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Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 2


A promising future!
Following its launch at EBACE 2015, you confirmed that the ACJneo is already a success,
with six orders in six months! This shows that it has the features you were expecting!

Through the ACJ Customer Forum and ACJ Advisory Board Task Force, you are
contributing to the evolution of the ACJ Family :
ŸBy voicing your expectations, and asking us to study them and propose solutions.
ŸBy pushing for the development of an increased FMS-database size and the use of data
ŸBy giving your maintenance feedback, to help improve the ACJ maintenance programmes.
Ÿ By supporting an Industry Rulemaking Working Group that is proposing an Notice of
Proposed Amendment that has been issued by EASA for comments.
ŸBy participating in the task Force #2, launched early December, that is addressing your
ideas and proposals for evolution around three drivers; comfort, performance and

We are pleased to keep you aware of these

evolutions and improvements through this
Should you have any topics
present Advisory Board letter and, soon, the ACJ to be discussed or issues to be addressed,
Customer Forum in Lisbon, from 29th February feel free to contact the Board Chairman,
to 2nd March 2016. Mr Andrea ZANETTO
and/or the Board Liaison Officer,
Muriel NOMURA Mr Olivier RAYNAUD
Vice-President ACJ Programme
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 3


Aircraft not equipped or not using some mandatory functions and systems will not be permitted to fly
some specific tracks or areas after a given date. The ACJ Advisory Board had a review of the key
Mandates to understand the reasons for, and impacts of, these regulatory changes.

TCAS II version 7.1

Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) answers the need for enhanced situational awareness
increasingly congested airspace.

Version 7.0 safety issues Version 7.1 solution

new “Level off, level off” Resolution Advisory
Many cases were found in which pilots did not
respond correctly to the “Adjust vertical speed, To prevent incorrect pilot responses, in version 7.0 the
adjust” Resolution Advisories (RAs) – the vertical “Adjust vertical speed, adjust” RA has been replaced
rate was increased rather than reduced. by a new “Level off, level off” RA, which requires a
reduction of vertical rate to 0 ft/min.

Version 7.0 Version 7.1

Adjust Adjust
Vertical Speed Vertical Speed
Resolution Advisory Resolution Advisory

Resolution Advisory
requires one of Resolution Advisory
several vertical speeds requires a Level Off
(vertical speed 0 ft/min)

Improved reversal logic

There have also been a number of cases in which
TCAS version 7.0 failed to reverse an Resolution When it is detected that an aircraft is not responding
Advisory when two converging aircraft remained correctly to an Resolution Advisory, a reversal RA will
within 100 feet. This type scenario occurred when be issued to the aircraft which manoeuvres in
one aircraft is not following the Resolution accordance with the RA. When only one aircraft is
Advisory, or is not equipped and follows an Air TCAS equipped, version 7.1 will recognise the
Traffic Control instruction, or performs an situation and will issue a reversal if the unequipped
avoidance manoeuvre based on visual acquisition. threat aircraft moves in the same vertical direction as
the equipped aircraft.

7.1 : Resolution
Advisory Reversal
to Climb

Descend Descend
Resolution Resolution
Advisory Advisory

7.0 : No Reversal

Reference : EUROCONTROL website 2015

Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 4


ADS-Broadcast Out
ADS means Automatic (No need for external interrogation) Dependent (Aircraft position provided
by the aircraft) Surveillance (Broadcast refreshed every 0.5 sec).


ADS- Contract ADS-BrodcastOut

in oceanic and remote areas in continental areas

ADS-C logged on to an Air Traffic Service Unit, ADS-B Out sends your GPS position, aircraft ID,
agrees to contracts which send information to the speed, position and altitude to air traffic control
aircraft depending of the type of contract: ground receivers and other aircraft equipped with
• Periodic contract (time-based) ADS-B In.
• Demand contract (on demand)
• Event contract (based on flight parameters) Key benefits with ADS-B
• Increased airspace capacity
• Enhanced traffic safety in Non-Radar Areas
• Improved traffic management with reduced
Civil Aviation Department 2013 separation (less delays, fuel savings)
• Avoidance of fuel burn penalties

Key benefits with new DO-260B

2020 • Transmission of more accurate information on
aircraft position plus improved latency in broadcast
• Direct link between MMR and ATC transponder
• Improved safety and flight efficiency
FAA 2020 • Same standard in Europe and USA
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 5


FANS The Future Air Navigation System (FANS) is an avionics system which provides direct data-link
communication between the pilot and the air traffic controller.

