures Purity of Milk.
 Thermometer measures Temperature
 Anemometer measures Velocity Of Wind
 Richter Scale measures Earthquake
 Hygrometer measures Degree Of Humidity
 Sphygmomanometer measures Blood Pressure
 Geiger counter measures Radioactivity
 Pyrometer measures Surface Temperature
 Rain Gauge measures Rainfall
 Seismograph measures Earthquake Recording
 Ammeter measures Electric current
 Altimeter measures Altitude
 Anemometer measures Velocity and Direction of Wind
 Barometer measures Atmospheric Pressure
 Audiometer measures Improvement of Hearing Power
 Calorimeter measures Quantity of Heat
 Colorimeter measures Intensities of Colors
 Algesimeter measures Sensitivity of Skin
 Calorimeter measures Quantity of Heat
 Colorimeter measures Intensities of Colors
 Caffeine is the most important stimulant in tea leaves.
 Acid rain contains high level of Sulphuric and nitric acid.
 One gram of carbohydrates gives energy of the amount 4.1kcal
 A man can survive without food for at least one month.
 When a gas turns into a liquid, the process is called Condensation:
 Yeast used in making of bread is Fungus.
 The disease diphtheria affects the Throat in Human Body.
 Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as Volatile liquids.
 Spinach is a good source of Potassium.
 The most abundant element in earth’s crust is Oxygen.
 In human body Gall Bladder is part of the Digestive system.
 Glaucoma is caused by increase in pressure within Eyeball.
 Enzymes are made of Proteins.
 One ounce is equal to 28.35 grams.
 Bamboo is Grass.
 Stomata are the tiny openings present on the epidermis of leaves
 Paleontology is the study of the history of life on Earth as based on fossils.
 Non-bird dinosaurs lived between about 245 and 66 million
 Years ago, in a time known as the Mesozoic Era.
 The diameter of the earth is 12,742 km.
 Mobile phone uses radio waves to transmit signals to a network of base stations
 The pH of pure water (H20) is 7 at 25 degree Celsius.
 The light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances and is
equivalent to about 9.46 trilion kilometers (9.46x 1012 km).
 The Energy possessed by water in a dam is Gravitational potential Energy.
 The Blood Glucose level reduced by Insulin.
 Influenza is caused by Virus.
 Acetic Acid is used for seasoning of Food
 Lipase enzyme bring about Hydrolysis of Fats.
 Ascorbic Acid is a water soluble vitamin.
 The disease diphtheria affects the Throat in Human Body.
 Spinach is a good source of Potassium.
 Insulin was discovered by Dr. F.G Banting.
 Citrus Fruits are considered rich in Vitamin C.
 Spleen is not an endocrine gland.
 An instrument designed for testing the purity of milk is called Lactometer.
 Autopsy is the Port-Mortem examination of a body.
 Red Colour has largest & Blue colour has shortest wavelength.
 Pomology is the study of cultivation of fruits.
 Logarithem tables were invented by John Napier.
 Most Commonly used bleaching agent is Chlorine.
 The Planet with the shortest year: Mercury
 ………… was the 2st mathematician who gave the concept of Set. George Cantor (b/w
 Which is the biggest planet of the solar system in inner planets? Earth
 Which is the 2nd month of Islamic calendar? Safar
 Protective layer of Eye is? Sclera
 Plasma is the …………. State of matter? Fourth
 Histology is the study of Tissue
 Robert Hooke discovered cell from Cork
 end product of photosynthesis is Carbohydrate and oxygen
 Hydrogen has …….. type of Isotopes: 3
 Sum of proton & neutron is called Atomic Mass
 Ink shell no of electron: 2
 In Glucose no of Hydrogen is: 12
 Leibniz calculator wad developed in: 1971 (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-
1716) invented a calculating machine which was a major advance in mechanical
 William Oughtred invented: Slide Rule
two identical linear or circular logarithmic scales held together and adjusted by hand

 In very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last? Sea Water
 The nearest plant to the earth is? Venus
 The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its ………. Number:
 The Salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium chloride
in ………. Of sea water: 01 Kg
 The Planet which is easily visible from the earth is? Venus
 The bodyguard of earth is ……….that save the earth from many comets and asteroids.
 The planets visible to us without using a telescope are: 5
 Biosensor is used to measure? Blood glucose level
 The Principal constituent of the atmosphere of the earth isNitrogen
 How many divisions does Fahrenheit have? 180
 Speed of any object be changed by: Force
 Unit of Decibel is denoted by: dB
 Which particles of atom are not charged are called neutral? Neutron
 Kingdom of Monera deals with? Bacteria
 What is Eukaryotic Cell? Single Cell
 Plants make their own food by? Photosynthesis
 Animals with backbone are called? Vertebrates
 The body of fish is covered with? Scales
 Fishes take breath through their part called? Gils
 Reptiles lay their eggs on? Land
 Which insects are environment friendly? Earthworms
 Which plant have parallel leaf venation? Monocot
 Yeast is an example of? Fungi
 Which is main causes of ozone depletion? Air pollution
 What is the melting point of Ice? 0 degree c
 How many primary teeth are there? 20
 Lungs are protected by? Ribcage
 Asthma is main disorder of? Lungs
 Larva of butterfly is called? Caterpiller
 Frog eggs are also called? Spawn
 Flash of body is made up of? Protein
 Kwashiorkor disease is caused by deficiency of? Iron
 Human beings are: Omnivores
 Which are the only secondary consumers? Carnivores
 Animals that eat primary secondary consumers are called? Tertiary Consumer
 Solution is a kind of? Mixture
 The process of separation of solute and solvent from the mixture is called? Filtration
 Water is a? Compound
 The lowest temperature in laboratory thermometer is? 10 C
 Secondary source of history is: Books written about historical periods
 ………………. Are called wise humans. Neanderthal
 The origin of species book was published in 1859
 The revolution that started around 1769 is called Industrial Revolution
 Charles Darwin gave Theory Evolution
 Nature of water is Neutral
 Litmus paper show color in basic medium Blue
 Which one weak acid: Carbonic Acid
 Which best describes milk? Slightly Basic
 Which is strong base? Sodium Hydroxide
 Sodium chloride in solid state ……………. Electric? Do not conduct
 Orange Juice pH is? 4
 Which one is table salt? Sodium Chloride
 Molecular mass of ozone? 48
 Work is ………….. quantity: Scalar
 Unit of Power is Watt
 Useable form of energy is: Kinetic Energy
 Length b/w two particular points: Displacement
 Rate of change of velocity? Acceleration
 Unit of Charge is: Coulomb
 Image formed in the eye? Retina
 The message transfer from eye to brain Optic Nerve
 The relationship b/w living organisms with environments is: Ecology
 Tissue combines to form: Organ
 DNA is present in: Nucleus
 The Formula of Ozone layer is: 03
 Acid rain contain: 𝐇𝟐 𝐒𝐎𝟒 /𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐎𝟑
 The Unit of Distance: m/s
 The storage form of Energy is: Lipids
 Lipids stored in the: Liver & Muscle
 In hair protein present that called: Keri Tin
 Protein made up of? Amino Acid
 The Amino Acid made of: Amino Group: Carboxylic Group
 CTRL +> key is used for Grow font:
 HQ of UNESCO is in: Paris
 The blood is: Tissue
 The some no of proton and different no of neutron: ISO Tope
 Similar atom joins to form: Element
 The unit of Velocity
 The unit of weight: N
 The unit of Force: N
 The amino groups contains: Nitrogen & Hydrogen
 The work divided by time is called: Power
 Bacteria are: Decomposer
 The carbon react with oxygen is called: Combustion
 Tissue combines to form Organ:
 Toggle case is option of: Change case
 The pH of water is: 7
 The magnitude of earthquakes can be measured by: Seismograph
 The Chemical name of table salt is: Sodium chloride
 The speed of sound is………… the speed of light: Less
 Pandemic Covid-19 is …………… disease: Viral
 The lungs are …………………….. organs: Breathing
 Earth is surrounded by layers of gases collectively called: Atmosphere
 Similar body cells group together to form a: Tissue
 What energy emerges from motion? Kinetic Energy
 A single piece of coiled DNA is called: chromosome
 Plants need which gas to perform photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide
 Which nutrient plays an essential role in muscle building? Protein
 Animals that suckle their young one are called: Mammals
 Which material has the highest transparency: Glass
 Hydrogen gas is predominant in the sun.
 Solar System consist of eight planets.
 Vitamic- C protects skin of human body.
 Wood is main raw material for the manufacture of Paper.
 Jaundice affects the Liver in the human body.
 Enzymes are made of Proteins.
 The Acid prepared by Jabir Bin Hayyan is Sulphuric Acid.
 Velocity is a Vector Quantity.
 Biological death of a patient means death of tissues of the Brain.
 Cholesterol level is analyzed in Blood Sample
 Optical Fibre Sytem is a Telecommunication system.
 It is difficult to cook on mountains because of Low atmospheric pressure.
 The Process of photosynthesis in plants takes place in Leaf.
 The humidity in the air tells us about the ratio of water vapours in the Air.
 Mitochondria is called the power house of the cell.
 Phytoplankton are microscopic marine algae.
 There are two moons of Mars.
 Diameter of earth is 12,742 km.
 Liquids which evaporate quickly are known as Volatile.
 Troposphere is layer of atmosphere which lies close to earth.
 Hydrogen is used in making Ghee.
 Cornea is part of eye which can be donated.
 Hardness of water can be removed by adding Sodium carbonate.
 Accumulation of salts in kidneys results in Kidney Stone.
 RNA is principally involved in the syntheses of proteins.
 Sensory neurons carry message to brain and spinal cord.
 The pancreas is an organ located in the abdomen.
 Pancreas plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body’s
 Lithotripsy is medical procedure that uses shock waves or a laser to break down stones
in the kidney.
 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
 There is a hole in the Ozone Layer at South Pole.
 Chronometer is invented by John Harrison.
 Rain water is considered the purest form of water.
 Insulin is secreted in Pancreas.
 Spleen is not an endocrine gland.
 Blood cells are produced by Bone-marrow.
 The strongest muscle in the human body is in the Jaw.
 Cholera diseases occur due to consumption of contaminated water.
 Most astronomers believe that origin of the Universe is Big Bang Theory
 Hepatitis & Jaundice are disease of Liver.
 Creature having both male and female reproductive organs is known asHermaphrodite.
 A low are storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmospheric pressure is
called cyclone
 The 1st Muslim scientist who presented the law of reflection and refraction is
 The difference in the duration of the day and night increases as one move from equator
to poles.
 Solar system was discovered by Nicolaus Copernicus.
 Richest source of Vitamin D is Cod Liver Oil.
 The substance that give away electrons is oxidized.
 Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is 92 U 235.
 Rectified Spirit is a mixture of ethanol (95.6%) and water produced as an zoetrope of
 Silicon makes up 27.7 percent of Earth’s Crust; it is the 2nd most abundant element in
the crust, being surpassed only by oxygen.
 One of the main function of the earth’s ozone layer is to filter out Ultraviolet rays.
 A Light year is the distance a beam of light travels in a single Earth Year.
 When a light ray enters from air into glass, its wavelength decreases.
 An air bubble in water acts as a concave lens.
 Cobalt 60 is generally used in radiation therapy because it emits gamma rays.
 A thermos flask prevents the heat loss by conduction, convection and radiation.
 Fish is first class protein as it contains essential amino acid
 The unit of capacitance is Farad.
 Pacemaker is a small device that is placed in the chest to control abnormal heart beat.
 Vitamin soluble in water are Vitamin-B & Vitamin-C.
 Vitamin soluble in fat are Vitamin-A, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-E and Vitamin-K
 Water Gas is a mixture of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen
 Most of the weather disturbances take place in troposphere.
 Auto analyses is use to examine glucose, urea and cholesterol
 The iron compound found in hemoglobin as haematin.
 A goniometer is a device that measures an angle or permits rotation of an object to a
definite position.
 Lithium is the strongest reducing agent.
 Aqua Regia is mixture Of one part 0t concentrated nitric acid and three parts of
concentrated hydrochloric acid.
 The speed of revolution Of Earth round the sun is maximum when Earth is nearest to
the sun.
 A bolometer is a device for measuring the power of incident electromagnetic radiation.
 Transformer is device used to step up or step down the voltage.
 Cadmium being a good absorber of neutrons is used as a controller in nuclear reactor.
 Ribosome is called the factory of protein:
 Gluten enteropathy is the inability to Absorb gluten, a protein found in wheat,
 Titanium is called the metal of future.
 Thermal decomposition of alkanes in the absence of air is called Cracking
 Fuse wire is made of lead and tin alley
 Radio waves are reflected from ionosphere.
 40° C and-40° F exhibit the same temperature.
 Hormone Melatonin is secreted by Pineal body.
 Vitamin-K is synthesized in our large intestine by the bacteria and from there it is
 Electro Cardiograph (ECG) is used to find the abnormality of heart
 Rocket propulsion is based on the conservation of linear momentum.
 The velocity of escape from Earth's gravitation into space is 11.2 km/sec.
 Luna-II was the first spaceship to land on moon.
 The average density on Earth is 5.5 cubic centimeter.
 Soap decreases the surface tension of solution hence clothes get cleansed.
 The British physicist who is generally regarded as the Discoverer of the electron, the
proton and the neutron is Sir Jospeph John Thomson.
 Velocity of light, amplitude and wavelength changes in refraction of light but frequency
remains unchanged.
 Pitch of sound is determined by its frequency.
 Longitudinal waves can't be polarized.
 Refractive index of red light is lesser than the refractive index for violet light.
 Atomic bomb is based on nuclear fission.
 Lysosome destroys itself such a process so it is called suicide vesicle (bag) of the cell.
 Chloroplast is called Kitchen of cell.
 Ribosome is called the factory of protein.
 Most of the weather disturbances take place in troposphere.
 Goniometer is used to measure the angle of the crystal.
 The speed of revolution of Earth round the sun is maximum when Earth is nearest to the
 A bolometer is a device for measuring the power of incident electromagnetic radiation.
 An air bubble in water acts as a concave lens.
 Titanium' is called the metal of future.
 Steel is used for making permanent magnets,
 Transformer is device used to step up or step down the voltage
 Thermal decomposition of alkanes in the absence of air is called Cracking.
 The Chemical element with the lowest melting point is Helium and the element with the
highest melting point is Carbon.
 Hansen's disease is commonly known as Leprosy.
 Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
 The part of the human body known as the mandible is Lower Jawbone.
 The French microbiologist who discovered the process of pasteurization was Louis
 The rarest blood type is AB- (Negative).
 The main structural molecule in hair and nails is Keratin.
 Fuse wire is made of lead and tin alloy.
 A transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It brings abouta
change in the potential of an alternating current.
 Lithium is the strongest reducing agent.
 Uranus takes 84 years to complete one revolution round the Sun.
 Methyl alcohol (CH30H), is also called wood alcohol, or wood spirit.
 Radio waves are reflected from ionosphere.
 Lack of proteins Causes kwashiorkor and Marasmus disease in children.
 Kwashiorkor: In this disease, hands and legs of children get slimmed and the stomach
comes out.
 Marasmus: In this disease, muscles of children are loosened
 The ozone layer protects the earth from the Ultraviolet rays sent by sun.
 Carbohydrate content in potato (per 100g) is 20.3g,
 The ozone layer is present in atmosphere above earth, the stratum of atmosphere in
which ozone layer is Stratosphere.
 Pakistanis receive the largest dose of ionizing radiation from Natural sources.
 In water pollution, industries are said to be the Point Sources
 The gas associated with global warming is Co2
 Liquid Ammonia is commonly used in cold storage in Pakistan.
 Mango variety having strong flavor is Langra
 Richest source of Riboflavin is Bael.
 The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is Ethylene.
 The closest planet to Earth is Venus.
 Sulfuric acid was prepared by Jabir bin Hayyan.
 The name of disease called Lockjaw is Tetanus.
 The longest and largest bone in human body is Femur.
 Sonar is used to measure Ocean depth.
 The branch of Physics which deals with atomic nuclei is called nuclear Physics.
 Stone used in whitewash Stonelime.
 Titanium is called the metal of future.
 Cobalt-60 radioactive isotope is used to control Leukemia.
 Uranus takes 84 years to complete one revolution round the sun.
 Oxygen was discovered by Joseph Priestley in 1774
 Thermal decomposition of alkanes is called Cracking.
 The chemical element with the lowest melting point is Helium
 Fuse wire is made of lead and tin.
 Methyl alcohol (CHYOH) is also called wood alcohol, or wood spirit.
 Cresco graph is an instrument used in recording growth of plants, invented by Dr. J. C.
Bose. Grows
 Light radiation is both of wave and particle nature.
 An air bubble in water acts as a concave lens.
 The colors in thin films of soap bubbles are seen due to interference of light.
 When a light ray enters from air into glass, its wavelength decreases.
 Steel is used for making permanent magnets.
 Lenz's law is based on energy conservation.
 Transformer is used for stepping up or stepping down the A.C voltage.
 Cadmium being a good absorber of neutrons is used as a controller in nuclear reactor.
 Cobalt 60 is generally used in radiation therapy because it emits gamma rays.
 Infinite images of an object are formed that is placed between two parallel mirrors.

