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RISK ASSESSMENT FOR structural steel work (Segment-01)

Project Name: Al Nahda Entertainment Complex Exit 15 Project /Package No.: 1241

RA Ref No.: RA Rev Status.: 00

Risk Assessed Date: December 19, 2023 Review Period /Date of Next Review December 18, 2024

Initial Risk Rating Residual Risk Rating

Activity / RR Risk RR Risk Additional Control
Sl No Hazard Details Consequence/Risk Control Measures
Task Step P S Scor Categor P S Sco Categor Measures (if any)
e y re y
 A work permit must be received
before starting the job.
 Ground should be properly levelled
and compacted.
 It shall be inspected by a competent
person prior to positioning the crane.
 Crane operator is responsible to make
sure that the crane is set up safely and
correctly according to manufacturer  Make sure the
settings specifications. operator & Rigger
 Crane toppling
 Outriggers must always be fully are aware of site
 Uneven or High extended. Moderate safety requirements
 Personal Injuries, 3 4 12 1 4 4
Unstable Risk  Outrigger pads to be placed Risk and procedure.
property damage
ground. underneath the outriggers.  Method statement
 Out riggers  Operator to be 3rd party certified and and risk assessment
Setup of the
of crane not competent. Operators must have an shall be
mobile crane
1 fully appropriate driving license issued by communicated.
extended. the authority.  TBT meetings shall
 Only authorized operators to operate be conducted prior
the crane. to the start of each
 Authorized Flagman/Rigger to be activity.
deployed while moving the crane.  The required
 Speed limit 10KM/Hour of the site to training shall be
be obeyed. provided to the
 Authorized Rigger/Flagman to be involved personnel.
deployed.  Proper supervision
 Moving cranes can
 Only authorized Rigger/Flagman to shall be provided.
strike existing
give signal for crane positioning.
buildings/structures High Moderate
3 4 12  Rigger to be 3rd party certified and 1 4 4
resulting in Risk Ris
structure collapse.
 Two-way radios to be used for
 Property damage.
communication used in case of blind

 Crane to be Inspected by 3rd Party and
Certified. 3rd Party Certificate to be
 Crane
 Routine maintenance by appointed
competent person and daily pre-start
during operation,
 Damaged, inspection by operator to be carried
resulting in fall of
defective, out and records to be maintained.
suspended load, Extreme
or  Any Crane/Vehicle to be inspected by
topple/collapse of 3 5 15 High 1 5 5 Moderate
substandar PMV Inspector before allowing entry
crane, collision with Risk
d crane to site.
nearby structure.
 No worker to be allowed under the
 Personal Injuries,
suspended load.
fatalities, property
 Lifting Area to be barricaded and
caution sign to be placed.
 Banksman to be deployed to prevent
unauthorized entry in lifting area.
 Environmen  Daily pre-start inspection to be
 Oil Leaks.
tal Impact Moderate conducted by operator.
 Ground 2 3 6 1 3 3 Low Risk
Risk  Drip tray to be kept ready to contain
any possible oil leak
 Potential  Serious personal  Obtain the Work Permits and other
pinch injury up to fatality documents shall be maintained before  Method statement
 Caught in-  Hand and fingers any works commence. and Risk
between Injuries.  Lifting plan to be prepared before Assessment to be
and starting the lifting activities. communicated with
 Crush  A sequence of work shall be Moderate operator.
3 5 15 High 1 5 5
points. discussed during the daily toolbox Risk  Toolbox Talk to be
meeting before work commences. conducted prior to
 Supervisor in-charge / safety officer work.
shall identify and restrict access to all  Training (Safe
pinch point, crush and caught in operation of heavy
2 members by
between points. equipment) to be
using Mobile
 Unexpected  Back Injuries  Binders and other safety devices shall provided.
Crane & TC-
movement  Leg Injuries be slowly removed and only when  Lifting gears must
08. High
of load.  Fractured bones 3 3 9 material is in stable position (free from 1 3 3 Low Risk be in good
Injury to internal any movement). condition.
organs.  Lifting gear must be
 Climbing on  Falling Hazards  Ladders are to be used as access and inspected by a
trailer bed. Extreme egress on the trailer bed. competent person
3 5 15 High 1 5 5 on a daily basis.
Risk  Damaged lifting
gear must be