Radio or satellite
technologies are Satcom ATSU
used to enable digital Avionics
Air Traffic Service Unit
transmission of
messages between VHF
your ACJ and ground Data links
stations (clearances, VHF
and HF Media
position reporting…) data links

Operations Aircraft Communication and Aeronautical
Control Addressing Reporting System Telecommunication
ATC Ground
Air Traffic Control Users


in oceanic and remote areas in continental areas

Key benefits with FANS A+ Key benefits with FANS B+

• Automated ATM Data-link communications • Automated ATM Data-link communications
• Decreased crew workload improving safety • Decreased crew workload improving safety
• Optimized flight levels and tracks – fuel and time • Optimized flight levels and tracks
savings • Increased airspace capacity
• Dynamic Airborne Route Planning procedures • Potential for Continuous Descent Approach (CDA)
• 30/30 nm separation en-route, fuel and time savings • Tailored arrivals
This is the solution to the European Data Link 2000+
Equipment required mandate, applicable to all aircraft flying in, and into,
European airspace.
SATCOM, ATSU, VDL Mode 2, DCDU, GPS primary,
FMS2, Clock GPS synchro Equipment required
(FANS A+ now basic on A330/A340 Family and A380, VDL Mode 2, ATSU, DCDU, GPS primary, Clock
optional on A320 Family) GPS synchro (optional on the A320 Family only)

FANS A is basic on A330/A340 Provisions are basic on A320 family

family aircraft since 2000 aircraft from MSN 1150
ATSU = Air Traffic Services Unit
VDL = VHF Data Link
DCDU = Datalink Control & Display Unit
GPS = Global Positioning System
FMS = Flight Management System
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 6


FTIS Mitigate the two main conditions

that can lead to a fuel tank
- Provides protection against fuel
explosion : tank fire and explosion as per
- An ignition source mandates
The Flammability Reduction - A flammable fuel-air gaseous - Nitrogene-enriched Air
System (FRS) mandate aims to mixture produced from conditioned
reduce the flammability of the engine bleed-air by gas
fuel/air mixture, and to make The Airbus solution is a Fuel Tank separation, is fed to the fuel
improvements to the safety of Inerting System (FTIS). This tanks.
specific fuel tank designs by solution is available for A320 O N LY a p p l i e s t o
reducing the probability of Family, A330-200 and A340 corporate jets
creating an ignition source within aircraft. operating under FAR
the tank. Parts 121, 125 or 129.

An air separation module
is fed with engine bleed-air
to obtain nitrogen-
enriched air, which is fed
into the fuel tanks, thus
reducing flammability.

Upcoming Recommendation
ICAO is expected to issue AirFlight for ACJ : the Airbus response
a recommendation by end-
2015. Deadline for Airbus is developping a solution that responds to ICAO’s upcoming
implementation is likely to mandate. A demonstration was done to the Advisory Board to discuss the
be end-2016. This key fonctions:
recommendation will • Reports every 15 min during normal operations
require an automated • Frequent reporting during non-normal operations
tracking of passenger • 6 criteria have been defined by Airbus
planes. The objective is to • ICAO work still in progress
avoid a repeat of the • All flights including remote and oceanic flights
disappearance of flight
MH370 in 2014. This tool provides confidentiality. AirFlight will ensure, for example, that
your data will be removed from FlightRadar24.It will be accessible to your
private network, such as your operations, principal and their family.

AirFlight for ACJ creates an additional business case by improving

operations resilience, turning a safety product into an operational tool
that increases visibility and exchange of information with all

Airflight for ACJ uses the best data available for global coverage at
the lowest cost (ADS B, ACARS …).
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 7


Floppy disks obsolescence

The future 64Mb-FMS was presented in the Advisory Board Letter No.12. Its characteristics, the technical
impacts on your ACJ and the development planning secured by Airbus and its two suppliers, Thales and
Honeywell, were communicated. The Advisory Board is now following this development.