 World’s largest coffee producer is Brazil
 In Pakistan iron ore is found in Kalabagh.
 The aborigines of North America are called Red Indian.
 Khartoum lies on the Nile River.
 Diego Garcia is an island in Indian Ocean.
 Panama Canal is busiest ocean trade route.
 Greatest Land mountain range is Himalaya.
 Largest Ocean is the Pacific Ocean.
 Smallest Ocean is the Arctic Ocean.
 Largest Gulf is the Gulf of Mexico.
 Largest Active Volcano is Mauna Loa, Hawaii, USA.
 Rivers Carries the maximum volume of water is Amazon.
 Largest Fresh Water Lake is Lake Superior.
 Country with Shortest Coastline is Manaco.
 Country with largest coastline is Canada.
 The person in Space is Yuri Gagarin.
 First lady who climbed on Mount Everest was Junko Taibi.
 1st man to walk in space is Alexei Lenovo.
 Least Populous country is State of Vatican City.
 Smallest Islamic Country Maldives.
 Most Populous Islamic Country Indonesia, (Largest Kazakhstan)
 Greenwich situated near London.
 Red Sea is an example of a Rift Valley.
 The Elastic-rebound theory deals with Earthquakes.
 Ionosphere layer of atmosphere is vital for telecommunications.
 Nimbostratus clouds likely to cause heavy rainfall.
 Warm air tends to rise up through cold air because the air is less dense.
 An iceberg is a floating mass of ice.
 Organisms that live on the ocean bottoms are Benthos.
 The grassland of Asia is Called Steppe.
 Fastest Planet is Mercury.
 Planet closest to sun is Mercury.
 Hottest Planet is Venus
 Largest land mountain range is Andes S. America
 The Deepest Lake in the world is Lake Baikal.
 World Highest waterfall is in Venezuela.
 Largest Lake is The Caspian.
 Hottest Place in the world is Death Valley.
 Brightest planet is Venus.
 Planet with most satellites Saturn.
 World’s Highest waterfall is “Angel”
 Coldest place in the world is in Vostok in Antarctica.
 Longest glacier is “Lambert Glacier”
 Largest desert is Antarctica (According to definition of desert)
 2nd Largest desert is Sahara Desert

Assistant Sub Inspector
Held on 22-09-2019
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani
WhatsApp No: 0308-2022235

Professional Part FIA Related Questions

 According to FIA Rules Council Means? Federal Anti-Corruption Council
 Federal Investigation Agency (Inquiries & Investigations) Rules were enforced in?
Ans: 2002
 Subject to Rule 5, sub-rule (2), a criminal case shall be registered against an accused
public servant of BPS 13-17 and equivalent with prior permission of?
Ans: Director General
 Who shall be chairman of Federal Anti-Corruption Council? Secretary
 According to FIA Rule No 10 (2) in case registered against Officers working in BPS 20
and above, explanation of accused officer, giving him ……….. time shall be obtained by
the Director General.15 Days
 Who shall act as secretary of Federal Anty-corruption council? (FACC)
Ans: Director General of FIA
 Who Shall be competent authority in cases where senior public servant is involved
along with junior public servant?
Ans: Competent Authority for the public servants in the highest rank involved in case
 Inquiry against accused Public servant of BPS 1-12 and equivalent shall be initiated with
prior permission of? Ans: Deputy Director
 According to FIA Rule no 10 (2) questions asked and replies furnished by the concerned
by the concerned officer shall be invariably be incorporated in?
Ans: Confidential Final Report
 Section Officer Means? Ans: A Officer who is in direct in charge of the Section
 Who may initiate verification of a complaint in order to ascertain the identity of the
complaint or informer and genuineness of the complaint & Information
Ans: The Deputy Director, An officer above the rank of Diretor
 Federal Investigation Agency (Inquiries & Investigations) Rules contains ………… rules
in total. Ans: 11

English Part
 Synonym of LETHARGY: Laxity
 Antonym of APPLAUD: Censure
 Synonym of EMACIATED: Very Thin
 Synonym of VITUPERATE: Abuse
 Synonym of PRECARIOUS: Unsafe
 Synonym of DELEGATE: Representative
 Antonym of RESTITUDE: Goodness
Islamic Part
 Identify the last Ghazwa in which the Prophet SAW participated: Tabuk
 Largest Surah of Quran: Al-Baqrah
 Name the Prophet whose wife did not believe in Islam? Loot
 The Angles, who are incharges of graves & initial accountability: Munkar & Nakir
 Total Makki Surah? 86
 How many verses of Surah Alaq revealed first time on the Holy Prophet SAW? 5
 In which Ghazwa Abu Jahal was killed? Badar
 Commander of infidels in battle of Uhad? Abu Sufyan
 Name the 2nd Kalima? Shahadat
 Abdullah bin Ubay was a? Hypocrite
 Surah without Bismillah? Surah-al-Tauba
 First Islamic month: Muharam
 Last Surah of Quran? Surah Al Nas
 What is meant by Allah’s Attribute Al-Bari? The Maker
 Who narrated most of Ahadis among the Sahabas? Abu Huraira
 Surah which have two Bismillah’s? Al-Namal
 Treaty of Hudaibia was signed on? 6th Hijra
 The largest army that ever marched out of Madina was consisted of: 30.000
 Miraj Shareef, the event occurred on: 27 Rajab
General Knowledge/ Pakistan Study Section
 Youngest Mountain range on the earth? Himalayas
 ……… was the 1st state joined Pakistan in 1947? Bahawalpur
 In 1969…………….. Joined Pakistan? Swat & Chitral
 Nanga Parbat is the part of? Himalayas
 National Flower of Pakistan? Jasmine
 When National Action Plan was launched by Government? December 2014
 Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on? 27th Dec, 2007
 In 1966, construction of ……………. Was completed? Islamabad
 Quaid Resigned from congress? 1920
 In …………… Azad Kashmir Got Independence? Oct, 1947
 K-2 is also known as? Goodwin Austin
 Pakistan bought Gwadar from Oman in? 1958
 The salt range is situated b/w river soan &? Jhelum
 Area of Azad Kashmir? 13,297
 National Game of Pakistan? Hockey
 On 19th march 2008, the National Assembly elected 1st women speaker? Fehmida Mirza
 Harrapa is situated in? Sahiwal, Punjab
 Pakistan is divided into how many physiographical divisions? 6
 On 30th Sept, 1947, Pakistan become the 53rd Member of? UNO
 Pass connect with Dera Ismail Khan & Ghazni? Gomal Pass
 The computer language written in only two numbers 0 & 1 is called: Binary Number
 Aquatic Animals breathe in water through? Gills
 In which country city of Venice is situated? Italy
 When UNO Charter was signed? 26th June, 1945
 An animal that has ability to eat and survive on both plant & Animal? Omnivore
 Cascade is a mountain range situated in which continent? North America
 Largest crude oil producer country? Antioxidant, Protection of Cell walls
 Our body needs Vitamin E for? Antioxidant, Protection of Cell walls
 Ernest Hemingway is known for?
A Farewell to Arms, Winner take nothing, The Old man & the sea
 Indian PM Narendar Moodi belonged to which Party? Bharatiya Janato Party
 A time period in which earth completes a day is called? Axis
 Where HQ of UNO is located? New York City
 Which of the following does not include atmosphere? Magnetosphere
 How many landlocked are in Asia? 12
 What is Echo-meter?
An apparatus for measuring depths of objects in water or underground by timing the
echoes of sound reflected from them.
 Which countries does border with Turkey? Kazakhstan
 The “Helmand Province” of Afghanistan, is famous for cultivation of? Opium
 Who invented electrical light bulbs? Thomas Edson’s
 When India’s mission to moon Chandarayaan-2 Failed? 7th Sept 2019
 Capital of Austria? Vienna

