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Global perspective research project



Unemployment is a complex issue that affects individuals, communities, and nations alike. It's a problem
that transcends borders and affects millions of people all around the globe. It is a problem that seems to
have now affected everyone, especially in these recent years. This major issue brings up the question “Is
really possible to end unemployment globally?”

National perspective

According to the Trading economics(no date) South Africa's unemployment rate “fell to 31.9% in 2023,
the lowest in a year, from 32.6% in the prior period.” The number of unemployed persons decreased by
72 thousand to 7.8 million, the employed rose by 399 thousand to 16.7 million and the labor force went
up by 326 thousand to 24.6 million. By sectors, job gains were mostly seen in finance and community &
social services, while manufacturing, mining and transport recorded the biggest losses. The youth
unemployment rate, dropped to an over one-year low of 58 %.( Trading economics, no date)

Global perspective

According to The United Nations Statistics division “the global unemployment rate declined significantly
in 2022, falling to 5.4 per cent from a peak of 6.6 per cent in 2020 as economies began recovering from
the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. This rate was lower than the pre-pandemic level of 5.5 percent in
2019.”(United Nations statistics division, 2023). By the end of 2023it increased to 210.94 Million (Aaron
O'Neill, 2023)


Course of actions


Reference List
Trading economics, no date. South Africa Unemployment Rate. Available at
%20unemployment%20rate%20came,and%20the%20previous%20period's%2032.9%25. (Accessed

International Labour Laws, 2023. ILO Director-general presentation on Global Employment Trends 2023.
Available at
and-speeches/WCMS_888342/lang--en/index.htm (Accessed 17/11/2023)

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT [Large language model].

b54b10dc4a5b (Accessed 21/11/2023)

ILOSTAT, 2023. Assessing the current state of the Global research market. Available at
the-global-goals/ (Accessed 22/11/2023)

United Nations statistics division, 2023.SDG goals- UN Statistics division. Available at
%20declined,5.5%20per%20cent%20in%202019. (Accessed 11/12/2023)

Aaron O'Neill, 2023 Number of unemployed persons worldwide 1991-2024 .Available at (Accessed 11/12/2023)

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