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26 Social Sciences Information Review, Vol.9, No.

2, June, 2015

Young people’s language today

from the perspective of
some modern linguistic theories

Nguyễn Văn Hiệp(*)

Abstract: Young people’s language today is a social phenomenon which causes many
contradictory reactions: most are criticisms, but there is also agreement or sympathy
saying this is a linguistic phenomenon associated with the development of modern
society. In this article, instead of giving opinions by feeling, based on feelings of love
and hate or expressing aggressively as often seen in the media today, the author
presents different views on young people’s language today from the perspective of some
modern linguistic theories. In our opinion, feeling cannot replace reason of scientific

Key words: Young people’s language, Modern linguistics, Systemic functional

grammar, Generative grammar

1. Mixed opinions on young people’s urgent issues, including very new

“non-standard” Vietnamese today issues.
In the context of ongoing renovation In principle, similarly to other
and international integration in languages, Vietnamese language has
Vietnam, together with the rapid to develop to meet the needs to
economic and social changes, the express general perception of
development(*)and preservation of the developing society, needs to express
purity of Vietnamese language are Vietnamese people’s increasingly
complicated and sophisticated
(*) affection. Especially, with scientific
Prof. and Dr., Director of the Institute of
Linguistics. and technological development, the
Young people’s language to day… 27

introduction of a variety of new also the deregulation of language

communication forms such as e-mail, usage on mass media...
online chat, social network etc. has
created types of communication However, there are also some
language which have not been seen comments saying that we should not
before. be too worried, those “ridiculous”,
“exaggerated”, “weird” expressions of
However, such strong development
young people today will quickly pass
also leads to numerous consequences,
and Vietnamese language has strong
including those related to the
internal strength to protect itself, to
preservation and development of
endure with the nation. Moreover,
Vietnamese language which are
young people’s expressions today also
represented through young people’s or
show interesting innovations. For
generation @’s “non-standard”
example, at the dialogue “Language of
expressions today. Generally, it can be
young people in era @ through
seen that, the society is insecure about
pictures of artist Thành Phong” held
language. Evidently, there has been a
in Hanoi in March 2012, when
series of articles on the media
assessing the expressions such as
alarming the current situation of
“Chán như con gián” (“Bored as a
Vietnamese language such as:
cockroach”), “Chảnh như con cá
“Vietnamese language is distorted”,
cảnh” (“Arrogant as an aquarium
“Spelling worries”, “The purity of
fish”), “Dở hơi biết bơi” (“Silly
Vietnamese language has to be
person knows how to swim”), “Ăn
preserved”, “Vietnamese language
chơi sợ gì mưa rơi” (“Party without
today: to laugh or to cry”, “Thought
fear of rain”) etc., teacher Văn Như
on Vietnamese language on social
Cương expressed his delight with
networks”, “Messy Vietnamese
young people’s linguistic creativity
language in period of cultural
today. He said, these expressions have
exchange”, “Laugh out loud with
truly brought interesting and
tears, Vietnamese language today”,…
unexpected meanings which
According to criticisms of authors of traditional expressions cannot
abovementioned articles, the cause of describe. Moreover, he thought that,
this situation is due to the influence these expressions have represented a
from the flip side of the market shift from the old to the new, reflected
economy, the degradation of social very interesting historical issues.
morality, the frivolity of young Giving examples, he said, our
generations born in the 80s, 90s and forefathers once said “Cái khó bó cái
28 Social Sciences Information Review, Vol.9, No.2, June, 2015