FIA Past Paper

Sub Inspector
Compiled By: Zahid Hussain Mirani
Dated: 04-06-2021
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
General Knowledge
 He decided to dress in gray suit in order to be…………… Inconspicuous
 Nonchalant is most dissimilar to: Concerned
 Novel is dissimilar to: Old
 “The Daily Dawn” was started in 1941 from: Delhi
 …………. Is the largest peninsula of the world: S. Arabia
 ……. River is passing through the Washington: Potomac
 Ryder cup is a famous trophy for sports: Golf
 ………. Is the current S.G of OIC: Dr. Yousif Bin Ahmad
 Received emails come in which folder: Inbox
 Excel Index Function: Returns the value at given position in A Range or Arry
 Increase the font in size in word shortcut key: CTRL+]
 If you want to repair software bug. It is available on internet free of cost is called: Path
 Which is the font size available in ms word font size tool in formatting tool bar? 8-72
 MS word 2007 can maximum zoom in a document: 500%
 Protocol which assigns IP Address to client connected to internet is: DHCP
 What is the name of the program that is specifically made for email checks: Outlook express
 Which file type cannot be attached with email: exe
 In which of the following Act providing for the safeguard of minorities: Act of 1955
 Name the person who look over after the dismissal of Khawaja Nazim-Ul-Din:
Muhammad Ali Bogra
 The most important feature in the economic measures perused by Alaud-din-Khilji was:
Market Control
 The Indian States that were annexed by invoking the Doctrine of Lapse included: Jhanj,
Nagpur, Satara
 How many Muslim Leaders were included in Simpla Deputation: 35
 2nd G.G of Pakistan: Khuwaja Nazim Ul Din
 The British albtude for granting independence to India changed b/c of:
Impact of 2nd World War
Change in the Government of Britain
Rising tide of nationalism
 Last viceroy of India: Lord Mountbatten
 Who will be the head of Tehsil Government: Union Nazim
 Yousif Raza Gillani took the of office of PM from Parvez Musharaf on: 25th March2008,
 When was MOA college established in Aligarh: 1875
 Two nation theory for the 1st time was introduced by: ‘Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
 When & Where did Nawaz Shareef meet the Indian PM Narendar Moodi? 27th May
2014, Delhi
 The Great Bath of the Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in: Mohen-jo-Daro
 Sir Syed Set up Muhammadan Educational Conference in 1866 with the main objective
of: Suggest Modern Techniques for educational improvements:
 During whose viceroyalty, Queen Victoria was crowned the Kaiser-i-Hind in Delhi
Duration: Lytton
 PLO Stands for: Palestine Liberation Organization
 Which one of the following is not a form of precipitation: Fog
 In which region Bangladesh is situated: South Asia
 The Heaviest Rainfall is recorded in: Equatorial Regions Tropical Mountain Areas
 NRA Stands for: Nuclear Regulatory Authority
 ADC stands for: Agriculture Development Corporation
 In which type of rocks are coal & Petroleum found: Sedimentary Rock
 Tafseer-Al-Dur-ul-Mansoor is written by: Imam Jalal-Din Suyuti
 Wine was declared Haram in: 5th Hijra
 Fatwa Qazi khan is authentic Fatwa of: Fiqh Hanafi
 What is meant by Ijma: Agreement of Ulama
 How many camels render is to pay Zakat? 5
 The Author of Al-Hidaya: Burhan Ul Din
 Hazrat Umar RA embraced Islam: 616 AD
 What is the full title of Tafseer-e-Ibn-e-Kaseer? Tafseer Quran Azeem
 Who Established Department of Police: Hazrat Umar RA
 In which surah of the Quran are the details of Heritage: Surah Nisa
 Azan for prayer was adopted in: 1st Hijra
 How many Surah/Chapters of the Quran are named after the names of animals: 6
 When 1st Namaz of Eid-ul-Fitir was offered: 1st Shawal 2nd Hijra
 How many goats render to pay Zakat: 40
 In the beginning of Holy Prophet SAW worked as a shepherd for: Banu Saad
 Battle b/w Taloot & Jaloot is described in which Surah of Al Quran: Al Baqra
 The economic system with title i.e. no external trade is Called: Close Economy

FIA Past Paper

Compiled By: Zahid Hussain Mirani
Dated: 04-06-2021

Professional Part
 No Promotion on regular basis shall be made to posts in basic pay scale 17 to 22
equivalent unless the officer concerned has:
Ans: Completed such minimum length of service Attended such training as may be
prescribe from time to time, Passed such departmental examination as may be
prescribed from time to time
 The word computer derived from which language? Latin
 According to civil servants (Appointments, Promotion and Transfer) Rules 1973 who
shall appoints posts in basic pay scale 1 and 2 or equivalent:
Ans: An officer notified by secretary of ministry division concerned
 When was Microsoft excel invented: Sep 30, 1985
 Limitation provided for appeal for review application under section: 22(I) of civil
servants act 1973 is: Ans: 30 Days
 According to secretariat instruction No. 45 who may make un-official references to any
Ministry/Division of Government of Pakistan (Except the law and justice Division?
Ans: Navel & Air Headquarters, Pakistan Ordinance Factories Board, Chief
Administrative Officers Organization
 3rd Generation of Computer are included:
Ans: Mainframe, Minicomputer, Desktop Computer
 Secretariat instruction No. ……….. Provides the security instructions for use of Fax
Machines/Computers in the Government Departments:
 An appointment made otherwise than by promotion or transfer is called:
Initial Appointment
 In Microsoft word which can be used as watermark in document: Ans: Picture & Text
 In cases which can be disposed of directlty by a section officer, elaborate note need be
recorded. ANs: False
 What means by “commuter” Person who travel regularly
 Section 2 of the Civil Servants act provides for: Terms & Conditions
 According to Section 4 the civil servants act 1973, every civil servants shall hold office,
Ans: During the pleasure of president
 There can be confirmation against temporary post: False
 Under which part of civil servants (Appointments , Promotion and transfer) Rules, 1973
appointments are made by promotion or transfer: Ans: Part II
 Who shall determine the maximum extent of delegation of powers to officers serving
under him? The Secretary
 The Computer Jorgan: wwww stands for: World Wide Web Worm
Islamic Part
 The Soap was made by ……. First of all: Hazrat Salih AS
 Injeel is the holy book of? Christian
 The biggest Islamic country by area: Kazakhstan
 How many “Sahifey” were revealed on Hazrat Idress AS: Ans: 30
 Amir Muaviya transferred his capital from Kufa to? Ans: Damascus
 Name of 4th Kalima: Kalima Touheed
 8th Month of Islam: Shahban
 Name the Prophet whose wife did not believe in Tauheed? Hazrat Hoot AS
 The 1st Biography on the life of Prophet SAW is by: Ibn-e-Ishaq
 The foundation of the city of Baghdad was laid in 762 during of reign of Abassid
Caliph? Al Mansoor
 Sujood in Holy Quran: 14
 Whose nation was exterminated through the scourge of floods: Hazrat Nooh AS
 The Nation of Hazrat Nooh As ……….. Idols? Ans: 5
 Hazrat Sara RA the wife Hazrat Ibrahim and the mother of Hazrat Ishaque & The Sister
of Prophet? Hazrat Hood AS
 The Height of Hazrat Adam AS; 90 Feet
 Infidels were killed in Jang-e-Badar? 70
 The great Mosque of Damascus was built by: Waleed I
General Knowledge/ Pakistan Study Section
 PM Imran Khan inaugurated Mohmand Dam on: 2nd May
 Karachi steel established in: 2nd July 1973
 In 1974, Pakistan became the Chairman of: OIC
 Taxila is situated in: Punjab
 On ……. 1988, Benazir Bhutto Become the 1st Women PM Of Pakistan: 1st December
 When Quaid joined Muslim League: 1913
 1st Pakistani to climb on K-2: Ashraf Anan
 What is the height of Goodwin Austin: 8611m
 National Anthem was composed by: Ahmed G Chagla
 National Animal of Pakistan: Maarkhor
 Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar issued Comrade Newspaper from Calcuta: 14 Jan 1911
 Greenwich mean time is …….. hours behind of Pakistan Standard time. 5
 Area of Wakhan is under control of: Afghanistan
 Area of Islamabad: 906km
 USA president Bill Clinton arrived Pakistan in which year: 2000
 Noble Prizes award from: 1901
 In which state of America Hollywood city is located: California
 Which is the oldest civilization in the World: Jiahu
 Who was the winner of Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) Ans: Iraq
 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built in? 600BC
 What is meant by lithosphere? Rigid, Rocky outer layer of earth
 Pak Joined UN: 30 Sept 1947
 Year of Independence of Afghanistan: 1919
 The word Thailand means: Land of free people
 The maximum height of Kirthar Range: 2150
 When NWFP became Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa? 15 April 2010
 Which was the first Air Force of the World: Ans: Royal Air Force of Great Britain
 2nd Largest Continent of the World: Africa
 One pound weight is equal to: 16 ounces
 Old name of Ethiopia is: Abyssinia
 Political philosopher Edmund Burke belonged to? British
 Length of Great Wall of China: 21,196 km
 What is the name of 1st Muslim Astronaut: Salman bin Abdul Aziz
 What is Photometer? Instrument for measuring light intensity:
 World War I began in: 1914

FIA Past Paper

Stenotypist Paper
Compiled By: Zahid Hussain Mirani
Dated: 04-06-2021
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
English Portion
 Spelling Correction: Endivor (Endeavour)
 Must finish your homework ………….. two hours. Within
 Word Meaning: Contaminate: Impure
 Choose the correct verb: He heard train …………. coming. Is
 Antonyms: Natural is most opposite in meaning to: Artificial
 Choose the correct verb: He ……… in hurry for reaching airport. was
 Prevarication is most dissimilar to: Veracity
Islamiat Portion
 First Marriage of Prophet in the age of? 25 Years
 Name of 1st Muslim Women? Hazrat Khadija RA
 In which year prayers become obligatory? 10th Nabvi
 Purify the meaning of Islam? To Obey, To bow down the neck
 Battle b/w Muslama Kazzab & Abu Bakar RA is Known as: Yamama
 Backbone of Islamic Economic System? Zakat
 Battle of Qadasiya fought in the reign of? Hazrat Umar RA
 Wife of Holy Prophet Known as Uma-al-Masakeen? Hazrat Zainab RA
 2nd Migration to Habsha in? 615 AD
 The miracle of pragnent female camel was sent to the nation of? Samood
 The Father of Holy Prophet SAW died ……… before the birth of Holy Prophet SAW?
6 months
 Who was called Ameen-Ul-Umat? Abu Ubaidah Bin Jirah
 Hazrat Abu Bakar RA Died in? 634 AD
 Rate of Usher in artificially irrigated land? 1/10
 Which Um-ul-Momneen died last? Hazrat Um-e-Salma RA
 Meaning of Quran? Recited
 Social Bycott of Banu Hashim Started in? 7th Nabvi
 Number of Prophets? 124000
 Hazrat Amina The Mother of Holy Prophet died When Holy Prophet ……… years old?
6 Years
 Hazrat Usman Ghani RA died in the age of? 82
Pak Study & GK Portion
 The Game Hockey originated From? England
 What do you understand by choreography? The Steps & Movements in Dancing
 World largest land frontier b/w? America & Canada
 Land of thunderbolt? Bhutan
 The Sufi earliest came in India? Hamayudin Chishti
 Pakistan purchased Gwadar from? Oman (1958)
Non-de Plume means?
an assumed name used by a writer instead of their real name; a pen-name.
 Specialist of skin disease is Called? Dermatologist
 Governor Appointed by? President
 The Constitution in which the Pakistan declared Islamic Republic? 1956
 Which of the following is Baltic state? Estonia
 Which country Parliament has largest membership? China
 Brass is an alloy of copper and? Zinc
 D-Day is?
the day (6 June 1944) in the Second World War on which Allied forces invaded
northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy. The day on which an
important operation is‫ ی‬to begin or a change to take effect.
‫م‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ظع ہ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫فی‬
‫کااعتسال ہ ا‬1944‫ بجن‬6‫یم‬
‫کگہاا‬ ‫ج ہ‬ ‫سےس ےلہپدوسرے ب‬
‫یہ االاظ ب‬
 Red Cross was founded by? J.H Durant
 Quaid Resigned from Congress? 1920
 Origin of Species is written by? Darvin
 Most Abundant mineral in human body? Calcium
 Official Languages of UNO? 6
 How much part of Jamu & Kashmir under the control of India? 3/4
 Keti Bandar Small town in Sindh is famous for? Fish Harbour
 Programme written to make computer function in a desired way is called? Software
 On 11th Aug 2011 Pak Sat-IR launched from? Xichang China
 Light travel from Sun to Earth? 8 ½ Minutes
 Largest country in Africa? Algeria
 Who Wrote Hamlet? Shakespeare
 “Order of rising sun” is highest military award of? Japan
 Census in Pakistan is held: Every 10th Years
 No of Nuclear Power Plants in Pakistan? 5
 “Zardak” is highest Peak of?
The mountain range forms part of the Kirthar-Sulaiman geologic province, which
stretches from the Arabian Sea coast north to the Sulaiman Mountains in northwest
Pakistan. The highest peak of the mountains is Zardak Peak at 7,430 ft (2,260)
 ADB Asian Development Bank established in?1966
 Name the town of Baluchistan which situated near the border of Iran? Dalbandin
 Musician who composed National Anthem of Pakistan? Ahmad G. Chagla in 1949,
 The Permanent Secretariat of SAARC is established in? Katmandu
 Who take oath of Governor? Chief Justice of High Court
 Islamabad is situated in? Territorial Area
 Biggest Salt Mine of Pakistan in which District? Jhelum
 Tune of National Anthem was composed by? Ahmed G Chagla
 Acid which used in Battery? Sulphur Acid
 Hegemony Means? Power to Control Others
Steno typist Related Questions
 What is meant by Open Merit? No restriction of Area
 What is meant by appointment on Lien?
 Appointment which option of Going Back
 What is meant by Reconciliation of accounts? Settlements of Accounts
 What is meant by deferment in promotion/service? Postponement
 N.O.C Stands for? No Objection Certificate
 What is meant by Charge Sheet? Statement of Allegations
 What is meant by joining time? Time allowed to join duty
 What is meant by current charge? Temporary Charge
 What is meant by over time allowance? Late Duty Allowance
 What is meant by Additional Charge? Temporary charge
Computer Related Portion
 What do you call a collection of character and paragraph formatting commands?
A style
 Maximum number of column that can added in ms word? 63
 Which of the following command is not available in Tools Menu? Auto Text
 CTRL+H is used for? Replace Dialog Box
 When you click on File Menu in Word 2010, it opens? Backstage View
 What can be searched by Find? Format, Character, Symbol
 CTRL+= used for? Subscript
 What is smallest and largest available font on formatting toolbar? 8-72
 A (n) …….. is a dot or other symbol positioned at the beginning of paragraph? Bullet
‫‪Federal Investigation Agency‬‬
‫‪Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani‬‬

