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Wave Speed Calculation Questions and Answers

Hello young scientists! Today we're going to explore how to calculate the speed of a wave.
Waves are all around us, in the sea, in the air as sound, and even in the light that helps us
see. Understanding how fast they travel can be really interesting and useful. Let's dive into
some questions to help you understand this concept better.

Question 1:
What is the formula for calculating the speed of a wave?

Answer 1:
The formula for calculating the speed (v) of a wave is v = f * λ, where 'f' is the frequency of
the wave in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz), and 'λ' (lambda) is the wavelength in meters.
So, the speed of the wave is the product of its frequency and its wavelength.

Question 2:
If a wave has a frequency of 2 Hz and a wavelength of 3 meters, what is its speed?

Answer 2:
Using the formula v = f * λ, where f = 2 Hz and λ = 3 meters, the speed of the wave would be
calculated as: v = 2 Hz * 3 m = 6 meters per second (m/s). So, the wave travels at a speed of
6 m/s.

Question 3:
Why is it important to know the speed of a wave?

Answer 3:
Knowing the speed of a wave is important for many reasons. It can help us understand how
quickly information or energy is being transferred through the wave. For example, knowing
the speed of sound waves can help in designing better concert halls, while understanding
light waves leads to improvements in optical technologies. It's a fundamental aspect of
physics that helps us grasp how the universe works!

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