 Improper  Personnel can be  Binders and accessories shall be immediately
stacking/ struck by the load inspected and free from any defects or removed from the
binding during lifting / contaminants (e.g., oil, solvents, etc.) site.
/failure of transporting. that may weaken the nylon webbing.  Rigging supervisor
binders  Personnel stuck by Softeners shall be use to protect the to maintain weather
moving equipment. sling from the sharp edges of the forecast daily and
 Damage to materials. recorded
Property  Avoid over stacking of materials to
 prevent materials from tipping over. It
Moderate is necessary to stack the materials not
2 3 6 1 3 3 Low risk
Risk higher than the reach of a person, this
is to avoid climbing over the materials
during hitching that will expose the
rigger to fall hazard.
 Adequate binder / safety devices to be
 Materials shall be stacked off the
ground using wooden dunnage.
Audible reverse alarm to be installed
to all mobile equipment

 Over  This can cause  Crane to be used shall have current
loading of extensive damage 3rd party inspected with valid
crane to the crane and certificate.
 Suspended serious injuries to  A load chart and operator’s manual
load personnel should be available.
 toppling  Crane operators shall have a valid
over SAG license and third-party
certification and undergone in-house
safety orientation.
 Only competent persons (i.e., riggers)
shall perform all rigging work.
 Rigger level 1 (one) to be assigned for
the critical lifting such as (Lifting
above 85% of Crane Rated Capacity,
lifting during Night, Blind Lift, tandem
lifting etc.)
 Lifting gear / tackles shall be
inspected prior to use.
 Ensure that the \wind speed is
checked and recorded prior to
operating the crane and it must not
exceed 31km/h.
 Only lifting gears that have been
color-coded, certified and registered
shall be used.
 Daily documented inspection of Moderate
3 5 15 High 1 5 5
equipment by operator. Risk
 (Safe Working Load) SWL clearly
indicated lifting gears.
 Two tag lines are used to control the
 Crane shall be properly set-up and
appropriate timber pads to be used.
 Physical barricade to installed and
maintained with entry and exit points.
 Riggers are not allowed to stay on the
trailer bed during actual lifting of the
load. The trailer truck shall not stay
on his cab while lifting is ongoing, and
nobody is allowed to stay under the
trailer bed.
 Only personnel involved in lifting
activities are allowed inside the
barricaded area.
 “Danger Lifting on Progress, Keep
Out” signboards to be posted.
 Don’t be allowed to stay or pass under
suspended load.
 The location of the stacking area shall
be properly planned to prevent
congestion, obstruction to access and
enough free space for the trailer and

other equipment to maneuver.
Maintain flagman in strategic areas to
direct traffic flow.
 Ensure all operatives are competent
for the job being performed.
 Only certified personnel shall give
signal to the crane operator.
 Ladders shall be secured prior to each
 Proper gloves shall be used for every
 Mechanical  Personnel Major  Obtain the Work Permits and other
Failure. injuries and documents shall be maintained before
(Steering  materials damage. any works commence.
Control  Forklift to be certified by an approved
failure, third party and valid certificate
High Moderate
Hydraulic 3 4 12 displayed on the forklift. 1 4 4
Risk Risk
control  Operators must be competent and
failure, Lift obtain a valid third-party certificate.
chain/Mast  Operator must complete daily
Failure etc.) inspection checklist before using the
 Imbalance  Falling materials
loads. may hit the nearest  Forklift operator to be third party
workers. certified.
2 3 6  The load being transported is stable 1 3 3 Low Risk
Offloading Risk
 Personal Injuries and not exceed the safe working  Method statement
structural and materials load. and Risk
steel damaged
3 Assessment to be
materials by  Unstable  Overturning may  The Operator should refrain from communicated with
using forklift Operation cause personal driving outside designated areas
Extreme operator.
(If required). injuries, fatality. such as on uneven surface and avoid Moderate
3 5 15 High 1 5 5  Toolbox Talk to be
taking corners at high speed. Risk conducted prior to
 Flagman must be provided at all the work.
time  Training (Safe
operation of heavy
equipment) to be
 Moving forklift
 Potential caught between or  provision of beckon light and backup
pinch struck. Extreme Moderate
3 5 15 alarm. Flagman must be always 1 5 5
Caught in-  Personal Injury, high Risk Risk
between fatality.
Crush points