‫‪Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933‬‬

‫سورہ جن‬ ‫قران رشیف یک پاچنویں سورت اک انم بتائںی جو قل ےس رشوع ہویت ہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫چار‬ ‫آپ صیل ہللا علیہ وسمل یک کتین بیٹیاں کتین تھںی۔‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حرضت عیل رضہ‬ ‫کس حصایب کو اسد ہللا اک لقب مال؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مسجد قبا‬ ‫اسالم یک پہیل مسجد اک انم بتائںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 10‬سال‬ ‫آپ صیل ہللا علیہ وسمل مدینہ مںی کتنا عرصہ گزارا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 2‬ہجری‬ ‫قبلہ اول تبدیل کرےن اک حمک کب مال؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حرضت عامثن غین رضہ‬ ‫اسالم کہ تیرسے خلیفے اک انم بتائںی ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حرضت معر رضہ‬ ‫اسالم کہ دورسے خلیفے اک انم بتائںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حرضت ابو بکر صدیق رضہ‬ ‫اسالم کہ پےلہ خلیفے اک انم بتائںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حرضت عیل رضہ‬ ‫اسالم کہ چوتےھ خلیفے اک انم بتائںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫لکمہ‬ ‫اسالم کہ پےلہ رکن اک انم بتائںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 2‬ہجری مںی‬ ‫غزوہ بدر کب ہویئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫کویئ رکعت نہںی (تکبریات ‪)4‬‬ ‫منازہ جنازہ مںی کتین رکعتںی ہںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪63‬‬ ‫آپ صیل ہللا علیہ وسمل یک معر مبارک کتین تھی ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫بدر کہ مقام پر‬ ‫اسالم یک پہیل جنگ کس مقام پر ہویئ تھی ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪30‬‬ ‫قرآن پاک مںی کتنے پارے ہںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫آیت الکریس‬ ‫قرآن پاک سب ےس بڑی آیت کونیس ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪03‬‬ ‫آپ صیل ہللا علیہ وسمل ےک کتنے بیٹے تےھ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫عید مناز مںی کتین رکعتںی ہںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حرضت خدجیہ رضہ‬ ‫آپ صیل ہللا علیہ وسمل یک پہیل بیوی اک انم؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 23‬مارچ ‪1940‬ء‬ ‫قراداد پاکس تان کب پیش یک گیئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫چوہدری رمحت‬ ‫پاکس تان اک انم کس ےن جتویز کیا تھا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مولوی فضل حق‬ ‫قراداد پاکس تان کس ےن پیش یک تھی ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1965‬‬ ‫پاکس تان اور بھارت یک پہیل جنگ کب ہویئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1960‬‬ ‫س ندھ طاس معاہدا کب ہوا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1996‬‬ ‫پاکس تان حتریک انصاف کب معل مںی الای گیا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫پرویزخٹک‬ ‫پاکس تان اک موجودہ وزیر دفاع کون ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حبریہ عرب‬ ‫پاکس تان کہ جنوب مںی کونسا ملک ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ ۱۱‬س مترب ‪1948‬ع‬ ‫قائد اعظم یک وفات کب ہویئ تھی ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ایش یا‬ ‫سعودی عرب کس براعظم مںی ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫رپیہ‬ ‫رسی لناک یک کرنیس کونیس ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫اکتوبر ‪1945‬‬ ‫اقوام متحدہ اک قیام کب معل مںی آای؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫چنی‬ ‫آابدی کہ حلاظ ےس دنیا اک سب ےس بڑا ملک کونسا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫برائن الرا‬ ‫ٹیسٹ کرکٹ مںی سب ےس زایدہ رنس کس کھالڑی ےن بنائںی ہںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫سفید‬ ‫دوران جنگ آپ صیل ہللا علیہ وسمل اک عمل کس رنگ اک ہوات تھا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫نیل آرم سرٹانگ‬ ‫چاند پر پہنچنے واےل پےلہ انسان اک انم؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 8611‬میرٹ‬ ‫ےک‪ _----‬ٹو پہاڑ یک اوچنایئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حبرالاکہل‬ ‫سب ےس بڑا حبر (مسندر) کونسا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫زہرہ‬ ‫نظام مشیس مںی سب ےس چھوٹا س یارہ کونسا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 14‬اگست ‪1947‬‬ ‫پاکس تا کب وجود مںی آای؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ممنون حسنی‬ ‫پاکس تان اک موجودہ صدر؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫رسحد‬ ‫خیرب پختون خواہ اک پراان انم؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫لیاقت عیل خان‬ ‫پاکس تان اک پہال وزیراعظم؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 1610‬لکو میرٹ‬ ‫پاکس تان اور بھارت کہ رسحد یک ملبایئ کتین ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫جرنل مقر جاوید ابجوہ‬ ‫پاکس تان اک موجودہ آرم چیف؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1973‬‬ ‫پاکس تان اک موجودہ آئنی کس سن مںی منظور ہوا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مرمی خمتار‬ ‫پاکس تان یک پہیل شہید پائلٹ اک انم بتائںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫بھارت‬ ‫پاکس تان کہ مرشق مںی کونسا ملک ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 25‬دمسرب ‪1876‬‬ ‫قائد ائظم یک پیدائش کب ہویئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مرمی خمتار فائیرٹ جیٹ شکریہ خامن مکرشل‬ ‫پاکس تان یک پہیل خاتون پائلٹ اک انم بتائںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪Federal Investigation Agency‬‬
‫‪Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani‬‬

‫ماانمہ‬ ‫حبرین اک دااحلکومت کونسا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫گرین لینڈ‬ ‫دنیا اک سب ےس بڑا جزیرہ کونسا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ابکو‬ ‫آذرابئیجان اک داراحلکومت کونسا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫دمشق‬ ‫شام اک داراحلکومت کونسا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ڈالر‬ ‫زمبابوے یک کرنیس اک کیا انم ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ٹکہ‬ ‫بنگالدیش یک کرنیس اک کیا انم ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫درای نیل‬ ‫دنیا اک سب ےس بڑا درای کونسا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ایران مںی‬ ‫پاکس تان کہ پےلہ اسکندر مرزا صدر کہاں دفن ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫پاکس تان ویسرٹن ریلوے‬ ‫پاکس تان ریلوے اک پراان انم کیا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مچگادڑ‬ ‫کونسا پرندہ اےنپ چبوں کہ دودھ پالات ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مدینہ‬ ‫پہیل مسمل رایست یک بنیاد کہاں رکھی گیئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫رک جاان‬ ‫معین کیا ےہ؟‬ ‫صوم یک لغوی ٰ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫حرضت دائود‬ ‫زبور کتاب کس نیب پر انزل ہویئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫صور پھونکنا‬ ‫حرضت ارسافیل اک کیا اکم ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫پیغام پہچاان‬ ‫معین کیا ےہ؟‬‫ویح یک لغوی ٰ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫پاچن‬ ‫اسالم کہ بنیادی عقائد کتنے ہںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫امیان‬ ‫معین کیا ےہ؟‬
‫عقیدہ اک لغوی ٰ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ساڈے ابون توال‬ ‫چاندی ہر زکوت اک نصاب ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫دو ھجری‬ ‫روزہ کس کب فرض ہوا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫فرض ےہ‬ ‫جح کہ لئے احرام ابندھنا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 14‬اگست ‪1973‬‬ ‫‪ 1973‬اک آئنی کب انفذ ہوا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ 2900‬لکو میرٹس‬ ‫درایئے س ندھ یک ملبایئ کتین ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1928‬‬ ‫نہرو رپورٹ کب پیش یک گیئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1762‬‬ ‫شاہ ویل ہللا اک انتقال کب ہوا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫افغانس تان اور ایران‬ ‫پاکس تان کہ مغرب مںی کونےس ملک ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1958‬‬ ‫پاکس تان مںی پہال مارشال کب لگاای؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1956‬‬ ‫پاکس تان اک پہال آئنی کس سن مںی پیش کیا گیا؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1898‬‬ ‫رس س ید امحد خان یک وفات کب ہویئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫انرٹپول‬ ‫‪ FIA‬کس انرٹنیش نل ادارے کہ ساتھ مل کر اکم کریت ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫اسالم آابد‬ ‫‪ FIA‬اکیڈم کس شہر مںی ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ڈائریکرٹ جرنل‬ ‫‪ FIA‬اک ہیڈ کون ہوات ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫دنیا مںی کہںی بھی‬ ‫‪ FIA‬ایکٹ کہ دفعات پاکس تاین شہریوں پر الگو ہوں ےگ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪FIA‬‬ ‫مین النڈرنگ اک دائرہ اختیار کس ادارے کہ پاس ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫)‪(CTW‬‬ ‫‪ FIA‬یک انسداد دہشت گردی کو کیا کےتہ ہںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪1975‬‬ ‫‪ FIA‬کب قامئ ہویئ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪Cyber Crime Wing‬‬ ‫‪ NR3‬ےس کیا مراد ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪FIA‬‬ ‫انساین امسگلنگ کہ خالف اکروایئ کس ادارے اک اکم ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫وزیر داخلہ‬ ‫‪ FIA‬کس وزارت اک ادارا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫فیڈرل انویسٹیگیشن اجیینیس‬ ‫‪ FIA‬اک کیا خمفف ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪384‬‬ ‫بھتہ خوری کہ جرم پر کونیس دفعت الگو ہویت ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪392‬‬ ‫ڈکییت ےک جرم پر کونیس دفعت لگیت ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫فوجداری‬ ‫قتل اک مقدمہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ قانون کہ حتت الگو ہویت ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫جمسرٹیٹ کہ حمک ےس زیر حراست تفتیش کران‬ ‫رمیانڈ کےس کےتہ ہںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مثل‬ ‫تفتیش آفیرس یک فائل کو کیا کےتہ ہںی؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫فرسٹ انفارمیشن رپورٹ‬ ‫‪ FIR‬اک کیا مطلب ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ایک خاتون اہلاکر یک رضورت ہویت ےہ‬ ‫ایک خاتون کو گرفتار کرےن کہ لئے؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫قانون‬ ‫تعزیرات پاکس تان کیا ےہ؟‬ ‫‪‬‬
Office Assistant Paper

