A Clinical Study To Evaluate The Combined Efficacy of Virechanottara Nasapana in The Management of Pakshaghata W.S.R To Hemiplegia

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Combined Efficacy of

Virechanottara Nasapana in the Management of
Pakshaghata W.S.R to Hemiplegia
Dr. Faridha Begam. M1, Dr. Doddabasayya2, Dr. Shilpa Sree. K3
Post Graduate Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma,
Professor, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma,
Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma,
Taranath Government Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Ballari, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Faridha

Pakshagata is the major vyadhi of vata dosha. Pakshavadha or Begam. M | Dr. Doddabasayya | Dr.
pakshaghata is a condition wherein the greatly aggravated vata dosha, Shilpa Sree. K "A Clinical Study to
invades the shareera dhamani’s causing paralysis of one half of the Evaluate the Combined Efficacy of
Virechanottara Nasapana in the
body with pain and loss of speech.it can be compared to cerebro
Management of Pakshaghata W.S.R to
vascular accident /stroke from modern perspective. Here in this Hemiplegia" Published in International
study, 30 patients diagnosed as Pakshaghata were subjected to Journal of Trend in
Deepana pachana with trikatu choorna,Snehapana with Granthikadi Scientific Research
taila taila, virechana with Tilwaka ghritafollowed by nasapana with and Development
mashabaladi kwatha nasapana. Statistically significant results were (ijtsrd), ISSN:
seen in both subjective and objective parameters. 2456-6470,
Volume-8 | Issue-1,
KEYWORDS: Pakshaghata, Hemiplegia, Virechana, Tilwaka ghrita, February 2024, IJTSRD63417
Nasapana, Mashabaladi kwatha pp.483-488, URL:

Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Pakshaghata is one among the Vataja nanatmaja disabled. Community surveys for Indian population
Vyadhi1 and a disease of Madyama rogamarga2. The of ‘hemiplegia’ presumed to be cerebrovascular
cardinal features of Pakshaghata includes Chestahani disease indicate an overall crude prevalence rate of
either in right or left half of the body, Ruja, 220 per 1,00,000 persons6.
Vaksthamba and Hasta pada sankocha3.Signs and In Western science after complete stroke,
Symptoms of Pakshaghata can be correlated to management is aimed at minimizing the volume of
Hemiplegia. Hemiplegia is a condition caused by brain that is irreversibly damaged, preventing
brain damage or spinal cord injury that leads to
complication, reducing the patient’s disability and
paralysis of one side of the body. The most common handicap through rehabilitation and reducing the risk
cause of Hemiplegia is Stroke4. of recurrent episodes7.
Stroke is an acute neurologic injury occurring as
Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets, Thrombolytics, Statins,
result of vascular pathologic processes which Antihypertensives are the main line of treatment
manifest either as brain infarction or haemorrhage5. routine use of these agents may have adverse effects
Worldwide, about 20 million people suffer from like bleeding disorders, osteoporosis, hypotension,
stroke each year, 5 million will die as a consequence;
hypersensitivity reaction, arrhythmia, hepatotoxicity,
of those who survive, 5 million are permanently renal damage etc8.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
“Svedanam snehasamyuktam Pakshaghate DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA
virecaham” is mentioned as Chikitsa sutra of Individuals will be selected as per the classical
Pakshaghata9. Virechana karma helps to attain Dhatu Lakshanas of Pakshaghata and also based on signs
sthiratva, Shareerika and Manasikabala, Buddhi and symptoms of Hemiplegia of contemporary
prasada and Indriyabala which all are debilitated in science.
Pakshaghata10.  Dakshina or vama Paksha
Nasapana is a unique procedure mentioned by Chestanivrutti/akarmanya–(Loss of functions in
Chakrapanidatta for Vata vyadhi in which the right or left side of the body)
medicine is administered through the nostrils. Masha  Vaksthamba-(Difficulty during speech)
baladikwatha used for Nasapana, is said to be  Achetana(Loss of sensation / Altered sensation)
Vatakaphahara, balya, dhatuvardhaka and pushtikara  Ruja (Different types of pain)
which helps in relieving the symptoms of  Sthamba in affected side of the body
Pakshaghata11.  Mukhavakrata