 Obtain the Work Permits and other
documents shall be maintained before
any works commence.
 Personnel shall be briefed / trained on
proper manual material handling
techniques. Demonstrate how to do
manual lifting:
 Legs shall carry the weight not the
Manual  Do not bend the back while picking up
Handling –  Muscle strains a load keep the back straight.
During  Untrained  back injury  Make sure do not load exceed more Manual handling technic
4 structural people muscular and 2 2 4 than 25kg per person. 1 2 2 Low Risk raining to be provide for
steel  Skeletal injury  This topic (manual lifting) shall be time all involved personnel.
assembling to time reminded to the employees.
 Remind personnel through toolbox
talk to observe proper positioning
when working. Though we cannot
totally obtain excellent ergonomics in
construction but at least we can
improve our working position by
adjusting our working platform as iron
workers / steel erectors to avoid
overreaching and over bending.
Provide adequate supervision.
 Potential  Serious personal  Obtain the Work Permits and other
pinch injury up to fatality. documents shall be maintained before
 Caught in-  Hand and fingers structure assembling works
between Injuries. commence.
and  Lifting plan to be prepared before
Crush starting the lifting activities if
points. necessary. Moderate
3 5 15 High 1 5 5
 A sequence of work shall be Risk
Assembling discussed during the daily toolbox
of steel meeting before work commences.
5 members by  Supervisor in-charge / safety officer
using Mobile shall identify and restrict access to all
Crane. pinch point, crush and caught in
between points.
 Unexpected  Back Injuries  A minimum of two tag lines shall be
movement  Leg Injuries attached to control the load.
of load.  Fractured bones  Effective communication shall be
Injury to internal 3 3 9 ensured between the crane operator 1 3 3 Low Risk
organs. and the rigger.
 Restrict the entry of unauthorized
personnel at assembling area.

 Overloading  This can cause  Crane shall possess a valid third-party
of crane. extensive damage certificate from an accredited body
 Falling of to the crane and approved by the consultant.
suspended serious injuries to  A load chart and operator’s manual
load due to personnel shall be available on the crane.
damaged  Crane operators shall have a valid
and SAG license and third-party
underrated certification and undergone in-house
SWL slings. safety orientation.
 The crane  Only competent person- Riggers 1/2/3
toppling shall perform all rigging works
depending upon the load.
 Rigger level 1 (one) to be assigned for
the critical lifting such as (Lifting
above 85% of Crane Rated Capacity,
lifting during Night, Lifting the Man
Basket, Blind Lift, tandem lifting etc.)
 All lifting gear / tackles shall possess
a valid third-party certificate, color
coded and visually inspected prior to
 Ensure that the wind speed is
checked and recorded prior to
Extreme Moderate
3 5 15 operating the crane and it must not 1 5 5
high risk risk
exceed 32km/h.
 The operator shall inspect the
equipment on a daily basis and record
it on an equipment checklist prior to
commence the equipment’s
 (Safe Working Load) SWL clearly
indicated on all lifting gears.
 A minimum of two tag lines shall be
used to control the load.
 Crane shall be properly set-up and
appropriate timber pads to be used to
support the outriggers.
 Only personnel involved in lifting
activities are allowed inside the
barricaded area.
 “Danger Lifting on Progress, Keep
Out” signboards to be posted.
 Don’t be allowed to stay or pass under
suspended load.
 Ensure all operatives are competent
for the job being performed.