FDA Department
Held on 05-06-2021
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani
 Head of Amazon? Jeff Bezos
 Pakistan Population under age 34? 65%
 Pakistan Needs how may votes from FATF members to exit from grey list? 12
 Oscar Award was started in? 1929
 Which city of Pakistan is known is Paris of Pakistan? Karachi
 In 2018 court reopened case of Kalbushan Yadav? ICJ
 He goes ……. The examination by dint of hard work. Over
 Farmer Parkinson’s dog is …….. to scare my intruder. Ferocious enough
 Iron Dome Technology? Israel
 Hydrogen atom has how many neutrons in its nucleus: 1
 3rd largest element on earth curst? Aluminum
 Mussolini came into power in: Italy (1922-1943 WWII)
 Basin is? Deep area on the surface of Earth
 Diamond is actually? Carbon
 Which planets revolves clockwise around the sun, seen from earth? Venus
 Life span of red blood cells? 120 Days
 Bolsheviks revolution from which country? Russia
 Industrial revolution started from which country? Great Britian
 Sedimentary rocks cover…….percent of land area? 73%
 Term of senate members? 6 years
 Currency of China Yuan (renminbi)
 Meteorology is: Science of Atmosphere
 Mossad is agency of? Israel
 Greenwich is located near? London
 Rank of Pakistan. Dangerous of Journalists? 145
 Benazir Bhutto Died in? 2007
 Minto-Morley Reforms purpose?
Induction of the Indians government to the Government
 Tarbela Dam was completed in? 1976
 Last Governor General? Iskandar Mirza
 Max Weber? German Sociologist
 Continent with no desert? Europe
 Libya Capital Tripoli
 Bring me ……. Water: Some
 Red Cross got Nobel Prize how many times? 3
 Docile means? Ready to be taught
 Which country first made corona vaccine for animals? Russia
 Rakaposhi is located in which mountain range? Karakoram
 Noor Muhammad Meskanzi is head of? Federal Shariat Court
 Pakistan National Food Authority was founded in?
 Pakistan national food authority does not exist
 Next CEO of Amazon? Andy Jassy (05 July 2021)
 Current Permanent Representative of Pakistan to UNO? Munir Akram
 Kunar River is also called? Chitral
 Bagawad Gita is? Indian Religious Book
 Wall Street is located in? New York
 Geneva is famous city of? Switzerland
 Chasma Canal links Indus River with? River Jhelum
 Total countries who participated in Aman Naval Exercise in 2021? 45
 Kary Logar Bill authorized Non Military Aid to Pakistan for a period of: 2010-14
 Corona Virus Vaccine was developed by: China
 Radioactive rays are? Gamma Rays
 Most Common Elements for all perfumes: Ethyl Alcohol (78-95%)
 Annulment of Bengal: 1911
 Pakistan A Personal History book was written by: Imran Khan
 Pakistan was inevitable book was written by? Syed Hassan Riaz
 “To Cry Wolf” To Give False Alarms
 Which is used fermentation of food? Lactic Acid
 LCD Stands for? Liquid Crystal Display
 PFA (Punjab Food Authority) was founded in? 2011
 The Material used in Blood Clotting is made up of? Protein
 Which country introduced equal payments for male and female ‫و‬orkers in Private
Sector: UAE
 2021 Asian Valley Ball Tournament well be held in? Japan
 COP-26 held in? Glasgow UK
 Isotopes of an elements differ in the number of? Neutrons
 Which river flows in Paris? Seine
 Pervez Musharraf become president after referendum in: 2002
 11th SG of OIC is?
Dr. Yousef bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen (Saudi Arabia) 2016
 First Step in Refining Petroleum is: Distillatoin
 Last Prime Minister of United Punjab was? Malik Khizar Hayat
 Largest Populated country of the world? Tokyo 37.4 Million
 “Working with Zia” written by? Arif Khalid Mehmud
6 ‫ عمر فاروق وصال کہ وقت کتنے افراد پر مجلس شوری بنائی؟‬
‫کعب‬ ‫ عمر فاروق کا شجر نصب حضور ا کرم صہ ےس کہاں ملتا ہے؟‬
‫اسم کیفیت‬ ‫‪ ‬نریم‪ ،‬تارییک بیداری گرامر ےس حساب ےس کیا ہیں؟‬
‫اصول اربیعہ‬ ‫‪ ‬فقہ جعفریہ یک معترب کتب ہے؟‬
‫ڈا کٹر وزیر آغا‬ ‫‪ ‬مجلہ اوراق ےک مدیر کا نام؟‬
‫شبیل نعماین‬ ‫‪ 1797 ‬میں غالب پیدا ہوےئ ‪ 1817 ،‬میں سر سید‪ 1937 ،‬میں حایل ‪ 1857 ،‬میں کون پیدا ہوا؟‬
‫(لیال کہ خطوط اور مجنوں یک ڈائری)‬ ‫‪ ‬قایض عبدالغفار کا ناول کونسا ہے؟ ان میں ےس کوئی نہیں‬
‫مسدس‬ ‫‪ ‬اقبال یک نظمیں شکوہ اور جواب شکوہ کیا ہیں؟ ان میں ےس کوئی نہیں‬
‫ایک‬ ‫‪ ‬سکھ کتنے خدائوں کو ما نتے ہیں؟‬
‫حضرت صا لح علیہ السالم‬ ‫‪ ‬اونٹین کا معجزا کس نیب ےس منسلک ہے؟‬
‫حضرت سعد بن ایب وقاص رضہ‬ ‫‪ ‬ان میں ےس عشرہ مبشرہ؟‬
‫ن م راشد‬ ‫‪ ‬ماورا کس کا شعر مجموعہ ہے؟‬
‫گٹھلیوں‬ ‫‪ ‬آم ےک آم ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ کہ دام ؟‬
‫حضرت عیل رضہ‬ ‫‪ ‬ولید بن عتبہ کو غزوہ بدر میں کس ےن قتل کیا؟‬
‫حضرت دہیہ کلیب رضہ‬ ‫‪ ‬ہرقل روم کو آپ صیل اللہ علیہ وسلم کا خط کون دینے گیا تھا؟‬
‫دھار‬ ‫‪ ‬تیل دیکھو تیل یک ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ دیکھو ‪:‬‬
‫اداس نسلیں‬ ‫‪ ‬عبداللہ حسن ےن کونیس ناول لکیھ؟‬
‫غزوہ حمراء االسد‬ ‫‪ ‬کس غزوہ بعد آپ کریم صہ ےن االسد نام کہ گھر میں تنی دن قیام کیا؟‬
‫وہان‬ ‫‪ ‬کرونا چنی کہ کس شہر ےس وجود میں آیا؟‬
‫محمد اسماعیل مریٹیھ‬ ‫‪ ‬آزاد نظم کا باین؟‬
‫احمد ندیم قاسیم‬ ‫‪ ‬مجلہ فنون کس ےن نکاال؟‬
‫امحد ندیم قامسی‬ ‫‪ ‬رسالہ فنون کس یک اداوت میں شایع ہوا؟‬
‫تنی‬ ‫‪ ‬بانگ درا کتنے ادوار پر مشتمل ہے؟‬
‫قرالتعن حیدر‬ ‫‪" ‬آخری شب اک ہم سفر" کس یک ناول ہے؟‬
‫رشتہ دار ہی کیوں نہ ہو‬ ‫‪ ‬ایت کرمیہ ہے کہ عدل اک دامن نہ چھوڑو خواہ متہارا قرییب ۔۔۔۔۔۔‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪ ‬مرزا غالب یک اردو دیوان یک کتین جلدیں ہیں ؟‬
‫حضرت محزہ رضہ‬ ‫‪ ‬اسالم کہ پہلے علمربدار صحایب اک نام؟‬
‫فاطمہ بنت اسد‬ ‫‪ ‬حضرت عیل رضہ یک والدہ ماجدہ اک نام؟‬
‫حضرت ابو بکر صدیق رضہ‬ ‫‪ ‬کس صحایب ےک دور میں قران پاک کو کتاب یک شکل دی گئی؟‬
‫شعب ایب طالب‬ ‫‪ ‬حضور ا کرم صہ یک والدت کس ےک گھر میں ہوئی؟‬
Paper OF Assistant
Head Clerk

FDA Department
Held on 06-06-2021

Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933

 1st Foreign Minister of Pakistan? Liaquat Ali Khan
 Tyson Luke Fury is famous player of? Boxing
 Pneumonia bacteria disease cause by which type of bacteria?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
 Optical Fibre is made of? Glass
 Hanna Lake? Quetta
 Hinglaj Mata Temple is located in?
Lasbela BLN, In the Middle of Hingol National Park
 Siddartha is written by? Herman Hesse
 Pakistan Military Academy? Abbottabad
 Iqbal Died on? 21st April 1938
 Pakistan Steel Mills established in reign of? Zia Ul Haq
 I Met ………. European: A
 “Daughter of East” is written by? Benazir Bhutto
 Big Exporter of LNG? Qatar
 Which country will pay the victims of Ukrainian Plane Crash? Iran
 Fatima Bhutto is daughter of? Mir Murtaza Bhutto
 18 Amendment was passed by which government? PPP

 Kashmir Lockdown was started in 5 August 2019

 Current Air Chief? Air chief marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan NI(M)
 Pakistan Space Agency? SUPARCO
 President Arif Alvi promulgated an ordinance for the Protection of Parents on? 8th May
 Pakistan Bough Gwadar from which country? Oman
 Which country had the possession of Gwadar before Pakistan? Aman
 Florescent Tubes and Thermometers are made of? Mercury
 Saturated Hydrocarbons? Alkanes
 PPP founded in? 30th Nov 1967 Lahore
 Beirut is the capital of? Lebanon
 Peru is located in which continent? South America
 The 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice held in? Kyoto, Japan (07-12 March 2021)
 Punctuation in Urdu is known as: A’arab ‫اعراب‬
 Oldest Uni of Pakistan? Punjab University
 CM of Sindh? Murad Shah
 Pak China Diplomatic Relations started in? 21 May 1951
 Capital of Jordan? Amman
 When did Russia attack Crimean Peninsula? 2014
 Slogan “No Taxation without representation” American Revolution
 President of Hamas? Ismail Haniyeh
 Speaker of Punjab Assembly? Ch Parvez Ilahi
 When Punjab Govt Introduced protection of women against Violence act? 29 Feb 2016
 Cooking gas is mixture of two gasses? Methane & Ethane
 Borith Lake is located at? Gojal, Hunza Valley GB
 General Elections held every year? 5
 Pushto Language has its origin from? Iran
 India Wins Freedom is written by? Abul Kalam Azad
 Hijri Calendar was started in? 16 hijri ( 636 AD )
 HQ of ASEAN? Jakarta, Indonesia
 Total Members in ASEAN? 10
 Which of the following is word processing software? MS Word
 Districts in Punjab? 36
 Hormone which contain Iodine: Thyroxine
 Who said. “Democracy is best revenge” Benazir Bhutto
‫حضرت ا نس بن مالک رضہ‬ ‫ حضرت محمد صہ یک گھر یک دیکھ بال کون کرتا تھا؟‬
‫ارمغان حجاز‬ ‫ عالمہ اقبال یک کونیس تصنیف ان یک وفات کہ بعد شا یع ہوئی؟‬
‫حضرت ابو سفیان رضہ‬ ‫ ام المومننی ام حبیبہ رضہ کس یک بیٹی تیھ؟‬
‫ضرت سیدنا مویس علیہ السالم‬ ‫سلوی کس نیب یک امت پر نازل ہوا؟ ح‬
ٰ ‫ من و‬
‫سورہ طہ‬ ‫ حضرت عمر فاروق رضہ کونیس صورت سن کر مسلمان ہوےئ؟‬
‫شوکت صدییق‬ ‫ خدا یک بسیت کس یک ناول ہے؟‬
‫انتظار حسنی‬ ‫ آخری دم کس یک ناول ہے؟‬
‫ناصر کاضیم‬ ‫ میں ےن جب لکھنا سیکھا تھا پہلے نام تریا لکھا تھا کس یک شعر ہے؟‬
‫امام بخاری‬ ‫ تک کس کا دور ہے؟‬256 ‫ ےس‬194 
‫ا کرب الہ آبادی‬ ‫ ان میں ےس کونسا شاعر مزاح نگار ہے؟‬
‫علم االقتصاد‬ ‫ اقبال ےن معاشیات ےک متعلق کونیس کتاب لکیھ؟‬
Special Security Unit
Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933