Pakshaghata is a condition wherein disability occurs Inclusion criteria :

permanently which makes the patient dependent on  Patients presenting with classical lakshanas of
others. Thus the aim of the study is to check the Pakshaghata.
progression of the disease, to minimize the disability  Signs and symptoms of Hemiplegia due to
thereby to improve the quality of life. ischaemic stroke.
 Age group between 30 to 60 years.
To evaluate the combined efficacy of Virechanottara  Patients who are Yogya for Virechana karma and
Nasapana in the Management of Pakshaghata w.s.r to Nasapana.
Exclusion criteria:
METHODOLOGY  Comatose and unconscious patients.
Minimum of 30 patients with clinical features of  Patients with intracranial infections. Patients with
Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia) coming under inclusion uncontrolled Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus.
criteria will be selected irrespective of gender,  Patients with Space occupying lesions of brain
religion, race, socio-economic status from OPD of such as tumor, degenerative lesions &
Taranath Government Ayurvedic Medical College hemorrhagic stroke.
and Hospital, Ballari.  IHD, Acute MI & other systemic disorders which
TREATMENT PROTOCOL:VIRECHANA interfere with the intervention
Purva karma - Deepana pachana with Trikatu Assessment Criteria:
Choorna (1-3gms thrice a day with Ushnajala, Before Subjective criteria:
food) for 3-7 days/ till niraama lakshanas are attained.  Chestanivrutti (Loss of function of upper and
Snehapana in Arohana krama with Granthikadi taila lower extremities).
was given till samyak snigdha lakshanas were  Ruja (Affected part of the body)
attained followed by 3 days sarvanga abhyanga and  Vakkruchrata.
bashpa sweda.  Sthamba(Affected part of the body)
Pradhana karma - On the day of Virechana, Objective criteria:
sarvanga abhyanga with murchita tila taila followed  Power & tone of muscles.
by bashpa sweda. Virechana with Tilwaka ghrita 2-4  Deep tendon Reflexes.
Tola(24-48 ml) with ushnodaka as anupana is given  Co- ordination.
Paschat karma -  Gait.
Samsarjana krama is adviced as per the shudhi Assessment Criteria:
lakshanas for 3-7 days. Subjective criteria:
NASAPANA: Chestanivrutti (Loss of function of upper and lower
Abhyanga and Nadisweda to extremities).
Purvakarma  Ruja (Affected part of the body)
Urdhwajatru with Murchita tilataila
Pradhana Nasapana with Mashabaladi kwatha  Vakkruchrata.
karma 1pala(48ml)24 ml in each nostril.  Sthamba(Affected part of the body)
Paschat Objective criteria:
Kavala with Sukoshna lavana jala
karma  Higher mental functions.
 Strength, bulk, tone of muscles.