 Collapse of  Collapse of  Obtain the Work Permits and other
Temporary temporary can documents shall be maintained before
Tower cause multiple any works commence.
serious injuries or  Only qualified & certified scaffolding
fatality. Extreme erector can erect the scaffold.
3 5 15 High  Only Certified supervisor/inspector 3 2 6
Risk shall inspect the scaffold and put the
tag before using the platform.
 The temporary tower must rest on the
stable surface ground using base and
sole plate.
 Inadequate  Collapse of  A temporary tower shall be erected as
Support temporary support per the approved drawing & design.
string for if temporary tower  Temporary tower shall be secured by
Temporary collapse it can tension wire with lever hoist according
Tower cause multiple to drawing & design. Moderate
3 5 15 High 3 2 6  Work at height
serious injuries or  Temporary tower shall not be Risk
Risk training will be
fatality. removed till all secondary steel is
erected. conducted for all
 Jersey barrier shall be provided on as working crew.
per drawing & design.  Method statement
and Risk
 Falling  Material/Tools  Do not drop small materials temporary
Assessment will be
Hazard falling can cause tower components to the ground.
Installation of communicated with
(Material) head and shoulder Extreme  Keep work area isolated from
6 Temporary Moderate all working
injuries or fatality. 3 5 15 High unauthorized entry and put 3 2 6
Tower for Risk members.
Risk appropriate safety signage.
supporting  TBT should be
 For material shifting use the basket
the truss. conducted prior to
along with rope and pulley.
each activity.
 Falling  Falling can cause  Make sure all workers wear full-body
 Proper supervision
Hazard serious injuries or harnesses with 100 % tie off while
Extreme to be provide at all
(Personnel) fatality. working in the MEWP. Moderate
3 5 15 High 3 2 6 times.
 Full body harness should be well Risk
conditioned and frequently inspected
or color coded.
 Substandar  Due to substandard  All scaffold temporary tower
d or damage components/Materials must be in
component component scaffold High good condition damage materials to
3 3 9 3 1 3 Low Risk
can collapse it can Risk be removed from the working site.
cause serious
personnel injuries.
 Overhead  Head injuries.  Obtain the Work Permits and other
Contact documents shall be maintained before
service and any works commence.
structure High  Make sure there is no any overhead
3 3 9 3 1 3 Low Risk
Risk obstruction.
 Adequate distance must be
maintained from overhead services
and structure.

 Operator  Hit by object.  Obtain the Work Permits and other
getting documents shall be maintained before
instructions Personal Injury, any works commence.
from more fatality.  Applicable work permit to be obtained
than one and applicable lifting plan to be filled
person at a and approved by competent person.
time,  Operator to be 3rd party certified and Moderate
3 5 15 High 3 2 6
causing competent. Operators must have an Risk
confusion. appropriate driving license issued by
the authority.
 Rigger to be 3rd party certified and
competent.  Method statement
 Only authorized and competent rigger and Risk
to give signal. Assessment to be
 People  Fall of suspended  No worker to be allowed under the communicated with
under load. suspended load. operator.
suspended  Personal Injury  Lifting Area to be barricaded and Moderate  Toolbox Talk to be
3 5 15 High 3 2 6
load fatality. caution sign to be placed. Risk conducted prior to
 Banksman to be deployed to prevent work.
unauthorized entry in lifting area.  Training (Safe
 Falling  Falling object (nut  All hand tools should be secured by operation of heavy
objects & bolts and hand lanyard for loose material to be used equipment) to be
Assembly & (tools & tools) bucket. provided.
Erection of Extreme
materials)  Personal Injury.  Al hard hat must be attached with chin Moderate  Lifting gears must
steel 3 5 15 High 3 2 6
strap. Risk be in good
7 structure by Risk
 Area below shall be fully barricade condition.
tower crane. and “Danger Men Working Above”  Lifting gear must be
signage to be posted. inspected by a
 Load  Injury and possible  Material hoisted shall be a distance of competent person
striking fatality. minimum 2 meters away from the on a daily basis.
scaffold or  Personal Injuries. Extreme scaffolding, support, decking or  Damaged lifting
deck shall 3 5 15 High structures. 3 2 6 gear must be
cause it to Risk immediately
collapse/fall removed from the
of person site.
 Slings  Fall of suspended  All crane hooks to be equipped with  Rigging supervisor
might slip, load. safety latch. to maintain weather
change  Personal Injuries. forecast daily and
position and High recorded
3 3 9 3 1 3 Low Risk
unhook Risk
load to fall
 High wind  High wind speed  Wind speed to be monitored by
speed can cause to Rigger Level 1 and documented.
swing, hitting both Extreme Lifting activity will not be allowed if
workers and 3 5 15 High wind speed exceeds more than 31 3 1 3 Low Risk
structures. Risk km/h.
 Personal Injuries,  Use guide ropes(taglines) to control
fatality. loads.