 10% of 2200 is? 220

 17x350/5? 1190
 8, 24, ……….., 56,72? 40
 18, 30, ………. 54, 66? 42
 90% of 4000? 3600
 (5/3) + (2/7) =?
 Takes my apples ………. You take? That
 1st GG of Pakistan? Quaid Azam
 Where is steel mill? Karachi
 Interior Minister of Pakistan? Sheikh Rasheed
 Antonym of word “Shining” Dark
 When National Flag of Pakistan Adopted? August 11 1954
 Sindhi language is ………… language. Oldest
 How many sections are there in Pakistan National Assembly?
342 National Assembly & 104 Senate Assembly
 Name of Father of Allama Iqbal? Sheikh Noor Muhammad
 Tarbela capacity of storing water? 13.69 km3
 How Many mountains ranges are there in Pakistan? 6
 Average heart beat in one minute? 72
 When agriculture reform in Pakistan? 1959
 When state bank of Pakistan established July 1, 1948
 Synonym of Comfort? Support /help
 What is total area of Punjab? 205,344
 Pakistan biggest populated city? Karachi
 Khunjrab connects with? China
 Current Chief Justice of Sindh High Court? Justice Ahmed Ali M Shaikh
 Who wrote the Book “The Emergency of Pakistan” Ch M Ali
 Largest Coastline province of Pakistan? Baluchistan
 First census of Pakistan was held in? 1951
 How many houses in Pakistan majlis shora? 2
 The Standard Time of Pakistan is? 5 hours ahead of Greenwich mean time
 Blood Group which is called universal donor? O Negative
 Height of Nanga Parbat? 8126
 The Book “Indus Saga” is written by? Aitzaz Ahsan
 “Jam Saqi” A renowned have Sindhi Politician having ……. Ideology? Socialist
 Pakistan Steel Mills was founded by? ZAB
 Margalla Hills are hells of? Himalaya Range
 ZAB was hanged on? 4th April 1979
 Karishma Kumari is the first lady ………… from Tharparkar Member of Senate
 Malaria Desease spreads due to? Mosquitos
 The most important stimulants in tea leaves? Caffeine
 Physics is the branch of science which deals with? Sound, Light, Motion
 Telephone was invented by? Graham Bell
 First lady chairperson of senate? Noor Jehan
 Tomb of Bibi Pak Daman is located? Lahore
 The earth …………….. around the sun? Revolves
 (3+2)2 = 25
 3+2x2-4=3
 173=4913
 103-1000=0
 17% of 1620: 275.4
 He is a good ……… of football. Player
 We used to ……….. to Murree in summer. Go
 Noor & Fatima are ……….. sisters. NON
 This book is …………by Shakespeare. Written
 We have been waiting for flight …….. last Friday. Since
 Patient is too ………. To walk. Weak
 Synonym of word “Gracious” Courteous
 1st case of Covid-19? 29th Dec, 2019
 Quaid Azam Uni? Islamabad
 Imran Khan became the PM of Pakistan? 18 August 2018
 Pakistan Got Indepent? 14th Aug, 1947
 Provinces in Pakistan? 4
 National Fruit of Pakistan? Mango
 Tomb of Sachal Sarmast? Khairpur
Special Security Unit
Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933
 Orange is a rich source of? Vitamin-C
 Light travels faster then? Air, Sound, Water, AOA
 Green color of plants leaves is due to? Chlorophyll
 Jan Sher Khan was famous player of? Squash
 Smallest river of Pakistan? Ravi River (Length 720 km)
 Benazir Bhutto was died on? 27th Dec 2007
 Central Police Services Group is Pakistan is known was? PSP
 Identify the smallest civil award of Pakistan? Tamgha-e-Khidmat
 National Anthem Written by? Hafeez Jhalandari
 Qazi Hussain Ahmed was the head of? Jamat-e-Islami
 The Capital Islamabad was founded by? Ayub Khan
 Parvez Musharaf removed the chief justice of Pakistan in 2007? Iftikhar Chouhdry
 Newton gave …. Law of motions? Three
 Name of Pakistan was proposed by? Ch Rehmat Ali
 He is very ……. To me? Dear
 Ahmed …….. well: cooks
 They …….. cats. Like
 I am not …….. good. Feeling
 Don’t ……… noise please. Make
 Aslam is ……. Book. Writing
 Synonym of word Nice. Polite
 Synonym of word rich is. Poor
 Prevailing constitution of Pakistan was passed in? 1973
 Founder of Microsoft windows? Bill Gates
 “Haran Minar” is located in? NON (Right Ans: Shekhupoora)
 “Flying Horse” was the title of? Samiullah (Hockey Player)
 National Language of Pakistan? Urdu
 M.A.O College is situated at? Lahore
 Peshawar is known as? City of Roses
 Identify the correct spelling? Compassionate
 Let’s ……… a cup of tea. Have
 (90)2 = 8100
 8-2+6=12
 19+12+13-15/3=39
 20% of 820 is =164
 Identify the odd one: February
 8,32,128, ……….., 2048: 512
 8.33+7.44=15.77
 Harrapa is located in? Sahiwal
 Sarfaraz Nawaz belonged to? Cricket
 Antonym of Literate: Illiterate
 Current Chairman Senate: Sadiq Sanjrani (8th) (BAP Party)
 PPC Stands for? Pakistan Penal Code
Explain: Pakistan penal code was basically created in 1860 by Lord Mechalay.
Pakistan adopted this penal code in 1947
 Jinnah Barrage constructed on which river? Indus River
Exp: Jinnah Barrage was constructed near Kalabagh on river Indus in 1939-1946,
Installed capacity: 96 MW
 The branch of science which studies about plants is called? Botany
 Largest desert of Pakistan? Thar Desert (9th in the world)
 First Month of Islam? Muhram
 Longest River of Pakistan? Indus
 Longest Serving Army Chief? Ayub Khan (12 Years)
 Largest dam of Pakistan? Tarbela
 K-2 is the highest point …………… range? Karakoram
 The 1st TV Station established in? Lahore
 Badshahi Mosque Lahore was built by? Auranbzeb Alamger
 Pakistan tested nuclear weapons? 28th May 1998
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
ASF (Airport Security Force) 28-03-2021
For the Post ASI
1. The extinct volcanic peak of Koh-e-Sufaid is in? Ans: Iran
2. The Seasons change because of the? Ans: Earth revolving round the sun
3. The word democracy has been derived from the? Ans: Greece
4. The Orange River flows in? Ans: Mexico
5. Who was the 1st Pakistani who have hundred in T20? Ans: Ahmed Shehzad
6. Ethiopia is the new name of? Ans: Abyssinia
7. When Islamabad United won 1st Trophy of PSL? Ans: 22 Feb 2016
8. The Capital of Sri Lanka? Ans: Colombo
9. Which of the following lines divides Turkish & Greece Cyprus Ans: Green Line
10. The world largest land border is b/w Ans: America & Canada
11. Atomic Number of Hydrogen is? Ans: 1
12. Which of the following rays are penetrating? Ans: Gamma Rays
13. The volume of a blood in human body to be approximately …….. of the weight? 7%
14. Cause of Malaria is? Ans: Mosquito
15. Atomic number of helium is. Ans: 2
16. If cost of three dozen apples is 324, then what is the cost of 10 apples? Ans: 90
17. The most precious gemstone Emerald are found in? Ans: Swat
18. The 1st museum of Pakistan established in? Ans: 17 April 1950 (Karachi)
19. Harappa City is situated on the bank of? Ans: Ravi
20. Neronkot was the old name of. Ans: Hyderabad
21. She agrees ………. My proposal Ans: to
22. Alia does not work, ………… she left a few weeks ago. Ans: here anymore
23. Barking dogs …………… bite. Ans: Seldom
Change into indirect speech:
24. She said to him “Consult a Doctor” Ans: She advised him to consult a doctor
25. He said to me “Write it again” Ans: He asked me to write it again
Change the voice of the following.
26. She takes tea. Ans: Tea is taken by her
27. Who taught you to Judo? Ans: By whom were you taught to judo
28. Antonyms of Vowel? Ans: Consonant
29. Antonym of Messy? Ans: Neat

ASF 28-03-2021
ASI Paper
(Airport Security Force)
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
LDC 22-03-2021
(Ministry of Law & Justice)
1. Christopher Columbus discovered America, he belongs to? Italy
2. Who founded Buddhism in India? Gautama Buddha
3. What is Cartography? Art of Making Maps & Charts
4. What is Bootlegging? Form of smuggling
5. “Naxalites” movement is in? India
6. Which of the following states share the water of “Aral Sea” Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan
7. How many members were nominated by Muslim League for the Interim-Government? Ans: 5
8. Who was the chairman of Boundary Commissions of? Ans: Cyrill Rafcliff
9. Quaid Sworn as the 1st G.G of Pakistan? Ans: 15th August 1947
10. Which of the following is the Parliament of Japan Ans: Diet
11. Cripps Mission came in? Ans: 1942
12. When the sixth census was conducted in Pakistan? Ans: 2017
13. Who was the 1st women which travelled in Space? Ans: Valentina Tereshkova
14. Babar’s Tomb Situated in? Ans: Agra
15. Which is the largest country in Arabian Peninsula? Ans: Saudi Arabia
16. The Name “Muhammad” Mentioned in Quran …….. times. Ans: 4
17. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah Twice? Ans: Surah Namal
18. Which Surah is start without Bismillah? Ans: Surah Touba
19. Which Surah contains the orders of Wuzu, Ghusal and Tayamum? Surah Maidah
20. Which Famous Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al Imran? Ans: Ghazwa-e-Uhad
21. In Surah Kahaf, which animal is mentioned with Ashab-e-Kahaf? Ans: Dog
22. The Battle of Yarmuk was fought b/w Muslims & ? Ans: Romains
23. Masjid Qibltain is in? Ans: Madina
24. When the partition of Bengal was annulled? Ans: 1911
25. Nelson Mandela was the president of which country? Ans: South Afirca
26. Niagara falls are situated in? Ans: Sweden
27. When did Sir Sayyed set M.A.O High School in Ali Garh? Ans: 1875
28. Jinnah Garden is located in? Ans: Karachi
29. On November 26, 1964, the first T.V station was established in? Ans: Lahore
30. Who led the Simla Deputation? Ans: Sir Agha Khan
31. Alexander the great was the king of? Ans: Macedonia
32. 1st Summit of SAARC was held in 1985 in?Ans: Dhaka
33. The Pisa Tower is in? Ans: Italy
34. “Statue of Liberty” is located in? Ans: New York
35. Which is the National Animal of Pakistan? Ans: Maar Khor
36. Which is the smallest sea of the world? Ans: Baltic
37. Urdu is a word of? Ans: Turkish
38. Which country is located at the North of Arabian Sea? Ans: Iran & Pakistan
39. The largest continent by area is? Ans: Asia (Also by Population Wise)
40. Panama is a country in? Ans: Central America
41. Lord Minto came to India as a viceroy in the year? Ans: 1905
42. World Bank was established in? Ans: July 1944
43. Which policy ended when Nelson Mandela become President of South Africa? Ans: Apartheid
44. What is the old name of Zhob? Ans: Fort Sandman
45. Constantinople fell into the hands of the Muslims in which year? Ans: 1453 AD
46. Abdul Sattar Edhi was died on? Ans: 08 July 2016
47. 17th Parallel line was the provisional demarcation line b/w? North & South Vietnam
48. What was the age of Hazrat Ibrahim AS when Hazrat Ismail was born? Ans: 86
Paper of ASI
ASF Department

Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235

Complete the following with suitable answers.
1) The Doctor advised him ……….. eat rice. Ans: Not to
2) The fire spread through the building quickly, but unfortunately everybody …….escape
Ans: Was able to
3) We should not laugh ……………. Poor. Ans: At
Change into indirect speech.
4) He said to me “not to smoke” Ans: He told me not smoke
5) We said to him, “Mind your own business” we urged him to mind his own business
Change the voice of the following.
6) She goes office. Ans: the act of going to school was done by her.
7) No one is responded to my sales ad. Ans: My sales ad was not responded by anyone
8) Synonym of Slim (Ans: Slender)
9) Synonym of Value (Ans: Worth)
10. The country whose national has anthem has only no words? Ans: Bahain
11. ICC HQ located in? Ans: Dubai
12. Earth’s largest ice volume is present in? Ans: Antarctica
13. Who was Sayad Jamal Ul Din Afghani? Ans: Thinker
14. Netherlands literally meaning? Ans: Lower countries
15. Which is the thinnest earth layer? Ans: Crust
16. The Empire state building is located in? Ans: New York City
17. Which of the following companies will launch sky-bender to boost 5G internet speed?
Ans: Google
18. Who invented the jet engine? Ans: Sir Frank Whittle
19. Glass is made up of the mixture of ? Ans: Sand & Solicitors
20. Atomic number of Nitrogen is? Ans: 7
21. Microphone converts micro energy to? Ans: Electrical Signals
22. Rusting of iron involves? Ans: Oxidation
23. Atomic number of oxygen? Ans: 8
24. An Alarm beeps 16 times per minutes, How much time will it take to beep 88 times?
Ans: 5.5 Minutes
25. The average (arithmetic mean) of 5,10, 15 and x is 20, What is the value of x?
Ans: 50
26. Simplify 0.8-0.3+0.5=? Ans: 1
27. What percent of 40 is 16? Ans: 40%
28. Who addressded in Allah Abad in 1930? Ans: Allama Iqbal
29. Which pass connects Pak & Afghanistan? Ans: Khyber Pass
30. Which one did not served as Chairman of the Senate of Pak? Ans: Shehla Raza
31. Which mountain range is located in Sindh Province? Ans: Kirthar Range
32. Pakistan conducted nuclear test on 28 May 1998 at? Ans: Chaghi Hills
Paper of Office Assistant BPS: 16. Conducted by SPSC
on date 20-12-2020
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
 Bari Doab lies b/w which two rivers? Ans: Bias & Ravi
 Synonym of “Probity” Ans: Honesty
 Choose the meaning of idiom “Bag & Baggage”. Ans: With All one’s belonging
 Which is the smallest unit of Data? Ans: Bit
 Antonym of “Partisan ” Ans: Neutral
 What is the name of Greek Goddess of Victory? Ans : Nike
 Area of Sindh Province? Ans: 140.914
 New Zealand is located in the continent? Ans: Australia
 Synonym of “Anomaly” Ans: Irregularity
 “Wall Street” is situated in? Ans: New York city
 Choose the meaning of idiom “lean & Mean” Ans: Using only what is necessary
 Antonym of “Discrepancy” Ans: Harmony
 Meteorology is the study of? Ans: Atmospheric science
 Marco polo is an airport, located in? Ans: Venice
 The Head Quarter of ILO is in? Ans: Geneva
 The Noor Mahal is located in? Ans: Bahawalpur
 Which foreign Airline started its service for Pak? Ans: Virgin Atlantic
 Great Philosopher Socrates belongs to? Ans: Greece
 Kartarpur is in which district? Ans: Narowal
 Pakistan is …….. hours ahead of GMT. Ans: 5
 Russian Currency? Ans: Ruble
 Coast line of Pakistan is? Ans: 990
 Kyoto Protocol is related to? Ans: Climate Change
 Badshahi Mosque Lahore was made by? Ans: Aurangez
 The Old name of Jecobabad is? Ans: Khangarh
 A Computer Cannot “Boot” if it does not have the? Ans Operatring System
 Synonym of “Succinct” Ans: Concise
 Capital of Bhutan? Ans: Thimpu
 Antonym of “Enigma” Ans: Clarity
 The test of Atom Bomb of Pak was tested at. Ans: Chagi
 Fall of East Pakistan was on Ans: 16th Dec 1971
 CEO of Google is? Ans: Sundar Pichai
 Synonym of “Abstruse” Ans: Concealed
 Meaning of idiom “A cock & Bull Story” Ans: An Absurd Tale
 Antonym of “Disdain” Ans: Humbly
 Urine is produced by? Ans: Kidneys
 Which city connects two continents? Ans: Istanbul
 Central National Muhammadan Association was founded by? Ans: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
ITS Past Paper BPS-14
Steno Typist
Finance Division Islamabad
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
English Portion
Select the word that is most similar the word provider.
Pester: Annoy
Disparity: Deference
Fortify: Strengthen
Pacify: Calm Down
Paucity: Shortage
Select the word that is most apposite the word provider.
Parsimonious : extravagant
Peter: Liberate
In Toto: Partially
Protean: Unchanging
Predilection: Dislike
He insisted that she remained in house, and got on ………….. her book Ans: With
I wish I could get out ………….. going to the party this evening; I don’t feel like
standing around making polite conversation for three hours. Ans: of
There were a number linguistic problems to be got ……….. in preparing the text of the
treaty. Ans: Over
General Knowledge Portion