In addition, the Advisory Board worked on an important point highlighted during the last ACJ Customer Forum in
Abu Dhabi : the obsolescence of the floppy disks used to load data into the FMS.

The issue : The solution :

floppy disk obsolescence a new data loading Architecture
floppy disk readers obsolescence was implemented in 2012

Multipurpose Disk Floppy Disks Centralized Data
Portable Data Loader
Drive Unit Loader Connector

Portable data loading solution eliminates the dependence upon floppy disks. For in-service aircraft, MDDU
remains operable or removed as per operators choice. For new delivery aircraft, MDDU is no longer available.
CDLC is the Airbus standard starting January 2012:
• A320 Family – MDDU removed as of MSN 4991
• A330 Family – MDDU removed as of MSN 1287

In term of PDL, any devices compliant with ARINC 615-3 and 615A norms and security features can be used.
ARINC 615-3 and 615A are protocols defined by ARINC committee (Aeronautical Radio, INCorporated) :
• ARINC 615-3 = Airborne Computer High Speed Data Loader
• ARINC 615A-3 = Software Data Loader Using Ethernet Interface

For an easier and safe choice, Airbus qualified the following PDL: REFERENCES
Techsat PDL
(Mk.II GARDT PN 403475 & OIT 999,0011/12 - 31 Jan 2012
Mk.III PN GARDT 403561) ATA31 A320 Family and ATA45
A330/A340 – MDDU Removal

Service Information Letter 45-004

Portable Data Loader selection

Service Information Letter 00-063

Field Loadable Software

Teledyne PMAT2000 Security Information Bulletin SIB-

kit P2K-ABF-02 001 – Security recommendations
for SA & LR PDLs
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 8

_ Force #4

CFM Engine Maintenance

Guide for Low Utilization
Three actions are on going at Airbus to answer
discrepancies identified last year by the Task Force
• Low Utilization Recommendation for CFM Engine
• Low Utilization Recommendation for ACJ330 and ACJ340
• Parking procedures

Actions 2 and 3 are still scheduled for early next year. Action
1 delivered recently and was closed by the Advisory Board
as follows:

End of 2014, CFM engine maintenance guide for low

utilisation was reviewed by CFM and Airbus maintenance
engineering. Under the impulsion of the Task Force N°4 and
the Advisory Board, an agreement was reached for
harmonisation between CFM and Airbus in March 2015.

The update of the CFM technical documentation was done and presented during the Advisory Board meeting #13.
A Service Bulletin is under creation to officially introduce this new document. This latest CFM ACJ Guide takes into account
the recent agreement between Airbus and CFM relative to the discrepancies identified. In addition, this guide was updated
with additional tasks to help ACJ customers.

CFM56-5B guide
for ACJ and/or low utilization
Emirates Palace
Gala dinner

September 2015
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 9

Support Improvement

Warranty Extension

• ACJs have low utilization, around 500 to 1000 Flight • 57 different contracts
Hours maximum a year ;
• Renegotiation and reissuance are
• ACJs are grounded for cabin completion 12 to 18 unscheduled and done only:
months after delivery (depending of the model)
• For new a/c type introduction
These specificities led Airbus to adapt the conditions of
warranty for Airbus proprietary parts extending them to • Negociation by batch, when a
60 months from the date of acceptance. significant number of points have to be
discussed or revised
Objective defined by the Advisory Board is to Obtain a
similar warranty extension for Suppliers parts

Airbus Corporate Jets formally wrote to its suppliers strongly
asking them to take into consideration the particularities of
ACJ aircraft notably the low utilization and an entry into
service only after a phase of cabin completion.

It was not a contract renegotiation. Suppliers were free to

accept or not.

9 Suppliers did accept : Siemens, B/E Aerospace,
Triumph Group, Teledyne, Franke, Crane Aerospace,
Jamco, Michelin, AOA


The introduction of A330neo is an opportunity for Airbus

and its Suppliers to renegotiate the contractual Supplier
Support Conditions. These conditions are dictating notably
the warranty clauses. The new Supplier Support
Conditions will be applicable to all Airbus types (A320
Family, A330 Family, A350 and A380). The Advisory Board
sees here an opportunity to contract with these suppliers a
specific amendement for ACJ.

