Discuss On The Benefit of The Physical Fitness

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Discuss on the benefit of the physical fitness

 active can improve your brain health,
 help manage weight,
 reduce the risk of disease,
 strengthen bones and muscles,
 Improve your ability to do everyday activities.
 Development of physical fitness components.
 Provide better health.
 Lower you’re cholesterol levels.
 Build stronger bones, joints, and ligaments.
 Maintenance of optimal body weight.
 improves your sleeping habits
2. What is the behavioral modification to stay physically fit?
Behavioral modification (BM) is a strategy designed to sustain or restore well-being through
effects such as enhanced relaxation, reduced stress, and improved sleep. Few studies have
explored the role of BM delivered in the context of fitness programs for healthy adults. Thus, the
purpose of this investigation was to examine whether BM combined with aerobic and resistance
training programs would improve health and fitness measures more than the exercise training
Behavioral modification (BM) is a strategy designed to sustain or restore well-being through
effects such as enhanced relaxation, reduced stress, and improved sleep. It is often implemented
as a primary or adjunct therapy in managing a multitude of disorders ranging from
cardiovascular disease 18 to psychiatric illness 41 . Specifically, one of the most common
applications of BM is to enhance participation in physical activity and exercise interventions.
Over the past decade alone, accumulating evidence suggests that BM improves exercise
adherence in patients with obesity 7 , cancer 34 , and heart failure 11 . Although these results show
promise for individuals impacted by disease, few studies exist that examine the potential role of
BM in the healthy, active individual. While promoting exercise adherence in athletes is
advantageous, its potential impact is limited due to the high baseline adherence rate in this
population. Instead, BM may offer improved physiological benefits of training secondary to
stress reduction and enhanced sleep.
Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders affect 50–70 million Americans and result in billions of
dollars in medical costs annually 25 , yet sleep health is frequently overlooked as part of
maintaining wellness. Poor sleep adversely affects physiological functioning, causing decreased
autonomic tone, increased blood pressure, and deleterious effects on inflammation and hormone
balance, even in healthy adults without medical comorbidities 37 45 . Despite clear evidence that
poor or insufficient sleep adversely impacts health, access to high quality behavioral
interventions outside of medical settings remains rare and has not been formally studied.
Physical activity itself is known to improve sleep quality, total sleep time, and decreased sleep
onset latency 27 . In contrast, psychological stress has been shown to impede individuals’
capability to exercise at optimal levels 44 . Thus, implementation of BM into an exercise training
program could be an important component of both health and performance optimization. Studies
of athletes suggest that working to improve sleep habits can increase total sleep time 16 31 46 and
may improve performance, however, studies have been small and to our knowledge, controlled
trials of these behavioral approaches have not been conducted.

3. Mention diseases which are associated with a sedentary lifestyle and list down exercise
prescription for them?

4. Difference between obesity and overweight?

Overweight is a condition of excessive fat deposits. Obesity is a chronic complex disease
defined by excessive fat deposits that can impair health. Obesity can lead to increased risk of
type 2 diabetes and heart disease, it can affect bone health and reproduction, and it increases
the risk of certain cancers.
Overweight is a condition in which your weight exceeds the appropriate threshold for your
current height. Obesity is a phenomenon of excessive and abnormal fat accumulation locally
throughout the body, obesity negatively affects human health.

5. Define and give types of exercises that used to develop those health related physical
fitness component?
The five health-related components of physical fitness can be a useful guide to help you achieve
physical fitness and promote good health. They describe five areas to focus on in your fitness
journey to ensure a well-rounded, active lifestyle.
The five areas of health-related fitness are (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source):
 Cardiovascular endurance: the ability to perform exercises at moderate-to-vigorous
intensities for a prolonged period of time.
 Muscular strength: how much force your muscles can exert or how heavy weights they
can lift.
 Muscular endurance: the ability of your muscles to sustain exercise for a period of time.
 Flexibility: the ability to move muscles and joints through a full range of motion.
 Body composition: your body’s ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass like muscle and bone.

Listed below are the different components of physical fitness.