 Over  Overloading can  Lifting Plan to be prepared and
loading cause slings to approved by competent person.
snap or crane  The load chart must be fixed in crane
structure to and copy of load chart to be available
collapse. at site to refer.
 Personal Injuries,  Rigger and Operator to refer/know
fatalities, property 3 3 9 the SWL of crane as per load chart 3 1 3 Low Risk
damage. and SWL of lifting slings/gears in
different kind of rigging.
 Rigger Level 1 must be deployed for
all the critical lifting.
 Crane must be equipped with control
 Incorrect/  Failure of lifting  All lifting equipment to be 3rd party
damaged equipment resulting certified with validity.
lifting tools in fall of suspended  All lifting equipment must be
and tackles. load. inspected by a competent rigger prior Moderate
3 5 15 High 3 2 6
 Personal Injuries, to use. Risk
fatality.  All incorrect / defective lifting
equipment must be removed from

 Obtain the Work Permits and other
documents shall be maintained before
any works commence.
 Manlift are only to be used on
firm flat or well compacted
 Do not operate machines
where inclined and declined
surface or follow manufacturer
 Man lift operators are
responsible to make sure that
 Uneven the man-lift are set up safely
surface. and correctly according to
 Fall from manufacturer settings
height. specifications.
 Mechanical  The Manlift-lift operator also to
failure be 3rd party certified.
 Falling of workers  Man-lift to be certified by third
• Hydraulic
from the man-lift party and valid certificate to be
due to not hooked displayed on the man-lift.
their full body  Daily checklist must be
• Basket  Training safe MEWP
harness and completed by the Man-lift
Work on the not operation to be
working on top operators prior to using man-
MEWP for rotating. provide for the
guard rails can Extreme lift. Moderate
8 connection • Boom 3 5 15 1 5 5 operator.
cause to serious high Risk  Emergency Control Risk
the steel stuck.  MEWP Emergency
injuries, disability, System
members.  Overhead plan shall be
or fatality.  Operating control
obstruction communicated with
 Falling objects from system.
 High Wind operators and
height can cause  Guardrails
Speed coworkers.
head injury or  Wheels and tires
 Moving  Toolbox talk shall be
fatality.  Air leaks.
Basket conducted prior to
 Fuel leaks.
(Platform) the start of the
 Hydraulic leaks.
 Falling activity.
 Make sure the
objects from  Proper supervision
emergency control
height. will be available at
system is always working
site for full time.
 Barriers or cones will be
placed around man-lift
operating area.
 Trained flagman should be
available to assist man-lift and
area to be barricaded only
authorize person allowed.
 Workers on man-lift must
always wear full-body harness
and 100% hooked onto proper
anchor point before extending
man-lift boom.

 Make sure all full-body
harness attached with foot
strap (Suspension trauma)
 Ensure sufficient clearance
between the platform and
overhead obstructions.
 Man-lift elevated work platform
(MEWP) must not be operated
when wind speed exceeds as
per manufacturer Instruction.
 Do not place any parts of the
body outside of the handrail
while the platform is moving.
 Make sure during any emergency
approved (MEWP) must be applied.

 All hand tools should be secured by

lanyard for loose material to be used
 Make sure all crew wear hard hats at
time times.
 Falling  Falling object (Nut  All hard hats must be attached with a
objects & Bolts and hand chin strap.
Extreme Area below shall be fully barricade
(Tools & tools) from man-lift  Moderate
4 5 20 High and “Danger Men Working Above” 1 5 5
Materials) can cause serious Risk
Risk signage to be posted.
from the personnel injuries
man-lift. up to fatality.

 Ground shall be leveled compacted.

 Any temporary covers should be
 Overturnin strong enough to withstand the
g applied pressure.
 Overhead  Machine can be  Localized ground features, e.g.,
obstructio overturn due to trenches, manholes and
n. ground condition uncompacted backfill, can all lead to
 Collision and collision with overturning.
Extreme Moderate
 Struck-by or pedestrians, 4 5 20  Do not operate a spider lift close to 1 5 5
high Risk Risk
caught-in- overhead cables, or overhead cables or other dangerous
between by nearby vehicles it machinery or allow any part of the arm
vehicle. results injuries or to protrude into a traffic route.
 Man & fatality.  Provide trained flagman to always
machine assist operator.
interface  Working area to be fully hard
barricaded with all applicable safety
warning signs displayed.