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 Deep tendon Reflexes. Effect of intervention on Ruja:
 Co- ordination. In the present study 24 subjects had Ruja in affected
 Gait. limb. Effect of treatment on Ruja was highly
significant from BT-AF (p-value <0.001)
 Distribution of subjects according to Age Ruja means pain and Vata is responsible for any kind
group: - Maximum no of the subjects 20 of pain. In Pakshaghata there is involvement of
(66.67%) belong to the age group of 61- 70yrs, Snayu and Sira. Sushruta Samhita has mentioned
followed by 5(16.67%) belong to the age group of Shoola as the clinical manifestation of Sira and
51-60 yrs and 5(16.67%) subjects belong to age Snayugata vata.
group of 40-50yrs. Virechana does srotoshodana, clears the avarana
 Distribution on the basis of gender: In this helps in relieving the pain. Snehapana given with
study, maximum numbers of the patients (70%) granthikadi taila, It has drugs like masha, shunti,
were males in Comparison with the females rasna which are vedana sthapaka in action, abhyanga
(30%). done with murchita tila taila, tila taila is having
snigha, guru, ushna guna it tackles the ruksha, laghu,
Table no 1: Distribution of subjects according to
sheeta guna of vata, & abhyanga itself vata hara in
action. swedana also helps to relive the pain i.e shula
Number of
Lakshanas Percentage vyuparama. Various drugs present in masha baladi
kwatha have stimulatory, analgesic, neuro-
Karmakshaya 18 60
regenerative, anti inflammatory properties also act as
Karmahani 12 40
nervine tonic helps in reducing the pain.
Vichetana 9 30
Vaksthamba 10 33.3 Effect of intervention on Vakstambha:
Sandhibandhavimoksha 12 40 In the present study out of 30 patients 13 were had
Ruja 30 100 Vakstambha. The statistical analysis on vaksthamba
Supti 23 76.7 revealed that no apparent changes was observed after
Shotha 10 33.3 the intervention i.e. statistically non-significant with p
value 0.157.
INTERVENTION This symptom is explained by Charaka. Loss of
 Effect of therapy on parameters (As shown in speech is considered as Vakstambha. Prana vayu
Table no- 2) controls the functions of all Indriya including Vak.
Vakpravruti is Karma of Udana vata which is
1. Effect of treatment on cheshtanivrutti: hampered in case of Pakshaghata. Vak vikrithi which
This is assessed by the following 3 parameters : are explained in the classics are deena, jihma,
Disability, Hand Grip Power & Finger samutkshipta, kala vak, mukata, minminata,
Movements: gadgadata & vaksanga. Different varieties of vak
In present study 12 subjects(40%) had complete loss vikrithi are observed in pakshaghata. Vakstambha
of movements & 18 (60%)individuals were presented may be due to vitiation of udana vayu. Vakgraha &
with varied degree of hemiparesis. Effect of treatment swaragraha is the feature of kaphavrita udana.
on disability, Hand grip power & finger movements Lesions in left half of the brain leads to speech &
was found statistically highly significant from BT-AF language disorders like dysarthria, aphasia etc.
(p value is <0.001). It is been observed that only mild The non-significant result obtained may be due to
change is noticed in the fine movements & in wrist, short duration of the intervention. As Pakshaghata is
meta carpo phalynges and fingers compared to other one of the chronic debilitating disorder it needs
joints and it is restored very slowly. Virechanakarma, months of regular effort to stimulate the nerves in
which helps in removing avarana, aids in brain by doing different therapies. It also indicates
vatanulomana, does dhatu sthiratva & gives that specific line of treatment should be adopted to
indriyabala. Further increase in improvement is correct the vak vikruti.
noticed after nasapana. The drugs used in nasapana
like bala, eranda, rasna. ashwagandha, kapikachu, Effect Of Intervention On Sthamba:
masha & katruna are mainly vatakaphahara, In the present study out of 30 subjects 26 were
nadibalya, shophahara and vedana sthapaka in action, presented with sthamba. When the results were
thereby reduces the pain and swelling which inturn analyzed statistically, highly significant results were
improves the range of movement. obtained with p-value <0.001.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63417 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 485
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Abhyanga with murchita tila taila improves the Effect Of Intervention On Co –Ordination:
circulation, relaxes muscle, boost tonicity and Finger nose test: Statistical analysis revealed that
Swedana in the form of bashpa sweda is given which there was significant improvement in finger nose test
reduce the stiffness I.e, Sthamba nigraha, Virechana BT-AF with p value <0.014.
does srotoshodana, clears the avarana thereby helps in
Heel shin test: Statistical analysis revealed that there
relieving the sthamba, and drugs like rasna, eranda,
was significant improvement in finger nose test BT-
bala etc., used in nasapana have vata shamaka in
AF with p value <0.005.
action which helps to reduce the stamba
Co ordination depends on afferent impulses from the
Effect Of Intervention On Power In Upper Limb&
muscles and joints, cerebellar functions and tone of
Lower Limb:
the muscles. Mild improvement in muscle power is
Statistical analysis revealed that effect of intervention
noticed after virechana, significant improvement is
on power in upper limb& lower limb is highly
observed after the administration of nasapana as the
significant with p-value <0.001. This improvement
drugs in mashabaladi kwatha provides brimhana, nadi
was seen in the patients who were suffering from
balya and vatashamana.
Karma kshaya, whereas in patients suffering from
Karma hani there was less change in power after Effect of intervention on Gait:
treatment. Subjects who have history of short duration Highly significant results were seen with regard to
of onset responded well than who are presented with gait in all patients with 61% relief (p <0.001).This is
chronic history. So it can be concluded that achieved due to multiple vata shamaka properties of
Virechanottara nasapana is more beneficial in Karma drugs used in the intervention &combined effect of
kshaya than in Karma hani. virechana and nasapana.
This is achieved due to vatashamaka, sthirikara, RESULT:
balya property of murchita tila taila used for No of
Grade Range Relief
abhyanga, mrudu virechana as it removes the Patients
avarana,restores the normal function of vata& balya, Good > 75% to
3 10%
brimhana, vatakaphara properties of mashabaladi improvement <100% relief
kwatha. Masha is the main ingredient in granthikadi Marked >50% - <75%
8 27%
taila which is given for snehapana, and it is also improvement relief
present in mashabaladi qwatha the glutamic acid Moderate >25% - <50%
16 53%
content of masha is a neurotransmitter which helps in improvement relief
nerve conduction and transmission, aspartic acid Mild upto 25%
3 10%
increases the size and shape of the muscle. improvement relief
Effect of treatment on Muscle tone in Upper limb OVERALL DISCUSSION:
and Lower limb: Deepana Pachana is essential and the first step as
Highly significant results (p <0.001)were seen in all purvakarma before snehapana, In this study Trikatu
patients with regard to muscle tone with 73% relief in churna is used for Deepana and pachana. Pachana
upper limb and 74% relief in lower limb. helps in pachana of ama where as deepana helps in
Abhyanga with murchita tila taila improves the agni deepana and separation of doshas from dhatus
circulation, relaxes muscle, boost tonicity and bashpa (deepanaih dhaatubhyam pruthaktvam). Trikatu is
sweda reduces the stiffness, Virechana does having katu rasa,ushna laghu ruksha guna,ushna
srotoshodana, clears the avarana helps in relieving the veerya, deepana, kapha vatahara, amahara, medohara
sthamba. It has its effect on rasadhatwagni and medadhatwagni.
Vata kapha dosha predominance is seen in
Effect Of Intervention On Deep Tendon Reflexes: margavaranajanya pakshaghata as trikatu is kapha
Statistical analysis revealed that effect of intervention vata hara it is selected for amapachana here.
on Deep tendon reflexes is highly significant BT-AF
with p-value <0.001. Granthikadi taila used for Snehana and Swedana as a purvakarma causes
snehapana prepared out of masha kwatha the glutamic aggravation (Vriddhi), increases fluidity
acid content of masha is a neurotransmitter which (Vishyandana), suppuration (Pakata), removal of the
helps in nerve conduction and transmission, aspartic obstruction at the level of srotas. (Srotomukha
acid increases the size and shape of the muscle. Vishodhanat) together snehana and sweda brings the
Various drugs present in masha baladi kwatha has dosha from shaka to koshta. (Swedair
neuro stimulatory action which helps in improving kostagatatwam). Granthikadi taila is given for
the function of the central nerous system. snehapana in arohana krama. It is mainly kapha