 Muscular Strength: The amount of physical force your muscles can put out, how much
weight you can lift.
 Muscular Endurance: The ability for a muscle group to engage repetitively over an
extended period of time, also known as the measure of a muscle group’s “gas tank.”
 Cardiovascular Endurance: The ability to operate for extended periods with an elevated
heart rate.
 Body Fat Composition: The relation between the amount of body fat you have to your
total body mass.
 Balance and Coordination: Balance is defined as the ability to remain upright and
demonstrate control over your body, coordination is the ability to control members of
your body with efficiency and dexterity.
 Speed or Quickness: The ability to move all or part of the body as quickly as possible.
 Flexibility: The ability to stretch muscles without pulling or tearing them.
 Agility: The ability to perform rapid whole-body movements with change of velocity or
direction in response to a stimulus.
 Power: The amount of strength a person is able to use during a movement, together with
the speed of the motion.
 Reaction time: The speed at which one can respond to a stimulus

There are various health-related fitness activities in performing our day-to-day activities that are
health-related fitness. These are the various categories of health-related fitness:
 Cardiovascular Fitness
 Muscular Strength
 Muscular Endurance
 Flexibility
 Body Composition

Muscular Strength
It is the amount of force a muscle can produce. Examples would be the bench press, leg press, or
bicep curl. The push-up test is a standard usually used to test muscular strength.
Muscular strength benefits:
 Builds and maintains muscle mass as you age
 Boosts mood and energy levels
 Aids bone health
 Burns excess calories
 Shreds excess fat stores
 Improves other components of fitness
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Muscular Endurance
The muscles can perform continuously without fatigue. Examples would be cycling, step
machines, and elliptical machines. The sit-up test is most often used to test muscular endurance.
Muscular endurance benefits:
prevent injury, age-related decline in muscle.
Each joint’s capacity to move within the possible range of motion for a specific joint. Examples
can be stretching specific muscles or the capacity to produce specific functional changes such as
the lunge. The sit and reach test is most often used to test physical strength.
Flexibility benefits:
 Increases athletic performance
 Reduces the chance of injury during physical activity
 Eases muscle aches, pains, and cramps
 Improves balance and posture
 Quickens recovering after exercising
Body Composition
It is the amount of fat mass compared to lean muscle mass, bone, and organs. This can be
measured using underwater weighing, Skinfold readings, and bioelectrical impedance.
A body composition benefits:
 Creates a toned, lean figure
 Boosts the body’s functional capability
 Speeds up metabolic rate
 Prevents heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
 Encourages permanent weight loss
Skill-Related Components of Fitness:
Balance is more significant for gymnastics, while strength and speed are essential for football or
baseball players. Let’s see what the various skill-related components of physical fitness are:
 Power
 Agility
 Balance and Coordination
 Reaction Time
 Speed
 Accuracy
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You may have heard people referring to ‘explosive power’; they refer to this health-related
fitness components, which is especially helpful for power athlete sports.
Power benefits:
 Improved cardiovascular function
 Enhanced strength
 Increased endurance as time goes on
 Rapid calorie burning
 Boosted overall performance in sports and athletics
Agility is the capacity to move and modify the course and state of the body immediately under
power and helps to improve mental health. Agility is necessary for each troublesome task that
may be dance, sports, weightlifting, etc.
Agility benefits:
 Other prevention of injuries
 Recovery time boost
 Enhanced cognitive function
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Balance and Coordination
Balance is the capacity to continue upright or maintain under human power while continually
improving posture and mobility. On the other hand, body coordination can efficiently and
effectively transfer at least two body parts under control.
Balance and coordination benefits:
 Enhanced performance during sports and athletic activities
 Improved cognitive function
 Increased injury prevention, even during everyday life
Reaction Time
The ability to respond to changing external motives is called reaction time. Reaction time is
vehemently needed in boxing, football, baseball. Exercises about reducing the reaction time of
people are various. The most common reality is running at full speed while keeping ourselves on
identical ground.
Speed in experience elements is somewhat distinct from what the name implies. Speed is
intricately connected to agility. In common words, it can be termed the capacity to move our
wings to run fast on the ground, grasp something or pull and throw it.
Speed benefits:
 Injury prevention
 Improved cardiovascular endurance
 Better metabolic rate and fat burning
 Increase in bone strength
 Muscle growth
As the name implies, one individual can deliver force and his entire body to a particular point or
a group of points. The best example of accuracy in sports is javelin throw, or bow and arrow.

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