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MANE 4173 Project Report Rubric

Team Name _____________________________________________________________

Reviewer____________________________ Date____________
Grading 3 – Expert 2 – Good 1 – Average 0 – Novice
Component (100 points) (80 points) (60 points) (40 points)

Information  Demonstrated a thorough  Good understanding  Has some information of  It appears as

Gathering & understanding of the of the business the business but not though ten minutes
business  Demonstrated a good enough was spent on a search
Research  Demonstrated a deep understanding of the  Correctly identified some engine.
understanding of the problem or of the major sources of  Appreciation of
(15 pts) problem or opportunity opportunity relevant work both in the technical context of
 Correctly identified all  Correctly identified industry and the the project clearly not
major sources of relevant most major sources academy. demonstrated
work both in industry of relevant work  Demonstrated some
and the academy both in industry and understanding of the
 Demonstrated a thorough the academy. related technology
Score:______ understanding of the  Demonstrated a  Do not fully appreciate
related technology good understanding where their project stands 6 points
 Compared adopted of the related in relation to other efforts
technology to prior technologies
technology  Correctly discussed 10 points
other related
technology in the
15 points context of their

12 points
Product/service  Used all correct methods  Used major methods  Used some of the methods  VOC is not identified
differentiation to identify real customer to identify real to identify real customer  Proposed
needs customer needs needs product/service/process
based on Voice  Significantly  Differentiated  Somewhat differentiated is not differentiated
of Customer differentiated product/service product/service
(15 pts) product/service based on
Score:______ VOC 12 points 9 points 6 points
15 points
Innovativeness  Product/service/process  Product/service/  Product/service/process  Product/service/process
design significantly process design may design place little design copied from the
disrupt the existing ones challenge the challenge to the existing existing ones
 Significantly reduced existing ones ones  No reduced cost per
cost per performance unit  Some what reduced  Unclear reduced cost per performance unit
 Demonstrated the cost per performance performance unit  Fail to demonstrate the
application of all facets unit  Demonstrated the some application of fast
of fast innovation  Demonstrated the application of fast innovation process in
(20 pts) process in project application of most innovation process in project execution
Score:______ execution aspects of fast project execution
innovation process in
20 points project execution
16 points 12 points 0 points

Engineering  Employed appropriate  Employed  Employed appropriate  Did not make use of
Analysis analytical techniques appropriate analytical techniques but analytical techniques
(both fundamental and analytical techniques inadequate or contains relevant to the project
advanced) acquired in (both fundamental incorrect analysis
(25 pts) the curriculum to the and advanced)
project at hand. acquired in the
 Analyses always curriculum to the 15 points 0 points
illustrated with clearly project at hand.
related charts, tables,
Score:______ figures, & equations

25 points 20 points

Business Plan  Complete and achievable  Contains most  Contains a business plan,  Failed to develop a
(5 pts) business plan pertinent components of the but miss key components, business plan and
for the designed business plan; or business plan is financial analysis
product/service/process achievable unlikely feasible
Score:______  Conducted a accurate  Financial analysis is  Financial analysis is
financial analysis for the conducted and most conducted but incorrect
designed part is accurate and for the most parts.
product/service/process feasible 0 points
(Summary of Needs, Use 8 points 6 points
of Funds, 3 Year Cash
Flow Projections,
Income Projections)
10 points
Report Writing  Well organized and  Organized and  Somewhat organized and  Not organized and
(20 pts) complete (included title, mostly complete missing several items missing key items
abstract, introduction,  Written in proper  Understandable but not in  Poorly written with a
problem statement, English with technical terms. lots of grammar
Score:______ VOC, Design concepts, technical terms  Some grammar problems problems, hard to
Analysis, Final Design,  Few grammar understand
Business plan, problems 9 points
conclusion and 6 points
references) 12 points
 Well written in technical
 No grammar problems

15 points

Reviewer Signature______________________________________________

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