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63417 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 486
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
vatahara, and does lekhana, bhedana, amahara, results is seen in vakstamba in the management of
deepana and it is exclusively mentioned for Pakshaghata vis-à-vis hemiplegia.
 Only mild change is noticed in the fine
Virechana is the prime line of treatment for movements & in wrist, meta carpo phalynges and
pakshagata because it is basically a prana vayu fingers compared to other joints and it is restored
vikara, virechana helps in anulomana of pranavayu very slowly.
which inturn helps to treat pakshaghata.
 The non-significant result obtained in vak vikruti
Tilwaka ghrita is selected for virechana, as mrudu may be due to short duration of the intervention.
samshodana is mentioned for the management of As Pakshaghata is one of the chronic debilitating
vatavyadhi &sneha virechana is the line of treatment disorder it needs months of regular effort to
in pakshaghata helps to relieve the margavara stimulate the nerves in brain by doing different
avarana, caused by kapha, pitta.. Does therapies and may be specific line of treatment
vatanulomana, dhatu sthiratva & gives indriyabala. In should be adopted to correct the vak vikruti.
pakshaghata upadhatus of rakta i.e. Sira and Kandara
 Though statistically significant results were
are vitiated. The line of treatment of dhatu is applied
attained continuos treatment is required for longer
to upadhatu so virechana are useful in pakshavadha.
duration as the disease causes long standing
After virechana. The drugs used in nasapana like bala,
disability. Even Sushruta Samhitha has mentioned
eranda, rasna. ashwagandha, kapikachu, masha
that 3-4 months of unobstructed treatment have to
&katruna are mainly vatakaphahara, nadibalya,
be done in Pakshaghata, which is having practical
shophahara and vedana sthapaka in action, thereby
reduces the pain and swelling which inturn improves
the range of movement.  In this study the combined effect of virechana
followed by nasapana showed promising results
in acute cases than in chronic one.
Glutamic acid is an amino acid present in masha
which help's in nerve cell conduction, aspartic acid  Rightful combination of shodhana, bahya
increases the size and strength of muscles, Alpha upakramas, shamana oushadi, physiotherapy,
linolenic acid is an omega-3 essential fatty acid useful diet & counselling together can yield best result in
in treating the disorders of heart blood vessels and devastating disorder like pakshaghata.
reverse the atherosclerosis condition. Bala drug is REFERENCES :
having natural phyotsterol's which are having the [1] Acharya Agnivesha, Charaka samhita,
ability to reduce high blood cholesterol level's and annotated by Charaka and redacted by
betaine content of bala useful in treating high Dridhabala with the Ayurveda Dipika
homocysteine level's and boost the immune system. commentary of chakrapani datta, edited by
Due to Anti-Inflammatory activity of bala it increases Vaidya yadavaji trikamji Acharya, Varanasi,
the pain tolerance capacity in pakshaghata patients. Chowkhamba krishnadas academy prakashana
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were seen in co ordination and non significant

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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63417 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 488

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