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● Gupitan Handog ni Kapitan

● Project IVY: Instilling Values to Young Learners

● Good Jab! Good Start!

● Project CARE: Cultivate the love And value of Reading for Enjoyment

● Dried Leaves, Fresh Greens

● Gulay Now, Buhay Later

● Himig ni Sta. Barbara

● SK2: Sangguniang Kabataan, Sama-Sama sa Paglinang ng Kahusayan

● Project NGIPIN: NGIting PINoy, Ngiting Wagi


● PLANTeachers

● Project TAMA: Teachers’ Acquisition of Moral Ascendency

● Project BIB: Building Interest in Baking

● Kwenta ng Kwento

● MDRRMO Alisto Bente Kwatro (First Aid Solution)

● Go Nihonggo

● Gulayan sa Paaralan

SK2: Sangguniang Kabataan, Sama-Sama sa Paglinang ng Kahusayan

Sports has always been a major part of the curriculum, however, with the
catastrophic impact of the pandemic in 2020, myriad learning institutions are forced to
transition to online classes which includes the virtual delivery of Physical Education. In
the academic setting for instance, after two (2) grappling years of online learning with
limited capacity of measuring the understanding and acquisition of skills, schools are
now resuming to what it used to be and students, perhaps, in one way or another begin
to mobilize maximizing their physical strengths by engaging with different physical

In light of this, on _____ (date and time), the entire Sangguniang Kabataan of Sta
Barbara headed by SK Chairman James Viceo initiated a summer sports clinic focusing
on sports particularly Basketball, Badminton, and Volleyball for the learners of Sta
Barbara Elementary School (SBES). The physical training accompanied by strength
conditioning commenced with stretching, a set of drills, and breaks in between. The
clinic was held at the school’s covered court arranged in a way that allowed large
movements to observe social distancing and other pertinent health protocols. The joy
and excitement while conducting the activities were evident in the reaction of the
learners, more so with the way they perceived the idea, that after staying at home, they
can now finally rejuvenate their physical strengths away from the screens of their
gadgets which for few years have been their primary witness while presenting physical
activities in the entire duration of their online learning classes.

While some restrictions have been applied limiting the general public to take
extra precautions, everyone is therefore encouraged to ensure that they are physically
fit. Indeed, the world is finding ways to live with the pandemic and one way we can
protect ourselves is to keep our bodies in shape. Instilling the value of healthy living,
engaging with different sports activities, and simple push and pull may allow the
learners to see the beauty of sports. Summer sports clinics like this provide these young
learners, while having fun, the idea of the importance of physical fitness with or without
the threat of this virus.

The entire clinic was well-executed and the facilitating team amplified the value
of sports and all other activities relevant to health awareness especially in the midst of
the pandemic.

Gupitan Handog ni Kapitan

The world has pivoted when a pandemic caught everyone off guard paralyzing
the delivery of minor and major services including the temporary closure of non-
essential establishments particularly barber shops. As such, people have to deal with it
among their households and while certain services have been prohibited, even cutting
hair has become a luxury.

On the 22nd of August, just in time for the opening of classes, Hon. Cesar
“Basco” Chico, the captain of barangay Sta. Barbara, Baliuag, Bulacan initiated the
Gupitan Handog ni Kapitan project offering free haircut sessions for all pupils of Sta
Barbara Elementary School (SBES). This initiative helped the learners to get their hair
done for free while being exposed to the importance of a clean haircut to reinforce
proper hygiene at school. Those who received free haircuts were well accepting and
grateful of the opportunity given to them that it translated through their smiles and warm
reactions. Multiple talented barbers visited the school to offer their free services towards
a more hygienic school opening. The students diligently fell in line while waiting for their
turns, perhaps being reminded of the days when getting to barber shops does not
require face masks and social distancing.