Actions are launched accordingly and progress will be

reported to the Board on regular basis.
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 10

Rule Making Working Group

19 Pax project

Future certification requirements

for executive interiors
The Advisory Board supports a long-term project to modernize the regulation governing the corporate jets
certification. This project is conducted by a Rulemaking working group combining both EASA and Industry
experts (Airbus, Dassault, etc). This work follows a specific process (see here under) which delivered in March
last year a draft NPA (Noticed of Proposed Amendment). The objective and the content of this NPA are detailed
in the next pages. EASA is in the process to launch a new important phase : the public consultation. The draft
NPA has been reworked by EASA and will be published. Anyone can comment. During its last meeting, the
Advisory Board defined a clear way forward to optimize its participation during this phase.

Agency Rulemaking Process Dec 2014

Consolidated draft
Initial request NPA including 4 items
Jan 2011 with dissenting
(Airbus and Dassault Aviation‘s initiative)
positions documented
for arbitration
Drafting and adoption of the Rulemaking
1 Sept 2011
Programme Feb 2015
Arbitration meetings
Initiation of the rule development by defining
2 Feb 2012
the Terms of Reference March 2015
Delivered to arbitration by EASA
3 The drafting of the rule EASA (rationale = not to
March 19th 2014 delay rapid
4 Consultation phase (3 months) Oct to Dec 2015
March – Sept 15
EASA internal
5 Analysis of comments and final review Q1 2016 appropriation of draft
NPA + consolidation of
final version for public
6 Adoption and Publication Q2 2016 consultation


taking into
CS AMC App account cabin
25 X specificities
+ + in Private /
Revised EASA Revised AMC A new
Certification (Acceptable EASA
Specification Means of CS-25
For large Airplanes Compliance) Appendix
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 11

Rule Making Working Group

19 Pax project

The content expected to be submitted to public consultation should be based on the harmonized positions and
improved alleviations agreed between Industry & EASA on following recurrent items :

In core CS-25 §§ (for all A/C) In new Appendix (for Low Occupency Airplane & Private only)
• Interior doors
• Emergency exit access General Passenger Circulation Inside
• Symbolic placards • Applicability Cabin During Flight
• Large display panels • Aeroplane Flight Manual • Width of Aisle
• Emergency lighting Limitation • Firm Handhold
• Installation of showers Markings and Placards
• Installation of cooktop • Emergency Exit Signs
• Seats in excess of those that General Cabin Arrangement • Single Non Smoking Placard
may be occupied for taxi, take- • Interior Doors • Briefing Card Placard
off and landing, in-flight only • Isolated Compartments • Seats in Excess
seats, beds • Deactivation of existing
• Large glass items
• Passenger seats distribution Emergency Evacuation Miscellaneous
• Distance from pilot seats to • Flammability Requirements • Cabin Attendant Direct View
emergency exit • Access to Type III and IV • Stowage Compartment
• Distribution of exits for single Emergency Exit Latching Mechanisms
exit pair aeroplane
• Emergency Exit signs
• Smoke detection in lavatory Emergency Exits

Key concept
Low Occupancy Aeroplanes (LOA)
Extension to commercial operations of some alleviations with a new concept of Low Occupancy Aeroplanes
(LOA) = occupancy up to 1/3rd TC total + per area between exits

• up to 100 PAX for commercial LOA • up to 150 PAX for non-commercial

Example with ACJ319 Maximum Approved Passenger Seating Configuration = 1451/3 limit = 48 Pax
Eligible to the future specific Appendix Low

Total PAX = 29 <1/3

Fwd < 1/3

Aft < 1/3

Case 1 Aft Area = 22 PAX

Fwd Area = 7 PAX
Case 2 Aft Area = 35 PAX

Total PAX = 42 <1/3

Fwd < 1/3

Aft > 1/3

Non-eligible to the future specific Appendix if commercial operation Occupancy
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 12

Rule Making Working Group

19 Pax project

The content expected to be • Door deactivation > 60ft

postponed and NOT submitted to between exits
public consultation are as follows.
Industry members have shown • In-flight aisle reduction The agency has developed a
that some discussed alleviations Comment Response Tool
could be further extended to LOA Authority members of the working (CRT) that is used to automate
above 19PAX for commercial group have disagreed on the consultation process for
operations (never done before). accepting a Level of Safety not Notices of Proposed
equivalent to the current standard Amendments (NPA). The CRT
• VIP Materials (no HR/SD) despite stated acceptable by allows users to review NPAs
Industry. and place their comments.