Which of the following is icy continent? Antarctica

GPRS Stands for: General Pocket Radio Service.
The ligaments join: Bone to Bone
“Land of Midnight Sun”: Norway
California is known as Silicon Valley because of: Computerized Software Industry
What is the age of Solar System in 2018. 4.571 Billion Year
Which is the largest statue in the world in 2019: Statue of Unity.
Which continent has the highest number of Countries: Africa
Largest Producer of Tea: China
In which country Suez Canal is Located: EGYPT
Total Numbers of Oceans in the world: 5
German shepherd is a popular breed of? Dog
Morning Star Planet? Venus
Which term is used to describe the rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk?
Ans: Sericulture
Which metal is best conductor of electric current: Silver
Popular name of ascorbic acid: Vitamin C
1st president of America? George Washington
Which country gifted the “statue of liberty” to USA in 1886 Ans: French
Capital of Spain? Madrid
Which river is flowing through the London City: River Thames
CPEC Stands For: China Pakistan Economic Corridor
What do we call the water treaty signed b/w India & Pakistan?
Ans: Indus Basin Treaty
Among which pact with India was signed by Liaqat Khan? Ans: Liaqat Nehru Pact
Which country was paid an official visit by the 1st PM of Pakistan in 1950?
Ans: America
Collectively how many Governor Generals ruled over Pakistan? Ans: 4
Who imposed 3rd Martial Law on Pakistan: Gen Zia 1977
Kotli is famous city of? AJ&K
Which valley is known as a Roof of a World? Baltistan
In summer season polo tournaments are held in?
Ans: Giglit Baltistan
The Common value among the people of Pakistan? Islam
1st President of Pakistan? Iskandar Mirza
Quaid Died on Date? 11th September 1948
2nd Governor General of Pakistan? Khuwaja Nizam Ul Din
For how much rupees Ranjit Singh Sold Kashmir? 75 Lac
Muhammad bin Qasim Entered in Sindh? 712 AD
Objective resolutions passed on? 12th march 1949
……….. allowed East India Company to reside and build factories in Surat?
Ans: Jahangir
Muhammad Ali Bogra’s Formula was presented to the constituent assembly on
7th Oct 1953
Gas discovered in Sui in year? 1952
Longest serving Prime Minister of Pakistan? Yousif Raza Gilani
Islamic Portion
Prophet Muhammad SAW sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them
to Islam? Ans: 7 A.H
In the battle of Uhad, Muslims army was re-attacked from mountain (side) under the
command of? Ans: Khalid Bin Waleed
What was relation b/w Prophet Moosa (AS) & Prophet Haroon (AS) Ans: Brothers
One of the Ruler Hazrat Muhammad SAW wrote letter was Khusru Parvaiz. He was
a ………….. Ans: King of Paris
Fundamentals of Islam? Ans: 5
The relatives of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the 1st Migration to Abyssinia? Ans:
Usman Ghani & Ruqaiya RA
Prophet Muhammad SAW performed just one hajj in 10th Hijra, How many camels did
he sacrifice on that occasion? Ans: 63
The Namaz which has no Azan? Ans: Namaza Janaza, Eid Namaz
What was the age of Prophet Muhammad SAW when the Arab tribes re-built Kaba?
Ans: 35 Years
Wuzu Has Faraz? 4 Farz
Ibrahim RA was the son of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Mother of Hazrat Ibrahim RA
was: Ans: Hazrat Maria RA
Holy Quran Contains ……….. stages? Ans: 7
Namaz-e-Istisqa is the prayer of: Ans: Rain
Zakat was made obligatory in? 2 Hijra
Total number of Rakats in Farz did offered? Ans: 48
When the Prophet Muhammad SAW did offered the Eid Prayer? Ans: 2 Hijra
The Religion of Banu Quraizah was? Judaisim
The piercing blast of cold wind below in the? Battle of Ahzab
Name the 1st Authority for the compilation of Ahadis? Ans: Imam Malik
Computer Portion
In a document what is the maximum number of columns that can be inserted? 63
What is the maximum scale percentage available in scale drop down box? Ans: 200
What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character Ans: 1638
Word, by default, place a tab stop at every ….. mark on the ruler. Ans: .5”
Default file extension of word? .docs
Which of the following is page orientation? Ans: Landscape, Portrait
Which indent marker controls all the lines expect 1st line?
Ans: hanging indent marker
Which of the following typically appear at the end of documents for citation of source?
Ans: End Notes
Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same formatting is required in
more than one location?
Ans: Format Painter
There can be many ways to inset page number in a document. Which of the following
lets you insert page number in ms word? Ans: Page Number from insert Menu
The ………….. , or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters, number and
special characters. Ans: Font
You can detect spelling & Grammar errors by? Ans: F7
How can you break the current column and start a new column immediately: Ans: Press
The maximum recent number of files that can be displayed on file menu in ms excel
2007 and newer versions is: Ans: 50
How can you disable extended selection mode? Ans: Press Escape to disable
CTRL+M used for MS word for? Ans: Left Indent

Compiled By:
Zahid Hussain Mirani
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Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0308-2022235
UDC Paper (Ministry of Law & Justice) 22-03-2021
 Which term denotes “Palestine Uprising” Ans: Intifada
 What is called the member of the largest ethnic group in Cambodia. Ans: Khmer
 Name the 1st Tourist in space? Ans: Dennis Tolo
 Baghalchur area of Dera Ghazi Khan is famous for? Ans: Uranium
 Term the upsurge in racial and political intolerance in Western Europe of the early
1990s? Ans: Neo-Nazism
 Alferd Bernhard Noble started Noble Prize, To which country did he belong. Sweden
 What was pan-islam, originated in 1880 in Ottoman Empire.
Ans: Movement uniting the Islamic Nations
 Paper was invented in about 3500 BC, Who invented the paper first. Ans: Chinese
 What those laws are called that God gave to Moses (Mosa) Ans: Ten Commandments
 Titanic struck an iceberg and sank during maiden voyage from Southampton to New
York City, USA in the ……….. Ans: 14 April 1912
 Where are the “Golden River” flows? Ans: Alaska, Canada
 Where the red square is located? Ans: Moscow
 Osama bin laden was a ……… by berth? Ans: Saudi Arabian
 Capital city of the Republic of the union of Myanmar? Ans: Naypyitaw
 In which year the noble prize was awarded first? Ans: 1901
 Who wrote the poem “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” Ans: Jane Tylor
 When Pakistan won the Gold Medal in Olympics First time? Ans: 1960
 “Durand Line” is a boundary b/w? Ans: Pak & Afghanistan
 Cambulpur is the Old name? Ans: Attock
 Minimum persons required for Namaz Ba-Jamail? Ans: 2
 HQ of FAO? Ans: Rome
 Name the US President who was film actor? Ans: Ronald Reagan
 The 1st Railway track was established b/w Ans: Karachi & Kotri
 Who was the founder of Mughal Emperor in India?Ans: Babar
 Skopje is a ………………. Ans: Capital of Macedonia
 What is the percentage of salt water on the earth surface? Ans: 97%
 Who composed the verses of the National Anthem? Ans: Abdul Asar Hafeez Jalandhri
 Largest planet is? Ans: Jupiter
 Agoraphobia is the fear of? Ans: Open Places
 Who was 2nd Governor General of Pakistan? Ans: Khuwaja Nizam Ul Din
 SAARC consists of how many member countries? Ans: 8
 Largest Museum of Pakistan? Ans: Karachi
 Christopher Columbus was the founder of USA belonged to? Ans: Italy
 Hazrat Lal Qalandar Shehbaz buried in? Ans: Sehwan Shareef
 Lahore Fort & Attock Fort was constructed by? Ans: Akbar
 Which is the largest animal in the world? Ans: Blue whale
 Name the youngest elected president of USA? Theodore Roosevelt (In the age 42 years)
 Al-Beruni wrote “Asaar-Ul-Baqiah” what is its subject? Ans: Calendars & old nations
 Who prepared “Jalaali Calender” Ans: Umer Khayyam
 Which of the following elements is essential for animals but not in plants? Ans: Iodine
 Which is the hottest planet on solar system? Ans: Venus
 Smallest ocean in the world? Ans: Arctic
 Which is the following is considered world oldest city? Ans: Damascus
Ministry of Defense
TODAY’s Assistant Director Paper
Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933

Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933

 Boiling point of water? 373k
 Freezing point of water? OC
 Zaboor revealed on? Hazrat Daud AS
 Which Prophet was the carpenter? Hazrat Zakaria AS
 Name of Pakistan-Turkey Joint military exercise 2021? Ataturk X1
 NWFP Name Changed? 2010
 The Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline is also called? Peace Pipeline
 Locust related new department? NLCC
 Which country visited by PM in Nov. 2020? Afghanistan
 Hazrat Ibrahim AS relation with Hazrat Loot? Loot AS was Nephew of Ibrahim AS
 The first Artificial satellite sent in space was? Sputnik 1
 Jalsa in Namaz is? Wajib
 Lowari Pass connects? Chitral & Dir
 Peshawar is connected to chitral through? Lowari Pass
 Covid was declared as pandemic? 11 March 2020
 Human Rights Day? 10th December
 Restriction enzymes? Cat at specific sites
 Agile Antonym? Stiff
 Inter Provincial Coordination minister? Fahmeda Mirza
 Budget 2019-20 was presented by Hamad Azhar
 Cm of Baluchistan? Jam Kamal
 Wuzu is mentioned in? Surah Maida
 Which Surah has Bismillah Twice? Surah Namal
 Agriculture growth? 2.67%
 Thailand currency? Thai Baht
 Vietnam currency? Dong
 Angola Capital? Luanda
 Cripps commission was rejected by? Both AIML & Congress
 Lucknow Pact? Muslim League & Congress
 Urdu Hindi controversy? 1867
 Supports hindu muslim unity? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
 Rainfall is recorded in? mm
 With altitude air pressure? Decreases
 Runner of PSL 5? Lahore
 Barrages on Indus River? 6
 Supreme good is defined? Aristotle
 Earthquake magnitude? Richter Scale
 Wakhan Corridor separate Pakistan from? Tajikistan
 Length of Durand line? 2250
 Smallest Ocean? Arctic
 Water on Earth? 71%
 Leukemia is related with? Blood
 Pakistan ranks in corruption perception index 2021? 124th
 Ruins of Harrapa? Sahiwal
 Kharif Crop? Rice
 Icy bodies around sun are? Comets
 Asteroids are? Rocky Bodies
 Nearest plant to sun? Mercury
 Water freezing point in Fahrenheit is? 32 Fahrenheit
 Pic of prism? Dispersion
 Lowari tunnel connects with? Dir & Chitral
 Sub Himalayan mountains are? Siwaliks
 CPEC is a part of? OBOR
 1954-62 is era of? Alliances
 CPEC signed in? 2015
 Who convinced to join a AIML by? M Muhammad Ali Johar
 Emergency loading motorways? M1 & M2
 Number of electoral votes got trump? 232
 Misaq-e-Madina was b/w? Muslim & Jews
 Boris Johnson? Conservative Party?
 Longest river of Pakistan? Indus
 OIC Member? 57
 New OIC leader will be Hussain Taha is From? Chad
 Thal is b/w? Indus & Jehlum Rivers
 Trimmu barrage in on? Chenab River
 NFC Award? Provinces & Center
 ICJ is in? Hague Netherlands
 Article 6 deals with? High Treason
 Xylem plant function is to? Deliver water
 Heat methods? Conduction, Convection and Radiation
 BRICS Countries? Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa
 Iner planets of Solar System? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
 What is on back side on the note of 100? Quaid Residency
 Laurel museum is in? USA
 PAEC set to open cancer hospital in? Gilgit
 Most fertile desert in the world? Thal Desert
 Greece is famous for? Olive Trees
 Sky is blue because? Dispersion of light
 Louvre Museum is in? France
 Ref Cliff gave India an additional area called? Gurdaspur
 Pakistan 1st joined Organization was? UN
 KPK Film Documentary won Award? Armed with Faith
 Allama Iqbal Supported? Shafi League
 Antibiotic Penicillin extracted from? Fungus
 Larri language spoken area? Lower Sindh
 Citizenship amendment bill (CAB) date? 12th Dec, 2019
 Which Chinese company interest to purchase 62% K-Electric is? CMEC
 Atomic reactor fuel is? Uranium
 Best Pollinator for Pollination is? Grass Hoppers
 Which country’s ambassador die in Congo? Italian
 Tashkent Declaration mediator was? Soviet Union
 Saudia restores relations with Qatar after? Three Years
 Coagulation of water done to remove? Dirt
 To purify water, Chemical use is? Chlorine
 Which food has less protein? Potato
 Climate of Area is calculated by? Temperature
 Govt. College Lahore got status of University in? 2002
 Retina is? Convex
 Chinkara Deer & Peacocks are present in? Deserts
 Indus Gets into Arabian sea at? Thatha