khôn” (“Difficulty prevents and preserve the purity of Vietnamese

invention”) to indicate the hunger language as well as Vietnamese
prevented us from succeeding in life. cultural identity?
However, during the resistance against
the French, the whole nation faced 2. Outlining the situation of young
“the difficulty” (“cái khó”) so it people’s “non-standard”
“showed the invention” (“ló cái Vietnamese language today
khôn”), representing efforts to
We believe that, the new issues posed
overcome all difficulties to fight and
for the preservation and development
win. However, if the hunger, the
of Vietnamese language is the
difficulty continues, then “difficulty
phenomenon of young people using
shows stupidity”. Clearly, three
unusual combinations, using
expressions - “Cái khó bó cái khôn”
Vietnamese phonetic variants in
(“Difficulty prevents invention”)/
speaking and writing, using English
“Cái khó ló cái khôn” (“Difficulty
mixed with Vietnamese. These
shows invention” or “Necessity is the
phenomena can be described broadly
mother of invention” / “Cái khó ló cái
as follows:
ngu” (“Difficulty shows stupidity”) -
reflect three different historical - Using unusual, illogical language
periods and are not completely
arbitrary linguistic changes. On the Young people like to use expressions
beauty of these three expressions, which seem nonsense, weird like:
teacher Văn Như Cương concluded: “Cướp trên giàn mướp” (“Rob on
“How can I not love?”. loofah trellis”), “Buồn như con chuồn
chuồn” (“Sad like dragonfly”),
In this article, we do not rush to “Chảnh như con cá cảnh” (“Arrogant
criticize or advocate young people’s as an aquarium fish”), “Chán như con
language usage today. Instead, we gián” (“Bored as a cockroach”),... or
believe that, young people’s usage of use unusual combination such as “Hơi
“non-standard” Vietnamese language bị đẹp” (“Freaking nice”).
today needs to be examined in
different dimensions and linguists Young people like to use pun (mostly
must seek modern linguistic homophonic puns), for example: “Yêu
arguments to answer the pressing nhau trong sáng, phang nhau trong
question of the entire society: Is such tối” (“Love in light, make love in
usage of Vietnamese language serious dark”), “Campuchia tiền ăn trưa”
or not? What should we do to develop (“Share lunch bill”),...
Young people’s language to day… 29

- Using Vietnamese phonetic variants is written as 3, i becomes j, g becomes

in speaking and writing 9, o becomes 0, c becomes k, b
This situation has shocked many becomes p etc. The mentioned
people, especially parents. They are sentence “Thế là cậu không biết rồi, hì
shocked because of young people’s hì” (“So you don’t know, hee hee”)
expressions which they think are will be written as: “Th3 l4 k4u h3m
“distorting” Vietnamese language, pjt r04j, hyhy”.
because they cannot understand what Such expression is too cryptic that a
young people are saying. female student in Ho Chi Minh city
In mobile phone messages, online chat has put her effort to write translation
etc., words such as: “rồi” (“already”) software for language @, named as
is written as “roài”, “không” (“no”) V2V (Vietnamese to Vietnamese). The
becomes “hông”/“hem”, “biết” picture below is an illustration of this
(“know”) becomes “bít”, are very software application.

popular. The result is that, there are However, software V2V cannot keep
sentences like: “The la cau hem bit pace with the distortion speed of
roai, hihi” (“translated” into normal language @. As time goes on,
language as “It means you don’t know, language @ has more and more
hee hee”). Moreover, generation @ variations, making first version of
even “creates” weird writing styles, software V2V to become out-of-date
such as letter “a” becomes 4, letter e and cannot translate correctly.
30 Social Sciences Information Review, Vol.9, No.2, June, 2015