Way Forward

Draft NPA Comments

Publication for Comments Decision
comment review publication

Publication EASA will gather all EASA will publish EASA will then
end-2015 received comments “Comment / publish a DECISION
and prepare Response and edit the
Comment period of 3 answers Document” (CRD) corresponding
months with updated NPA revised Amendment
Industry Members of integrating of CS-25 (Best
the WG volunteered accepted estimate = June
for this phase to 2016 TBC)
prepare rapid
answers in Q1 2016
(EASA to decide)

With EASA Comment Operators are free to place any Dissenting Items arbitrated by
R e s p o n s e To o l ( C R T ) comment, on their own or in EASA will be either: group. • Mentioned with EASA
anyone can comment a NPA, However, more comment = rationale for arbitration (as
only a registration is needed. more time to issue the final requested by Industry). In this
decision. case the ACJ Advisory Board to
Industry Members of the propose line to take for answer,
working group will review the Suggestion Each Operator comment
published NPA: Comments are shared within individually (as many
• For agreed items: Industry ACJ Advisory Board first, and commenters as possible).
members should not comment • Either responded prior made • Not mentioned as if the
(TBC) officially (conf calls could be discussion and arbitration
• If non-agreed items: Industry organized), never happened. The ACJ
members will comment • Either grouped in one single Advisory Board will rapidly
separately comment from ACJ Advisory write to EASA as a group to
Relevant comments, if any, will Board as a body, request rapid re-opening and
be shared with the ACJ • Or made individually if it continuation of the rulemaking
Advisory Board reflects an individual opinion efforts.
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 13

Task Force #3
Extended Task Force Meeting

Crisis Management
Reinforcing the crisis study detailed just here under. put on paper but basic
management for ACJ is one of Debrief this case and share guidelines could be regrouped.
the key mission decided by the personal experiences all These recommendations will
Advisory Board this year. In this together allowed to better complete the customer's Safety
frame, the last meeting was the rework and complete the ACJ Management Systems (SMS)
opportunity to review the work guide drafted by the Task Force and customer's Emergency
produced by the Task Force #3 members. This guide will be a Response Planning (ERP)
led by Andeol De-Saint-Foy and supporting document for the recommended in the annex 6 to
sponsored by Andrea Zanetto. ACJ Community whenever an the Convention on International
This review started with a in-service event happens to an Civil Aviation. The day was
presentation the mission and Airbus corporate jet. Because concluded by the visit of the
challenges presentation of the each incident or accident is Airbus Crisis Control Center by
BEA (Burau Enquete Accident). complex and different, no Michel Guérard, Airbus VP
It was followed by a the case exhaustive solution could be Safety Operations.

A case study presentation was The case study scenario was The Advisvisory Board
made by Ms Martine Del Bono, imagined by the Task Force reviewed successfully the key
BEA Head of the Information No.3 members and involved an messages and decisions to
and Communication almost collision between an take about such a crisis
Department, in private airliner and an Corportare Jet. situtation.
engagement. The case study,
with an interactive discussion,
aimed at explaining the
importance to be ready in case
of incident or accident, that
incident or accident does not
happen only to others. “Small”
event can develop into a
crisis, especially in the VIP

Let ’s imagine
10:02 Near miss at Paris CDG airport
between a Corporate Jet and an airliner
10:02 First reports on AFP, Reuters, Twitter,
Facebook, TV...
11:00 Air Traffic Control notified the BEA
12:30 BEA contacted by journalist
12:45 Press released by Paris Airport
13:15 Journalist on Twitter: BEA launched an investigation &
the operator refused to comment
14:00 BEA investigators on site at CDG
14:30 Press release from the airline
15:00 Corporate Jet operator name on CNN
17:30 VIP on board contacted by journalist and request a “way
forward” to the Corporate Jet operator
18:00 VIP on board image at stake on the media
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 14