Projects like this recalibrate the minds of the learners of the significance of taking
care of their hygiene in the simplest way of cutting their hair properly. Studies also show
that one reason for students getting involved in bullying incidents is because of
improper hygiene such as but not limited to cutting of nails, brushing of teeth, and even
haircut. Thus, one avenue to instill with them the value of a haircut is to make them
realize its impact on their well-being and the way they present themselves to the people
around them.

The entire program went well with the hopes of conveying the message of the
project other than the mere haircut per se so as to fully showcase that hygiene care
may start by even simply getting one’s hair done.

Dried Leaves, Fresh Greens

One thing that perhaps benefitted from this global crisis could be the unplanned
healing of mother Earth while everyone was at home trying to figure out what will
happen tomorrow giving nature time to rest. While it could be learned the hard way,
schools also have the influence and capacity to educate the learners of their
responsibilities in protecting the environment. These young learners may not fully
understand it now, but in time, they surely will.

On ________ (date and time), Mr. Ramel G. Lagdamen, an agriculturist,

conducted an information campaign and micro discussion on matters related to planting
and taking care of the school vicinity focusing on vegetation and the likes. It was
attended by class presidents from all grade levels instrumental in the sharing of
information to their classmates and family members. Mr. Lagdamen elaborated on
means and ways in planting crops and other seedlings by demonstrating them in front of
his audience. He emphasized certain strategies and techniques that will help them plant
effectively while taking into account one’s habits that should be mitigated in the long run
of planting crops. On the other hand, the homeroom presidents clarified certain
practices that they often do to clear out apprehensions when planting.

Meanwhile, there is no question that life during the pandemic is exhausting,

much more for the students who are used to dealing with other people other than
themselves and their family members. Therefore, planting could be a source of bonding
and learning it the right way makes it even more meaningful. With this in mind, the
session with Mr. Lagdamen opened a vast array of new understanding among learners.
Projects like this widens the students’ critical minds of the multifaceted planting
practices as well as debunking myths related to it. It further introduces to learners the
importance of sustainability in the things they do which will have a macro effect on the
world we live in today. Indeed, Mr. Lagdamen’s insightful session enriches the learners’
viewpoints towards a more guilt-free planting.

The entire program went smoothly as planned. Mr. Lagdamen being the resource
person was accommodating of the questions and clarifications. Everyone who
participated is deemed ready to share their acquired learnings from the session
magnifying the importance of sustainable planting especially in this time of pandemic.

Himig ni Sta. Barbara

Music has become our great company in those days when we felt uncertain of
the situation we are in, making us unconscious of what tomorrow may hold. In the midst
of a health crisis for instance, everyone tries to keep their sanity intact, and in some
cases, music is there to keep them sound. For the students, it may be a source of
entertainment, and knowing its technicalities could add up to their reservoir of skills.

In this light, on _____ (date and time), Sta Barbara Elementary School (SBES) in
partnership with former alumnus Itchie Montilla and Ronalyn Parulan facilitated the
project, Himig ni Sta. Barbara, a training seminar for select students of each homeroom
with background in music or those who know how to sing to further enhance their skills
in singing. The project was divided into two sessions where Montilla took over the
morning session while Parulan delivered her session in the afternoon. The sessions
consisted of vocalization and other breathing exercises to expand their diaphragm and
other relevant skills that are deemed beneficial for the students. These participants were
expected to share their learnings among their classmates to instill basic knowledge and
skills in singing in these young proteges. The pandemic may have brought fear and
anxiety among these learners and getting to know how to sing properly may encourage
them to pursue their potential in singing.

Itchie Montilla was a former alumnus of SBES and the brilliant mind behind the
official hymn of SBES decades ago. It was such a breath of fresh air to see an alumnus
coming back to her Alma Mater and imparted her years of knowledge to her fellow
schoolmates aiming to propagate love for music at a very young age. Meanwhile,
Ronalyn Parulan is a teacher with an outstanding record of accomplishments in singing
and competing all over Bulacan. As a teacher, she knows exactly what the students
need and how to effectively teach the rudiments of singing. These amazing individuals
transformed the Himig ni Sta Barbara project into an insightful and sentimental one by
bringing memories back while maximizing the full potential of these learners.