 Obtain the Work Permits and other
documents shall be maintained before
any works commence.
 All hand tools to be inspected coded
prior to use.
 Use eyes & Hand protection while using
hand tools.
 Ergonomics  All damaged tools must be removed
 Miss use of from the site immediately.
hand tools  Toolbox talk shall be
 No handmade tools to be used on site.
 Improper conducted prior to
 Use only suitable and inspected
Use of hand maintenanc the start of the
Moderate approved tools for the task.
9 tools e  Minor cut and injury 3 2 6 1 2 2 Low Risk activity.
Risk  Use tools as per manufacturer’s
 Damage  Proper supervision
tools. will be available at
 Wear suitable PPE.
site for full time.
 Check tools for damage before use.
 Damage tools stored in safe lock room
to restrict it usage.
 Operatives must be trained when using
all tools.
 Task specific Toolbox talk to be
carried out for daily tasks.
 Exercise caution always.
 No lone working.
 Obtain the Work Permits and other
documents shall be maintained before
any works commence.
 A qualified person shall inspect all
portable electrical hand tools on a
 Electric Shock can Extreme monthly basis and record. Moderate
 Electricity cause injury or 3 5 15 High  Cable and plugs must be Inspection 1 5 5
death Risk before use.
 Use 110V or battery tools where
 Don’t use where water is present
without specialist advice.
Uses of Don’t work near flammables,
10 
Power tools compressed gas, in explosive
 Flammable/
Explosive High atmospheres.
 Fire/ Explosion 3 4 12  Don’t use more heat generated tools 1 4 4 Low Risk
atmosphere Risk
. without proper inspection by
competent person.

 Don’t wear loose clothing, jewelry.

 Long hair to be kept clear from
 Moving High moving parts.
 Entanglement 3 3 9 1 3 3 Low Risk
parts Risk  Don’t use it without guards.

 Use proper eye protection (Face
shield). Training of power tools
 Flying  Do not use it without guard. operation to be done prior
 Eye, hand, or facial Moderate
debris, 2 3 6  Wear appropriate hand protection. 1 3 3 Low Risk to start activity.
injury Risk
swarf etc.  Isolate the area with proper barriers Electrical hazards training
and warning signages. to be done prior to
starting work.
 Wear hearing protection if above
Moderate 80db or more.
 Noise  Hearing damage 2 3 6  Advise nearby personnel about 1 3 3 Low Risk
 Select power tools with lowest
vibration levels.
 Minimize the time individuals use the
equipment (e.g., Job rotation).
 Hand/Arm Vibration  Ensure the tools are properly stored,
Syndrome (HAVS) Moderate maintained, and used according to
 Vibration 2 3 6 1 2 2 Low Risk
Carpal Tunnel Risk manufacturer’s instructions.
Syndrome.  Supervisors should inform users of
risks from vibration.
 Arrange health surveillance for those
identified at risk from vibration.
 Ensure there is an adequate place to
 Musculo-skeletal Moderate do the job.
 Ergonomic 2 3 6  Minimize the time individuals use 1 3 3 Low Risk
Injury Risk
heavy tools. (e.g., Job rotation).
 Ensure the work area is free from
trailing cables. tools, materials,
 Slips, Trips,  Minor injury Moderate debris, and spills.
2 3 6 1 2 2 Low Risk
and falls  Major injury Risk  All work should be from a suitable
and stable work platform.
Moderate  Use an appropriate dust mask.
 Respiratory illness. Risk
 Dust  Reduce visibility. 2 3 6  Increase ventilation to work area. 1 2 2 Low Risk
 Skin irritation.  Wear suitable protective clothing.

 High noise  Make sure working crew
(more than received proper training about
85dB) how use impact wrench.
 Unsecured  Ear plugs must be provided and
connections used by all involved personnel.
of hose and  Provide whip check on all
impact connections to secure and avoid
wrench may them being uncontrolled in case
lead to of becoming loose.
hose  Hearing loss. High  Make sure impact wrenches are
coming  Personnel physical 2 4 8 Risk secured by lanyard to avoid 2 1 2 Low Risk
loose Injuries. falling.  Provide specific
Bolt resulting in  Make sure availability of bucket training for this job.
Tightening uncontrolle for the loose materials (nuts &  TBT should be
by using d bolts). conducted on a daily
11 impact movement  Loose materials must be kept in basis by site
wrench with of hose. the bucket. supervisor in
air  Falling  Keep work area isolated from presence of safety
compressor. Object. unauthorized entry and put officer.
appropriate safety signage.
 Unsecured
connections of
hose and impact
 wrench
wrench may lead to  Provide whip check on all
hose coming loose connections to secure and avoid
to air 2 3 6 2 1 2 Low Risk
resulting in Moderate them being uncontrolled in case
uncontrolled Risk of becoming loose.
movement of hose
causing personal
 Exposed  Electrocution  Obtain the Work Permits and other
live causing serious documents shall be maintained before
electrical injuries any works commence.  Hot work (Welding,
cable from Moderate  Ensure all electrical cables are Cutting & Grinding)
2 3 6 1 3 3 Low Risk Training to be
the Risk inspected by an electrician prior to
generator. use. provided.
Hot work  Untrained  Electrical cables to be hanged  Method statement
(Welding and people overhead with S-hooks. should be
cutting). performing communicated with
welding.  Provide a well-trained and competent all crew.
 Serious personal person for that particular job.  Risk assessment
injury  Welding cable and control cable should be
should in good condition do not use Moderate communicated with
3 4 12 High 1 4 4
joint and damage cable. Risk all welders and
 Make sure welding machine is in coworkers prior to
proper grounded to avoid electric start activity.