Ministry of Defense
Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933

Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933

 1st question on day of judgement? Namaz
 Ethics are set of? Maths
 Pakistan National Motto? Faith, Unity, Discipline
 Kissing of black stone is called? Istalam
 Land of Prophet? Palestine
 National language of Azad Kashmir? Urdu
 Eid prayers are? Wajib
 Taulipir tourist spot located in? Rawla Kot Azad Kashmir
 Ruins Harrapa located at? Sahiwal
 Mostly road (CPEC) in completed in? 2020 CPEC
 Total districts are in Kashmir? 10
 Rehman Baba is a poet of ….. language? Pachto
 Pakistan took stands for Rohingya Muslims in? Myanmar
 Northern end of Pakistan is occupied by: Himalayas Range
 Real satisfaction comes from. Inner
 Law applied for whole world is called? Universal
 In ethics, what is important? Attention
 Runner up of PSL 5? Lahore
 Mostly rice cultivated in? Punjab
 National Animal of Pakistan? Maarkhor
 Software available free of cost called? Freeware
 Senate seats?: 100
 Wah city is famous for? Ordinance Factory
 In the composition of earth Aluminum is? 8.23%
 Railway minister? Azam Swati
 NO of Pakistan Stock exchanges? 3
 Picture on 100 rupees note? Islamic College Peshawar
 CPEC route from Gwadar to? Kashighar
 DG ISPR? Babar Iftakhar
 Article 6 of constitution 1973? High Treason
 Indus water treaty signed in? 1960
 Which color is amongst not a primary color? Black
 Most time zones country? France
Computer Portion
 No of Languages in HTML? 7
 Table in database must have? Primary Key
 Worksheet in excel by default? 3
 Graphical representation of program is called? Flow chart
 Documents print in by default mode? Portrait Mode
 You use to create a chart automatically? Wizard
 Which is not multimedia among? Text
 Computer Can’t? Thinking function
 Unique address for a file, that is accessible on internet? URL
 What generation of computer have artificial intelligence? 5th
 Spreadsheet is grid of? Rows & Columns
 Which statement is wrong about ROM?
ROM is volatile memory
 MS excel formula always begins with? =
 Power point contains …… for creating presentations?
Design Templates
 Editing text can be done efficiently by?
Word Processing Program
 Track of location of files stored in a system kept by?
Operating System
 In Power point, the selected design template can be applied? Ans: AOT
(1) To current Slide only, (2) To the All slides,
(3) to all the new presentations you create
 Synonyms
 Fatal 52. Peace 53. Difficult
 Antonyms
54. Unique 55. Compress 56. Shyness
57. Order 58. Protect 59. Significant

Ministry of Defense
TODAY’s Sub Inspector Paper
Composed by: Zahid Hussain . 0330-8420933

Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933

 Better: Worse
 Ambiguous: Clear
 Drop: Rise
 Censure: Praise
 Gratuity: Wages
 Persecute: Praise, Comfort, Cheer
 Decorative: Plane
 Ambiguity? Transparency
 Asr Means? Time
 Al Kuasar Means: Abundant
 Translation of Quran in Latin in which year? 1143 (Robert of Ketton’s)
 Hazrat Rabia Basri was born in which country? Basra Iraq
 Makki Surah are? Longer
 Tayyamam in which Ghazwa? Ghazwa Mustliq
 Chapter of Quran? 114
 2nd of PM? Khuwaja Nazimuddin
 Liaquat Ali Khan Joined AIML? 1923
 Quaid Joined AIML? 1913
 Education Reforms in which year? 1977
 Articles of 1973 Constitution? 280
 As per 2020 Chief Justice of Pakistan? Gulzar Ahmed
 As per 2020 Planning Minister? Asad Umar
 As per 2021 most powerful person of the world? Xi Jinping
 Chinkara deer and peacock are mostly found in? Deserts
 Deepest ocean of the world? Pacific Ocean
 URL stands for? Uniform Recourse Locater
 HTML stands for? Hypertext markup language
 The desert is located b/w which rivers? Indus & Jhelum
 Meaning of Surah Kousar? Great Source/Abundance
 Parliament of Afghanistan? Shura
 FIFA World Cup 2022 held in? Qatar
 RAM ……. A type of memory? Temporary Memory
 What is Waqoof Arfat? Farz
 Last month of Islam? Zul Haj
 He has been working …….. 2 hours? For
 Senate seats according to Constitution of Pakistan 1973? 100
 Preface of Holy Quran is? Surah Fateha
 FATF Stands for? Financial Action Task Force
 CASA 1000 hydropower power plant project generate energy in Kyrgyzstan ……. To
Afghanistan? Tajikistan
 Sun rises from east to west due to: Rotation of Earth
 Mirza Ghalib birth place is? Agra
 BRICS is a group of give emerging…… countries? Economic
 Mount Everest is located in? Nepal
 Kumrat Valley is located in? KPK (Upper Dir)
 Umar Ayub portfolio was about? Economic Affairs
 Pfizer Vacancies is affected upto: 85% or 95% (Confirm it)
 Which barrage shares water with two canals of Baluchistan? Ans: Sukkur Barrage or
Guddu Barrage (Confirm it)
 How many economic zones in CPEC? 9
 How many mountains located in Pakistan above 8000m? 05
 How many Surah are in Quran? 114
 KRL Stands for? Kahuta Research Labortaries
 ASR Stands for? Access Service Request
 Who was the 1st female Governor of State bank? Ans: Shamshad Akhtar
 National Bird of Pakistan? Chakor
 Deputy of speaker of National Assembly? Qasim Khan Suri
 Properly arranged data is called? Information
 Which part of tea plant is used for making tea? Leaves
 French Revolution strengthen the idea of? Nationalism
 First program written in …… language? Binary
 Staying at Arafat is? Farz
 Hindus religious books? AOT
 1st time two national theory was presented in 1867 by? Sir Syed
 Mirza Ghalib was born in? Agra
 Main Memory? Ram & Rom
 Shortest Day? 22nd December
 Data in computer stores as? Bits
 OS Support? Client Serves
 Currency of Iran? Iranian Riyal
 Indus River Length? 2900 kms
 Australian Open 2021 won by? Novak Djokovic
 Change in weathers due to? Earth travels around the sun
 For economic development what should be increased? Export
 80% of the labour work? Ans: Small Scale Industrial & Cottage Industrial
 Which shape has 7 sides? Heptagon
 Which Surah Contains Bismillah Twice? Namal
 In which region India & China troops confronted against each other? Galwan Valley
 Types of Storage? Primary Storage, Secondary Storage
 Internal Hard disk is? Removable but not fixed
 ICJ HQ? The Hague
 Inner Planets? Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars
 Asteroids are? Rocky worlds revolving around the sun
 Closest plant? Mercury
 Tafseer-Ul-Quran should be started with? Noor-Ul-Quran
 Which of the following have longest life span? Tortoise
 On which line Days & Nights are equal? Equator
 Since 1st Dec, 2020, Umer Ayub Federal Minister of? Ans: Power Division

Ministry of Defense
Traffic Analyst BS-14
Traffic Analyst Supervisor BS-16
Composed by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933
Compiled by: Zahid Hussain Mirani 0330-8420933
 Antonym of Malaise? Comfort
 Antonym of Wise? Foolish
 Antonym of Selfish? Selfless
 Synonym of Lacking? Deficient
 Synonym of Advocate? Support
 Synonym of Nomenclature? Terminology
 Synonym of Urge? Influence
 Mr. Razzaque is worth ……. Honour? Of
 Anology
9. Knife: Chopper: Guilt: Blanket
10. Dishonesty: Distrust: Carelessness: Accident
11. Bakery: Bread: Café: Coffee
12. In Pakistan plain areas are mostly found in? Punjab & Sindh
13. CM of Punjab? Usman Bozdar
14. Chief Justice of Paksitan? Gulzar Ahmed
15. Last Governor General of Pakistan? Iskandar Mirza
16. Two major canals dug from which barrage to irrigate the plain areas of Baluchistan?
Sukkur Barrage
17. Jaffna region is located in which country? Sri Lanka
18. Swat Made of Pakistan on? 14 October 1969
19. Ascorbic Acid is ………. Citrus fruits? Obtained From
20. Line of Actual control is border b/w? India & China
21. British East India Company defeated ……. In the battle of Plasey?
Nawab Sirajuddin Doula
22. The System of Basic Decmocries was introduced by Ayub khan in which year? 1959
23. Indus Water Treaty Signed in? 1959
24. Which trading company culminated the Mughal Rule in India?
Ans: East India Company
25. Summer fruit of Pakistan? Mango
26. What does the Holy Quran say about Sectarianism? Disobey it
27. Which valley has highest rainfall in Pakistan? Chitral Valley
28. Khatib-Ul-Anbya is title of? Prophet Shoaib AS
29. Normative science of conduct is called? Ethics
30. Total Sujood in the Holy Quran are? 14
31. Abul KalamAzad A Muslim leader was associated with?
Ans: All India National Congress
32. Which tank is produced in Pakistan? Baktar
33. When Pakistan Issued Smart CNIC Card 1st Time? 2012
34. Throughout his life, an individual remains associated with his? Ans: Society
35. The right of parents do not end with their? Death
36. Ethics deals with what is …….. or wrong? Right
37. An Individual learns his ethics from? Social Ethics
38. Gomal Zam Dam in which province? KPK
39. Largest Planet? Jupiter
40. Nagorno Karabagh disputed region among which countries?
Ans: Armenia & Azerbaijan
41. Where natural gas discovered in Pakistan 1st Time? Sui
42. National Language of Pakistan according to 1973? Urdu
43. World Polio Day? 14 October
44. He has not met her mother …. Long? For
45. How to give links from one sheet to another? Hyperlink
46. CTRL+X? Cut
47. What is needed to establish a network within 100m range? LAN
48. Most Power full computer? Supercomputer
49. Which of these is an example of Equipment?
Ans: Hardware & Peripherals
50. In information technology, which components are required?
Ans: Hardware, Software and Information Device
51. DSL full form? Digital Subscriber Line
52. In Email Dialog Box, CC is used for?
Ans: Address of the person to whom email is sent
53. Which is used to convert message from high level to Machine level? Compiler
54. Which kind of virus that can affect a computer?
Ans: Trojan Horse and Worm
55. Which device does not impact the functioning of a computer?
Ans: Monitor
56. The Data Arranged in intelligible form is called? Information
57. Which device is used to capture videos and is mainly connected with computer via
USB port? Webcam
58. Band in computer is defined as?
Ans: Range of Frequencies for transmitting data
59. When a computer is connected with a network, it is specified by its? IP Address
60. How many documents can be opened on your computer?
Ans: as far as your computer memory allow

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