Consequently, the author has to generation @, but also in older people

continuously study and upgrade to who studied abroad or have chance to
version 1.3, and now version... 1.4. frequently contact with foreigners in
(Cited: Nguyễn Văn Toàn, their daily work. For example, a
“Vietnamese language is... dusty”, customer of Vietnam Airlines can say to a ticket staff: “Vé này có cần con
tri/tuanvietnam/71742/tieng-viet-dang- phơm (confirm) lại không chị?” (“Does
bi----bui-bam-.html). this ticket need to be confirmed
again?”). The risk of this way of
- Using English mixed with Vietnamese
speaking is the forming of a pidgin
Generation @ is generally good at language like French pidgin before
foreign languages. In their language, it 1945.
is quite common to use English mixed
3. Assessing current young people’s
with Vietnamese. For example, this is
language from the perspective of
the introduction of a teenager: “Hi
some modern linguistic theories
mọi người! Mình là…, mình rất vui
được làm quen với everybody. Mình The problems of Vietnamese language
đang study ở ... High School. Mình rất such as speaking like foreign
confident trong các extracurricular language, using Vietnamese language
activities. Hiện nay mình đang cope up mixed with foreign language, young
with chương trình học rất killer của people’s unusual expressions etc. have
trường... Nhưng mình tin với capacity received attention from linguists from
của mình, mình sẽ hoàn thành different perspectives with different
completly cái syllabus đó” (“Hi questionings.
everybody! I am…, very nice to meet
Firstly, the phenomenon of using
everybody. I'm studying at …. High
foreign language mixed with
School. I'm very confident in
Vietnamese language is related to
extracurricular activities. Currently,
code-switching, code-mixing and
I'm coping up with killing the
borrowings, which have been
curriculum of my school. However, I'm
discussed a lot in social linguistic
very confident with my capacity. I will
studies (Nguyễn Thúy Nga, 2013).
completely finish that syllabus”)
According to social linguists, this
phenomenon is related to member’s
status in specific social groups in
The using of English mixed with multilingual societies. There is a
Vietnamese is not only seen in relationship between these phenomena
Young people’s language to day… 31

with class status, ethnic status and language from the perspectives of two
social status. It is also seen as a way current well-known linguistic theories
to structure the exchange of verbal called systemic functional grammar of
interactions. In particular, some Halliday and generative grammar of
discourse analysts believe that code- Chomsky, with conflicting results.
switching and code-mixing not only
Halliday’s systemic functional
reflect social states but also are tools
grammar views language as a
to establish social state. After all,
resource to make meaning and
these are the simplest, less expensive
believes that language has evolved to
ways to mark social groups, thus are
obtain different structures as the basis
particularly preferred by young
for our choices in expressing
experiential meanings, interpersonal
Secondly, social linguists also meanings and textual meanings. In
consider young people’s unusual Halliday’s system of systemic
expressions as a way of marking functional grammar, “non-standard”
groups and expressing identity. Young languages can be put into dialects or
people’s distinctive language usage is registers. Dialect is language
an expression of their identity. In organized in relation to who the
short, it is an expression of personal speaker is in a regional or social sense
and interpersonal meanings, under so- (in which we have regional and social
called “social style”. With such dialects). And register is language
language expressions, social organized in relation to “what use is
linguistics raise the issues of personal being made of language”. Halliday
variations within individuals (Crystal treats register, or “language
David, 2006; Coupland, 2007; Biber according to use”, as a plane of
and Conrad, 2009). Young people semantic organization which can be
create unusual expressions to help specified through the concept of field
them to distinguish from previous (the organization of ideational and
generations which they call Mr. Khot, experiential meanings, mode (the
granpa Khot for fun (Khottabych, the organization of textual meanings) and
main character in Lazar Lagin’s tenor (the organization of
work). interpersonal meanings) (Halliday,
Besides the approach of social
linguistics, it is also possible to It can be seen that, according to
approach and assess the phenomenon Halliday, registers are the results of
of “non-standard” Vietnamese choice which young people use to
32 Social Sciences Information Review, Vol.9, No.2, June, 2015