 Damage/no  Damage/not proper  Make sure the 3rd party inspection
t proper maintenance of has been done before using the stud
maintenanc stud welding welding machine.
e of stud machine, welding Extreme  Before using of the gun make sure
welding cable and Control 4 5 20 High gun is in good condition and 1 5 5
machine. cable can cause Risk maintenance by a competent person Moderate
 welding serious injuries or (stud gun, electrode holder, ground Risk
cable and fatality. clamp, welding cable).
 Electric shock can  Welding cable and control cable
 Electrical
cause personnel should in good condition do not use
injuries or fatality. joint and damage cable.
 Make sure the welding machine is on
Extreme the proper ground to avoid electric Moderate
4 5 20 High shock. 1 5 5 Risk
Risk  A proper inspection must be done
before starting the activities by a
competent person.
 All welders shall be third party
approved with valid certificates.
Fire and  Fire and explosion  Sufficient and suitable fire
explosion hazards can cause extinguishers should be provided both
Hazards. serious injuries, in the storage area and the job site.
fatality, and  Suitable signages shall be placed in
property damage. storage and location.
Extreme  Fire Blanket/ metal sheets to be
4 5 20 High provided underneath the hot work 1 5 5
Risk area depending upon the job location.
 Maintain high standard of
housekeeping and remove all
flammable and combustible materials
from the work area to avoid fire
Physical hazards  Skin, Hand, finger,  Provide proper Personal protective
eye, and ear. equipment (such as goggle, face
High shield, leather hand gloves, dust
3 3 9 1 3 3 Low Risk
Risk mask and ear plug/muff).
 Use cut resistant hand gloves.

 Obtain the Work Permits and other
documents shall be maintained
before any works commence.
 Only qualified & certified scaffolding
erector can erect the scaffold.
 Only Certified supervisor/inspector
shall inspect the scaffold and put the
tag before using the platform.
 The scaffolding must rest on the
stable surface ground using base
and sole plate.
 All scaffold component/Materials
must be in good condition damage
materials to be removed from the
working site.
 Planks shall not be painted or treated
in any way that would conceal
 Work at height
 Unqualified  Ladders shall be inspected before
training will be
erector & use and remove defective ladders.
conducted for all
supervisor  Make sure there is no overloading on
working crew.
 Substandar the scaffold platform.
 Method statement
d scaffold  Adequate distance must be
and Risk
component  It can cause maintained from overhead services
Assessment will be
Work at  Uneven serious injury, and structure.
Extreme communicated with
height – surface Permanent  Scaffold crew should be equipped Moderate
13 3 5 15 High 1 5 5 all working
Including  Overhead disability, or with PPE specially fall protection Risk
Risk members.
scaffolding Contact Fatality to the equipment during the work with 100
 TBT should be
erection. service and personnel. % tie off policy at the height 1.8
conducted prior to
structure. meter.
each activity.
 Fall from  Make sure all full body harness
 Proper supervision
height. attached with foot strap (Suspension
to be provide at all
 Falling trauma)
objects  Do not drop small materials or
from height scaffold components to ground.
 Keep work area isolated from
unauthorized entry and put
appropriate safety signage.
 Keep 3-point contact while ascending
or descending ladder.
 Wear PPE (Hard hat, Gloves, Steel
toe boot, Safety glass) all time at
PPE area.
 Fix toe boards on all scaffolds.
 Maintain good housekeeping and
keep walkways free from obstruction.
 Ensure ladder extend minimum of 1
m above the top landing point.
 Properly secure the ladder at top.
 No one is allowed to work on Red
Tag except scaffolders during
erecting and dismantling scaffolding.