Task Force #2
Product Development

ACJ Product Evolution Plan

The ACJ product development was discussed at the ACJ Forum in Prague, in June 2012. A Technology
roadmap for ACJ specific development was created. The key values applied are the ones identified by the
Customers and Operators. The resulting plan, called ACJ PEP (Product Evolution Plan) is driven by these 3 key
D e ve l o p m e n t P ro j e c t s
(for linefit and retrofit)
Environmental Comfort (Thermal, Noise and Humidity)

Cabin Innovation (Outside View)

Improved Operations Performance (Range)

ACJ319 Maximum Take-Off Weigth (MTOW) increase

Functionality / Efficiency
Weight Reduction


EVS (Enhanced Vision System) is an electronic means to provide a display of the

forward external scene topography (the natural or manmade features of a place or
region, especially in a way to show their relative positions and elevation) through
the use of imaging sensors such as millimeters wave radiometry, millimeters wave
radar, and low light level image intensifying.

HUD (Head Up Display) is a display system that projects primary flight information
(for example, attitude, air data, guidance, etc.) on a transparent screen (combiner)
in the pilot’s forward field of view, between the pilot and the windshield. This allows
the pilot to simultaneously use the flight information while looking along the
forward path out the windshield, without scanning the head down displays

EFVS (Enhanced Flight Vision System) is an EVS that is intended to be used for
instrument approaches and must display the imagery with instrument flight
information on a HUD. This sensor operating at wavelengths different from human
eye sensitivity for :
ŸEnhanced night and foggy condition including taxi
ŸIncreased pilot’s situational awareness and responsiveness
ŸPotential operational credit CAT1 DH down to 100ft vs 200ft
ŸImproved aircraft flexibility vs destination airports
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 15

Task Force #2
Product Development

ACJneo development update

The ACJneo reached an important mileston in May with the confirmation of the feasibility as shown by
the figure here under. It describes the development lifecycle of the aircraft, includuing development
phases and matutity gates (MG).

May 2015 July 2017



TODAY August 2016 Q4 2018
• Technical assumption • Consolidation of the • Structure design
• Technical requirement technical assumption • Installation design
• Industrial pre-feasibility • Aircraft sizing • Supplier System
• Organisation set-up computation Design
• System architecture • Preparation of tests
• System supplier (rigs, benches,
selection aircraft, procedure)
• Resource ramp-up • Certification baseline
• Certification: frozen
application to EASA
and FAA M Gx = Maturity Gate EIS = Entity Into Service

Task Force 2 - Next meeting

The Advisory Board decided The members of this task force (evolutions, plans, needs…). It
that a TASK FORCE 2 meeting will be nominated by the will be also a space for open
must be organized by end of Advisory Board with the discussions
the year. objective to have 2
representatives from the Andreas HARTMANN, Head
This task force is dedicated to different market segments of ACJ Engineering, is leading
Product Development. It is a participating (Government, this Tf2
way of discussing and Leasing Company, Private
confronting in-depth needs Owner). Results will be presented to
and projects through regular the next Advisory Board
communication, and being This meeting will cover Meeting.
sure we can deliver on your different topics linked to ACJ
individual needs. product development
Advisory Board Letter - December 2015 16

LISBON - March 2016

Forum Preparation

Next ACJ Customer Forum

The ACJ Customer Forum workshop to exchange on our whatever is the agenda of the
will be in Lisbon the 29th of respectives experiences and rest of the Forum. The
February and the 1st and a presen-tation of the Task outcomes will be used to built
2nd of March. Please refer to Force 3's results. the actions plan of the next
Newsletter N°.12 for detail on Advisory Board.
the choice of this location and - To create an ACJ Customer
date. Council. The objective is to - To give a different exposition
reinforce the specific to the ACJ partners i.e. cabin
During its last meeting, the mechanism used in March completion centres, engine
Advisory Board took three 2015 in Abu Dhabi to have all manufacturer and service
important decisions participants expressing their centres, with interventions in
concering this event: voice and expectations the the main plenary room. This
1st day of the Forum. change will certainly
- To have a central main reinforce networking and
theme: Crisis Management. This practice is unique in all discovering innovations and
Concretly, this topic will take a Airbus forums and activities in the ACJ
significant part of the agenda symposiums. It give a better community.
with a simulation (please opportunity to share the
refer on page 13), a different points of view

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