The entire project pushed through smoothly and everyone was grateful for the
opportunity given to them.

Project NGIPIN: NGIting PINoy, Ngiting Wagi

Oral hygiene has been a major concern among students that it attracts bullying
and other incidents inside the school premises. Thus, students are continuously
encouraged to take care of their teeth in the simplest way possible. With the presence
of a pandemic, oral health awareness has been seldom discussed and dental missions
in different barrios are not fully conducted to avoid the spread of the virus.

On the 26th of August, the entire Kapisanan ng mga Dentista sa Bulacan

(KADEBU) headed by ____________ (name of the focal person) organized a dental
mission called “Brigada Eskwela, Ngiti ay Kasama” for the students of Sta Barbara
Elementary School (SBES). The goal is to facilitate micro discussions on oral hygiene,
basic toothbrushing, practices to prohibit that may damage the teeth, as well as easy
homemade remedies for the teeth were all covered during the mission. The dental team
was composed of ________ (names of the dentists) who generously shared their
expertise in dentistry.

The session was attended by all grade levels with their parents to reinforce
everything that was discussed in the mission. The audience was very appreciative and
participative in the entire duration of the program. The KADEBU team even prepared
fun activities for the students. This generous act allowed the students to see the beauty
of taking care of their teeth while having fun, otherwise they might feel burdened in
doing so. The team went an extra mile in ensuring that no one was left behind during
the mission and everyone received a free dental care kit. The goal of promulgating oral
health awareness is a vital factor in the safe opening of classes. It allows the students to
widen their perspective as part of their oral hygiene care.

In those years where everyone was restricted, gathering these learners and
dental experts in one place revived the importance of camaraderie and volunteerism in
the midst of the pandemic encouraging others to extend their helping hands and
expertise towards a more inclusive, diversified, and healthier opening of classes.

The entire program wrapped up successfully and the facilitating team was well-
received by the participants. Overall, it was indeed a productive day for all individuals

Project CARE: Cultivate the love And value of Reading for Enjoyment

Reading has been a life skill that opens a vast array of opportunities for the
learners allowing them to explore a world of endless possibilities. However, the teaching
of basic reading skills is often neglected, and in some areas, totally forfeited due to
multifaceted factors attached to it. Schools, during the pandemic, have accumulated a
great loss in learning including the inadequacy of reading materials and remediation.

On _____________ (date and time), Sta Barbara Elementary School (SBES) in

coordination with Pandayan Bookshop, SPTA Federation, Mother Leaders, SAKALAM,
Mga Iskolar ng Bayan, and Parish Youth Commission (PYC) initiated a reading
campaign called ‘Brigada Pagbasa among the learners of SBES. This project aimed to
reinforce love for reading and reading enrichment programs to cover the reading loss
during the pandemic. The program was composed of different reading activities and
tutorials to assess the level of reading fluency of the learners. Multiple reading materials
were distributed to practice reading with storytelling and other relevant activities. The
participants may have been seen struggling a bit but with the help extended by the
facilitators, students were eventually catching up little by little. Some were already
excelling while there were some who would appreciate the illustrations in the reading
materials motivating them to read further. The students were very excited to experience
such a meaningful event after staying at home for two years.

Projects like these are of utmost importance considering the immense learning
loss during the pandemic where everyone was barely surviving hoping to get by the day
free from the threat of the virus. This goes to show how the community plays a major
role in ensuring quality education beginning with the improvement of the reading skills. It
is evident that in order to acquire complex skills, the basic ones should be given priority
otherwise learning stagnancy will remain unresolved. While it is found that students
spend a lot of time online, it is high time that they should be trained to read as much as
they can to widen their knowledge acquisition and prepare for a brighter future.

The Brigada Pagbasa is only one of the reading campaigns that is highly needed
in this time where technology is dominating the lives of every student who has access to
the internet and if not addressed may result in larger problems that may arise in the long
run. Thus, it is fitting to continuously impart reading techniques and strategies to
cultivate the love for reading at an early age.

