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It’s my Right to question you.

It’s the carelessness of yours, which makes sense to question you.

Do you feel how much your people’s soul feels ashamed, and betrayed?

In the middle of socio-economic havoc, you should be the savior, not a deceiver.

There are thousands of prayers and a plea to you! But it’s impossible to write here.

Remarkably, those prayers and plea can be written in a few sentences, which is ignored!

You Parasite. You Freeloader. You Moocher.

What is a Prime Minister to you? What is a nation to you? What are the citizens to you as a civil servant?

Whatever it’s to you, but the assumed fact is that our pain, hardship, and loyalty towards you is nothing
to you. Please know that you disrespected your believer!

Did you want us to laugh at your funny little jokes? Well, we just laughed at ourselves!

Did you want us to stay silent? Well, we will knock down your door and get answers to our question!

Did you think we might back off with fear of punishment? No, we will not. We believe in a peaceful
resolution, but if you deny to answer us then the violence is inevitable! Know this!

Ranib Sainju

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