express meanings. Hence, at the end, of generative grammar assess

the unusual, “standard-deviated” differently. Based on the assumption
expressions are how speakers use to that language ability is innate,
express meanings. inherited and syntax includes rules
that are autonomous, independent of
Young people’s language has both
meaning and usage, Chomsky’s
positive and negative aspects.
generative grammar believes that
Whether positive or negative,
imperfect, degenerated language
according to the perspective of
phenomena generally, or young
systemic functional grammar, such
people’s usage of “non-standard”
“non-standard” expressions exist
language specifically, will not be able
objectively and are the basis for the
to distort or change the language
next choices. In other words, systemic
system (Chomsky, 1965; Cook and
functional grammar believes that
Newson, 2007).
“non-standard” language is also a part
of selection system, and in principle,
With the view that, in English, a
“non-standard” concepts can produce
sentence like “Colourless green ideas
and be multiplied in many different
sleep furiously” is absolutely
social situations. From the view of
grammatically correct (despite of
development, if positive “non-
weird semantics and pragmatics),
standard” phenomena can have a good
according to Chomsky’s theory,
contribution to language, negative
young people’s current “non-
“non-standard” phenomena will
standard” combinations such as “Cướp
gradually degenerate, change the
trên giàn mướp” (“Rob on loofah
language system in adverse direction.
trellis”), “Buồn như con chuồn chuồn”
Consequently, from the approach of
(“Sad like dragonfly”), “Nhí nhảnh
systemic functional grammar, the
con cá cảnh” (“playful like aquarium
current situation of negative “non-
fish”) are also absolutely
standard” language of young people is
grammatically correct because such
alarming. It is necessary to take
combinations comply with principles
measures to prevent and educate
previously established through
young people to return to the pure,
combinations that are considered
standard and community-accepted
grammatically correct, such as “Cướp
way of speaking.
trên tàu” (“Rob on the ship”), “Buồn
However, for current “non-standard” như đám tang” (‘As sad as night”),
Vietnamese language phenomena, “Nhí nhảnh con nít” (“Playful like
people who follow Chomsky’s theory kid”). Therefore, such combinations
Young people’s language to day… 33

do not change the grammar system of Vietnamese language, of Vietnamese

Vietnamese language. culture ingrained in the language
passed on from our forefathers.
According to Chomsky’s theories, the However, if considering from the view
usage of Vietnamese phonetic variant, of generative grammar, we will not be
change of spelling, mix of English and pessimistic or afraid that Vietnamese
Vietnamese (borrowing, code- language may be degenerated.
switching or code-mixing) etc. are just
errors of expression and performance, 4. Conclusion
absolutely have no impact on
In summary, the volatility of young
changing the rules of universal
people’s language should be
grammar in general and Vietnamese
understood as an inevitable movement
grammar in particular which have
in the internal of language. However,
been established in the deep.
the extent of acceptance or replication
also depends partially on social
If the hypothesis of human brain has
awareness. The general rule is that,
built-in principles of universal
the good will be disseminated,
grammar like designs, helping
socially-accepted; the bad will be
children to acquire grammar of mother
eliminated, used infrequently and
tongue easily, is correct, then the
eventually disappear. Language will
consequence that once the child
have its own screening and regulation
establishes the grammar structure of
their mother tongue (when the child is
about 7 years old), the deviations in Despite of being pessimistic or
performance later cannot be optimistic when viewing the issue
intervened and change previously from different theories, when facing
established grammar system. young people’s current movement or
phenomenon of “non-standard”
Therefore, for Chomsky’s followers, language, it is important to maintain
the worries that current “non- and develop a good language
standard” phenomena amongst young education, especially through schools
people can ruin Vietnamese language and media, preserving the purity as
are excessive and do not have well as facilitate the development of
justifiable basis. Obviously, we should Vietnamese language. However,
still have good language education education of language awareness
policies to help young people to should always take into account of
understand the good and beauty of psychology of age. This should be
34 Social Sciences Information Review, Vol.9, No.2, June, 2015

specifically noted when establishing suggestions that words used with high
any rule or policy interfering young frequency can become borrowings and
people’s language usage. put into Vietnamese vocabulary system
(Nguyễn Văn Khang, 2010). In the
In terms of forecasting, it can be next step, we may see changes in form
predicted that some of young people’s or content of words in order for them
current humorous, interesting, non- to exist as a sustainable lexical unit in
offensive expressions will be accepted Vietnamese language as what we have
socially and can be put into seen from borrowings from Chinese
Vietnamese language system as new and French in historical development
idioms, proverbs, patterns of of Vietnamese language 
expression. However, the majority of
generation @’s speaking and writing
will gradually become old, out-of- References
date. According to such logic, the
1. Coupland N. (2007), Style: Language
mysterious, confusing writing will
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dragonfly”) etc. will gradually lose Press.
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12. Nguyen Thuy Nga (2013), Language 17. Phạm Dũng (2003), “E-mail
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