The entire program went well. The participants involved as well as the facilitating
teams exemplified an outstanding job for reliving the power of reading among the
students towards a more critical society with or without this human’s greatest adversity
– the COVID-19.

Project BIB: Building Interest in Baking

Living with the pandemic is taking a toll on everyone’s general well-being

particularly their mental health. They are taking a different path in overcoming their
negative thoughts and emotions urging themselves to engage in more meaningful
activities or in daily exercises, as in anything just to drift away from the impacts of the

On ___________ (date and time), Ms. Pinky Fernando of the locally built
Fernando’s Bakeshop catering baked goods and pastries together with the
management of Sta. Barbara Elementary School (SBES) conducted a free seminar on
baking among the select teachers of SBES. This initiative provided basic knowledge on
baking for teachers to delve on as part of their hobbies perhaps as an outlet in releasing
their stress or as an additional source of information that can be shared to other
students. Ms. Pinky also traced back the roots of Fernando’s Bakeshop from how it
started to how it is today as the leading bakeshop not just in the province but in the
entire country. She shared how her perseverance and passion for baking flourished into
a mini bakeshop that sells pastries and baked goods to its nearby barangays until its
growth becomes unstoppable. Her humility is highly evident during the talk as she
reminisced the days when she was struggling as she built her own empire in baking.

The select teachers as the participants were truly inspired during the talk and
were engaging by asking questions related to baking. Each had shared their experience
in baking to clarify apprehensions and concerns about baking. They had a meaningful
conversation and similar talks on debunking myths on diverse baking procedures.
Everyone was anticipating learning more and expanding their horizons with the aim of
imparting their knowledge to a larger audience. The audience expressed their gratitude
to the resource person and for meeting the goals of the talk. Ms. Pinky received a
certificate of recognition and a token of appreciation for sharing her invaluable expertise
to the teachers.
Overall, the entire program conveyed the beauty of baking other than a source of
entertainment to kill time and the likes. It has become a revolutionary movement to rally
the teachers to take care of their mental health too even in the midst of overwhelming
workloads and other activities.

Gulay Now, Buhay Later

Pesticides are one of the common enemies of consumers nowadays and to

maintain a healthy living may cost a lot. Thus, people are now resorting to backyard
gardening and urban gardening maximizing the spaces at home to plant vegetables and
other crops. To further encourage everyone to adapt this lifestyle, Sta. Barbara
Elementary school (SBES) conducted a seminar called “Dried Leaves, Fresh Greens”
with Mr, Lagdamen on sustainable planting and other practices to observe in planting.

On the 23rd of August 2022, as a result of the meaningful discussion with Mr.
Lagdamen, an agriculturist, the homeroom presidents who participated in the first part of
the program shared with their classmates their invaluable insights to begin planting their
own in front of every classroom. The students were tasked a day before to bring the
materials such as empty bottles, paint, and paintbrush that they will use on the day of
the program. This allows the participants and the class to go hand in hand in applying
their acquired knowledge for the betterment of the school vicinity. While it adds value to
the beautification of the school, it also recalibrates the minds of the students to
appreciate the food they eat as a result of their own labor. The students used empty
large water bottles, seedlings, and soil in planting. This was done in front of their
respective classrooms so they can develop a sense of fulfillment and ownership in their
project. Everyone participated and the excitement was evident on their faces while
doing the activities.

Through student-centered initiatives like this, the students expanded their

understanding of the issues concerning healthy living and sustainability. It further
widens their perspectives on the value of food and food consumption especially in this
time of pandemic and the rise of inflation rates on basic goods and commodities.
Students become more conscientious of their actions and will contribute to a greater
effect in the long run.

Overall, the second part of the program went well as the goal of planting their
own produce has been materialized through the planting of seedlings. Mr. Lagdamen
exemplified a commendable job in imparting his expertise at the level that will be best
understood by the students.

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