 Scaffold supervisor to make sure tag
is updated frequently after any
 Tools/materials shall not be left
unsecure on elevated area at the end
of the shift. It shall be slowly hoisted
down; throwing is strictly prohibited.
 Materials bags to be used to store
bolts, washer, nuts, etc. The bag
must be also tied and to be anchored
on the structure.
 Strict enforcement of 100% ties off
policy (one on, one off). Anchorage
points shall be able to withstand
5000 lbs. of impact force and located
above shoulder. Full body harness
shall double lanyard with individual
shock absorber.
 Area below shall be fully barricaded
with controlled entry and exit point
with required safety signage.
 Collapse of  Collapse of  Obtain the Work Permits and other
Temporary temporary tower documents shall be maintained
Tower can cause multiple before any works commence.
serious injuries or  Only qualified & certified scaffolding
fatality. erector can erect the temporary
 Only Certified supervisor/inspector
shall inspect the tower and put the
 Work at height
tag before using the using the
training will be
temporary tower.
conducted for all
Extreme  Tower shall be dismantled as per
Moderate working crew.
3 5 15 High approved drawing & sequence. 3 2 6
Risk  Method statement
Risk  Temporary string support shall not be
and Risk
removed in one time, it must be
Assessment will be
Dismantling removed sequence wise from top to
communicated with
14 of temporary bottom.
all working
tower  Assign a dedicated flagmen to
control the MEWP operation.
 TBT should be
 MEWP to be operated by only
conducted prior to
competent, qualified, and certified
each activity.
 Proper supervision
 Make sure the working area is fully
to be provide at all
barricaded with warning signages.
 Falling  Material/Tools  Do not drop small materials from
Hazard falling can cause man-basket during dismantling of
(Material) head and shoulder temporary tower.
injuries or fatality.  Keep work area isolated from Moderate
3 5 15 High 3 2 6
unauthorized entry and put Risk
appropriate safety signage.
 For material lowering use the basket
along with rope and pulley.

 Falling  Falling can cause  Make sure all workers wear full-body
Hazard serious injuries or harnesses with 100 % tie off while
(Personnel) fatality. working in the MEWP. Moderate
3 5 15 High 3 2 6
 Full body harness should be well Risk
conditioned and frequently inspected
or color coded.
 Proper PPE according to client
standards to be followed.
 Water should be sprayed on a daily
basis on site to minimize the dust.
 All vehicles should maintain the site
 Approved respirator shall always be
Weather  Dust  Health problems worn during the activity. Supervisor to maintain
condition,  heat stroke Respiratory High  Ensure that employees consume weather forecast in daily
15 3 3 9 1 3 3 Low Risk
Sandstorm or problems caused Risk adequate amounts of water per day basis and communicated
High winds  dehydration by silica dust. and enough rest breaks in warm with related personnel.
Heat . conditions.
 Ensure that employees are not
exposed to prolonged encounters with
direct sunlight which could cause
dehydration/heat exhaustion.
 Emergency Response Team (ERT)
should be available at site.

Risk Assessed By DILEEP PRABHAKARAN Position Dy. HSE Manager Signature Date 18-Jan-2024

Reviewed By CHARLES MCDANIEL Position HSE MANAGER Signature Date 18-Jan-2024

Approved by IYAD KHALAF Position CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Signature Date 18-Jan-2024


(S) Severity /Consequence

(P) Probability / Likelihood
Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)

Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5

Possible (2) 2 5 6 8 10

Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15

Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20

Frequent /Almost Certain (5) 5 10 15 20 25

RR Score Risk Category Actions

15-25 Extreme Risk Activity should not proceed in current form

Activity should be modified to include remedial planning and action and b subject to
8-12 High Risk
detailed OSH assessment.

4-6 Moderate Risk Activity can operate subject to management and /or modification.

Low Risk No immediate action required, unless escalation of risk is possible.

Additionally refer Table 02 & 03 for more information on probability and severity ratings.

Table 02 - Hazard Consequence rating


Table 03 - Likelyhood rating


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